Village of Upper Nyack Comprehensive Plan Update available for public review

On February 6, 2020, the Village Board of Trustees accepted the draft of the Comprehensive Plan Update from the Comprehensive Plan Committee. The draft is now available for public review on the Comprehensive Plan link on the home page of the Upper Nyack website. 

There will be hard copies for review at Upper Nyack Village Hall, Nyack Public Library and Valley Cottage Public Library.

A public hearing is planned for March 26, 2020, 7 p.m. at the Upper Nyack Elementary School to discuss the plan and to accept comments and hear concerns before any action is taken to adopt the update. There will be public outreach and reminders to the residents prior to the public hearing.

What is the Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan is a vision statement for the future of the Village. It acknowledges the past and offers direction for the future. By law, changes to land use laws must be guided by the Comprehensive Plan. Over the past 2 1/2 years, the Comprehensive Plan Committee has held many public input sessions on the topics of interest to the residents of the Village. The update document is the result of that input and the work of the Committee. 

The Village last updated its Comprehensive Plan in 1999.