WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.259 --> 00:00:29.760 Karen Tarapata: hey good evening everyone, this is the village of upper nyack Board of Trustees regular meeting of October 21 2021 and first i'm going to establish a quorum tonight we have trustees lori Dutch Jeff Epstein and Michael as may and may Karen are part of the bear. 2 00:00:31.410 --> 00:00:35.550 Karen Tarapata: trustee can rock child is unable to join us this evening. 3 00:00:37.050 --> 00:00:42.510 Karen Tarapata: I think i'm going to start with the police report and i'll turn it over to you. 4 00:00:49.140 --> 00:00:52.560 Karen Tarapata: Either make sure that the officer Davies is unmuted. 5 00:00:57.420 --> 00:01:04.830 Village Clerk: It looks as though he's unmuted if he's on the phone please hit star six to unmute yourself. 6 00:01:07.770 --> 00:01:08.850 18456395980: Because that is better. 7 00:01:09.810 --> 00:01:11.550 Village Clerk: I can hear you now okay. 8 00:01:11.580 --> 00:01:19.170 18456395980: Fantastic hard about that, so I am here with a special operations lieutenant Freddie it so well, good evening everybody. 9 00:01:20.370 --> 00:01:37.590 18456395980: So real quick so real quick report we had two car accidents in up and I, for the past month one was with injuries on North Highland avenue and Christian herald and the other one was no injuries in the parking lot of the high school. 10 00:01:38.820 --> 00:01:48.330 18456395980: As always, our officers are continuing to do area checks and secure school checks and also also cultural and religious checks in the village. 11 00:01:49.230 --> 00:02:11.130 18456395980: There were two animal calls one was an engineer at Christian held in North island and the other one was a report of a barking dog on on North middle and avenue, there were no reported structure fires in the village, there were no firework reports, the word to fraud and the ID scams. 12 00:02:12.300 --> 00:02:23.640 18456395980: Both with credit cards one somebody signed into a person's account and redeem the credit card points and the other one somebody opened up a fraudulent credit card. 13 00:02:25.980 --> 00:02:26.640 18456395980: application. 14 00:02:27.750 --> 00:02:32.670 18456395980: There were no juvenile reports, there were no larceny from vehicles. 15 00:02:33.690 --> 00:02:34.080 18456395980: Were. 16 00:02:35.250 --> 00:02:40.440 18456395980: Noise ordinance reports and they were from the Van houghton area. 17 00:02:41.460 --> 00:02:54.030 18456395980: No reports of any property damage no reports of anybody coming to the village to take any recycling unfortunately there was one stolen vehicle that occurred on hyperdrive. 18 00:02:55.020 --> 00:03:04.500 18456395980: And if we could, if we could remind the village residents to make sure that they lock their vehicles, and it will also help a lot if they took their keys or the key fobs. 19 00:03:05.400 --> 00:03:14.490 18456395980: In this particular vehicle if you leave the key fob in the vehicle the mark the mirrors of the vehicle i'm not sure where they fold in or out. 20 00:03:15.570 --> 00:03:18.540 18456395980: So people driving by they can tell whether the key fob is still in there. 21 00:03:20.070 --> 00:03:28.230 18456395980: There was one report of a suspicious vehicle in the driveway but the House on North Michigan avenue, by the time we got there the vehicle was gone. 22 00:03:28.860 --> 00:03:44.670 18456395980: And we check the House and the House was was secure with the homeowner no no robberies in the village, there were no horse, oh no a trespass complaints in the village and that's pretty much my report any questions. 23 00:03:46.920 --> 00:03:47.160 michael esmay: No. 24 00:03:47.220 --> 00:03:47.550 Karen Tarapata: No, I. 25 00:03:47.700 --> 00:03:48.720 18456395980: Think that's fine. 26 00:03:48.750 --> 00:03:50.850 Karen Tarapata: you've been reminding us every month. 27 00:03:50.910 --> 00:03:54.120 Karen Tarapata: To remove fives and all valuables from. 28 00:03:54.120 --> 00:04:01.530 Karen Tarapata: cars and to lock the car, I think that it's as one of our neighbors one of my neighbors said, if we all did that. 29 00:04:01.560 --> 00:04:02.820 Karen Tarapata: Then the. 30 00:04:03.390 --> 00:04:10.680 Karen Tarapata: thieves wouldn't even bother to cruise looking for those cars, if they knew that in this village people. 31 00:04:11.580 --> 00:04:13.230 18456395980: yeah it's it's uh. 32 00:04:14.790 --> 00:04:15.840 Karen Tarapata: I did want to mention. 33 00:04:17.130 --> 00:04:19.200 18456395980: That we've gotten many requests. 34 00:04:19.800 --> 00:04:21.150 Karen Tarapata: Over the last few days. 35 00:04:21.390 --> 00:04:25.230 Karen Tarapata: To close, the stream on Halloween and Sunday Halloween evening. 36 00:04:25.860 --> 00:04:28.020 Karen Tarapata: For trick or treaters now. 37 00:04:28.740 --> 00:04:31.230 18456395980: Typically me make this request. 38 00:04:31.260 --> 00:04:39.270 Karen Tarapata: In conjunction with the firehouse I don't believe they're doing their 100 houses here, and I know that Nick is not doing. 39 00:04:41.190 --> 00:04:41.460 I mean. 40 00:04:43.080 --> 00:04:43.620 18456395980: I think. 41 00:04:44.010 --> 00:04:44.520 Bob V: Because. 42 00:04:44.910 --> 00:04:46.080 Karen Tarapata: So many parents who are. 43 00:04:46.080 --> 00:04:46.650 content. 44 00:04:49.500 --> 00:04:50.640 Karen Tarapata: To ask for this. 45 00:04:51.660 --> 00:04:58.410 Karen Tarapata: Is it possible, will we be able to close to get the police auxiliary and close a. 46 00:04:59.550 --> 00:05:05.730 Karen Tarapata: Castle heights between Midland and broadway and broadway between high mount and Castle heights. 47 00:05:14.580 --> 00:05:18.210 Karen Tarapata: I think we've lost you again, can you hit star six and unmute yourself again. 48 00:05:21.390 --> 00:05:34.650 18456395980: I apologize, apparently, I guess, if you don't talk for a couple minutes to meet you again So yes, well, which kind of frightening anyone sitting next to me, she is aware of that request and she has put that on the auxiliary. 49 00:05:36.120 --> 00:05:41.550 18456395980: Calendar calendar, so they they're aware that we need to shut it down that's fantastic Thank you. 50 00:05:41.550 --> 00:05:42.720 Karen Tarapata: So much, I know it's. 51 00:05:42.720 --> 00:05:43.440 Late but. 52 00:05:45.540 --> 00:05:47.280 Karen Tarapata: I think it's really important otherwise we're. 53 00:05:47.280 --> 00:05:49.410 18456395980: going to have a situation as we discussed in the. 54 00:05:49.410 --> 00:05:52.620 Karen Tarapata: Past so many people like to come in and trick or treat in. 55 00:05:54.870 --> 00:05:57.930 18456395980: yep no problem, we are, we are, we are, we are aware of it and we'll take care of it. 56 00:05:58.680 --> 00:05:59.880 18456395980: Thank you so much. 57 00:05:59.940 --> 00:06:00.600 Karen Tarapata: All right, I see. 58 00:06:00.660 --> 00:06:03.270 Karen Tarapata: Does anyone have any any questions or comments. 59 00:06:07.590 --> 00:06:16.710 18456395980: As always, if there's if there's any issues, please give me a call on our last show we look into them and take care of them, thank you, thank you, yes, read about that Thank you. 60 00:06:16.710 --> 00:06:17.460 Karen Tarapata: So much. 61 00:06:19.020 --> 00:06:23.790 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so I think next let's move ahead and do the treasurer's report rich. 62 00:06:24.240 --> 00:06:25.590 Richard Fortunato: Good evening everybody. 63 00:06:26.220 --> 00:06:27.960 Richard Fortunato: Rich Hello. 64 00:06:28.290 --> 00:06:30.990 Richard Fortunato: Everyone got a copy of the financial statements for. 65 00:06:30.990 --> 00:06:32.820 Richard Fortunato: The period ending today. 66 00:06:32.850 --> 00:06:45.120 Richard Fortunato: The year ending today um anybody has any questions with respect to those financials you know what you know my cell phone number there clean, everything is within budget everything looks great on the financials. 67 00:06:46.350 --> 00:07:01.020 Richard Fortunato: My second item delinquent tax payers in the village, we have 15 I know there's still two weeks left to pay, but there are 15 delinquent taxpayers, the total of $32,299 in outstanding taxes. 68 00:07:01.680 --> 00:07:13.320 Richard Fortunato: it's looking like these 15 taxpayers will go to the county of rockland for collection and that's approximately a little over 1% of our taxes collected. 69 00:07:14.910 --> 00:07:18.510 Richard Fortunato: But these 15 still have two weeks to pack they have until. 70 00:07:19.740 --> 00:07:20.670 Richard Fortunato: November 1. 71 00:07:21.900 --> 00:07:26.340 Richard Fortunato: Second, I am on here, I need a anyway any questions. 72 00:07:27.210 --> 00:07:29.130 Richard Fortunato: just stop me if anybody has any questions. 73 00:07:29.130 --> 00:07:31.260 Richard Fortunato: Second, item on here, I need a resolution. 74 00:07:32.730 --> 00:07:41.280 Richard Fortunato: To pay the interest of $14,100 on the public works fund do November 1. 75 00:07:42.180 --> 00:08:02.040 Richard Fortunato: Just in case the refinancing on Tuesday doesn't go our way now I am 99.9% confident on Tuesday we're going to refinance those two bonds, but if the refinancing doesn't go away on November 1 they have to pay the $14,100 in interest on the public works fine, so we need a resolution. 76 00:08:03.510 --> 00:08:04.050 Karen Tarapata: All right. 77 00:08:04.800 --> 00:08:06.390 Karen Tarapata: Who would like to make the resolution. 78 00:08:07.500 --> 00:08:16.110 Laurie Dodge: i'll make a motion that we pay the interest of $14,100 on the public work on November 1. 79 00:08:17.760 --> 00:08:19.650 Laurie Dodge: In the event that we don't get the refinancing. 80 00:08:21.660 --> 00:08:22.710 michael esmay: Michael stack it. 81 00:08:24.090 --> 00:08:26.310 Karen Tarapata: All right, thank you all in favor say Aye. 82 00:08:27.060 --> 00:08:27.900 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 83 00:08:28.560 --> 00:08:29.310 michael esmay: My guy. 84 00:08:29.820 --> 00:08:30.660 sylviajeff: Jeff I. 85 00:08:31.470 --> 00:08:34.050 Karen Tarapata: Karen I think all right rich. 86 00:08:34.320 --> 00:08:40.350 Richard Fortunato: Alright, last but not last but not least, the refinancing like I said, should be the 26 which is Tuesday. 87 00:08:42.720 --> 00:08:55.860 Richard Fortunato: And it's looking like or low better we got I believe four or five bids, the low bidder was 1.2% so that is a substantial savings and interest to the village on those two notes, I mean that this is going to be a windfall so. 88 00:08:57.120 --> 00:08:59.550 Richard Fortunato: That was just everybody keep their fingers crossed for Tuesday. 89 00:08:59.970 --> 00:09:00.720 see what apple. 90 00:09:02.400 --> 00:09:03.090 Richard Fortunato: that's it. 91 00:09:03.450 --> 00:09:05.550 Richard Fortunato: anybody has any questions you know where to find me. 92 00:09:06.120 --> 00:09:07.080 sylviajeff: Good good rich. 93 00:09:07.410 --> 00:09:08.100 Laurie Dodge: Thank you, rich. 94 00:09:09.210 --> 00:09:10.710 Richard Fortunato: yeah have a great evening. 95 00:09:11.130 --> 00:09:11.310 Like. 96 00:09:13.200 --> 00:09:31.890 Karen Tarapata: All right, i'm going to skip around a little bit because we do have to public hearings i'm going to try and get through many of the less time intensive parts of our agenda tonight the next thing we're going to do is establish the position of code enforcement officer one full time. 97 00:09:33.480 --> 00:09:47.040 Karen Tarapata: Honey requires us if we're going away for a long time, we have wanted to have someone to focus on enforcing our local laws our general ordinance and. 98 00:09:47.880 --> 00:10:04.020 Karen Tarapata: Now we're going to be able to do that, so I would ask that, with the county requires us to make a resolution, I would ask someone make a resolution proposed resolution to establish this position of code enforcement officer one. 99 00:10:05.400 --> 00:10:10.980 sylviajeff: i'll be happy to make a motion to a so we establish the position of code enforcement officer. 100 00:10:12.870 --> 00:10:14.100 Karen Tarapata: All right, can I get a second. 101 00:10:14.790 --> 00:10:15.930 i'll second is lori. 102 00:10:17.910 --> 00:10:20.130 Karen Tarapata: All right, so all in favor say Aye. 103 00:10:20.580 --> 00:10:20.730 Aye. 104 00:10:21.780 --> 00:10:22.500 Laurie Dodge: Aye lori. 105 00:10:23.190 --> 00:10:23.940 michael esmay: hi Mike. 106 00:10:24.750 --> 00:10:27.270 Karen Tarapata: hi Karen wonderful. 107 00:10:28.770 --> 00:10:50.790 Karen Tarapata: Now the next part of this is appointing Michael nolan as our code enforcement officer Mike is here on the call tonight, he was hired, as you know, for our dp w and he's been working very diligently to complete all his courses and to prepare himself for this position. 108 00:10:51.840 --> 00:11:05.250 Karen Tarapata: In currently is going to be continuing to work with a dp w and also be available to do the enforcement of our general ordinance so Mike I just want to you know. 109 00:11:06.270 --> 00:11:16.830 Karen Tarapata: A congratulate you on all your hard work, and I would like someone to make a motion to appoint Michael nolan as our Mike do you have a middle initial. 110 00:11:17.520 --> 00:11:18.630 michael nolsn: Yes, it's J. 111 00:11:19.950 --> 00:11:21.540 Karen Tarapata: Michael J nolan. 112 00:11:21.750 --> 00:11:25.500 Karen Tarapata: And our code enforcement officer what. 113 00:11:26.460 --> 00:11:29.910 michael esmay: i'd be happy to make that motion current like. 114 00:11:30.600 --> 00:11:30.900 michael esmay: Mike. 115 00:11:30.960 --> 00:11:33.600 sylviajeff: For money we have Mike. 116 00:11:34.620 --> 00:11:37.470 Karen Tarapata: Right all right all in favor say Aye. 117 00:11:37.890 --> 00:11:38.580 michael esmay: Like a. 118 00:11:39.270 --> 00:11:40.020 sylviajeff: chef I. 119 00:11:40.860 --> 00:11:41.640 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 120 00:11:42.360 --> 00:11:49.260 Karen Tarapata: Karen I so i'll see you tomorrow Mike will give you your badge and your own copy of the check Milan that. 121 00:11:50.850 --> 00:11:52.740 michael nolsn: sounds great Thank you all so much. 122 00:11:54.900 --> 00:11:55.860 Laurie Dodge: Have a great night. 123 00:11:56.550 --> 00:11:57.420 michael nolsn: Yes, thank you. 124 00:11:58.740 --> 00:11:59.430 Karen Tarapata: Night like. 125 00:12:00.810 --> 00:12:15.480 Karen Tarapata: Okay next thing on our agenda is to appoint pat gate to the planning board we have resident pat escape who lives in merriam webster's old house Hello pat. 126 00:12:16.260 --> 00:12:17.220 Pat Esgate: hi Mary how are you. 127 00:12:17.850 --> 00:12:33.210 Karen Tarapata: Very well, and I approached her a while back about serving on one of our land use, sports and she was not able at that time, but recently we asked her again, and she agreed to serve so pat tell us a little bit about your. 128 00:12:34.530 --> 00:12:36.450 Karen Tarapata: Experience on land use sports. 129 00:12:36.780 --> 00:12:45.000 Pat Esgate: Okay, I I served on the pyramid on the pyramid planning board is an alternate for approximately two years. 130 00:12:46.020 --> 00:13:00.450 Pat Esgate: It was a fantastic learning experience of how some planning boards work and I went through the various training sessions that were attached to to that as well. 131 00:13:01.530 --> 00:13:15.540 Pat Esgate: It was my experience with the upper nyack village board in renovating and restoring 314 that got me interested in getting back into land use work because you guys do a great job. 132 00:13:16.560 --> 00:13:18.270 Pat Esgate: Speaking as a consumer. 133 00:13:19.800 --> 00:13:30.870 Pat Esgate: It was it was an amazing experience I frankly i'm used to I was used to serving on a board who's expressed desire was to keep people in the room until midnight. 134 00:13:32.400 --> 00:13:35.520 Pat Esgate: And and i'll be happy not to do that. 135 00:13:37.620 --> 00:13:49.650 Pat Esgate: Unless it actually has to happen that's not a problem, but in any case um so that's I do have experience in working with planning boards, I have a lifetime of experience working. 136 00:13:51.120 --> 00:14:08.550 Pat Esgate: In various construction projects, both in project management and on my own, you know my own projects so it's something that I have a real passion for yeah and and truly believe that the experience should be something that helps. 137 00:14:09.990 --> 00:14:19.740 Pat Esgate: Our residents move forward in a way that is positive, so I look forward to serving, thank you for asking. 138 00:14:20.520 --> 00:14:36.240 Karen Tarapata: On your call so now, you also i'm going to appoint pet to the planning board, but I would like the board to ratify that appointment and I would just ask that all in favor say Aye. 139 00:14:37.830 --> 00:14:38.520 sylviajeff: Aye Jeff. 140 00:14:39.000 --> 00:14:39.750 All right, hi. 141 00:14:41.790 --> 00:14:45.480 Karen Tarapata: Wonderful pet so you'll come in and sign the big book you. 142 00:14:47.310 --> 00:14:48.030 Karen Tarapata: Can. 143 00:14:48.060 --> 00:14:54.000 Karen Tarapata: get your copy of the comprehensive plan and your packet for the next meeting of the planning board. 144 00:14:54.900 --> 00:14:56.640 Pat Esgate: very excited Thank you. 145 00:14:57.270 --> 00:14:57.810 sylviajeff: Thank you. 146 00:14:58.530 --> 00:15:00.210 Karen Tarapata: That is great news. 147 00:15:00.420 --> 00:15:01.650 Pat Esgate: Oh back out of here now. 148 00:15:07.230 --> 00:15:09.120 Village Clerk: Also, the next thing that I would. 149 00:15:09.120 --> 00:15:11.940 Karen Tarapata: Like to do here is a. 150 00:15:13.320 --> 00:15:18.420 Karen Tarapata: A resolution of approval for the summit school fall fest. 151 00:15:19.980 --> 00:15:38.520 Karen Tarapata: notice, something that it's in your packet they want to do a little event tomorrow, and they have provided us with their insurance, but they didn't get us the information in time for our last meeting so that's why we're asking for resolution to allow them to hold this event tomorrow. 152 00:15:41.820 --> 00:15:45.660 sylviajeff: And you said just that they supplied us with their insurance information. 153 00:15:45.930 --> 00:15:47.550 Karen Tarapata: Yes, it's in your packet. 154 00:15:49.170 --> 00:16:02.160 Karen Tarapata: They provided us with everything that we've requested, they just didn't make it in time for the last meeting so we're trying to make sure we do everything, according to our own protocols and we need a resolution. 155 00:16:04.140 --> 00:16:14.010 sylviajeff: Well, how was resolved to allow someone school to hold their event fall fest tomorrow the October 22 rate. 156 00:16:14.070 --> 00:16:14.760 Laurie Dodge: i'll second. 157 00:16:15.300 --> 00:16:17.400 Karen Tarapata: Thank you lori all in favor say Aye. 158 00:16:17.880 --> 00:16:18.570 sylviajeff: Right yes. 159 00:16:19.200 --> 00:16:19.860 Laurie Dodge: I lori. 160 00:16:20.670 --> 00:16:34.620 Karen Tarapata: hi Mike I Karen wonderful now, we also have a request from the girl scouts So this was something that came in, but there, they would like our. 161 00:16:35.760 --> 00:16:40.320 Karen Tarapata: See I have it here a letter from Jen murchie know. 162 00:16:41.430 --> 00:16:51.270 Karen Tarapata: Dear mayor Terra cotta and Upper nyack trustees I lead girl scout troop 40705 a group of 25th graders from Upper neck elementary school. 163 00:16:51.840 --> 00:17:01.110 Karen Tarapata: we'd like to organize a nature obstacle course at river foot to take place on veterans day 1111 nine public schools are closed. 164 00:17:01.980 --> 00:17:09.300 Karen Tarapata: Our plan is to ask for a $10 donation to run and walk the course which will be given to a charity chosen by the girls. 165 00:17:10.140 --> 00:17:19.920 Karen Tarapata: travis grady, who was a resident of nyack and recently created a nature obstacle course at the greenberg nature Center is helping my truth design the course. 166 00:17:20.520 --> 00:17:27.360 Karen Tarapata: We intend for it to be a fairly simple course that runs from England to broadway along the existing path. 167 00:17:27.870 --> 00:17:37.440 Karen Tarapata: We plan to advertise very locally and I just made only night families will participate I don't anticipate more than 50 participants throughout the day. 168 00:17:37.860 --> 00:17:47.010 Karen Tarapata: And even that many would be great we'd set up on the morning of veterans day invite participation from 11 to three and clean up everything by five. 169 00:17:47.880 --> 00:17:55.770 Karen Tarapata: we're also happy for the board of the Friends of river hook to be President if they want to use it for recruitment or as an information sharing opportunity. 170 00:17:56.580 --> 00:18:07.260 Karen Tarapata: I think this could be a great way for the girls in my troop to work together to create a project that will offer a fun outdoor activity for kids in the Community, while raising funds for a good cause. 171 00:18:08.790 --> 00:18:19.290 Karen Tarapata: Now I know the girl scouts if if we were to accept this, they would provide us with their insurance, so I would just open this to any discussion from the. 172 00:18:19.830 --> 00:18:32.850 Karen Tarapata: Board of Trustees because river hook requires a resolution board to allow more than 25 people to have a cadre even though she's anticipating that number at one time. 173 00:18:35.610 --> 00:18:36.630 Karen Tarapata: What are your thoughts. 174 00:18:39.750 --> 00:18:43.020 Laurie Dodge: It sounds fine to me, based on what they shared in the letter. 175 00:18:43.710 --> 00:18:44.100 Karen Tarapata: mm hmm. 176 00:18:45.060 --> 00:18:47.160 Laurie Dodge: And they're gonna go along the driveway. 177 00:18:48.390 --> 00:18:49.230 Laurie Dodge: not bad. 178 00:18:49.740 --> 00:18:50.730 Karen Tarapata: People might have a week. 179 00:18:51.210 --> 00:18:53.280 Laurie Dodge: yeah sounds fine to me. 180 00:18:54.030 --> 00:19:04.650 sylviajeff: I don't see anything wrong with it, especially since, to provide the insurance and they've already had experience to it, the Center apparently as simple as setting side before they're fine with this. 181 00:19:05.190 --> 00:19:05.580 yeah. 182 00:19:06.720 --> 00:19:17.880 Karen Tarapata: them and their designer travis tomorrow at four so if anyone wants to help to remember to learn more about what they're planning that will be available i'm sorry Mike I cut you off what we're going to. 183 00:19:17.880 --> 00:19:21.180 michael esmay: Say no I was just going to agree with the other two trustees. 184 00:19:22.950 --> 00:19:31.770 Karen Tarapata: All right, then, can we make a motion to allow girl scout troop 40705 to do their obstacle course on 1111. 185 00:19:34.770 --> 00:19:35.820 Laurie Dodge: i'll make that motion. 186 00:19:38.190 --> 00:19:39.360 michael esmay: Like seconds. 187 00:19:41.070 --> 00:19:42.540 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 188 00:19:43.290 --> 00:19:44.070 Laurie Dodge: Aye lori. 189 00:19:44.850 --> 00:19:45.540 michael esmay: hi Mike. 190 00:19:46.230 --> 00:19:46.890 sylviajeff: hi Jeff. 191 00:19:49.200 --> 00:19:53.760 Karen Tarapata: I Karen alright on to the next thing. 192 00:19:55.320 --> 00:20:19.200 Karen Tarapata: We I want to engage James sarna attorney as one of our consulting attorneys we need somebody who is available to look things over Noel is our land use attorney we have David noreen as our criminal attorney We just need a readily accessible general attorney and so i'd like to. 193 00:20:20.670 --> 00:20:21.990 Karen Tarapata: Have scientists. 194 00:20:22.260 --> 00:20:23.040 GKramer: They can see. 195 00:20:23.490 --> 00:20:24.090 Agreements. 196 00:20:26.160 --> 00:20:31.620 Karen Tarapata: But I just would like the board to ratify him as an addition to our our. 197 00:20:32.670 --> 00:20:35.460 Karen Tarapata: slate of attorneys for different uses. 198 00:20:37.800 --> 00:20:38.190 michael esmay: um. 199 00:20:39.990 --> 00:20:40.980 michael esmay: No, I agree. 200 00:20:42.540 --> 00:20:47.040 Karen Tarapata: Okay, would you make this great and lori Do you see any problems with that. 201 00:20:47.430 --> 00:20:47.820 Now. 202 00:20:48.870 --> 00:20:49.260 Laurie Dodge: Right. 203 00:20:49.500 --> 00:20:53.580 sylviajeff: So I think it's a good idea to have it available to us with your fault. 204 00:20:54.300 --> 00:20:59.130 Karen Tarapata: So that I will have that ratified, I will sign his. 205 00:21:01.470 --> 00:21:04.350 Karen Tarapata: letter F have a great of engagement tomorrow. 206 00:21:08.850 --> 00:21:09.510 Karen Tarapata: Already. 207 00:21:12.720 --> 00:21:16.860 Karen Tarapata: see what else we have on here ah, we could approve the Minutes. 208 00:21:18.210 --> 00:21:22.350 Karen Tarapata: We had lengthy minutes last month, I have read them I don't have. 209 00:21:22.380 --> 00:21:26.280 Karen Tarapata: Any changes Jeff laurie Mike do you have any. 210 00:21:26.850 --> 00:21:29.250 michael esmay: I read them I don't see any changes either. 211 00:21:31.320 --> 00:21:32.430 Laurie Dodge: I wasn't at the meeting. 212 00:21:32.580 --> 00:21:33.210 Laurie Dodge: So I. 213 00:21:33.510 --> 00:21:35.580 Laurie Dodge: read them but i'm not going to be able to. 214 00:21:36.270 --> 00:21:37.230 sylviajeff: Look right to me. 215 00:21:38.310 --> 00:21:43.020 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so there's three of us that's good, we have a forum for so when someone make a motion issue. 216 00:21:44.250 --> 00:21:46.290 Karen Tarapata: of September 23 2021. 217 00:21:46.950 --> 00:21:51.270 sylviajeff: and move, though, we accept the Minutes that's written up September 23 2021. 218 00:21:52.980 --> 00:21:54.120 michael esmay: My second. 219 00:21:55.680 --> 00:21:57.270 Karen Tarapata: Right all in favor say Aye. 220 00:21:59.100 --> 00:21:59.850 michael esmay: Aye Mike. 221 00:22:00.570 --> 00:22:01.440 And I Karen. 222 00:22:02.490 --> 00:22:03.000 Karen Tarapata: Great. 223 00:22:04.590 --> 00:22:14.010 Karen Tarapata: Alright, the last thing we have before our public hearings, is a discussion of audio and visual equipment for the old stone meeting house. 224 00:22:15.270 --> 00:22:19.620 Karen Tarapata: Now background on this we are hoping to have. 225 00:22:20.850 --> 00:22:29.220 Karen Tarapata: audio visual capabilities to allow for hybrid meetings, by the time that the governor's executive order. 226 00:22:30.000 --> 00:22:38.490 Karen Tarapata: Allowing for these remote meetings expires in January I think it's January 15 of 2022. 227 00:22:40.320 --> 00:22:55.860 Karen Tarapata: The goal would be that we would be aware, we would be in the old stone meeting House having meetings but that residents and others could continue to dial in and be able to participate in all our meetings land use and trustees both. 228 00:22:57.210 --> 00:23:07.350 Karen Tarapata: it's a little it's an interesting thing, because we really want it to be want to be able to use zoom so that the trustees can be heard. 229 00:23:07.770 --> 00:23:23.190 Karen Tarapata: The applicant can be heard and the people in the audience can step up to the podium and also speak and be heard laurie had a representative of us is come and give a. 230 00:23:24.540 --> 00:23:38.340 Karen Tarapata: Do a design and he made a proposal from that design and then I also went once that proposal was received back it was for 39 close to $40,000. 231 00:23:39.120 --> 00:23:55.830 Karen Tarapata: So i'm concerned that that's more than we really it may be more than we need for our little village meetings I had the are it person boy rhonda said. 232 00:23:56.370 --> 00:24:17.490 Karen Tarapata: Take that proposal and the architect sketch of the stone meeting house to the engineers at b&h in the city, because the county has a contract with b&h which gives us rather substantial about a 20% discount on purchases there. 233 00:24:19.980 --> 00:24:35.190 Karen Tarapata: The that proposal for equipment came back comparing the to the US is proposal, the equipment was about 22,000 and the cost of design and installations about 16. 234 00:24:37.080 --> 00:24:48.030 Karen Tarapata: us if we go with the proposal from b&h the cost of equipment which they feel is sufficient for our needs, based on the room. 235 00:24:48.930 --> 00:25:03.330 Karen Tarapata: The cost of the equipment is 5500 more or less and our it consultant feels that the installation and programming would be no more than $10,000 so it would be under 16. 236 00:25:04.890 --> 00:25:16.770 Karen Tarapata: The question really is lori went back and spoke with her consultant, is he really feels that we need the like 70 inch monitors. 237 00:25:17.790 --> 00:25:35.910 Karen Tarapata: But and the b&h proposal is 55 inch monitors the concern being the 70 inch monitors with effectively take up a big portion of the stage if they were to be put at an angle and if they weren't that they would. 238 00:25:36.990 --> 00:25:39.180 Karen Tarapata: basically cover the back wall. 239 00:25:40.470 --> 00:25:41.160 Village Clerk: So. 240 00:25:41.220 --> 00:25:46.140 Karen Tarapata: i'm not sure what I went over the proposal I went over your. 241 00:25:47.340 --> 00:25:56.820 Karen Tarapata: concerns and questions with lori with our it consultant and. 242 00:25:58.350 --> 00:26:05.970 Karen Tarapata: He was I thought he did answer many of them all the equipment that we're buying as a two year warranty. 243 00:26:07.470 --> 00:26:08.670 Karen Tarapata: The field feels that. 244 00:26:09.960 --> 00:26:23.790 Karen Tarapata: This design provides us with the flexibility to easily upgrade and five years he thinks that this he worked with engineers in each of the different areas. 245 00:26:25.500 --> 00:26:26.160 and 246 00:26:27.630 --> 00:26:33.060 Karen Tarapata: You know the audio the video the TV he feels that the. 247 00:26:34.140 --> 00:26:46.560 Karen Tarapata: control panel would not be any more difficult for either the land use Secretary or the village clerk to us than it is to do the zoom now, it would be at a computer at. 248 00:26:47.070 --> 00:26:55.860 Karen Tarapata: Connected to a computer the levels would be set, and they would be the same kind of screen sharing that is done now, in the land use meetings. 249 00:26:57.570 --> 00:27:01.620 Karen Tarapata: The proposal from b&h is good until veterans day. 250 00:27:03.270 --> 00:27:06.600 Karen Tarapata: So I guess that's the, the question is. 251 00:27:08.640 --> 00:27:12.090 Karen Tarapata: If you've had a chance to look at those proposals. 252 00:27:13.800 --> 00:27:35.610 Karen Tarapata: And the engineers at b&h felt that they were substantially the equivalent, what are the what's the thought of the village board, do we need to review this with louie and postpone this to a special meeting or you know what what are your thoughts, do you want to. 253 00:27:36.750 --> 00:27:45.000 Karen Tarapata: bring back in the US as consultants to go over it again, but I really feel that's an awful lot of money to spend. 254 00:27:46.350 --> 00:27:46.710 Karen Tarapata: What are your. 255 00:27:47.310 --> 00:27:58.200 Laurie Dodge: I think personally for me there's there's such a wide range in what what billy suggested and what b&h suggested that I think it's I wouldn't be prepared to. 256 00:27:58.590 --> 00:28:01.080 Laurie Dodge: say yes to the b&h proposal tonight. 257 00:28:01.500 --> 00:28:15.450 Laurie Dodge: Because I don't know enough about AV and i'd want to have a more in depth conversation about the difference in the equipment suggested by b&h and by billy I don't I don't know the people at b&h I know billy and I think what he was suggesting. 258 00:28:16.230 --> 00:28:23.640 Laurie Dodge: In appreciation of the fact that we don't necessarily have $40,000 to spend on equipment is that we would. 259 00:28:24.600 --> 00:28:36.690 Laurie Dodge: We would potentially solicit other bids I don't know that that's necessarily what we want to do, but, for me, I just like to have a better understanding with a little more time what's really the difference because it's it seems just so. 260 00:28:37.320 --> 00:28:48.660 Laurie Dodge: The fact that one is 16,001 is 40 and the equipment is so is so different I don't I I just really want to understand better what that was that. 261 00:28:49.680 --> 00:28:55.290 michael esmay: was already over 40,000 40,000 we would have to go to public bid. 262 00:28:55.470 --> 00:28:57.360 Laurie Dodge: ya know I know as over 30 right. 263 00:28:58.020 --> 00:28:58.860 michael esmay: yeah over 30. 264 00:28:59.190 --> 00:29:09.030 Laurie Dodge: yeah and listen i'm not suggesting we spend more money, I don't you know when when billy first came up with that price, I said to him well over 30 we'd have to go to public bed which. 265 00:29:09.570 --> 00:29:17.970 Laurie Dodge: He completely understood and I don't know I think he was he was an advocate for that, just so that we could see. 266 00:29:18.510 --> 00:29:28.080 Laurie Dodge: What we were getting for what he he proposed and i'm not suggesting we necessarily go with them again, I just want to try to understand the difference between. 267 00:29:28.440 --> 00:29:38.850 Laurie Dodge: What the equipment list is on the b&h proposal and what the equipment list is on us is, and if we decide that what b&h has there will. 268 00:29:39.750 --> 00:29:56.580 Laurie Dodge: it's it suits our needs and it allows us to adapt as technology adapts without extra cost or not without extra cost without you know, an egregious cost or having to redo the system all again I would be fine with that. 269 00:29:58.170 --> 00:29:59.160 Karen Tarapata: All right, I just don't know what. 270 00:29:59.220 --> 00:30:00.660 Laurie Dodge: You know, for me personally. 271 00:30:01.290 --> 00:30:03.450 Karen Tarapata: So I think, maybe we need to have. 272 00:30:05.370 --> 00:30:17.430 Karen Tarapata: Another meeting, where we we compare the two proposals more completely I feel you know I do know that the US is proposal was the basis. 273 00:30:17.850 --> 00:30:29.970 Karen Tarapata: For the b&h proposal that because I already had it I said, what can you do, what else can you do, and I do know that some of the costs are extremely high cables and things. 274 00:30:30.390 --> 00:30:37.530 Karen Tarapata: I think they're used to working with very you know, like Exxon Mobil or something they're used to working with very high end corporate clients. 275 00:30:38.520 --> 00:30:39.390 Laurie Dodge: And I don't yeah. 276 00:30:39.750 --> 00:30:43.560 Laurie Dodge: And as we discussed to I mean there may be things that in when we first. 277 00:30:43.650 --> 00:30:55.140 Laurie Dodge: spoke with billy about what we thought we needed that we now will say well Okay, that in an ideal perfect world, that would be great but we're not living ideal perfect world, and we have budgets budgetary constraints. 278 00:30:55.440 --> 00:31:08.880 Laurie Dodge: So we want to do the best we can, to the people who are joining us via zoom have the best experience that people in the room, have a good experience and the people who are on the day us aren't completely stressing out because they're they're managing 70 different things at once. 279 00:31:09.150 --> 00:31:09.660 Karen Tarapata: So maybe. 280 00:31:09.930 --> 00:31:13.380 Laurie Dodge: We can achieve that with less you know I would be fine with that. 281 00:31:13.980 --> 00:31:26.370 sylviajeff: I think the comments that were made it to most important aspects to me is that it's easy to use, and that is upgradeable down the road, I really don't understand you know I look these. 282 00:31:27.390 --> 00:31:36.990 sylviajeff: These bids, and I really don't know what is necessary, it was not necessary and what is the difference between them, I would like somebody to explain that doesn't make sense to me that. 283 00:31:37.920 --> 00:31:51.720 sylviajeff: it's an extra 30 $500 to go from a 55 inch to a 70 inch there's got to be more than that, I don't know what it is that somebody could sort of describe that to me that would be helpful, so I would like to put it off it gets somebody. 284 00:31:53.340 --> 00:32:03.630 sylviajeff: That said, right now, my gut instinct as we go with the lowest bid Chris if it's if the managers to suit our needs at this point, I think that would be sufficient. 285 00:32:05.160 --> 00:32:21.360 Karen Tarapata: I think it was just a conference room and not going to be used, also for concerts and other things that's also different, we want the technology to also be able to sort of pay back you know what I mean, so that the room can be used in other ways. 286 00:32:24.420 --> 00:32:24.690 Karen Tarapata: Mike. 287 00:32:26.190 --> 00:32:33.630 sylviajeff: it's that's what the difference is that's worthwhile taking into consideration if that turns out to be, but the main differences. 288 00:32:35.670 --> 00:32:38.730 Karen Tarapata: Well, I think, also there was a difference in the. 289 00:32:40.260 --> 00:32:50.610 Karen Tarapata: Ah, certain there was certain very high end equipment that building wanted to put on a rack up in the loft I I think there's there should be. 290 00:32:51.990 --> 00:33:09.030 Karen Tarapata: As building suggested a more of a narrative of what the b&h proposal is and that's what's really missing I know it was done but it's not laid out in a way that is easy for you, so I think i'll make sure that that is done. 291 00:33:10.050 --> 00:33:16.590 Karen Tarapata: That there is that narrative so that we can compare how one would work and how the other one would work. 292 00:33:17.190 --> 00:33:17.550 Okay. 293 00:33:19.740 --> 00:33:34.050 Karen Tarapata: Okay, and I may end up calling a special meeting to go over this if we if we if they're not going to hold that bit because the holidays are coming, and I know that equipment is going to go flying away and we will not be prepared for. 294 00:33:34.770 --> 00:33:41.160 Karen Tarapata: January, and I really love to be able to continue the people being able to get on remotely. 295 00:33:42.600 --> 00:33:43.080 Good point. 296 00:33:44.460 --> 00:33:51.570 Karen Tarapata: Okay i've made a note to myself, it is now 733 this is look at this is great we've gotten through. 297 00:33:52.620 --> 00:33:59.580 Karen Tarapata: you've gotten through all the other items on our agenda, so now we just have our public hearings. 298 00:34:01.860 --> 00:34:09.930 Karen Tarapata: We have a public hearing now that heather would you read the notice for the parking public hearing. 299 00:34:10.920 --> 00:34:11.250 yeah. 300 00:34:12.330 --> 00:34:23.430 Village Clerk: notice of public hearing proposed local law amending local law seven of 2020 an ordinance to point to each chapter to regulation of vehicles of the. 301 00:34:24.720 --> 00:34:26.340 Village Clerk: code of general ordinances. 302 00:34:27.450 --> 00:34:33.180 Village Clerk: notices here by, given that the board of trustees of the village of upper nyack will hold a public hearing on. 303 00:34:33.660 --> 00:34:45.150 Village Clerk: Via zoom video conferencing on October 21 at 7:30pm to consider a proposed local law amending local laws seven of 2020 and ordinance to point to a. 304 00:34:45.540 --> 00:34:59.400 Village Clerk: chapter to regulation of vehicles of the 1965 code of general ordinances the proposal below modified the no parking zone on North broadway to prohibit parking or standing of other vehicles, other than. 305 00:35:00.210 --> 00:35:12.720 Village Clerk: Certain emergency and delivery vehicles on the West side of North broadway from nyack beach state park to old mountain road on the east side of North broadway from old mountain road to the next, each State park. 306 00:35:13.980 --> 00:35:23.490 Village Clerk: Due to the coven 19 pandemic the board of trustees will not be meeting in person, in accordance with Chapter four 417 was 2021. 307 00:35:24.360 --> 00:35:35.040 Village Clerk: signed by New York State Governor Kathy whoa cool suspending the certain provisions of the New York state open meetings law that meeting will be held the video conferencing, a transcript will be provided a later date. 308 00:35:35.940 --> 00:35:45.120 Village Clerk: The public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments to access the meeting, please visit the villages website for ID number and password. 309 00:35:45.570 --> 00:35:52.680 Village Clerk: A draft of the proposal Hello will be posted on the villages website www dot for nyack dash and y.us in advance of the meeting. 310 00:35:53.130 --> 00:35:59.400 Village Clerk: copies of the proposed law are available for public inspection in village hall during the regular business hours 12am to 12 noon. 311 00:36:00.030 --> 00:36:12.870 Village Clerk: comments and questions can also be provided via email before the meeting to heather condello village clerk at village clerk at upper nine X and y.us they did October 7 2021 Bella village card. 312 00:36:15.240 --> 00:36:18.570 Karen Tarapata: Okay, this is to introduce this. 313 00:36:21.090 --> 00:36:29.610 Karen Tarapata: Earlier this year, we had made a law to prohibit parking on North broadway and. 314 00:36:32.160 --> 00:36:49.950 Karen Tarapata: Many residents who and also people who have children and Upper elementary school reminded us that, particularly during hoeven parents need parking on North broadway in order to pick up their children drop them off in the morning, and so we. 315 00:36:50.970 --> 00:36:58.200 Karen Tarapata: have reacted to that with by offering this amendment to our parking ordinance. 316 00:36:59.340 --> 00:37:04.650 Karen Tarapata: So I would ask to be open to public hearing the telling make emotion dope and the public hearing. 317 00:37:05.490 --> 00:37:06.960 michael esmay: Like i'll make that motion. 318 00:37:07.590 --> 00:37:08.280 sylviajeff: I will second. 319 00:37:09.660 --> 00:37:10.860 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 320 00:37:11.460 --> 00:37:12.240 michael esmay: My guy. 321 00:37:12.690 --> 00:37:13.470 sylviajeff: Jeff I. 322 00:37:14.190 --> 00:37:14.970 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 323 00:37:15.840 --> 00:37:16.800 Karen Tarapata: Karen I. 324 00:37:18.210 --> 00:37:24.720 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so based on that Is there anyone who has come to speak on this. 325 00:37:24.750 --> 00:37:25.590 18456569499: matter tonight. 326 00:37:30.210 --> 00:37:33.990 Karen Tarapata: Please raise your hand i'm sorry not everyone muted, so I would ask that. 327 00:37:33.990 --> 00:37:45.120 Karen Tarapata: Anyone who is on zoom that they would raise their hand and heather but, as the means for someone to raise their hand if they're on the phone. 328 00:37:49.050 --> 00:38:00.930 Village Clerk: I believe it's hard for me to see because i'm on the admin side, but I believe there is an option at the bottom when you hover your mouse over the bottom screen there to give you some options. 329 00:38:02.100 --> 00:38:03.900 Karen Tarapata: All right, i'm sorry and if you're on the. 330 00:38:03.900 --> 00:38:08.220 Village Clerk: phone it's star six to mute or unmute all right, so let me i'm going to ask. 331 00:38:08.220 --> 00:38:13.950 Karen Tarapata: Anybody who's on the zoom call first and then i'll ask if there's anyone on the phone who wishes. 332 00:38:13.950 --> 00:38:14.700 18455489618: To speak. 333 00:38:17.670 --> 00:38:24.720 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone on the zoom call tonight who wishes to speak, you can raise your hand and the village clerk will unmute you. 334 00:38:33.990 --> 00:38:41.520 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone on the phone who would like to speak it star six and you will be able to be heard. 335 00:38:47.070 --> 00:38:52.530 Karen Tarapata: Well that's wonderful That means that the word got out that we're going to make this amendment. 336 00:38:53.550 --> 00:38:53.970 Karen Tarapata: and 337 00:38:55.230 --> 00:39:00.270 Karen Tarapata: If there is no one who wishes to speak, I would refer this back then to. 338 00:39:01.410 --> 00:39:03.570 Karen Tarapata: The Board to close the public hearing. 339 00:39:04.740 --> 00:39:05.940 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion. 340 00:39:06.480 --> 00:39:07.980 michael esmay: Michael make that motion. 341 00:39:09.480 --> 00:39:10.110 sylviajeff: seconded. 342 00:39:11.130 --> 00:39:12.360 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 343 00:39:12.930 --> 00:39:13.620 michael esmay: Like I. 344 00:39:15.810 --> 00:39:16.620 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 345 00:39:17.580 --> 00:39:27.300 Karen Tarapata: Aaron I public hearing is closed all right answer anything else, that the board, would like to discuss about this before we make emotion. 346 00:39:31.350 --> 00:39:34.500 Karen Tarapata: We didn't talk about it quite extensively at a previous meeting. 347 00:39:35.580 --> 00:39:48.780 Karen Tarapata: So I would ask that someone would make a motion to modify that no parking zone on broadway to prohibit parking or standing of vehicles, other than emergency and delivery vehicles. 348 00:39:49.350 --> 00:39:58.980 Karen Tarapata: On the West side of North broadway from night beach stay parked on the mountain road and on the east side of North broadway old mountain road tonight beach state park. 349 00:40:02.820 --> 00:40:03.180 sylviajeff: All right. 350 00:40:03.840 --> 00:40:04.590 Can I get a second. 351 00:40:05.640 --> 00:40:06.840 Laurie Dodge: i'll second it's laurie. 352 00:40:07.680 --> 00:40:08.940 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 353 00:40:09.930 --> 00:40:10.080 Aye. 354 00:40:11.310 --> 00:40:12.000 Laurie Dodge: Aye lori. 355 00:40:13.110 --> 00:40:13.740 michael esmay: Mike and I. 356 00:40:14.700 --> 00:40:15.570 Karen I. 357 00:40:18.510 --> 00:40:23.190 Karen Tarapata: know, sometimes we pass laws and sometimes we have to move. 358 00:40:28.770 --> 00:40:35.340 Karen Tarapata: Well we've got at least five minutes before fitness we're so efficient now we're actually ahead of ourselves. 359 00:40:37.140 --> 00:41:03.750 Karen Tarapata: In terms of the agenda for the public hearing it's 45, are there any items I could guess I could give you an update on what's going on at river hook today we today holes were excavated for the planting of some trees alone, the perimeter. 360 00:41:04.860 --> 00:41:05.520 Karen Tarapata: and 361 00:41:06.900 --> 00:41:09.570 Karen Tarapata: Tomorrow, those trees will be planted. 362 00:41:10.950 --> 00:41:23.430 Karen Tarapata: Originally, we won't have the planting done by the Rotary but they have a limited number of volunteers, this weekend so only a portion of the plantings going to be done by the Rotary. 363 00:41:25.410 --> 00:41:36.210 Karen Tarapata: Substantial Saturday, if anyone would like to join us from nine until one we're going to be planting bottle brush buckeye trees near the north Midland gate. 364 00:41:36.900 --> 00:41:53.070 Karen Tarapata: and putting up deer fencing to protect them, there are also three White pines which we have will have been planted and river birch and white spruce and sumac near the main house on the curve. 365 00:41:54.150 --> 00:42:02.400 Karen Tarapata: Northern side of the property, these are all known as habitat trees, these are all ones, to encourage the. 366 00:42:04.140 --> 00:42:17.730 Karen Tarapata: birds and insects and small animals butterflies it's everything everything was chosen as a native at the local native plant that also provides habitat food. 367 00:42:19.200 --> 00:42:20.100 That is. 368 00:42:21.300 --> 00:42:23.130 Karen Tarapata: that's my that's my story. 369 00:42:26.490 --> 00:42:26.820 Karen Tarapata: that's. 370 00:42:27.960 --> 00:42:28.470 sylviajeff: Over there. 371 00:42:29.820 --> 00:42:33.180 Karen Tarapata: Oh, we have someone here, who is raising their hand to speak. 372 00:42:35.400 --> 00:42:44.970 Peskas: actually just trying to find a link for the 745 hearing recording and the material for the Shiva we should be able to help me with that. 373 00:42:45.990 --> 00:42:51.540 Karen Tarapata: hi well you're on the we will be opening that public hearing in two minutes. 374 00:42:51.810 --> 00:42:55.530 Peskas: So that's, this is the best way to make sure Thank you so much, yes you're on. 375 00:42:56.190 --> 00:42:57.540 Certainly, on the right. 376 00:42:58.980 --> 00:43:02.310 Karen Tarapata: Call or just sort of seeing if there's any other. 377 00:43:03.420 --> 00:43:08.940 Karen Tarapata: updates I can think of things that are going on this next two minutes. 378 00:43:12.390 --> 00:43:17.760 Karen Tarapata: paving is finished, for the year in the village, we were able to. 379 00:43:18.930 --> 00:43:23.370 Karen Tarapata: Do quite a bit wanamaker Piper Palmer. 380 00:43:25.080 --> 00:43:40.440 Karen Tarapata: And crack ceiling on a lot with next year we're looking to hopefully pay resurface glenbrook and have lower Castle heights and Van houghton. 381 00:43:42.000 --> 00:43:51.510 Karen Tarapata: And just we're just moving ahead and hopefully we'll have received some grants for sidewalks hoping to get a sidewalk to do. 382 00:43:52.980 --> 00:44:04.290 Karen Tarapata: The sidewalk right across from Upper elementary school waiting to hear on that grant and we've also applied for a large grant to do other sidewalk work in college. 383 00:44:06.540 --> 00:44:17.040 Karen Tarapata: I was, but I do a lot of walking and I see places where the sidewalks are starting to degrade and we're going to have to address those in the next couple years. 384 00:44:19.560 --> 00:44:22.260 Karen Tarapata: All right, it is 744. 385 00:44:24.960 --> 00:44:27.900 Karen Tarapata: we're just about ready to read the. 386 00:44:29.280 --> 00:44:30.600 notice of public hearing. 387 00:44:43.980 --> 00:44:49.410 Karen Tarapata: 745. 388 00:44:50.610 --> 00:44:53.850 Karen Tarapata: All right, heather would you read the notice of public here, and please. 389 00:44:54.660 --> 00:44:54.960 Yes. 390 00:44:56.070 --> 00:45:02.730 Village Clerk: notice of public hearing application for temporary moratorium Baron variants 350 North Highland avenue. 391 00:45:03.510 --> 00:45:13.320 Village Clerk: notices here by, given that a public hearing will be held on Thursday October 21 2021 at 7:45pm before the upper nyack board of trustees. 392 00:45:13.890 --> 00:45:25.680 Village Clerk: To take such action that may become that may come before said word is she this business to cal Torres Haim incorporated application for a temporary moratorium very. 393 00:45:26.370 --> 00:45:40.020 Village Clerk: Recently North Highland avenue the village above or nyack spl 59.16 dash to dash three upper nyack application for a variance from the temporary moratorium on land use applications, including. 394 00:45:40.380 --> 00:45:49.980 Village Clerk: Special use permit applications for the subject property which is located on route nine w in the Ob office business don't in districts, the last one of 2020. 395 00:45:50.370 --> 00:45:57.720 Village Clerk: and three of 2020 as extended to allow the applicant to pursue the necessary land approvals to use the subject properly as a school. 396 00:45:58.770 --> 00:46:08.520 Village Clerk: Due to the kelvin 19 pandemic the board of trustees will not be meeting in person, in accordance with Chapter 417 of the laws of 2021 signed by the New York. 397 00:46:08.730 --> 00:46:13.440 Village Clerk: State Governor Cathy hopeful suspending certain provisions of the New York state me open meeting law. 398 00:46:14.010 --> 00:46:18.000 Village Clerk: The meeting will be held the video conferencing, and the transcript will be provided at a later date. 399 00:46:18.720 --> 00:46:26.730 Village Clerk: The public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting line and provide comments to access the meeting, please visit the villages website for ID number and password. 400 00:46:27.240 --> 00:46:37.260 Village Clerk: And meeting agenda plans and application materials and other information will be posted on the villages website at www dot X dash ny.us in advance of the meeting. 401 00:46:38.490 --> 00:46:46.470 Village Clerk: copies of the applications are available for public inspection at village halls during regular business hours 9am to 12 noon Monday through Friday. 402 00:46:47.760 --> 00:46:54.750 Village Clerk: to access the meeting, please visit the villages website for ID number and password a meeting agenda will be posted on the villages website comments and. 403 00:46:55.140 --> 00:47:08.220 Village Clerk: Questions can also be provided via email before the meeting to heather to a village Clark at village clark's offering at dash and y.us stated toolbar 720 20 $900 village court. 404 00:47:11.370 --> 00:47:19.590 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so tonight we have this application for a variance from our chat room with them. 405 00:47:20.100 --> 00:47:28.470 Karen Tarapata: I think there may be people on the call who have not been part of our public hearings in the past, I just want to outline a little before we begin. 406 00:47:29.250 --> 00:47:39.120 Karen Tarapata: The order of a public hearing is the notice of hearing which you have just heard, we will open the public hearing, I will introduce the matter. 407 00:47:39.690 --> 00:47:49.680 Karen Tarapata: There will be a presentation by the applicant questions from the village board and at that point, then there will be open to comments from the public. 408 00:47:51.120 --> 00:48:02.850 Karen Tarapata: And after the public has spoken, then there might be additional requests for information for questions from the village board and then the public hearings will be closed. 409 00:48:04.950 --> 00:48:07.380 Karen Tarapata: Before any action is considered. 410 00:48:08.760 --> 00:48:23.640 Karen Tarapata: I just want people to know that everyone will have a chance to speak, but you will not be speaking until after the presentation of the applicant and after questions from the village board, because we want you to have a full understanding of what is being passed. 411 00:48:24.990 --> 00:48:27.660 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion to open the public hearing. 412 00:48:29.130 --> 00:48:30.480 sylviajeff: That we open the public charity. 413 00:48:31.890 --> 00:48:32.700 Karen Tarapata: And I get a second. 414 00:48:33.480 --> 00:48:34.710 Laurie Dodge: My second. 415 00:48:34.950 --> 00:48:37.050 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so who. 416 00:48:38.160 --> 00:48:40.680 Laurie Dodge: is either one l'oreal second I guess. 417 00:48:41.430 --> 00:48:43.380 Karen Tarapata: Right all in favor say Aye. 418 00:48:43.740 --> 00:48:44.490 sylviajeff: Aye dress. 419 00:48:45.180 --> 00:48:45.900 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 420 00:48:47.190 --> 00:48:47.790 michael esmay: Like I. 421 00:48:48.840 --> 00:48:49.680 Karen Tarapata: came in on Monday. 422 00:48:50.730 --> 00:48:52.080 Karen Tarapata: Hopefully curing is open. 423 00:48:53.790 --> 00:49:04.320 Karen Tarapata: of an introduction, yes, but dissonance toward hi i'm incorporated is applying for a variance from the temporary moratorium on land use permits for properties. 424 00:49:04.800 --> 00:49:21.390 Karen Tarapata: And the Ob elo and our four districts located and then debbie corridor and from the village wide moratorium on special use permits to enable it to seek especially use permit to use the property located at 350 North Highland avenue. 425 00:49:22.050 --> 00:49:25.440 19145226559: Formerly owned guy account much in common. 426 00:49:26.100 --> 00:49:29.460 Karen Tarapata: Is the alliance theological seminary as a school. 427 00:49:30.840 --> 00:49:41.340 Karen Tarapata: and evaluating the application, the Board must consider one whether the variance is necessary for the applicant to avoid an unusual or unnecessary hardship. 428 00:49:42.630 --> 00:49:48.030 Karen Tarapata: To whether granting the variance will be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the village. 429 00:49:49.110 --> 00:49:55.980 Karen Tarapata: And three whether the variants if granted is not inconsistent with the newly adopted comprehensive plan. 430 00:49:58.050 --> 00:50:05.250 Karen Tarapata: Now the Board has before them the documents we received on September that were received on Sep tember 16. 431 00:50:07.320 --> 00:50:27.120 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so just a little background the lions theological seminary is a building that was has been a seminary since the 1970s, I think 1975 it was an office building, as originally built and then was used as a seminary. 432 00:50:29.430 --> 00:50:32.640 Karen Tarapata: And the original it appears the original. 433 00:50:36.000 --> 00:50:38.850 Karen Tarapata: Special use permit was in 1994. 434 00:50:39.930 --> 00:50:46.050 Karen Tarapata: So who is here to represent the applicant tonight, would you raise your hand, so that you could be unmuted. 435 00:50:51.390 --> 00:50:56.490 Noelle Wolfson: I see Mr jurgen here he's physically raising his hand and I think he is unmuted. 436 00:50:58.800 --> 00:51:02.850 Karen Tarapata: Very good Okay, good evening, Mr Chairman. 437 00:51:05.340 --> 00:51:13.230 Karen Tarapata: Good evening, we want to understand any improvements or modifications you're planning to the property, the use you're proposing. 438 00:51:13.680 --> 00:51:24.270 Karen Tarapata: And why you're seeking a to apply for a special use permit at this time i'm going to ask the village clerk to make you a Co host so that you can share your screen. 439 00:51:30.060 --> 00:51:41.760 Joseph Churgin: Okay, so a good, good evening, my name is Joseph jurgen i'm an attorney from the Lord Lord from savage Oregon and I, along with john's department choose another attorney. 440 00:51:42.510 --> 00:51:55.860 Joseph Churgin: represents the applicant here and were requesting a I guess a variance from the moratorium is the appropriate way to say it, so that we could. 441 00:51:57.180 --> 00:52:14.760 Joseph Churgin: obtain a special use permit, on behalf of our clients, so that they can operate a school at the at the property so as I think probably everybody on this zoom knows our clients purchased the property. 442 00:52:15.660 --> 00:52:23.670 Joseph Churgin: Roughly in January, and we have not been able to use it for anything we haven't attempted to use it for anything. 443 00:52:25.290 --> 00:52:37.050 Joseph Churgin: But our clients operate yeshivas in in the area and want to use this property for that purpose. 444 00:52:38.580 --> 00:52:52.710 Joseph Churgin: You had asked about modifications that we intended to do with respect to the property and at this point there really are no modifications that that are intended so. 445 00:52:55.830 --> 00:53:00.150 Joseph Churgin: Basically, we have a 52,000 square foot building. 446 00:53:01.230 --> 00:53:02.220 Joseph Churgin: That exists. 447 00:53:03.870 --> 00:53:20.670 Joseph Churgin: With very large parking facilities parking lots and and driveways and this building has been used for educational or religious educational use, we can call it whatever you know it kind of fits both. 448 00:53:21.180 --> 00:53:47.310 Joseph Churgin: For a very long time, there is a there was a special permit that was issued in 1994 that would have allowed for it says classroom us so it's a consistent educational type us, so what our clients want to do is, we want to have roughly 300 students there aged six to 14 in 14 classrooms. 449 00:53:50.460 --> 00:53:53.280 Joseph Churgin: And they obviously have to have some faculty there. 450 00:53:54.300 --> 00:54:13.980 Joseph Churgin: The intended times, I think this is probably a question that you're going to have the times of use of the building that we anticipate at this point, Monday through Thursday 730 in the morning till 530 at night and then Friday and Sunday half a day. 451 00:54:16.710 --> 00:54:36.630 Joseph Churgin: it's anticipated 90% of the students would arrive by bus and maybe 10% of them would be coming in a carpool or with with the Faculty but there's if you if you look at the site plan there's more than sufficient parking for what we're going to do we're going to be using. 452 00:54:37.890 --> 00:54:59.520 Joseph Churgin: A minuscule portion of the site for for parking facilities with 300 children if we said, all of them were going to be on a bus we'd be using five buses per deck so that's the amount of buses, that would come in and out of the facility per day on. 453 00:55:00.690 --> 00:55:14.880 Joseph Churgin: Maximum not not a minimum and a maximum so essentially they've outgrown their current facility, they would have loved to have been in there in September. 454 00:55:16.290 --> 00:55:28.200 Joseph Churgin: But they couldn't they needed a special permit and we don't have a special permit so therefore we're requesting that the the board, give us. 455 00:55:29.250 --> 00:55:37.890 Joseph Churgin: A variance from the moratorium, I understand the board sorry, can you give me the right to use the property we're going to go to the planning board after this. 456 00:55:38.280 --> 00:55:46.080 Joseph Churgin: To get the special permit all we're asking for here and everybody needs to understand that or ask you for here is to have the right. 457 00:55:46.800 --> 00:55:58.260 Joseph Churgin: To go and request a special permit from the planning board Now I know that that the village has adopted a new comprehensive plan. 458 00:55:58.800 --> 00:56:16.320 Joseph Churgin: And I understand that this district is it's part of the nine w corridor, and it would be important for the board to understand our use would fit in to that intended use. 459 00:56:17.400 --> 00:56:28.590 Joseph Churgin: For that plan that's just been adopted, so I think it's important to understand what's very close in the neighborhood to this property. 460 00:56:29.730 --> 00:56:38.070 Joseph Churgin: And that's how we would see that, how would this would fit in so we're right next to tonight high school my high school is not going anywhere. 461 00:56:38.970 --> 00:57:04.110 Joseph Churgin: it's an educational use, we have a reformed Jewish sure that's also essentially right next door that has been there for a long time and it's not going those are consistent uses with with the type of us that are my clients want to put to the property and to the extent that the village. 462 00:57:05.160 --> 00:57:20.520 Joseph Churgin: contemplated not nyack is cool and the shore it's the same or similar us, and therefore I don't see it as having any inconsistency with respect to. 463 00:57:21.360 --> 00:57:32.460 Joseph Churgin: What what what is there, what is the current use and what has been used for a while and what is the use of in the foreseeable future, so I do think it's it's entirely it's entirely consistent. 464 00:57:34.080 --> 00:57:52.740 Joseph Churgin: I just want to conclude my my remarks at this point by saying that this is a it's an educational use but it's also a religious use and under under New York State law and honestly under federal law religious uses are are given a preference. 465 00:57:53.970 --> 00:58:02.190 Joseph Churgin: When when they're in front of local boards, with respect to zoning and we're really not asking for. 466 00:58:02.700 --> 00:58:15.120 Joseph Churgin: Anything really special here, other than the right to go and request a special permit because, under your code can't use the property without a special permit so. 467 00:58:16.020 --> 00:58:30.600 Joseph Churgin: Basically, they they can't use the property so that that is essentially why where we're making this request at this time, you know if there are any questions i'd be very happy to answer them or get the information if I can't. 468 00:58:31.890 --> 00:58:42.390 Karen Tarapata: Thank you i'm i'm just curious you don't have have you reviewed the building department file, do you know what the existing approvals are for the for the building. 469 00:58:42.750 --> 00:58:57.420 Karen Tarapata: The use of, as I said, it has been a seminary building for many, many years right that so i'm just asking questions about the actual state of the building and it's the existing approvals for that building. 470 00:58:57.930 --> 00:59:16.590 Joseph Churgin: Well, the intention now is not to not to use the property necessarily for an office based used so if you're asking me, are we going to are we going to make the building safe yeah the building would be safe, before anybody would walk in. 471 00:59:18.750 --> 00:59:24.960 Joseph Churgin: I will, I will coordinate with the building inspector for sure my client will as well. 472 00:59:26.190 --> 00:59:26.940 Karen Tarapata: Once I get. 473 00:59:27.270 --> 00:59:41.820 Karen Tarapata: My hasn't happened right you're you haven't spoke, have you spoken to the building inspector or the village engineer about this i'm just i'm curious you know we're legislators we don't get involved in that very often and building department issues so i'm asking. 474 00:59:42.450 --> 00:59:45.360 Karen Tarapata: You is like question. 475 00:59:46.320 --> 00:59:56.370 Joseph Churgin: I understand, but like I said the application at this point is just for relief from the moratorium, so that we can apply. 476 00:59:58.020 --> 01:00:08.370 Joseph Churgin: Now, and I, and I know I know that what we're applying for is what was approved in the past or be it for a different religion. 477 01:00:09.270 --> 01:00:26.100 Karen Tarapata: Well, the question that I have because the, the issue of what religion is not It really is what if, if you have the what you wouldn't need me put this way I know you would need relief from the. 478 01:00:27.300 --> 01:00:33.570 Karen Tarapata: Nine w moratorium in order to come into apply for building permits or whatever. 479 01:00:33.570 --> 01:00:35.190 Karen Tarapata: To faith. 480 01:00:36.330 --> 01:00:37.380 Karen Tarapata: My question is. 481 01:00:38.400 --> 01:00:44.520 Karen Tarapata: What modifications are you asking about the 1994 special permit. 482 01:00:45.840 --> 01:00:48.750 Karen Tarapata: Because you have a special for you. 483 01:00:49.410 --> 01:00:51.690 Joseph Churgin: Know we're not we're not asking you for. 484 01:00:52.050 --> 01:00:56.820 Karen Tarapata: is familiar with the night Are you familiar with what's in the 1994 special. 485 01:00:57.720 --> 01:01:11.130 Joseph Churgin: Yes, I I have reviewed it, it was provided to us by nine college when my my clients purchase the property and essentially the type of use that in that special permit is what we're seeking to do. 486 01:01:12.090 --> 01:01:27.810 Karen Tarapata: What I want another reason i'm asking is I that that 1994 special use permit was for 118 seminary students from night college and we're talking here about a significant. 487 01:01:30.030 --> 01:01:33.990 Karen Tarapata: significantly more students and not. 488 01:01:35.130 --> 01:01:39.270 Karen Tarapata: A college age, students and that was the other thing i've been just i'm just asking the questions. 489 01:01:39.300 --> 01:01:40.530 Joseph Churgin: Because it isn't good. 490 01:01:42.930 --> 01:02:01.770 Karen Tarapata: But i'm just saying this is the first time I heard anything about the about six to 14 the information that was provided to us was for 250 college age students attending classes i'm just i'm only asking, because this is quite a different. 491 01:02:03.300 --> 01:02:13.020 Karen Tarapata: story than quite a different scenario there the that, then what we were presented with an initial application. 492 01:02:13.470 --> 01:02:35.520 Joseph Churgin: So the initial application was dated April 26 and and I understand that there's there are differences between college age kids and especially kids who were 6789 years old, there are different challenges there for sure, and different planning has to go into that but. 493 01:02:37.440 --> 01:02:39.630 Joseph Churgin: that's really a special permit issue. 494 01:02:42.270 --> 01:02:46.860 Karen Tarapata: Yes, and i'm saying I think you're good right, you are going to need a modification of your special permit. 495 01:02:46.890 --> 01:03:02.040 Karen Tarapata: Yes, permit currently is rhonda and 18 seminary students and i'm trying to clarify what where we're coming from because the US as we, as we know, it's been a seminary used for 50 years. 496 01:03:03.570 --> 01:03:04.770 Joseph Churgin: Yes, well look. 497 01:03:05.970 --> 01:03:13.080 Joseph Churgin: I don't believe that there's, although there are differences. 498 01:03:14.220 --> 01:03:19.590 Joseph Churgin: Between how you treat college age, students and how you treat. 499 01:03:20.730 --> 01:03:32.880 Joseph Churgin: school age students it's not a different use it's an educational use its classrooms and making this safe for them is a function of. 500 01:03:33.990 --> 01:03:47.130 Joseph Churgin: A the special permit and be much more than at the the the approval by the building inspector the building inspector is not going to let 300 school age students. 501 01:03:47.700 --> 01:04:01.410 Joseph Churgin: into a building that's not safe for them i'm not going to allow that that's that's not what we're seeking all we're seeking year is relief from your moratorium, so that we can go to step up and make the building safe. 502 01:04:03.570 --> 01:04:16.290 Karen Tarapata: I guess part of it, I i'm a little confused because I don't feel like without us, are you are you proposing changes to the actual site plan. 503 01:04:16.830 --> 01:04:18.900 Joseph Churgin: yeah I don't I don't believe it is. 504 01:04:19.410 --> 01:04:21.930 Karen Tarapata: very hard for us to know what what. 505 01:04:23.010 --> 01:04:39.030 Karen Tarapata: Possible permits, you might even need it, we don't are you, and is it the site plan which site plan are you there is a an approved 2010 site plan Are you familiar with, that the approved the currently approved site plan. 506 01:04:39.810 --> 01:04:44.220 Joseph Churgin: At this point in time there's no construction that's intended. 507 01:04:45.930 --> 01:04:47.760 Joseph Churgin: So we're going to live with what we have. 508 01:04:49.530 --> 01:04:56.130 Karen Tarapata: Right, so that but you're not familiar you don't you haven't reviewed the 2010 site plan. 509 01:04:56.790 --> 01:04:59.490 Joseph Churgin: At this point in time we're not making changes. 510 01:05:01.200 --> 01:05:02.940 Karen Tarapata: i'm just but you don't. 511 01:05:04.050 --> 01:05:10.200 Karen Tarapata: Knowing the site plan i'm just i'm just trying to be very, very clear as to what you might need to. 512 01:05:10.740 --> 01:05:17.340 Joseph Churgin: An older building is 52,000 square feet in their classrooms that that's essentially all we need to know. 513 01:05:18.720 --> 01:05:21.030 Joseph Churgin: To put 300 students in there safely. 514 01:05:23.010 --> 01:05:23.640 Karen Tarapata: All right. 515 01:05:24.780 --> 01:05:31.650 Karen Tarapata: Can you explain why you need the variance from the moratorium that will expire in May yeah. 516 01:05:31.680 --> 01:05:46.770 Joseph Churgin: yeah we wanted it we we purchased the property in January we haven't been able to use it at all, we have a a school that is outgrown its physical you know where it is now and. 517 01:05:47.820 --> 01:05:52.770 Joseph Churgin: that's why that's one of the reasons why this was bought and they need a place to go. 518 01:05:53.820 --> 01:06:03.060 Joseph Churgin: And to wait until May to first apply doesn't make it may that makes it July August. 519 01:06:05.010 --> 01:06:06.450 Karen Tarapata: that's that's reasonable. 520 01:06:07.770 --> 01:06:09.630 Karen Tarapata: i've just yeah i'm just curious. 521 01:06:11.070 --> 01:06:21.300 Karen Tarapata: You did purchase it in January, there was this special permit application in April that was with was withdrawn what happened with that this is the first I know of it. 522 01:06:22.680 --> 01:06:37.170 Joseph Churgin: We received a letter from the village saying we can't process your special permit application, because we have a moratorium so here, I am asking for relief from the moratorium. 523 01:06:38.010 --> 01:06:46.500 Karen Tarapata: Right i'm just curious because it was an April we were available to do the same process at that time. 524 01:06:47.730 --> 01:07:00.540 Karen Tarapata: I mean you, but there's always, whenever there's a moratorium is, of course, as you know, there's always a method for relief, but this was not pursued at that time i'm just I was just curious as to why that was. 525 01:07:01.740 --> 01:07:03.750 Joseph Churgin: there's no reason okay. 526 01:07:03.840 --> 01:07:05.460 John Stepanovich: Oh, how is that relevant. 527 01:07:06.390 --> 01:07:08.010 John Stepanovich: i'm sorry john. 528 01:07:08.520 --> 01:07:09.240 Karen Tarapata: Wait wait wait wait. 529 01:07:10.440 --> 01:07:12.240 Joseph Churgin: that's the other attorney does it work. 530 01:07:13.980 --> 01:07:15.720 John Stepanovich: relevant to the current application. 531 01:07:17.070 --> 01:07:35.070 Karen Tarapata: Oh, because that's the only information that I have about the use you're asking for relief from moratorium and i'm looking at this here, where it says 250 college age students attending classes i'm just right now i'm just trying to process the change from a. 532 01:07:36.180 --> 01:07:39.240 Karen Tarapata: college age students to an elementary and middle school. 533 01:07:39.480 --> 01:07:42.060 John Stepanovich: that's why it wasn't done back in. 534 01:07:42.390 --> 01:07:48.360 John Stepanovich: i'm sorry the question why something wasn't done back in April, how is that relevant to the issue you're pursuing. 535 01:07:48.840 --> 01:08:04.110 Noelle Wolfson: Or, this is Noel i'm consulting Council for it just goes to the the first element of the evaluation for the standard and where and the hardship and the timing, I think that's how it's related and it's just for the informational purposes, but I think that's where it falls into this analysis. 536 01:08:09.330 --> 01:08:10.260 Noelle Wolfson: I believe you're muted. 537 01:08:11.010 --> 01:08:16.650 John Stepanovich: I believe Mr chair guns answered that, but of course defer to matt America to see if she's satisfied with his answer. 538 01:08:17.940 --> 01:08:23.310 Karen Tarapata: Oh no i'm satisfied, I was just he said there wasn't a reason i'm just curious if there is. 539 01:08:24.120 --> 01:08:24.600 Dennis Letson: A. 540 01:08:24.780 --> 01:08:25.320 If they're. 541 01:08:27.600 --> 01:08:35.880 Karen Tarapata: If there's a need to move ahead very rapidly, I was curious the gap between April and October that's all i'm just trying to understand. 542 01:08:36.690 --> 01:08:39.510 Joseph Churgin: But also the more important was extended now again so. 543 01:08:39.510 --> 01:08:47.970 Joseph Churgin: May you know, at one point, we thought the moratorium was going to end in November, I think that is essentially what happened, the moratorium got extended. 544 01:08:48.660 --> 01:08:51.600 Karen Tarapata: it's true, that is true, more time was extended. 545 01:08:52.680 --> 01:09:03.990 Karen Tarapata: Now, can you explain, can you elaborate on your timeline for of making the improvements or modifications to the school to bring it back the building to MIT bring it back as a school. 546 01:09:04.980 --> 01:09:12.660 Joseph Churgin: Well, again I at this point, this is not they're not planning on making modifications and if they if they had to. 547 01:09:13.770 --> 01:09:18.600 Joseph Churgin: They would have to submit plans to the building inspector get his approval. 548 01:09:19.620 --> 01:09:20.040 Joseph Churgin: And then. 549 01:09:20.130 --> 01:09:20.580 Noelle Wolfson: And then go. 550 01:09:21.060 --> 01:09:35.490 Joseph Churgin: Go bill, but the intention, honestly, the intention is to be in there as soon as possible, they wanted like I said they wanted to be in there for this school year and that's not happening, maybe they could be in there for the second half of this school year. 551 01:09:37.320 --> 01:09:42.390 Joseph Churgin: You know if we first started in may be questionable, if I can be in there for the next school year. 552 01:09:42.960 --> 01:09:51.960 Noelle Wolfson: Right, this is no elegant I think the question was also sort of direct about when you think you may be in a position to make the application to the planning board for the special permits like plan approved. 553 01:09:51.960 --> 01:09:57.510 Joseph Churgin: Oh, it as soon as as soon as the more it's more of his lifted will be finally an application. 554 01:10:00.420 --> 01:10:07.860 Karen Tarapata: And I see that our consulting engineer Dennis Watson has his hand up Dennis to you have something you would like to say. 555 01:10:09.810 --> 01:10:21.150 Dennis Letson: yeah Thank you mayor, not to work for your flight fly in the ointment here, but the bottom line is, this is a relief for a completely new application. 556 01:10:22.500 --> 01:10:23.220 Dennis Letson: The. 557 01:10:26.280 --> 01:10:26.880 Dennis Letson: Section. 558 01:10:30.660 --> 01:10:31.110 Dennis Letson: i'm sorry. 559 01:10:32.880 --> 01:10:33.240 Karen Tarapata: yeah. 560 01:10:34.620 --> 01:10:53.880 Dennis Letson: specifies that the special use permit excuses for if you use ceases for more than six consecutive months the special permit evaporates so any reference to the 94 special permit at this point is moot that permit no longer exists. 561 01:10:54.600 --> 01:11:09.030 Karen Tarapata: Then so NUTS you're correct, I think that when we did the 2008 special permit law that any special permits pre existing that date, are still in effect as well, would you like to weigh in on that. 562 01:11:13.350 --> 01:11:25.470 Noelle Wolfson: Yes, the exploration was first and acted in 2008 so the permit you know is confined to what it permits on its face, but it is not subject to that renewal section right. 563 01:11:25.500 --> 01:11:34.500 Karen Tarapata: And with it with the change in the number of students, in the end, the US from Seminary to elementary school, do you think I mean just. 564 01:11:35.100 --> 01:11:45.990 Karen Tarapata: Obviously there's something something that we're going to have to look into that's a quite a change from that 1994 special permit Dennis maybe right I don't know. 565 01:11:46.770 --> 01:12:01.080 Dennis Letson: Well then, in addition, I mean, I have a couple of review memos regarding the special permit for alliance theological seminary and maybe if Mr pfaff is still on he can elucidate a little bit. 566 01:12:03.180 --> 01:12:04.350 Dennis Letson: They were in in. 567 01:12:06.510 --> 01:12:13.230 Dennis Letson: For a renewal on that special permit I don't know whether that was ever perfected and special permit reissued. 568 01:12:16.410 --> 01:12:21.330 Karen Tarapata: I do not believe it was it's not, I believe that that was about that. 569 01:12:22.590 --> 01:12:29.910 Karen Tarapata: i'm not sure i'm not sure if there was there is no special permit in place beyond the 1994, to my knowledge. 570 01:12:33.150 --> 01:12:38.010 WILLIAM PFAFF: I Dennis, so this is no fact I think you asked me to. 571 01:12:39.390 --> 01:12:40.020 WILLIAM PFAFF: China. 572 01:12:40.290 --> 01:12:46.560 Dennis Letson: To see as you recall, was was that permit ever perfected in that application in 2013 bill. 573 01:12:47.670 --> 01:12:48.540 WILLIAM PFAFF: You know I. 574 01:12:49.620 --> 01:13:03.450 WILLIAM PFAFF: I have to say um I don't remember at this point time I think I have to go back into the file, you know, I guess, as you know, maybe you were too and we'll just we'll just have to review that but off the top of my head I don't recollect. 575 01:13:04.950 --> 01:13:09.270 Noelle Wolfson: just want to just for the applicants say Mr pfaff is the planning board chairman. 576 01:13:11.520 --> 01:13:12.570 Joseph Churgin: I appreciate that Thank you. 577 01:13:16.590 --> 01:13:17.010 WILLIAM PFAFF: know. 578 01:13:18.120 --> 01:13:28.050 Karen Tarapata: The last certificate of occupancy was in that 2013 for the conversion of basement storage area to a psychology classroom. 579 01:13:29.130 --> 01:13:43.560 Karen Tarapata: So, but as far as the condition of the rest of building yeah that's that's a good question I do I do understand this to target that you were then asking for relief to make an application for a special use permit. 580 01:13:44.640 --> 01:13:52.140 Karen Tarapata: I think that perhaps the 1994 premier would require modifications so that would be. 581 01:13:53.880 --> 01:13:55.230 Karen Tarapata: A special use permit. 582 01:13:56.400 --> 01:14:02.940 Karen Tarapata: Application I wasn't certain you can even needing a special permit that's why I have all the reason why i'm pursuing this. 583 01:14:04.950 --> 01:14:05.760 Karen Tarapata: All right. 584 01:14:07.320 --> 01:14:26.370 Karen Tarapata: you're saying that you don't think there would be any problems with traffic on the site and the number of buses, I know that this has been conferred it all with the Department of Transportation because I know that this high school has just changed their. 585 01:14:28.920 --> 01:14:53.280 Karen Tarapata: exit strategy, they have a new parking lot and exit on to nine w from their southern most border and there's going to be a traffic light there there's a lot of traffic issues have you done any diligence on the traffic yet, or is this really just in the preliminary stages. 586 01:14:54.330 --> 01:15:05.490 Joseph Churgin: As it is in the preliminary stages, but I the the the numbers we're talking about and i'm not an engineer i'm not trying to play one, but the numbers, we are talking about are not. 587 01:15:06.120 --> 01:15:14.400 Joseph Churgin: Nothing that really concerns us, but it will be part of the of the process for for the special permit for sure. 588 01:15:16.920 --> 01:15:25.440 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so also there, do you know of any i'm just thinking of things on the site themselves to know from the. 589 01:15:26.460 --> 01:15:34.290 Karen Tarapata: site plan about any stormwater management facilities on the property and their condition, because I. 590 01:15:34.560 --> 01:15:35.040 Joseph Churgin: Do not. 591 01:15:35.310 --> 01:15:42.150 Joseph Churgin: I do not, I do not, but obviously they would, if they were not working properly, they would have to be repaired. 592 01:15:44.190 --> 01:15:54.960 Karen Tarapata: Okay yeah the it so there's at this time you're not anticipating any changes to the site plan or the exterior. 593 01:15:57.180 --> 01:16:10.890 Karen Tarapata: Parts of the building, because I have a note here about site disturbance the property is very constrained by it steep slopes so disturbance becomes part of the the revision of the site plan. 594 01:16:11.790 --> 01:16:18.330 Joseph Churgin: it's not anticipated that they're going to add any infrastructure at all nope no building and no. 595 01:16:19.440 --> 01:16:20.010 Joseph Churgin: blacktop. 596 01:16:26.190 --> 01:16:26.760 Okay. 597 01:16:30.000 --> 01:16:38.070 Karen Tarapata: Well, I think it's it's very difficult, I know this is something that i've spoken about on other issues with the. 598 01:16:40.110 --> 01:16:43.380 Karen Tarapata: Planning board Chairman it's very difficult for us to. 599 01:16:46.830 --> 01:16:56.640 Karen Tarapata: really understand your project without more specific plans right now it's just It appears that you are. 600 01:16:59.850 --> 01:17:07.680 Karen Tarapata: just talking about interior renovations and upgrades to make it appropriate for school use. 601 01:17:09.240 --> 01:17:10.380 Karen Tarapata: Is that correct. 602 01:17:10.860 --> 01:17:12.420 Joseph Churgin: That is correct that's what i'm saying. 603 01:17:13.950 --> 01:17:14.670 Right. 604 01:17:16.470 --> 01:17:24.360 Karen Tarapata: Okay, well, I think, is there anything else any other members of the board or our consultants would they like to ask. 605 01:17:25.590 --> 01:17:38.400 Karen Tarapata: A Member members of the public will have the opportunity to speak after the presentation, but currently i'm just asking for members of the board and members of our consulting firms. 606 01:17:39.420 --> 01:17:41.010 Karen Tarapata: Do you have any additional questions. 607 01:17:45.060 --> 01:17:51.930 Laurie Dodge: um this is lori I guess I I just I appreciate that it's for an educational and or religious use. 608 01:17:52.230 --> 01:18:00.330 Laurie Dodge: The building really hasn't been used very much in the last few years and there's been development around the building, so I just be concerned about. 609 01:18:00.780 --> 01:18:20.100 Laurie Dodge: The traffic issues 300 children versus the original to 25 or I can't I read the documents I can't remember the original number of children that you said would be on site, the age of the children as Karen pointed out the new. 610 01:18:21.120 --> 01:18:32.550 Laurie Dodge: entrance or exit for the high school so It just seems that there'll be a lot more activity than there has been in the recent past, which. 611 01:18:34.410 --> 01:18:39.210 Laurie Dodge: You know, at some point would be accommodated by different studies that she would do. 612 01:18:39.210 --> 01:18:39.420 and 613 01:18:40.710 --> 01:18:52.110 Laurie Dodge: Potential modifications to entrances or exits or whatever would need to be done that's not really my purview I feel as though in the past when we've offered relief it's been very clear. 614 01:18:53.700 --> 01:19:09.870 Laurie Dodge: The relief we've offered has there's been a continuous use of a site, so it had we haven't had to stretch to imagine like okay well what would this look like at this point in time, with this new group using it for the same purpose, I appreciate again you're using it for education religion. 615 01:19:11.160 --> 01:19:23.970 Laurie Dodge: So those are those are just my comments I don't feel as as Karen said I don't feel like I have a really strong understanding about what exactly you're going to do, yes, bringing in 300 children, but how that would actually affect. 616 01:19:25.020 --> 01:19:38.340 Laurie Dodge: That space on the nine w corridor not really sure, and again the the relief that we've offered in the past it's been pretty clear because there's been a consistent use over time so that would be my. 617 01:19:38.910 --> 01:19:49.500 Laurie Dodge: That would be my comment no well if I if I didn't because she's been on these calls to if i'm if I didn't explain that correctly or if I said something that wasn't. 618 01:19:51.000 --> 01:19:56.820 Laurie Dodge: It didn't make any sense, please feel free from a land use person's perspective, no. 619 01:19:57.900 --> 01:20:00.660 Noelle Wolfson: I don't have anything to add to what you just said um. 620 01:20:03.390 --> 01:20:07.530 Karen Tarapata: Is there anything any other members of the board or consultants bill or. 621 01:20:07.560 --> 01:20:10.770 Karen Tarapata: dentists that you'd like to ask at this time. 622 01:20:12.120 --> 01:20:17.250 sylviajeff: At this time, but I am interested in hearing what other people might have to say, based on this. 623 01:20:19.260 --> 01:20:31.260 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so I think at this point we're going to open this to comments from the public i'm going to ask people to remember that comments. 624 01:20:31.440 --> 01:20:33.330 Karen Tarapata: should be absolutely above. 625 01:20:33.390 --> 01:20:35.010 Karen Tarapata: The matter at hand. 626 01:20:36.090 --> 01:20:40.260 Karen Tarapata: And that i'm going to ask people to limit their comments to. 627 01:20:41.790 --> 01:21:00.840 Karen Tarapata: Based on our understanding that we don't have yet a site plan for a solid proposal, but I would, so I would say first i'm going to ask people who are on the zoom call who wish to speak to raise their hand and then I will you want, who is on the phone will have to be unmuted. 628 01:21:03.060 --> 01:21:07.020 Karen Tarapata: heather unmute anyone who would wish to speak at this time. 629 01:21:14.190 --> 01:21:15.270 Karen Tarapata: Okay heather. 630 01:21:17.610 --> 01:21:18.840 Just choose someone. 631 01:21:21.660 --> 01:21:24.570 Karen Tarapata: Please identify yourself before you begin to speak. 632 01:21:28.260 --> 01:21:30.150 James Marshall: hello, yes. 633 01:21:31.680 --> 01:21:32.460 James Marshall: Can you hear me. 634 01:21:32.970 --> 01:21:33.690 Karen Tarapata: Yes, I can. 635 01:21:34.320 --> 01:21:42.240 James Marshall: Okay, all right good, good evening, and thank you, my name is James Marshall i'm actually on the NIH public school board. 636 01:21:43.290 --> 01:21:56.910 James Marshall: And so the mentioned with regard to the new entrance and the adjacent to the high school and the sloping while it may not be a concern to the new owner. 637 01:21:57.840 --> 01:22:05.580 James Marshall: It might be a concern to the public, school system, and so I think that needs to be ascertained. 638 01:22:06.390 --> 01:22:18.540 James Marshall: Because you know you're just hearing about that we're not concerned that's what I heard you know about that, but that is going to be highly impactful, especially for the reason that you cited earlier. 639 01:22:19.680 --> 01:22:41.220 James Marshall: The district of obtain that property recently they're going to parking lot it and you know, moving from 250 to 300 is a big difference, so you know i'm very, very concerned about that and actually i'm very, very concerned about once the temporary moratorium or the variances granted. 640 01:22:42.300 --> 01:22:49.320 James Marshall: What assurances are would there be in terms of bringing it up to code. 641 01:22:50.370 --> 01:22:58.380 James Marshall: And all of that type of thing, and I think it's a well known fact that the recent purchase of a college. 642 01:22:59.910 --> 01:23:13.440 James Marshall: Over on South boulevard I was there was concerned about code issues about that and it ended up in litigation, so I just I just have more concerns about post granting. 643 01:23:13.980 --> 01:23:25.290 James Marshall: Of the various i'm real concerns about the adjacent see to the highest go without further study on by the do T on the traffic impact that's my comment. 644 01:23:26.160 --> 01:23:26.790 Thank you. 645 01:23:28.230 --> 01:23:35.130 Karen Tarapata: Well, of course, health, safety, welfare is our I think Mr Sherman agree with me that's our number one. 646 01:23:36.330 --> 01:23:38.670 Karen Tarapata: Priority, particularly in with our children. 647 01:23:39.990 --> 01:23:43.920 Karen Tarapata: With some who else would like to speak on the matter, please identify yourself. 648 01:23:45.870 --> 01:23:48.180 Peskas: hi my name is Danny thought Tesco and. 649 01:23:49.500 --> 01:24:01.140 Peskas: I live in the area just another resident with young children in the area and pretty much with Mr Marshall said, is what I had on my mind, due to the fact that there were some. 650 01:24:03.150 --> 01:24:17.100 Peskas: issues with opinions building and i'm not sure that was intended to so it's a little bit hard to imagine that this is going to be different, I was also looking for assurances that it is going to be the France. 651 01:24:18.150 --> 01:24:33.450 Peskas: specific examples or basically just a concern for the current residents concerns for the children's safety and just basically the accountability of what is required from everybody is done. 652 01:24:38.580 --> 01:24:40.560 Karen Tarapata: Yes, so who else would like to speak. 653 01:24:46.020 --> 01:24:53.880 Karen Tarapata: Either do we have anyone else with their hand up or Is there anyone oh Is there anyone on the phone who would like to unmute and speak at this time. 654 01:24:59.580 --> 01:25:00.180 Karen Tarapata: All right. 655 01:25:01.350 --> 01:25:02.040 Karen Tarapata: I think. 656 01:25:03.510 --> 01:25:04.500 Karen Tarapata: I think that. 657 01:25:07.470 --> 01:25:08.430 Karen Tarapata: Oh speaking. 658 01:25:09.030 --> 01:25:11.250 Glenna Marra: i'm my name is plan a mirror. 659 01:25:13.020 --> 01:25:15.090 Glenna Marra: In my name is Glenda Mera. 660 01:25:15.540 --> 01:25:19.500 Glenna Marra: yeah i'm an I was an elementary school teacher. 661 01:25:20.670 --> 01:25:32.250 Glenna Marra: i'm concerned the age of the children, the suitability of that land mass I can see where it might work for a college student as had. 662 01:25:34.380 --> 01:25:39.450 Glenna Marra: been there, prior to this but six to 14 year old children. 663 01:25:40.950 --> 01:25:43.200 Glenna Marra: What kind of facilities are going to be. 664 01:25:44.820 --> 01:25:59.970 Glenna Marra: managed for sexual and also the playground facilities, the cafeterias I mean the age range or six to 14 is incredibly different than a college. 665 01:26:01.800 --> 01:26:07.320 Glenna Marra: Population so that concerns me for the quality for the children that would be brought in there. 666 01:26:09.660 --> 01:26:29.010 Glenna Marra: I just don't and I also wondering about whether or not the New York Department of Education is being consulted about this and I think they do have some say in curriculum in schools, so I think these sorts of things have to be. 667 01:26:30.210 --> 01:26:34.110 Glenna Marra: This is a very big impact it's not just about building for. 668 01:26:35.550 --> 01:26:39.360 Glenna Marra: You know, for for college students or for business even. 669 01:26:40.650 --> 01:26:49.770 Glenna Marra: And that's just the way I feel it's on a very large a very steep slope i've been up there, a couple times but that's my concern. 670 01:26:51.630 --> 01:26:56.400 Karen Tarapata: I think that's legitimate playground and cafeteria notice definitely. 671 01:26:57.510 --> 01:27:02.190 Karen Tarapata: But that's part of the planning process to Is there anyone else would like to speak this evening. 672 01:27:05.550 --> 01:27:05.970 James Marshall: Hello. 673 01:27:07.110 --> 01:27:18.030 James Marshall: Yes, hi this is Mr Marshall again and I, and you know, being part of education, not only do I concur with what the previous speaker was saying, the. 674 01:27:18.960 --> 01:27:29.040 James Marshall: Like I said I live very close to the NIH campus and that was that was approved and zoned and given a variance for school and is currently operating as a school. 675 01:27:30.390 --> 01:27:37.620 James Marshall: In but from what i've seen and i'm not allowed to photograph anything it's a school for a certain age of. 676 01:27:38.790 --> 01:27:39.960 James Marshall: Young people. 677 01:27:41.070 --> 01:27:48.390 James Marshall: To go to school, you know from let's say 32 to three and afternoon, but in my. 678 01:27:50.100 --> 01:27:56.040 James Marshall: cursory drives through the property i'm seeing families. 679 01:27:57.150 --> 01:28:02.940 James Marshall: Children young children as as little as three years old and i'm just concerned about. 680 01:28:04.290 --> 01:28:17.100 James Marshall: What happens after the fact, I mean you're saying that you're going to be a school or elementary tip that's great that's wonderful, but it's not should be a dorm I don't concern because that's what happened with the purchase of the recent. 681 01:28:18.030 --> 01:28:23.190 James Marshall: So i'm just concerned that, and I think that I think it needs to be vetted more properly. 682 01:28:25.260 --> 01:28:26.640 Karen Tarapata: I believe in. 683 01:28:27.780 --> 01:28:46.440 Karen Tarapata: The application, there was no dormitory use, I think this is a very different, I think Mr Chairman, would say, this is a different situation than nine college, but, of course, those are These are all issues that require investigate you know require consideration. 684 01:28:47.160 --> 01:28:50.970 Joseph Churgin: there's no dormitory aspect to this little. 685 01:28:54.900 --> 01:29:00.180 Laurie Dodge: Karen there are a couple of people who have their hands raised surely Fox and someone named Lee. 686 01:29:01.170 --> 01:29:04.500 Karen Tarapata: Yes, heather can you unmute someone please. 687 01:29:06.120 --> 01:29:09.150 Village Clerk: i'm unmuted but they have to unmute them self charlie's on. 688 01:29:09.990 --> 01:29:10.680 Karen Tarapata: Oh, here we go. 689 01:29:10.740 --> 01:29:12.660 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, yes, surely. 690 01:29:13.440 --> 01:29:20.160 shirley Fox: Yes, good evening members of the trustees and mayor terrapin. 691 01:29:21.600 --> 01:29:22.260 shirley Fox: i'm. 692 01:29:24.570 --> 01:29:26.640 shirley Fox: i'm also I was an educator for. 693 01:29:26.910 --> 01:29:32.610 shirley Fox: Many years over 30 years for special education students of all ages and. 694 01:29:33.660 --> 01:29:42.630 shirley Fox: I know for a fact that young children need a different environment and a different kind of building in college students do. 695 01:29:43.740 --> 01:29:54.660 shirley Fox: Just the bathroom facilities in that building are not suitable for six year olds or even seven or eight year olds. 696 01:29:55.290 --> 01:30:09.420 shirley Fox: So I mean I haven't been through the building, but if the building was originally planned for college students, I think that just the bathroom facilities would be inadequate for children of that age um. 697 01:30:10.380 --> 01:30:18.000 shirley Fox: The other thing that I have concerns about is um this building will be used, it sounds like seven days a week. 698 01:30:18.930 --> 01:30:20.520 Joseph Churgin: X pix. 699 01:30:22.260 --> 01:30:34.020 shirley Fox: Well, it says fried from Monday through Thursday Oh, except for Saturday yeah so it's six days a week, and I don't know what the use was for the College if that was also the US. 700 01:30:35.520 --> 01:30:37.530 shirley Fox: But it just because. 701 01:30:39.030 --> 01:30:54.360 shirley Fox: Of that there's a lot of also if the building hasn't been used in a long time and we don't know what the condition of the building is and we're not even sure if it would be safe for children to be in the building at this point, it seems to me that there's. 702 01:30:55.950 --> 01:31:01.050 shirley Fox: A rush to get into the building without it being without it being. 703 01:31:02.280 --> 01:31:06.570 shirley Fox: renovated or constructed in a way that would be safe for the children. 704 01:31:08.160 --> 01:31:09.570 shirley Fox: I also um. 705 01:31:12.420 --> 01:31:16.140 shirley Fox: I had some other questions, but I think i'll at this point. 706 01:31:18.600 --> 01:31:20.880 shirley Fox: i'll hold them more for another time, thank you. 707 01:31:21.480 --> 01:31:21.840 Okay. 708 01:31:23.010 --> 01:31:44.130 Karen Tarapata: Thank you we're trying to keep this very much to the question of the granting of a waiver to apply for a special use permit and, in that you know in that process and more you can correct me if i'm wrong in the process of applying for a special permit. 709 01:31:45.450 --> 01:31:49.440 Karen Tarapata: Many things are outlined about what is appropriate and not appropriate. 710 01:31:50.490 --> 01:31:53.130 Karen Tarapata: yeah yeah the particular use if that right. 711 01:31:53.700 --> 01:31:59.010 Noelle Wolfson: sure there are special permit criteria that would be considered in the application for the permit. 712 01:31:59.340 --> 01:32:04.200 Noelle Wolfson: or special permits in the village also require site plan approval, so the site plan were to be reviewed. 713 01:32:04.500 --> 01:32:12.000 Noelle Wolfson: And we review things I mean the plant or does not review things like curriculum that's not something that's within the planning wars purview, but it will review the traffic circulation. 714 01:32:12.270 --> 01:32:24.210 Noelle Wolfson: The circulation of buses through the parking area stormwater management site disturbance building expansions the building department will be building code issues So these are all the types of things that the land use sports consider. 715 01:32:25.980 --> 01:32:26.280 Karen Tarapata: All right. 716 01:32:27.450 --> 01:32:29.580 Karen Tarapata: Now, who else has their hand up. 717 01:32:30.840 --> 01:32:31.920 Village Clerk: We have Lena. 718 01:32:34.860 --> 01:32:40.260 Lee: Thank you very much for the opportunity to comment, my name is Lee Walker and i'm a resident. 719 01:32:40.770 --> 01:32:51.750 Lee: Just across the street from the property and so, as others have said, my main concern is the documentation says 250 college students. 720 01:32:52.200 --> 01:33:01.710 Lee: And the change to 300 younger age students does concern me on top of the traffic that we see from the high school already. 721 01:33:02.160 --> 01:33:17.580 Lee: So in addition to what happens on the property obviously affects us from just a drainage stormwater we're right below that so I just wanted to register that concern as a resident, and thank you. 722 01:33:20.580 --> 01:33:21.540 And next. 723 01:33:25.320 --> 01:33:27.750 Karen Tarapata: I do see that Henry mineral. 724 01:33:28.020 --> 01:33:30.930 henry minnerop: As head yes Okay, can you hear me. 725 01:33:31.530 --> 01:33:33.060 Karen Tarapata: Yes, I can okay. 726 01:33:33.540 --> 01:33:54.810 henry minnerop: As I understand it, does he really work is not going to decide any substantive matter, but simply the petitioner wishes to make applications and once they are made they're going to be considered, or you know as soon to whatever criteria and merits that may come into play so right. 727 01:33:55.710 --> 01:33:56.610 Karen Tarapata: That is correct. 728 01:33:56.760 --> 01:34:04.770 henry minnerop: So, today, is simply they just wish Dr relief from the temporary moratorium that's in effect because of the pandemic correct. 729 01:34:06.180 --> 01:34:14.340 Karen Tarapata: Yes, with within the criteria that have to be addressed within with the three of standards. 730 01:34:14.640 --> 01:34:15.270 henry minnerop: yeah yeah. 731 01:34:15.750 --> 01:34:26.550 Karen Tarapata: I mean that that is what that is the issue at hand here is really from a moratorium in order to be able to bring an application to arlington. 732 01:34:26.760 --> 01:34:36.420 Noelle Wolfson: Sports yeah I one thing sorry I don't mean to interrupt you, but it's not because of the pandemic it's big it's not related to the pandemic it's related to the comprehensive planning zoning and. 733 01:34:36.420 --> 01:34:46.680 henry minnerop: Okay Okay, thank you for clarifying but my point is simply this assuming they meet the criteria for getting getting a various to make an application. 734 01:34:47.130 --> 01:34:59.700 henry minnerop: Whatever application they might make will then be considered on the merits right absolutely so that so we're basically deciding the procedural matter rather than anything of substance. 735 01:35:01.710 --> 01:35:10.500 Karen Tarapata: Except that we have to be very because we, we have a process, yes, luckily, it is substantive in that we. 736 01:35:11.550 --> 01:35:21.660 Karen Tarapata: Put the moratorium on in order to give ourselves the opportunity to take a hard look at our current zoning codes. 737 01:35:22.110 --> 01:35:39.240 Karen Tarapata: And so we asked that no new applications be made in the areas that we are where we are making some changes, you know along nine w we are combining the laboratory office and the Office business district into one nine w word or. 738 01:35:40.290 --> 01:35:41.010 Karen Tarapata: district. 739 01:35:42.690 --> 01:35:53.040 Karen Tarapata: that's the reason for the moratorium moratorium was to give the committee's time to propose new or modified laws. 740 01:35:54.000 --> 01:36:17.220 Karen Tarapata: So to grant a waiver from that moratorium is to to say that we think this application would be completely acceptable to the new zoning code update Is that correct Noel and my my stating this clearly. 741 01:36:18.030 --> 01:36:32.040 Noelle Wolfson: sure that the purpose of the moratorium is to pause land use applications, while the village considers that a comprehensive plan and the implementing zone was the more the moratorium relief is so that applicants who face hardship from the pause in that. 742 01:36:32.430 --> 01:36:36.690 Noelle Wolfson: In that process can seek relief and to forward their applications. 743 01:36:36.990 --> 01:36:49.170 Noelle Wolfson: And the things that we asked during that process are, why is it what you know what's your hardship that requires you to have your relief granted now or consider now and not at the end of the moratorium. 744 01:36:49.830 --> 01:37:03.390 Noelle Wolfson: Number two the consistency with the health, safety and welfare of the village, and then the consistency with the comprehensive plan, because the whole point is to not have uses establish that are completely contrary to the country comprehensive plan and it's implementing zoning. 745 01:37:04.200 --> 01:37:16.530 Karen Tarapata: And I call it the comprehensive plan allows educational use and religious uses and also that is so that that's not that is not the issue, the issue is really. 746 01:37:17.880 --> 01:37:19.260 Karen Tarapata: More what is. 747 01:37:21.420 --> 01:37:29.790 Karen Tarapata: it's interesting that we're being asked to provide relief when the applicant has not reviewed. 748 01:37:30.840 --> 01:37:42.210 Karen Tarapata: The existing approvals and has not conferred with our building department our building inspector village engineer. 749 01:37:42.810 --> 01:37:56.940 Karen Tarapata: Or the Department of you know they haven't done other things that could advance their plan, even during the moratorium, because we are all aware, as I know, Mr chicken is. 750 01:37:57.450 --> 01:38:13.170 Karen Tarapata: That educational and religious uses are allowed in all zones, the question really is it have they done the due diligence to be granted this waiver at this time, no would you would you weigh in on that. 751 01:38:14.910 --> 01:38:23.070 Noelle Wolfson: sure that goes to the plan and unnecessary hardship, you know zoning law will have use and bulk regulations that will be changes in use in bulk. 752 01:38:23.400 --> 01:38:35.430 Noelle Wolfson: And I think you know we've had several applications for various flavors I think a lot of people try to TEE up their planning board application have their plans submitted and so that's what the Board is used to seeing is. 753 01:38:36.150 --> 01:38:40.650 Noelle Wolfson: Is a new plan a site plan for the planning board to review as part of these applications. 754 01:38:42.720 --> 01:38:55.290 Karen Tarapata: So is the question is, is that is the moratorium relief necessary for the applicant to prepare their proposed. 755 01:38:56.610 --> 01:38:57.360 plan. 756 01:38:58.530 --> 01:39:05.700 Karen Tarapata: One more what would be possible let's put it this way, let me rephrase it what would be possible for the applicant to do. 757 01:39:06.960 --> 01:39:09.930 Karen Tarapata: Prior to getting waver from the moratorium. 758 01:39:10.410 --> 01:39:16.500 Noelle Wolfson: Sure, so the applicant can't see any of the approvals without the moratorium waiver that's the moratorium. 759 01:39:16.770 --> 01:39:22.830 Noelle Wolfson: um I think what applicants in the past have done was had their site plan prepared that they're going to present to the planning board. 760 01:39:23.160 --> 01:39:27.810 Noelle Wolfson: Because you need cycling approval, along with a special permit so that it's all teed up so that. 761 01:39:28.110 --> 01:39:37.140 Noelle Wolfson: The scope of the site plan that is being present that will be presented to the planning Board was before the board of trustees so that the board of trustees could understand exactly what it's granting a waiver for. 762 01:39:38.460 --> 01:39:47.490 Noelle Wolfson: So so that's what past applicants have had their site plan kind of prepared so you can do that preparatory work introductory meetings with the village engineer with the building inspector. 763 01:39:47.970 --> 01:39:56.130 Noelle Wolfson: Work you know have have a review of the file have your plans prepared and presented to the board of trustees that that's a typical course that applicants have. 764 01:39:58.890 --> 01:40:00.030 Karen Tarapata: I think that's yeah. 765 01:40:01.800 --> 01:40:04.110 Karen Tarapata: Because we're not you know. 766 01:40:07.200 --> 01:40:09.570 Karen Tarapata: we're really trying to make it. 767 01:40:11.520 --> 01:40:29.340 Karen Tarapata: most efficient for the applicant themselves taking some notes we're trying to make this efficient for the applicant is that what they bring is ready to be looked at and approved and guess what i'm hearing tonight, there really hasn't been any real. 768 01:40:30.690 --> 01:40:35.910 Karen Tarapata: thought as to what is going to be required to bring this building back online. 769 01:40:38.070 --> 01:40:45.870 Joseph Churgin: Oh, I differ with with with with the last statement was I don't agree with that I. 770 01:40:46.920 --> 01:40:59.190 Joseph Churgin: I don't think it's a requirement that the applications for site plan and special permit be completed and submitted before. 771 01:41:00.240 --> 01:41:10.590 Joseph Churgin: This stage, I do I do recognize the fact that what i'm asking you for today is different. 772 01:41:12.210 --> 01:41:26.880 Joseph Churgin: somewhat from what we put in our application for the special permit in April I do recognize that, and if it would clarify if it would help the board to understand. 773 01:41:27.930 --> 01:41:32.100 Joseph Churgin: I would agree to adjourn this. 774 01:41:33.660 --> 01:41:44.460 Joseph Churgin: so that we could submit something to clarify but i'm not intending on putting in the entire site, you know site plan and. 775 01:41:45.090 --> 01:42:00.060 Joseph Churgin: and special permit application for sure they're there and I think recognize that there's documentation that we could provide, which would make your job I don't wanna say easier, but more clear, is there a way to do it so. 776 01:42:01.260 --> 01:42:01.710 Joseph Churgin: I think. 777 01:42:04.620 --> 01:42:16.530 Karen Tarapata: Yes, that could be very helpful because what we were what we had in our packet is not what what you're really asking for the relief, I think it might be very. 778 01:42:17.520 --> 01:42:32.280 Karen Tarapata: helpful to the board if we were to adjourn this and for you to present us with a better idea of what this next what's your elementary school or bills, but your your. 779 01:42:32.310 --> 01:42:33.570 Joseph Churgin: plan is going to be. 780 01:42:34.290 --> 01:42:43.080 Karen Tarapata: We know that we know that there are you know, as I keep saying, educational and religious users are allowed and all zones, we just want to know what it is that you're proposing. 781 01:42:44.640 --> 01:42:54.150 Joseph Churgin: I think for sure and Meta narrative is is you know appropriate you shouldn't you should have in writing, not just me talking to you. 782 01:42:55.320 --> 01:43:02.130 Joseph Churgin: And, and we can probably put a schedule together that would make you more comfortable. 783 01:43:03.090 --> 01:43:07.920 Karen Tarapata: That would be very helpful and you know you can access the building department. 784 01:43:09.270 --> 01:43:22.110 Karen Tarapata: anytime to see what's what's already been approved and what's there and what might what you might be facing in terms of getting the building up you know back on and ready for us okay. 785 01:43:22.470 --> 01:43:22.950 Joseph Churgin: that's fair. 786 01:43:24.720 --> 01:43:30.330 Karen Tarapata: so well, what do we need to do to adjourn this to our next regular. 787 01:43:31.050 --> 01:43:34.590 sylviajeff: mayor think there was still want to comment. 788 01:43:35.010 --> 01:43:35.610 Village Clerk: Right so. 789 01:43:35.640 --> 01:43:36.840 Village Clerk: There are two. 790 01:43:37.410 --> 01:43:38.820 Karen Tarapata: I can't see that together. 791 01:43:38.820 --> 01:43:40.260 sylviajeff: So surely fox. 792 01:43:40.320 --> 01:43:42.300 sylviajeff: and G Kramer. 793 01:43:46.140 --> 01:43:46.350 sylviajeff: and 794 01:43:46.830 --> 01:43:47.340 yeah. 795 01:43:48.450 --> 01:43:57.600 shirley Fox: I had a question I didn't understand what you meant by that all educational and religious schools are allowed in all zones in the village. 796 01:43:58.710 --> 01:44:00.450 Karen Tarapata: i'm going to defer this to Noel. 797 01:44:02.280 --> 01:44:17.040 Noelle Wolfson: Yes, i'll accept that we have one marine business very niche one lot district on the waterfront the MP district so religious and educational uses are permitted and will continue to be permitted in all of their youth in all other districts. 798 01:44:17.940 --> 01:44:24.750 shirley Fox: I know well, is that something that's done in all the villages and all the towns and in the county yes. 799 01:44:27.660 --> 01:44:30.060 shirley Fox: So anybody could build a religious. 800 01:44:31.110 --> 01:44:33.990 shirley Fox: religious institution or a school anywhere. 801 01:44:39.300 --> 01:44:44.190 Noelle Wolfson: Well, provided that the properly and use approvals that are necessary, are obtained, yes, they are subject to land use. 802 01:44:45.660 --> 01:44:51.450 Noelle Wolfson: Regulation that can be subject to a special permit uses, they are subject to bulk requirements, etc, but. 803 01:44:51.810 --> 01:45:04.080 Noelle Wolfson: By and large, for the most part, I mean, can I tell you that they're permitted in every single district in in every community in New York state, but in the overwhelming majority of residential commercial districts religions and educational uses are. 804 01:45:04.920 --> 01:45:08.490 shirley Fox: So that would mean that I can turn my home to school. 805 01:45:09.720 --> 01:45:10.650 shirley Fox: Is that what you're saying. 806 01:45:12.510 --> 01:45:17.880 Noelle Wolfson: If you meet the special permit and site planning criteria, you could pursue that application yes. 807 01:45:21.450 --> 01:45:22.530 shirley Fox: Thank you very much. 808 01:45:24.330 --> 01:45:26.610 Karen Tarapata: All right, and who else do we have now. 809 01:45:29.250 --> 01:45:30.300 Village Clerk: gk claimer. 810 01:45:31.440 --> 01:45:31.740 Village Clerk: Okay. 811 01:45:36.660 --> 01:45:44.280 GKramer: I understand what we're talking about here so we're you you're being with the moratorium to expedite this is. 812 01:45:45.300 --> 01:45:54.930 GKramer: slower to accommodate 300 elementary school age children, but we have heard from the haters in our area and members of the school board. 813 01:45:55.590 --> 01:46:02.700 GKramer: Who are telling us that this process may in fact create problems for the high school and the surrounding area that high school. 814 01:46:03.180 --> 01:46:10.770 GKramer: has approximately 1000 students who are residents of this community who are already in place they've been part of our community for years. 815 01:46:11.160 --> 01:46:17.700 GKramer: The businesses and the other areas around nine w our residents of this community who have been in place for years. 816 01:46:18.300 --> 01:46:27.540 GKramer: The idea that it is important to expedite this to accommodate 300 children elementary school age, which is not what building is set for. 817 01:46:28.200 --> 01:46:36.900 GKramer: at the expense potentially of 1000 local kids and the surrounding businesses, seems to me that our priorities are not in place. 818 01:46:37.560 --> 01:46:44.760 GKramer: So, while I sympathize with the needs of the new owner of the property property and the fact that they have outgrown their current location. 819 01:46:45.600 --> 01:46:49.950 GKramer: In fact, the priority of the Board and the residents in this Community asked to be. 820 01:46:50.490 --> 01:47:01.680 GKramer: to prioritize our current students our current educational facilities our current high school and the surrounding area, and if that requires that big 300 students need to wait a little bit longer. 821 01:47:02.160 --> 01:47:14.100 GKramer: Until they may or may not have access to this building, I think it is incumbent on the board the mayor and the Community to make sure that the local residents and the children who are ready to go to school in this Community. 822 01:47:14.490 --> 01:47:20.760 GKramer: are protected from any problems that may ultimately be created by the transition of the building into the new ownership. 823 01:47:24.090 --> 01:47:33.300 Karen Tarapata: Yes, that's that's a very good point that's there is no, this is not expediting that's exactly why I will be so. 824 01:47:35.100 --> 01:47:45.210 Karen Tarapata: cautious about granting a waiver, we want to understand what's being proposed, and we want to be fully aware of what. 825 01:47:46.200 --> 01:47:46.590 Karen Tarapata: would be. 826 01:47:48.180 --> 01:47:49.140 Karen Tarapata: Next to speak. 827 01:47:49.350 --> 01:47:49.890 So, thank. 828 01:47:51.810 --> 01:47:54.750 Village Clerk: You who's had her hand raised i'm sorry I. 829 01:47:56.790 --> 01:47:57.540 Darcy Casteleiro: Am I off mute. 830 01:47:58.350 --> 01:47:59.310 Darcy Casteleiro: Yes, my. 831 01:47:59.550 --> 01:48:02.070 Darcy Casteleiro: So I came in a little late, I just want to clarify. 832 01:48:02.100 --> 01:48:05.610 Darcy Casteleiro: One point and I agree with what's been said, and I also agree man. 833 01:48:06.450 --> 01:48:06.870 Karen Tarapata: i'm sorry. 834 01:48:08.070 --> 01:48:08.670 Darcy Casteleiro: darcy. 835 01:48:09.270 --> 01:48:11.130 Karen Tarapata: darcy caterpillar yeah. 836 01:48:11.250 --> 01:48:19.110 Darcy Casteleiro: yeah so what I wanted to work we keep using this this number 300 and I think that's dangerous because it's 300 college students. 837 01:48:19.530 --> 01:48:30.780 Darcy Casteleiro: Before you even go any further on anything, are you going to determine with scd what the actual approved number is as a board member of the Martin Luther King Center in spring Valley, I know. 838 01:48:31.200 --> 01:48:41.940 Darcy Casteleiro: The requirements for younger children are so vastly different, as they are also with schools, then they are for colleges, I mean it's, not even the same ball game, so I just want to. 839 01:48:42.180 --> 01:48:49.410 Darcy Casteleiro: Find out who's going to do that, that that kind of digging that research is not very hard to find out, I think that. 840 01:48:49.710 --> 01:48:51.240 Karen Tarapata: Yes, that makes a lot of sense. 841 01:48:52.260 --> 01:48:53.130 Karen Tarapata: We need to know. 842 01:48:57.060 --> 01:49:01.920 Karen Tarapata: Who else would like to speak Oh, it looks like Glenn tomorrow might happy, oh no she's saying no. 843 01:49:02.370 --> 01:49:03.060 paul: man, a man. 844 01:49:03.690 --> 01:49:04.350 Karen Tarapata: Yes. 845 01:49:04.920 --> 01:49:07.410 paul: This Paul wanamaker yes. 846 01:49:08.610 --> 01:49:11.520 paul: Yes, I just like to say a few words. 847 01:49:12.090 --> 01:49:12.750 Certainly. 848 01:49:13.770 --> 01:49:14.700 paul: Yes, I would just. 849 01:49:16.320 --> 01:49:17.640 paul: matter mayor, I would just. 850 01:49:19.620 --> 01:49:20.670 paul: ask that you. 851 01:49:22.050 --> 01:49:25.440 paul: As the Attorney Mr jargon. 852 01:49:26.700 --> 01:49:27.090 paul: If. 853 01:49:28.770 --> 01:49:31.260 paul: his client is also. 854 01:49:32.280 --> 01:49:39.780 paul: The same point that operates the property in South nyack. 855 01:49:40.950 --> 01:49:42.180 paul: And if so. 856 01:49:43.290 --> 01:49:48.060 paul: I was wondering madman if you have spoken with the village of. 857 01:49:49.980 --> 01:49:56.580 paul: nyack of South America, excuse me, and also the night fire department to ask them. 858 01:49:58.260 --> 01:50:13.830 paul: If they have been in compliance with all the laws and rules and regulations and ordinances of that village and as the fire department would experience that they've had up at that property in the last several months since it's been occupied. 859 01:50:16.170 --> 01:50:17.340 by his client. 860 01:50:19.170 --> 01:50:27.600 paul: And I will probably urge that, before you make any decisions as we're certainly talking about safety and the safety of children. 861 01:50:29.250 --> 01:50:33.150 paul: Before you make any decisions to discuss it. 862 01:50:34.290 --> 01:50:35.040 paul: With them. 863 01:50:36.750 --> 01:50:37.590 paul: Regarding that. 864 01:50:40.050 --> 01:50:55.320 Karen Tarapata: Yes, it's funny that our fire inspections for one of the things you know i've been taking notes, I have to i'm not sure, even when the last time this building had its fire inspection should be n well i'm not certain, but I agree with you. 865 01:50:56.550 --> 01:51:00.600 Karen Tarapata: Safety is absolutely our primary goal here. 866 01:51:01.890 --> 01:51:05.820 Karen Tarapata: South nine is a different town with a different. 867 01:51:07.500 --> 01:51:08.760 Karen Tarapata: set of land use. 868 01:51:09.900 --> 01:51:22.170 Karen Tarapata: rules, we are very we're being very, very aware here of what we want for our children and what we want for the children who may go to school, there. 869 01:51:23.670 --> 01:51:36.300 Karen Tarapata: Yes, I have, I will speak definitely will speak to the fire department about this issue, because I want to be sure that this is something that can be kids can be protected and go to school safely. 870 01:51:36.870 --> 01:51:38.700 paul: Just, if I may add. 871 01:51:40.080 --> 01:51:42.480 paul: I would just ask Mr jurgen. 872 01:51:44.070 --> 01:51:47.250 paul: It said that this is just going to be a day use only. 873 01:51:49.110 --> 01:51:52.440 paul: And I understand that that's not absolutely not the case. 874 01:51:54.150 --> 01:51:55.740 paul: In the south campus. 875 01:51:56.790 --> 01:51:59.850 paul: That their occupants there on a regular basis. 876 01:52:01.020 --> 01:52:02.430 paul: comedians after hours. 877 01:52:04.530 --> 01:52:13.950 Karen Tarapata: that's that's a good question that's something we'll need to establish that the hours of operation or the hours of operation that are. 878 01:52:15.150 --> 01:52:15.870 Karen Tarapata: That are. 879 01:52:16.980 --> 01:52:21.480 Karen Tarapata: Are in this will be could be, possibly in a special permit application. 880 01:52:21.810 --> 01:52:24.780 Joseph Churgin: Can I just briefly address it will take two seconds and we'll be done. 881 01:52:25.320 --> 01:52:34.050 Joseph Churgin: Certainly, so this is a school for children were six to 14 I said that at the very beginning. 882 01:52:35.550 --> 01:52:41.970 Joseph Churgin: South nyack is a college for college age kids they live that to total different things. 883 01:52:45.090 --> 01:52:46.200 Joseph Churgin: And, yes to say more. 884 01:52:51.330 --> 01:52:53.640 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone else who would like to speak. 885 01:52:56.370 --> 01:52:57.390 Karen Tarapata: James Marshall. 886 01:53:06.030 --> 01:53:12.300 James Marshall: Sorry, can you hear me, yes I apologize so yeah while they may be two different things. 887 01:53:13.860 --> 01:53:16.590 James Marshall: To Mr wanna makers point. 888 01:53:18.960 --> 01:53:26.490 James Marshall: The other campus that Mr want to make it was disgusting is supposed to be college students. 889 01:53:27.930 --> 01:53:30.090 James Marshall: Not residents not during. 890 01:53:32.370 --> 01:53:35.640 Joseph Churgin: His door me if you sure you want me to call this. 891 01:53:35.700 --> 01:53:36.210 James Marshall: Okay, so. 892 01:53:36.360 --> 01:53:49.500 James Marshall: you're aiming for, so let me, let me rephrase dormant for students is if the zone for zoning for students and families, then i'm okay with that, but if it's if it's dormant or. 893 01:53:51.120 --> 01:53:52.530 Karen Tarapata: I hate to interrupt but. 894 01:53:52.560 --> 01:53:52.890 James Marshall: I hear. 895 01:53:53.310 --> 01:53:54.180 James Marshall: I hear you it's. 896 01:53:54.780 --> 01:53:55.620 Karen Tarapata: not really. 897 01:53:55.830 --> 01:54:03.510 Karen Tarapata: it's not really part of this particular application, that is a that's an issue in a different town. 898 01:54:03.930 --> 01:54:04.500 James Marshall: Well, Madam. 899 01:54:05.280 --> 01:54:07.500 Karen Tarapata: serve no i'm just i'm just trying to keep. 900 01:54:07.500 --> 01:54:08.280 James Marshall: I understand. 901 01:54:08.460 --> 01:54:09.510 Karen Tarapata: very clearly. 902 01:54:11.790 --> 01:54:25.950 James Marshall: But Madam mayor, I agree, and but I was simply responding to Mr water maker, who is a firefighter who basically is going on the experience of and he asked right at the top, is it the same owner that's. 903 01:54:26.100 --> 01:54:26.340 Really. 904 01:54:28.110 --> 01:54:28.440 James Marshall: yeah. 905 01:54:29.160 --> 01:54:31.650 James Marshall: So that's that's his concern, as well as mine. 906 01:54:34.020 --> 01:54:38.190 Karen Tarapata: They purchase the entire property and that it and they. 907 01:54:39.210 --> 01:54:51.480 Karen Tarapata: The village of upper nyack looks at uses it regulates uses not users, we, the job Our job is to make really to. 908 01:54:52.830 --> 01:54:53.550 Karen Tarapata: enact. 909 01:54:54.750 --> 01:54:58.440 Karen Tarapata: News have legislation and then to enforce it. 910 01:54:59.700 --> 01:55:01.350 Karen Tarapata: And I just hope that. 911 01:55:02.460 --> 01:55:07.740 Karen Tarapata: Everyone understands we're really very diligent in in this. 912 01:55:09.450 --> 01:55:11.610 Karen Tarapata: So yes, I see. 913 01:55:13.080 --> 01:55:16.470 Karen Tarapata: Either other hands up Is there anyone else who wishes to speak now. 914 01:55:18.000 --> 01:55:25.290 Peskas: I just want to say that the war was saying was i'm sorry Eva becka yeah um the previous. 915 01:55:25.830 --> 01:55:43.710 Peskas: speaker is basically what he said goes to trust trusting that what is being said is is what is going to happen, and I do hear that everybody's there they're just wants to make sure that it's safe that it's in compliance and everybody follows the oldest same way, thank you. 916 01:55:44.820 --> 01:55:53.040 Karen Tarapata: Absolutely that's isn't that what's on the Supreme Court equal protection under the law that's what I think it's just making sure. 917 01:55:53.280 --> 01:55:55.050 shirley Fox: Everyone right Supreme Court. 918 01:55:56.430 --> 01:56:05.580 Karen Tarapata: Everybody and it's treated the same under the law so Is there anyone else who wishes to speak or any members of the board, who wish to speak. 919 01:56:07.530 --> 01:56:22.440 michael esmay: I think we should give Mr Chairman, a chance to come back to the board, as he proposed and with a more say comprehensive complete description of what is proposed. 920 01:56:25.260 --> 01:56:29.490 Karen Tarapata: I think that's a great idea, no well, what do we need to do to continue the public hearing. 921 01:56:30.150 --> 01:56:43.470 Noelle Wolfson: So you should entertain a motion to adjourn the hearing to your next meeting date, if you have a handy it would be good to research org, and I assume the next meeting gives you enough time if we return it to November. 922 01:56:44.100 --> 01:56:45.930 Joseph Churgin: I believe so okay. 923 01:56:46.350 --> 01:56:50.490 Noelle Wolfson: So, to adjourn it to your next meeting, take that would be. 924 01:56:50.520 --> 01:56:52.830 Karen Tarapata: The 18th of November. 925 01:56:55.860 --> 01:56:57.630 Karen Tarapata: Very good, with someone make a motion. 926 01:56:58.650 --> 01:57:03.510 Karen Tarapata: to adjourn to our next regular meeting of November 18. 927 01:57:05.010 --> 01:57:06.450 michael esmay: Michael make that motion. 928 01:57:07.650 --> 01:57:08.790 sylviajeff: That fell second that. 929 01:57:09.660 --> 01:57:11.550 Karen Tarapata: All right, all in favor say Aye. 930 01:57:12.390 --> 01:57:14.580 sylviajeff: My guy Jeff I. 931 01:57:15.450 --> 01:57:16.200 Laurie Dodge: Sorry, I. 932 01:57:17.250 --> 01:57:18.120 Karen Tarapata: Karen I. 933 01:57:19.440 --> 01:57:35.610 Karen Tarapata: Alright, Mr jurgen We look forward to seeing your more information if on your proposal and really feel free to contact Donna, and the building department to get access to any documents that you need. 934 01:57:36.450 --> 01:57:38.430 Joseph Churgin: Thank you very much, I appreciate your time really good. 935 01:57:39.060 --> 01:57:40.260 Karen Tarapata: Very good, thank you. 936 01:57:41.550 --> 01:57:41.940 Joseph Churgin: good night. 937 01:57:45.060 --> 01:57:45.540 John Stepanovich: Thank you. 938 01:57:47.430 --> 01:57:48.930 Karen Tarapata: All right, well, we have. 939 01:57:50.220 --> 01:57:55.170 Karen Tarapata: completed our agenda, I do know that Noel hasn't. 940 01:57:55.680 --> 01:58:09.780 Karen Tarapata: mattered legal matter that she would like to go over an executive session with us, I have to wait until everyone has left, and then we will. 941 01:58:10.800 --> 01:58:20.100 Karen Tarapata: go into executive session so heather you'll have to let me know when we have are able to go into executive session. 942 01:58:23.430 --> 01:58:23.790 Village Clerk: Okay. 943 01:58:27.930 --> 01:58:31.410 michael esmay: Can I make a motion that we go into executive session Mike. 944 01:58:32.910 --> 01:58:33.450 Village Clerk: Yes. 945 01:58:35.520 --> 01:58:35.880 Karen Tarapata: All right. 946 01:58:37.170 --> 01:58:38.070 Karen Tarapata: All right, Jeff. 947 01:58:38.640 --> 01:58:40.350 Laurie Dodge: i'll still have people on the phone. 948 01:58:40.980 --> 01:58:44.430 Karen Tarapata: right we won't actually go into it until everybody is. 949 01:58:45.000 --> 01:58:46.380 michael esmay: We have to make emotion. 950 01:58:47.550 --> 01:58:48.090 Karen Tarapata: emotion. 951 01:58:56.850 --> 01:59:03.900 Village Clerk: Okay, I removed everybody and hold on, I just want to lock it to make sure nobody else comes in. 952 01:59:05.970 --> 01:59:07.560 Karen Tarapata: All right, all right. 953 01:59:10.410 --> 01:59:10.650 Village Clerk: All right. 954 01:59:13.110 --> 01:59:14.160 Village Clerk: All right, who's next. 955 01:59:14.550 --> 01:59:17.160 Karen Tarapata: Mike you made the motion to go into executive session. 956 01:59:18.780 --> 01:59:20.460 Noelle Wolfson: To discuss pending legal matters. 957 01:59:20.550 --> 01:59:22.380 Karen Tarapata: discussed pending legal matters. 958 01:59:24.270 --> 01:59:25.440 Karen Tarapata: And Jeff few seconds. 959 01:59:26.070 --> 01:59:28.320 Karen Tarapata: Yes, all in favor say Aye. 960 01:59:28.770 --> 01:59:29.340 michael esmay: My guy. 961 01:59:29.970 --> 01:59:30.660 Village Clerk: Jeff I. 962 01:59:31.380 --> 01:59:32.190 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 963 01:59:32.970 --> 01:59:37.200 Karen Tarapata: Karen I all right heather would you turn off the recording going to come out. 964 01:59:39.780 --> 01:59:45.360 Karen Tarapata: All right, we have him out of executive session, and this is the. 965 01:59:45.780 --> 01:59:47.400 Karen Tarapata: End of our meeting with somebody. 966 01:59:47.400 --> 01:59:48.270 Village Clerk: Make if if there. 967 01:59:48.450 --> 01:59:52.950 Karen Tarapata: are no other topics tonight with someone make a motion to adjourn the meeting. 968 01:59:53.970 --> 01:59:56.190 sylviajeff: and make a motion to adjourn today's meeting. 969 01:59:57.540 --> 01:59:58.170 Laurie Dodge: i'll second. 970 01:59:58.950 --> 02:00:00.870 Karen Tarapata: Right laurie all in favor say I. 971 02:00:01.470 --> 02:00:03.330 Laurie Dodge: Address I lori. 972 02:00:03.990 --> 02:00:04.800 michael esmay: i'm like. 973 02:00:05.550 --> 02:00:07.320 Karen Tarapata: Karen Thank you all. 974 02:00:08.370 --> 02:00:10.140 Laurie Dodge: i'm going to go great night everybody. 975 02:00:10.560 --> 02:00:11.010 sylviajeff: Thank you. 976 02:00:13.020 --> 02:00:13.650 See you soon.