WEBVTT 1 00:00:12.840 --> 00:00:15.420 Karen Tarapata: Hi Karen hi rich, how are you 2 00:00:15.540 --> 00:00:17.070 Richard Fortunato: Very good. How are you doing, 3 00:00:17.970 --> 00:00:20.370 Karen Tarapata: Fine, I'm going to turn off the recording. 4 00:00:20.760 --> 00:00:21.090 Good. 5 00:00:23.100 --> 00:00:28.830 Karen Tarapata: Good evening, everyone. I have started the recording. This is the regular meeting. 6 00:00:28.830 --> 00:00:29.250 Karen Tarapata: Of the 7 00:00:29.280 --> 00:00:33.510 Karen Tarapata: Village of upper nyack board of trustees on November 19 2020 8 00:00:34.920 --> 00:00:35.430 Karen Tarapata: And 9 00:00:36.690 --> 00:00:38.370 Karen Tarapata: We have a quorem. 10 00:00:39.870 --> 00:00:41.730 18456426153: All the trustees are here. 11 00:00:42.480 --> 00:00:43.170 Which clerk. 12 00:00:44.490 --> 00:00:48.930 Karen Tarapata: virtual meeting tonight just the first thing I want to say before we start, is that the 13 00:00:49.230 --> 00:00:53.310 Karen Tarapata: Three public hearings that were scheduled for this evening, have been postponed. 14 00:00:56.430 --> 00:00:57.840 Karen Tarapata: Due to an error, the 15 00:00:58.560 --> 00:01:09.870 Karen Tarapata: Notices did not go to the newspaper. So that legal requirement was not fulfilled. We will re set these hearings for next month. 16 00:01:11.100 --> 00:01:13.380 Karen Tarapata: Just in case anybody's on in order to speak. 17 00:01:13.410 --> 00:01:14.790 Karen Tarapata: To one of these topics. 18 00:01:15.060 --> 00:01:17.490 18456426153: I just wanted to let you know that the public hearings will not 19 00:01:17.490 --> 00:01:18.240 Karen Tarapata: Be held tonight. 20 00:01:19.290 --> 00:01:19.980 Karen Tarapata: Okay, um, 21 00:01:20.670 --> 00:01:26.010 Karen Tarapata: Let's start with officer Kennedy and officer Davies, correct. 22 00:01:26.700 --> 00:01:27.690 Call-In User_1: Yeah, that's correct. 23 00:01:29.250 --> 00:01:49.740 Call-In User_1: Okay, calls for service since last meeting was 179 we already discussed the one motor vehicle accident that again. Thankfully for as wicked as it seemed, we only had minor injuries. Everybody's okay on that one. We answered 14 alarm burglar inspire we had 24 medical emergencies. 24 00:01:50.790 --> 00:02:01.410 Call-In User_1: We did 11 area checks and 55 cultural and religious as we continue to visit our houses of worship. We had one fraud that 25 00:02:04.200 --> 00:02:15.630 Call-In User_1: Was a result of parties checks being duplicated no fault of their own, no loss of their actual checks just somehow somebody through the mail was able to duplicate their banking information on a check. 26 00:02:16.620 --> 00:02:25.080 Call-In User_1: That was an initial loss of about $6,000 but that money will be recouped through the banking and through a fraud investigation with their bank. 27 00:02:26.340 --> 00:02:36.990 Call-In User_1: We had one larceny from a motor vehicle that was on kambo and road. There were two iPhones, taken from the vehicle and an expensive jacket. It was about $3,000 28 00:02:37.500 --> 00:02:49.080 Call-In User_1: worth of merchandise that vehicle was unlocked it was parked on the street for a few days. So again, we just like to remind everybody to not keep their valuables visible. 29 00:02:49.530 --> 00:02:58.920 Call-In User_1: In the car and to make sure that your vehicles are locked at all times. There was a burglary, that was on West pond road. I'm not sure if anybody's familiar with that. 30 00:03:00.120 --> 00:03:12.690 Call-In User_1: That was about $6,000 in cash and jewelry was removed from a bedroom, along with personal papers that was on the Thursday right before Halloween. 31 00:03:13.410 --> 00:03:24.420 Call-In User_1: It occurred between 430 and 530 in the afternoon, the party had left the house came back an hour later and the burglary had happened. There was a 32 00:03:25.110 --> 00:03:36.840 Call-In User_1: White BMW sedan in the area that was parked on the street. Around that same time. So that is a possible suspect vehicle. It's a pattern that 33 00:03:37.620 --> 00:03:49.110 Call-In User_1: This particular burglary falls into a pattern that's similar to other ones that have gone on in New York and New Jersey. This is the only one in our area right now and again that's under investigation. 34 00:03:50.880 --> 00:03:57.450 Call-In User_1: We had two parking tickets issue those around Capitol heights, which I know has been a problem area. So that's being addressed. 35 00:03:59.670 --> 00:04:01.230 Call-In User_1: Let's see what else we have for you. 36 00:04:03.630 --> 00:04:09.390 Call-In User_1: And oh, the parking sign. I think they are all i went down the locusts and Alexa, they're all gone now. 37 00:04:10.890 --> 00:04:12.930 Call-In User_1: picked out DP W pick them up. 38 00:04:14.400 --> 00:04:21.720 Karen Tarapata: I don't think so. I mean, we did pick up all the ones on Lexi. Oh, but I did, I think, the ones are still there and locust. 39 00:04:22.410 --> 00:04:25.860 Call-In User_1: I, they were they were they've been picked up. 40 00:04:27.660 --> 00:04:29.790 Karen Tarapata: About two weeks. Okay. 41 00:04:33.120 --> 00:04:36.540 Karen Tarapata: Why I did not request that they removed it but 42 00:04:37.770 --> 00:04:41.910 Karen Tarapata: Well, I'm glad it was after Halloween. And I think I 43 00:04:42.030 --> 00:04:44.430 Call-In User_1: Think actually our purpose. Jeff, do you 44 00:04:44.520 --> 00:04:45.930 18456426153: Know that it's still a problem. 45 00:04:46.080 --> 00:04:48.600 Karen Tarapata: You feel we still need to have the signs. 46 00:04:49.350 --> 00:05:02.250 sylviajeff: Know that, particularly in fact I noticed that, um, when they first came down the fire and the fire department made a run through the area. I guess just to make sure they could get through. And they did so. 47 00:05:02.640 --> 00:05:03.180 Call-In User_1: And that 48 00:05:03.240 --> 00:05:04.440 sylviajeff: Included having people 49 00:05:04.440 --> 00:05:06.930 sylviajeff: Product on both sides of the street down at the bottom of the 50 00:05:06.930 --> 00:05:07.680 Call-In User_1: Road, so 51 00:05:09.000 --> 00:05:14.700 sylviajeff: Between that and the fact that I think it's sort of dissipated, you know, to a very large degree, I don't think it's necessary anymore. 52 00:05:15.510 --> 00:05:21.000 Call-In User_1: Good. Okay, perfect. Thank you. Thank you, Dan, as opposed to just hold on to those 53 00:05:21.000 --> 00:05:23.040 Karen Tarapata: Signs officer candidate or do you want us to get 54 00:05:23.040 --> 00:05:23.820 18456426153: Those back to you. 55 00:05:24.660 --> 00:05:28.650 Call-In User_1: Um, you know what, I think you can hold on to them. And then when you need them. 56 00:05:28.680 --> 00:05:31.020 Call-In User_1: Use them, just let me know and if for some reason we have a 57 00:05:31.020 --> 00:05:32.700 Call-In User_1: Shortage we need to grab them, we will 58 00:05:33.270 --> 00:05:33.780 Karen Tarapata: Thank you. 59 00:05:34.500 --> 00:05:35.220 Call-In User_1: No problem. 60 00:05:37.350 --> 00:05:42.060 Call-In User_1: And as far as the the county wide the drug information with our overdoses. 61 00:05:43.350 --> 00:05:47.910 Call-In User_1: County wide, we are up to 234 2020 62 00:05:49.050 --> 00:05:55.950 Call-In User_1: With 33 deaths and Clark town is a total of 69 for 2020 that's up from nine last month. 63 00:05:57.180 --> 00:06:04.860 Call-In User_1: With a total of nine deaths for the year, any of the new unforced any of the ones that have been added since last month. They've all been 64 00:06:06.660 --> 00:06:08.130 Call-In User_1: Everybody survived. Those though. 65 00:06:10.410 --> 00:06:11.280 Call-In User_1: only had one tonight. 66 00:06:12.480 --> 00:06:19.740 Call-In User_1: He's going to rise are not can, yes. All right. And I guess one more tonight so was, was it. Oh wow, okay. 67 00:06:23.760 --> 00:06:25.830 Call-In User_1: And that's everything I have 68 00:06:26.850 --> 00:06:29.460 Karen Tarapata: All right. Would you like to introduce our new 69 00:06:30.030 --> 00:06:32.010 18456426153: Community policing officers, it's 70 00:06:32.340 --> 00:06:33.990 Karen Tarapata: Turned on the recording now and the 71 00:06:33.990 --> 00:06:35.130 Karen Tarapata: Meetings officially open 72 00:06:36.810 --> 00:06:58.500 Call-In User_1: Sure upside. So now let's add some from Congress. I was on patrol for 30 years I worked several years and Oprah Nyack. And then the last probably six or seven years in Valley cottage. So I would back up the vernacular. So I'm very familiar with, with upper Nyack 73 00:07:00.840 --> 00:07:11.430 Call-In User_1: By my parents are in I've been in the area. My grandparents were up in condors for years and years. They have the other form since 1891 74 00:07:13.560 --> 00:07:17.040 Call-In User_1: So happy to be doing what I'm doing now working with the community. 75 00:07:17.700 --> 00:07:18.150 Call-In User_1: Excellent. 76 00:07:18.330 --> 00:07:19.140 Karen Tarapata: So you'll get 77 00:07:19.920 --> 00:07:23.970 Karen Tarapata: Carol our village circle get her your contact information. 78 00:07:25.230 --> 00:07:25.830 18456426153: Do you have it ready 79 00:07:26.040 --> 00:07:30.180 Call-In User_1: Yeah, she should have it already. I emailed her, but I will follow up on that tomorrow and make sure 80 00:07:30.870 --> 00:07:31.950 18456426153: I, I do have it. 81 00:07:32.550 --> 00:07:34.560 Call-In User_1: Great. Yeah, I'm here, I have it. 82 00:07:34.650 --> 00:07:36.960 18456426153: Thank you. Welcome back. Now, 83 00:07:39.420 --> 00:07:41.370 Kennon Rothchild: Yeah, I just want to say 84 00:07:41.580 --> 00:07:46.680 Kennon Rothchild: I officer Davies, it's, it's great to have you aboard as such a 85 00:07:47.760 --> 00:07:49.440 Kennon Rothchild: Legacy of Rockland County. 86 00:07:50.040 --> 00:07:52.530 Kennon Rothchild: On our community petrol, that's great for 87 00:07:52.530 --> 00:07:54.480 Call-In User_1: Us. Thank you very much. 88 00:07:56.340 --> 00:08:00.090 Karen Tarapata: Wonderful. Well, I think that's it. Unless someone has a question for the officers. 89 00:08:02.520 --> 00:08:02.940 Karen Tarapata: All right. 90 00:08:05.280 --> 00:08:06.420 Karen Tarapata: We'll talk to you soon. 91 00:08:06.960 --> 00:08:08.940 Call-In User_1: Yes. Everybody have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 92 00:08:10.980 --> 00:08:11.190 lauriedodge: You 93 00:08:12.510 --> 00:08:13.560 Call-In User_1: Thank you. Bye bye. 94 00:08:15.960 --> 00:08:17.760 Karen Tarapata: All right, the treasurer's 95 00:08:17.850 --> 00:08:18.900 Karen Tarapata: Report right 96 00:08:19.440 --> 00:08:20.640 18456426153: Good evening, everybody. 97 00:08:21.540 --> 00:08:25.320 Richard Fortunato: Happy Thanksgiving. Let me start with that because that was just so nice that I had a 98 00:08:25.410 --> 00:08:27.300 Richard Fortunato: My favorite holiday. So I'm sharing 99 00:08:29.730 --> 00:08:33.090 Richard Fortunato: I have three items here. The first item is that 100 00:08:34.350 --> 00:08:50.280 Richard Fortunato: The naughty list was made up of 11 taxpayers. This year 13 last year. So we're down to 11 taxpayers went to the county of Rockland for a total of $19,736 and 11 cents. So considering it was a coma year not so bad. 101 00:08:51.900 --> 00:08:53.670 18456426153: They are similar taxpayers, though. 102 00:08:53.670 --> 00:08:54.660 Richard Fortunato: Year after year. 103 00:08:56.010 --> 00:09:14.430 Richard Fortunato: Second, I am on here. I need a resolution to on December 15 pay the public improvement bond for the preserve the interest payment that's doing December 15 is $37,721 and 88 cents. 104 00:09:16.860 --> 00:09:23.640 Karen Tarapata: Alright so what somebody make a motion to pay the preserve interest on 105 00:09:25.710 --> 00:09:44.610 Richard Fortunato: The only thing I want to say before someone does that is this is my amortization table on the 37,007 2188 So Carol when you put in the Minutes, could we put approximately 37,007 2188 cents, because it's probably $2 in either direction. 106 00:09:46.950 --> 00:09:47.490 Okay. 107 00:09:52.050 --> 00:09:54.960 Karen Tarapata: What someone make a motion to pay the interest 108 00:09:56.430 --> 00:10:04.560 lauriedodge: Glory. I moved that we pay the interest on the public improvement bond that what it is rich. Yes. 109 00:10:05.160 --> 00:10:06.000 Richard Fortunato: Sir, yeah. 110 00:10:06.090 --> 00:10:15.540 lauriedodge: The preserve by December 15 for approximately $37,721 and 88 cents. 111 00:10:16.680 --> 00:10:18.720 michael esmay: And we give or take. 112 00:10:20.250 --> 00:10:21.270 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a second 113 00:10:22.170 --> 00:10:23.940 michael esmay: Second. Second. Oh. 114 00:10:26.580 --> 00:10:27.960 Karen Tarapata: All right. Who's, who's gonna do it. 115 00:10:28.260 --> 00:10:29.100 Kennon Rothchild: Jeff wins. 116 00:10:30.750 --> 00:10:34.290 Karen Tarapata: All right, Jeff. All right. All in favor say aye. 117 00:10:36.780 --> 00:10:37.170 Kennon Rothchild: Aye. 118 00:10:42.090 --> 00:10:43.710 lauriedodge: Lori, I 119 00:10:46.410 --> 00:10:48.090 Karen Tarapata: I, Karen. All right. 120 00:10:50.370 --> 00:10:52.350 Richard Fortunato: I need one more. 121 00:10:52.350 --> 00:10:52.710 Ready. 122 00:10:54.240 --> 00:10:55.740 Richard Fortunato: Yes. Do we miss can 123 00:10:56.790 --> 00:11:03.810 Richard Fortunato: Can. I'm sorry. Okay, so I need one more resolution for another bond and getting a little head of this because of Christmas and 124 00:11:04.890 --> 00:11:26.940 Richard Fortunato: The next bond is the public improvement bond for the sewer on January 15 we have to make a principal payments of 110,000 and also on January 15 same bond, we have to make an interest payment of 21,007 oh 938 cents. I'm sure I'm at 38 cents. Lori so 125 00:11:28.980 --> 00:11:30.090 lauriedodge: Proximity read 126 00:11:34.590 --> 00:11:42.210 Richard Fortunato: 110,000 and principal 21,007 or 938 and interest on basically the sewer been running the resolution. 127 00:11:42.600 --> 00:11:44.070 Karen Tarapata: How many years are left on the summer. 128 00:11:44.070 --> 00:11:44.490 Bond. 129 00:11:47.400 --> 00:11:48.660 Karen Tarapata: I should know but I forgot. 130 00:11:52.590 --> 00:11:57.330 Richard Fortunato: It ends in 2033 so we're talking about 13 years more. 131 00:11:57.810 --> 00:12:01.230 Karen Tarapata: Oh, good. I thought it was 17 so there we go 30 more years. 132 00:12:01.290 --> 00:12:04.530 Richard Fortunato: Thousand 33 yep 30 more years. 133 00:12:06.720 --> 00:12:12.120 Karen Tarapata: So with someone make a motion to pay their public improvement bump assume 134 00:12:12.930 --> 00:12:15.780 michael esmay: Oh, make that motion. Mike Hey 135 00:12:17.250 --> 00:12:18.180 Karen Tarapata: And the second 136 00:12:20.580 --> 00:12:21.810 lauriedodge: This L'Oreal second 137 00:12:23.340 --> 00:12:25.260 Karen Tarapata: All right. All in favor say aye. 138 00:12:25.860 --> 00:12:26.580 michael esmay: Aye, Mike. 139 00:12:27.330 --> 00:12:28.110 lauriedodge: I Lori. 140 00:12:30.720 --> 00:12:31.290 Kennon Rothchild: I can 141 00:12:32.130 --> 00:12:32.790 sylviajeff: I just 142 00:12:33.270 --> 00:12:34.740 Karen Tarapata: I, Karen. Alright. 143 00:12:35.760 --> 00:12:43.800 Richard Fortunato: Last but not least, everybody got a copy in their email of the year to date. This is six months, right. This is a half years financial 144 00:12:45.930 --> 00:12:51.840 Richard Fortunato: As usual, there's nothing in there that wasn't in the budget, there's no items that are worth noting. There are special. 145 00:12:53.820 --> 00:12:59.070 Richard Fortunato: Financials in my opinion look good. They look strong still. I mean, we're not spending more than we 146 00:12:59.490 --> 00:13:00.780 Had not budgeted for 147 00:13:02.250 --> 00:13:06.870 Richard Fortunato: Everything looks great. I mean everything's on target. I don't see any. I have no complaints about 148 00:13:06.870 --> 00:13:07.440 Richard Fortunato: Them so 149 00:13:07.860 --> 00:13:08.910 Richard Fortunato: If anyone has any as 150 00:13:08.910 --> 00:13:17.340 Richard Fortunato: Usual more specific questions you have my cell phone number and we can discuss anything you want at any given time, give me a call. 151 00:13:18.240 --> 00:13:19.350 Kennon Rothchild: And can I get a 152 00:13:19.530 --> 00:13:28.530 Kennon Rothchild: Quick question. In your while we're here, I'm just, you know, just a quick glance at at all. And as you said, We're six months through so 153 00:13:28.830 --> 00:13:29.700 I noticed that we have 154 00:13:31.080 --> 00:13:35.280 Kennon Rothchild: Two big numbers and they may not be the only places the way of big numbers, but to big numbers. 155 00:13:35.280 --> 00:13:36.630 Kennon Rothchild: In village. 156 00:13:36.660 --> 00:13:41.250 Kennon Rothchild: Hall repairs and in road repairs and in each of those. So we spent 157 00:13:42.990 --> 00:13:43.920 18456426153: Somewhere between 158 00:13:44.010 --> 00:13:49.920 Kennon Rothchild: 10 to 15% of those budget lines in a six month period. Can you remind 159 00:13:50.010 --> 00:13:52.590 Kennon Rothchild: Me what our expectations are. There are those 160 00:13:52.590 --> 00:13:58.890 Kennon Rothchild: Just big numbers because that's a historic aspect of our expenditures and those 161 00:13:59.040 --> 00:14:02.550 Richard Fortunato: We want to know what we budgeted what three items are in there. 162 00:14:03.240 --> 00:14:03.750 Well, 163 00:14:05.490 --> 00:14:08.970 Richard Fortunato: We don't. We only paid for 145,000 164 00:14:09.000 --> 00:14:10.050 Is the 165 00:14:11.370 --> 00:14:12.360 Richard Fortunato: Broadway paving 166 00:14:12.570 --> 00:14:17.700 Richard Fortunato: So what we paid for one of the three projects that we were going to do. There's three projects. 167 00:14:18.000 --> 00:14:22.380 Richard Fortunato: In there, if you look at the budget right. It says 560 there's three projects in there. 168 00:14:22.530 --> 00:14:22.830 Right. 169 00:14:24.000 --> 00:14:27.450 Richard Fortunato: We've only paid for 145,000 there's two more. 170 00:14:27.810 --> 00:14:28.950 Richard Fortunato: Okay, better 171 00:14:29.580 --> 00:14:29.730 And 172 00:14:30.990 --> 00:14:32.010 Richard Fortunato: And your other one was what 173 00:14:32.040 --> 00:14:32.910 Kennon Rothchild: What was the other village. 174 00:14:33.210 --> 00:14:36.210 Richard Fortunato: village hall repair painting. Isn't that right, so the 175 00:14:36.210 --> 00:14:39.240 Richard Fortunato: Painting bill. Where is that 176 00:14:42.030 --> 00:14:43.800 Richard Fortunato: The painting. I know was in there. 177 00:14:43.830 --> 00:14:45.990 Richard Fortunato: So where are you, what number can wear 178 00:14:46.050 --> 00:14:48.360 Kennon Rothchild: What I will find it. 179 00:14:48.480 --> 00:14:48.960 Kennon Rothchild: Hold on. 180 00:14:52.920 --> 00:14:55.620 Kennon Rothchild: Let's see, it's near the beginning 181 00:14:55.830 --> 00:14:57.330 Richard Fortunato: I know the painting is in there. 182 00:14:57.660 --> 00:15:06.720 Richard Fortunato: So that is probably what's in it. You know, it's a it's a one time I was our big amount that was in there. It just happened earlier in the year. 183 00:15:06.810 --> 00:15:11.160 Kennon Rothchild: Was the pain. So it's a it's budget line. 184 00:15:14.370 --> 00:15:15.750 Kennon Rothchild: village hall repairs. 185 00:15:15.780 --> 00:15:18.420 18456426153: And we spent 1400 approximately 186 00:15:18.900 --> 00:15:22.740 Kennon Rothchild: And we have allotted 70,000 there so 187 00:15:24.780 --> 00:15:25.380 18456426153: You know, we're 188 00:15:26.100 --> 00:15:27.780 Richard Fortunato: Oh, I'm sorry. 189 00:15:28.170 --> 00:15:31.020 Richard Fortunato: The paint is not an area that's the problem. Yeah. 190 00:15:31.230 --> 00:15:38.700 Richard Fortunato: We put $70,000 in there because we had two big projects I believe we're going to do the lighting. We have an electrical number in there. 191 00:15:38.940 --> 00:15:40.050 Richard Fortunato: We have the paint in 192 00:15:40.050 --> 00:15:40.650 18456426153: There. 193 00:15:40.920 --> 00:15:43.590 lauriedodge: And the railings to don't we 194 00:15:44.700 --> 00:15:45.150 Karen Tarapata: Really 195 00:15:45.750 --> 00:15:49.230 Richard Fortunato: The furnace only also going to look at that furnace problem. 196 00:15:50.580 --> 00:15:59.220 Richard Fortunato: There were more village repairs in there, of which we have not. We did the painting. We just haven't paid for it yet because I think he didn't come back and do the punch list right we're waiting on 197 00:15:59.910 --> 00:16:02.970 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, he submitted his bill, I believe. Yes, my castle. He 198 00:16:03.600 --> 00:16:05.100 Karen Tarapata: Yes, yeah. 199 00:16:05.730 --> 00:16:06.180 18456426153: Then 200 00:16:06.630 --> 00:16:10.260 Karen Tarapata: We're waiting to do the railings than waiting for material. 201 00:16:11.010 --> 00:16:13.020 18456426153: And I have to follow up on that. 202 00:16:13.410 --> 00:16:14.970 Karen Tarapata: Furnace question. 203 00:16:15.330 --> 00:16:17.550 Richard Fortunato: So the answer to your question, can really 204 00:16:17.550 --> 00:16:24.180 Richard Fortunato: Is you can't just take 70,000 and say we're six months in and say we should have spent 35,000 because 205 00:16:24.330 --> 00:16:33.060 Richard Fortunato: Some of those projects you know it's given take they come, it's going to cost us 25 grand and it's a one time, one month expenditure in that number. 206 00:16:33.360 --> 00:16:40.980 Kennon Rothchild: So, you know, it's more just questions as a as of our expectations. Not that you know I'm fully aware that 207 00:16:41.760 --> 00:16:52.500 Kennon Rothchild: Particularly in something like that. You don't spend it all in, you know, evenly over the year, um, you know, with in terms the road. So I was just wondering, since we've halfway through the year. 208 00:16:52.560 --> 00:16:55.080 Kennon Rothchild: Had we done half the road projects that's clear. We haven't 209 00:16:55.770 --> 00:16:56.730 Kennon Rothchild: And the village hall. 210 00:16:57.090 --> 00:16:57.630 Kennon Rothchild: I know we've 211 00:16:57.660 --> 00:16:59.070 Kennon Rothchild: Done the painting and 212 00:16:59.100 --> 00:17:01.320 Kennon Rothchild: So, you know, I know that that's 213 00:17:01.830 --> 00:17:03.180 18456426153: Generally speaking of big number, and 214 00:17:03.180 --> 00:17:04.860 Kennon Rothchild: So is wondering what else we're planning on there. 215 00:17:04.890 --> 00:17:08.160 Richard Fortunato: So that's all the electrical is a tough one, too, because we'd have to 216 00:17:08.250 --> 00:17:12.060 Richard Fortunato: Get people into the whole end to village hall to do that. 217 00:17:12.330 --> 00:17:21.540 Richard Fortunato: No, and I know that may not work if you know immediately with coven so I think some of them may have to be on hold for next year or held over 218 00:17:22.230 --> 00:17:22.800 Karen Tarapata: The electric 219 00:17:22.890 --> 00:17:24.000 Karen Tarapata: Nope, they're ready to go. 220 00:17:24.120 --> 00:17:28.770 Karen Tarapata: Order the line, we've ordered LED. We're going to replace the fluorescent fixtures. 221 00:17:29.790 --> 00:17:32.580 Karen Tarapata: Led and I was able to do some 222 00:17:32.610 --> 00:17:33.990 Kennon Rothchild: Research and they're 223 00:17:34.230 --> 00:17:36.240 Karen Tarapata: The ones that look like a warm light. 224 00:17:36.240 --> 00:17:37.470 Karen Tarapata: So it isn't that 225 00:17:38.010 --> 00:17:39.630 18456426153: Blinding white 226 00:17:39.990 --> 00:17:41.850 Karen Tarapata: Led where you feel like you're working in a 227 00:17:41.850 --> 00:17:42.510 Laundromat. 228 00:17:44.310 --> 00:17:46.560 Karen Tarapata: So I'm waiting. You're waiting for those bulbs to come 229 00:17:46.560 --> 00:17:47.040 Karen Tarapata: In we got a 230 00:17:48.240 --> 00:17:50.880 Karen Tarapata: Good price. I got it took a couple of bits and 231 00:17:50.940 --> 00:17:53.070 Karen Tarapata: There, I feel like we're going to have 232 00:17:53.610 --> 00:17:55.440 Karen Tarapata: saved a lot of money on energy 233 00:17:56.400 --> 00:17:56.910 Richard Fortunato: So we're 234 00:17:56.940 --> 00:17:57.690 Richard Fortunato: We're, we're 235 00:17:58.050 --> 00:18:06.030 Richard Fortunato: I think you know revenue end has been really good actually. I mean, in the six months we've collected the hundred and 54,000 and chips. 236 00:18:06.420 --> 00:18:11.430 Richard Fortunato: And a month and a half ago I submitted the reimbursement for 237 00:18:11.880 --> 00:18:26.520 Richard Fortunato: The sidewalks, which is another. I'm sorry, the sidewalks came in 154 I just submitted a month and a half ago, the hundred and hundred and 20 223,000 for chips for the Broadway paving so on the revenue side. 238 00:18:27.480 --> 00:18:37.200 Richard Fortunato: It's been coming in quicker than actually, you know, considering it's only six months. It's been coming in quicker. I think this month. We're going to get that hundred 23,000 from chips, we should get a check. 239 00:18:37.800 --> 00:18:40.560 Karen Tarapata: And in terms of projects, they've started 240 00:18:40.590 --> 00:18:40.890 18456426153: The 241 00:18:40.920 --> 00:18:43.140 Karen Tarapata: Piper Palmer drainage project. 242 00:18:43.680 --> 00:18:44.730 18456426153: They're up there. I kept 243 00:18:44.730 --> 00:18:46.290 Karen Tarapata: bugging him and bugging them because I'm like 244 00:18:46.440 --> 00:18:49.350 Karen Tarapata: I was afraid the weather we get too cold, but now they're up there doing the 245 00:18:49.350 --> 00:18:49.980 Karen Tarapata: Drainage 246 00:18:50.460 --> 00:19:03.750 Karen Tarapata: On Palmer that will allow us next year to finally repaved Piper because the road will be draining properly so that the paving will take. So I'm still hoping that we'll get the money that our as our 247 00:19:05.160 --> 00:19:12.480 Karen Tarapata: Assemblyman has promised us for that project, but we will see how the state finances are and if 248 00:19:12.480 --> 00:19:14.130 Karen Tarapata: Those grants that he's already 249 00:19:14.280 --> 00:19:15.450 Karen Tarapata: Told us work that are going to 250 00:19:15.450 --> 00:19:16.770 Karen Tarapata: Happen if they actually 251 00:19:17.610 --> 00:19:18.330 18456426153: They're able to 252 00:19:18.870 --> 00:19:20.100 Karen Tarapata: Do that money next year. 253 00:19:20.520 --> 00:19:23.520 Richard Fortunato: You know, another major project as well, would have been the audit. 254 00:19:23.550 --> 00:19:24.570 Richard Fortunato: Can that 255 00:19:26.160 --> 00:19:36.420 Richard Fortunato: I mean there and my judgment, they're dragging their feet. They had all the information, the first week in September, but he's been in within two weeks ago. Carol you correct me if I'm already wasn't or is the last Thursday. 256 00:19:36.690 --> 00:19:37.230 And today. 257 00:19:38.550 --> 00:19:40.830 Richard Fortunato: They were there to do their final wrap up. 258 00:19:40.890 --> 00:19:42.390 Last Thursday. 259 00:19:45.420 --> 00:19:51.690 Richard Fortunato: So I mean by next board meeting, you should have an audited financial statements so that that was a pretty big project that 260 00:19:52.230 --> 00:20:01.740 Richard Fortunato: I mean, considering covert again, you know, that was a tough thing to get, get them in. And now I think they're dragging their feet. I mean, my firm. If there's a building the table we go after it. 261 00:20:01.770 --> 00:20:03.540 Richard Fortunato: Just to get paid. I don't know how you know 262 00:20:04.200 --> 00:20:07.800 Richard Fortunato: You're waiting two months to get paid. I mean, that's crazy. But, you know, but 263 00:20:08.640 --> 00:20:12.150 Karen Tarapata: For hero. I had to work back in the record storage for a while the 264 00:20:13.530 --> 00:20:13.800 Karen Tarapata: Order. 265 00:20:14.310 --> 00:20:19.620 Richard Fortunato: And then guess projects go. Can I mean I think we're pretty ahead of schedule considering it's been 266 00:20:19.860 --> 00:20:21.150 Richard Fortunato: Been the year and then I 267 00:20:21.630 --> 00:20:31.320 Kennon Rothchild: Guess there's the questions are not questioning so much as just refreshing my memory about what things are for. And you know, I had no doubt that 268 00:20:31.440 --> 00:20:32.010 18456426153: We'd 269 00:20:32.790 --> 00:20:33.630 Kennon Rothchild: Have porch and 270 00:20:33.900 --> 00:20:42.780 Kennon Rothchild: Things for what we had planned for and just kind of curious, given the timing, where we were with those projects in terms of the budget numbers. 271 00:20:43.380 --> 00:20:49.080 Richard Fortunato: The other Karen. This one more big project. It was a sidewalk Broadway eating. What's the other big project. 272 00:20:49.920 --> 00:20:50.700 18456426153: Is one more. 273 00:20:50.820 --> 00:20:51.630 Richard Fortunato: We're missing here. 274 00:20:55.230 --> 00:20:55.380 Richard Fortunato: As 275 00:20:56.100 --> 00:20:57.120 Kennon Rothchild: Well, in the village hall. 276 00:20:59.520 --> 00:21:01.050 Karen Tarapata: infrastructure projects. 277 00:21:01.080 --> 00:21:06.720 Richard Fortunato: That was another one right there was a third one. KAREN, I'M GOING TO IT. Now I'm going to find it here because now I can. It's got me. 278 00:21:07.440 --> 00:21:08.160 Karen Tarapata: Money cuz I was 279 00:21:08.700 --> 00:21:17.970 Karen Tarapata: Huge because I was thinking the same thing. I was so happy that we got the sidewalk done and Broadway paved that I can't remember what the net with the other 280 00:21:20.280 --> 00:21:21.180 michael esmay: All painted 281 00:21:21.570 --> 00:21:23.850 Karen Tarapata: No, no, this is a highway project. 282 00:21:24.210 --> 00:21:31.350 Richard Fortunato: Yeah, there was another give me a minute. I'm going to it on my computer here. So the luxury of being my. There's another one. 283 00:21:31.590 --> 00:21:33.120 Karen Tarapata: Hey, but guess but I don't want to 284 00:21:33.150 --> 00:21:34.590 Richard Fortunato: Say it less. Yes. 285 00:21:34.890 --> 00:21:38.430 Richard Fortunato: You can guess i'll tell you if you're right or wrong here. Okay, a minute. 286 00:21:38.640 --> 00:21:40.980 Richard Fortunato: Hold on. Palmer. 287 00:21:41.550 --> 00:21:43.470 18456426153: Word way and 288 00:21:43.590 --> 00:21:44.730 Richard Fortunato: Hudson Greenway 289 00:21:46.170 --> 00:21:46.920 Karen Tarapata: Hudson Greenway 290 00:21:47.550 --> 00:21:53.250 Richard Fortunato: Sidewalk, that's the sidewalk paving what's Palmer 185 which Tom 291 00:21:53.640 --> 00:21:55.320 Karen Tarapata: Holman is the one we're doing right now. 292 00:21:56.520 --> 00:21:57.360 Richard Fortunato: Those are the three 293 00:21:57.870 --> 00:21:58.620 lauriedodge: The third one. 294 00:21:58.650 --> 00:22:03.120 Richard Fortunato: Those are the three it was Palmer sidewalk and Broadway. 295 00:22:03.180 --> 00:22:07.440 Karen Tarapata: Hey, those are the three projects but two of them were getting reimbursed. We're getting 296 00:22:07.470 --> 00:22:26.370 Richard Fortunato: Oh, absolutely. Two of them are in the income section absolutely Broadway 120 3000 was coming back from chips and the sidewalk again 150 was coming back to the sidewalk, we, I think we spent more than that. Didn't know we spent on 50 and we're getting 150 back 297 00:22:27.510 --> 00:22:29.760 Richard Fortunato: Home or not getting back on, or is it 298 00:22:29.820 --> 00:22:30.540 Richard Fortunato: Is a plasma. 299 00:22:30.990 --> 00:22:34.650 Karen Tarapata: State, so they would help us with the multi modal grants. 300 00:22:36.210 --> 00:22:37.740 Karen Tarapata: But they wouldn't pay for the drainage. 301 00:22:38.130 --> 00:22:38.640 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, so 302 00:22:38.730 --> 00:22:40.320 18456426153: Getting a massive project for 303 00:22:40.320 --> 00:22:44.520 Karen Tarapata: Basically, half of what you know we're only paying for half of it. 304 00:22:45.300 --> 00:22:46.140 Richard Fortunato: Yes, and 305 00:22:47.010 --> 00:23:00.480 Richard Fortunato: And now looking in the budget, the repairs for the art for the 70,000 or painting the overhang and the boiler. That was the boiler downstairs. We were going to take a look at that because that was an issue. 306 00:23:00.690 --> 00:23:01.200 Richard Fortunato: Right. 307 00:23:01.350 --> 00:23:03.390 Richard Fortunato: The lights and the lighting. 308 00:23:06.120 --> 00:23:17.430 Karen Tarapata: Has we were able to get such a good price on the painting. We could afford to order new railings. So it's that price that that amount is still correct, but we're getting two projects done instead of one. 309 00:23:19.830 --> 00:23:23.220 Richard Fortunato: Yeah, I think numbers wise were pretty good. We're spending less than we had budgeted 310 00:23:24.240 --> 00:23:26.910 Richard Fortunato: We spend five grand less on the audit we spend less 311 00:23:26.970 --> 00:23:37.920 Richard Fortunato: On the sidewalks. We spend less on the painting than budgeted. I think we're spending less than perfect. I don't want to say too soon. But I think we're spending less than professional fees and those are killer. 312 00:23:40.020 --> 00:23:41.490 Karen Tarapata: You never know. Like with legal 313 00:23:41.580 --> 00:23:42.720 Richard Fortunato: You never know what question. 314 00:23:42.780 --> 00:23:46.200 Richard Fortunato: Is in general, I think the only thing actually that we I've been 315 00:23:46.260 --> 00:23:50.130 Richard Fortunato: Really looking at along with gel and angels been helpful here in this 316 00:23:50.370 --> 00:23:58.110 Richard Fortunato: Is keeping track of overtime. I think over time might be a little bit. We're talking thousands here a few thousand dollars over 317 00:23:59.670 --> 00:24:09.450 Richard Fortunato: But again, if the if the DP w is doing work and costing us collectively not each but collectively here an extra five or 6000 318 00:24:10.050 --> 00:24:22.560 Richard Fortunato: That's a day's worth of work for a landscaping crew. So now we're getting it done on the cheap. So I am we were looking at it because the the time sheets were coming through gentlemen I but I didn't see I it's not an issue. 319 00:24:23.460 --> 00:24:23.670 No. 320 00:24:24.960 --> 00:24:36.270 Karen Tarapata: I did authorize a small amount of overtime to work on the preserve rather than hiring outside landscapers, and it's been really nice to see their sense of ownership. 321 00:24:36.840 --> 00:24:37.920 Richard Fortunato: La CIMA 322 00:24:38.100 --> 00:24:48.870 Richard Fortunato: It's cheaper. It's cheaper. It's cheaper to use that those guys and let them do the work. If they're doing it, than it is to hire landscaping firm because even when all the requirements. We have a 323 00:24:49.440 --> 00:24:57.090 Richard Fortunato: BIG JOB THAT HAVE BEEN it out. I gotta go to the Department of Labor for the it's just it's just work and costly. Yes. 324 00:24:57.810 --> 00:25:05.520 Karen Tarapata: And it's nice, they can do it incrementally it, it's a lot more cost effective, they were there today. The 325 00:25:05.550 --> 00:25:06.720 18456426153: Barn is 326 00:25:07.230 --> 00:25:09.480 Karen Tarapata: The. Oh, and I should have been there today finishing 327 00:25:09.510 --> 00:25:12.570 Karen Tarapata: The electric project restoring the service to 328 00:25:12.600 --> 00:25:18.540 Karen Tarapata: The bar and on the property and Chris said, Oh, well I feel when I was there. We're going to go and talk to them. 329 00:25:18.540 --> 00:25:25.200 Karen Tarapata: Make sure everything's going well. There's just a nice sense of responsibility ownership with our DP W. 330 00:25:27.390 --> 00:25:45.390 Kennon Rothchild: Yeah, and actually I want to say that I'm glad we're having this conversation on the record because I think in just some of my peripheral talking with other people. They don't see this kind of working in terms of our finances as a village going on you know it's it's not 331 00:25:46.020 --> 00:25:48.570 Kennon Rothchild: immediately visible to them. They don't look at the they don't 332 00:25:48.630 --> 00:25:51.060 Kennon Rothchild: Read the financials. They don't come to our budgeting meetings. 333 00:25:51.390 --> 00:25:53.190 Kennon Rothchild: But they see are either people working or not. 334 00:25:53.190 --> 00:25:54.540 Kennon Rothchild: Working they see their tax bill. 335 00:25:55.170 --> 00:25:55.740 Kennon Rothchild: And 336 00:25:55.800 --> 00:25:56.460 Kennon Rothchild: You know they don't 337 00:25:56.580 --> 00:25:58.530 Kennon Rothchild: Know what goes on. So when we talk about this. 338 00:25:58.530 --> 00:25:59.160 Kennon Rothchild: Like this. 339 00:25:59.490 --> 00:26:15.360 Kennon Rothchild: It gives them a sense of a. For one thing, as rich says, I mean having and this has been my experience in our properties in Minnesota, actually, even with a code, people are paying their rents and obviously here paying their taxes because 340 00:26:16.440 --> 00:26:32.310 Kennon Rothchild: A they want to keep their homes and be most people are honorable about it, as you noted, Rich. The 11 Nautilus folks. Most of them are probably repeat offenders and you know it doesn't matter whether there's corporate or not. They don't want to pay their taxes. 341 00:26:32.490 --> 00:26:37.500 Richard Fortunato: And most of them, you know, to tell you the truth can most of them have real excuses, in a sense. 342 00:26:37.980 --> 00:26:51.270 Richard Fortunato: that's owned by an estate or most of them have real property. It's not like it's a family live in there and they're just not paying their taxes. There's a real issue there. So it's not some yeah, it did not people just decided in a panic attack. 343 00:26:51.360 --> 00:26:53.340 Kennon Rothchild: Yeah but but there might be one or two. I mean, 344 00:26:53.430 --> 00:27:03.780 Kennon Rothchild: I know, right. Well, that's, that's even better, because I know I know in our properties. We do have one or two people who basically said, I give up. I'm not paying and Minnesota says you can't evict me 345 00:27:04.320 --> 00:27:18.600 Kennon Rothchild: For months, so I'm just not paying and they when when Minnesota says you can collect it or Vic those folks will say, well, thanks so much for housing us for nine months. See you later. And you know, that's, that's me know 346 00:27:20.430 --> 00:27:24.420 Karen Tarapata: Well, have a very hard time getting another place to read when anything is checked it. 347 00:27:24.480 --> 00:27:28.080 Kennon Rothchild: Yeah, there, there are ways but that's probably not for this meeting. 348 00:27:30.630 --> 00:27:46.380 Richard Fortunato: Given those taxpayers that the house was in transit. It wasn't under sale so they didn't pay. And so I think most of them have pretty good excuses like something happened that I could see that there's an issue. You know, so they're not just families not paying. Yeah. 349 00:27:46.470 --> 00:27:50.670 Kennon Rothchild: Well that's, that's great. And I think it's great to get that on the record that people are paying their taxes. 350 00:27:50.820 --> 00:27:51.510 Richard Fortunato: They are 351 00:27:51.600 --> 00:28:05.670 Kennon Rothchild: That we're spending it. Well, that we're careful about it that we're ahead of our own projections on that. I mean, all good stuff for people to hear if they were here at the beginning or that they check out the recording at some point in the future plan to have it on thanks rich 352 00:28:05.790 --> 00:28:06.180 Very much. 353 00:28:07.770 --> 00:28:09.390 Richard Fortunato: And I appreciate the question. 354 00:28:11.970 --> 00:28:13.560 Richard Fortunato: I'm sorry, Jeff, that question. 355 00:28:13.590 --> 00:28:17.190 sylviajeff: Why it's great to live it up and I he's the type of people look it's excellent. 356 00:28:20.550 --> 00:28:21.810 Karen Tarapata: All right. Thank you very 357 00:28:21.810 --> 00:28:24.990 Richard Fortunato: Much. You're very welcome everybody had a happy Thanksgiving. 358 00:28:25.170 --> 00:28:26.280 lauriedodge: I read sheet to 359 00:28:26.340 --> 00:28:26.970 18456426153: Thank you. 360 00:28:27.330 --> 00:28:28.800 Kennon Rothchild: It's nice, rich 361 00:28:31.980 --> 00:28:35.340 Karen Tarapata: Okay, let's give you a LET'S SEE. SHALL WE 362 00:28:36.150 --> 00:28:37.380 Approve some minutes 363 00:28:41.100 --> 00:28:45.000 Karen Tarapata: All right, how about the MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20 364 00:28:45.240 --> 00:28:46.170 Karen Tarapata: Does anyone have 365 00:28:46.230 --> 00:28:47.340 18456426153: Any corrections. 366 00:28:47.370 --> 00:28:48.840 Karen Tarapata: Or changes. 367 00:28:49.980 --> 00:28:50.550 18456426153: I did not 368 00:28:52.020 --> 00:28:53.760 lauriedodge: Is that that's the one that 369 00:28:53.760 --> 00:28:54.480 lauriedodge: Was 370 00:28:54.540 --> 00:28:59.940 lauriedodge: Very long, right, is that that document or no, that's the Hang on, I'm just 371 00:29:00.330 --> 00:29:01.650 Karen Tarapata: Whether there are three 372 00:29:01.710 --> 00:29:02.250 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, you 373 00:29:02.310 --> 00:29:04.170 Karen Tarapata: Know document and 374 00:29:04.830 --> 00:29:09.330 Karen Tarapata: And one meeting in a different document and I know that 375 00:29:09.930 --> 00:29:13.950 Karen Tarapata: Jeff gave his corrections to the 376 00:29:14.580 --> 00:29:15.720 18456426153: Was it the 25th. 377 00:29:16.950 --> 00:29:17.250 18456426153: Jeff. 378 00:29:17.700 --> 00:29:20.130 sylviajeff: That was still it was the last meeting we had 379 00:29:21.090 --> 00:29:21.750 Karen Tarapata: I thought okay 380 00:29:21.810 --> 00:29:22.350 Karen Tarapata: The 25th. 381 00:29:22.890 --> 00:29:24.630 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, I read, but 382 00:29:25.230 --> 00:29:26.940 Karen Tarapata: Lori. Did you read the August, Tony. 383 00:29:26.940 --> 00:29:28.890 lauriedodge: I read them all. No, sorry. It 384 00:29:28.920 --> 00:29:29.670 18456426153: Was good I have 385 00:29:29.730 --> 00:29:31.200 lauriedodge: A comment on September. 386 00:29:31.200 --> 00:29:31.980 17 387 00:29:33.870 --> 00:29:35.280 18456426153: OK, so now I just 388 00:29:35.310 --> 00:29:36.990 lauriedodge: Could it's all in one document I 389 00:29:36.990 --> 00:29:38.070 lauriedodge: Just noted a page. 390 00:29:38.070 --> 00:29:38.700 lauriedodge: Number. 391 00:29:39.240 --> 00:29:40.200 Rather than 392 00:29:43.320 --> 00:29:43.590 18456426153: Right. 393 00:29:44.730 --> 00:29:45.030 18456426153: The 394 00:29:45.090 --> 00:29:58.740 Karen Tarapata: August 20 is when we approve the drainage project. I was just talking about a we extended the moratorium, I believe, and mentor talked about the local waterfront revitalization program. 395 00:29:59.280 --> 00:30:01.080 18456426153: And we accepted the gift. 396 00:30:01.080 --> 00:30:02.430 Karen Tarapata: Of the Friends of river hook 397 00:30:03.210 --> 00:30:04.110 Karen Tarapata: Up the work 398 00:30:04.350 --> 00:30:05.070 18456426153: With Sullivan. 399 00:30:07.740 --> 00:30:08.400 Karen Tarapata: Someone make 400 00:30:08.430 --> 00:30:09.600 18456426153: A motion to accept the 401 00:30:09.600 --> 00:30:11.910 Karen Tarapata: MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 20 402 00:30:14.700 --> 00:30:20.040 Kennon Rothchild: This is Ken, I'll make a motion to accept the meeting the minutes of the regular meeting of 403 00:30:20.100 --> 00:30:20.910 18456426153: August 404 00:30:21.510 --> 00:30:22.980 Kennon Rothchild: 20 is that what we said. 405 00:30:25.410 --> 00:30:26.970 Karen Tarapata: Lori. Thank you, Larry. 406 00:30:27.270 --> 00:30:28.530 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say aye. 407 00:30:29.610 --> 00:30:30.330 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 408 00:30:31.140 --> 00:30:32.040 lauriedodge: Lori, I 409 00:30:32.640 --> 00:30:33.390 michael esmay: Mike guy. 410 00:30:33.930 --> 00:30:35.340 18456426153: I'm going to abstain for 411 00:30:35.340 --> 00:30:38.910 sylviajeff: This since December 17 because I wasn't part of those meetings. 412 00:30:39.780 --> 00:30:40.380 Correct. 413 00:30:43.410 --> 00:30:44.970 Karen Tarapata: Yes, and Karen is 414 00:30:45.120 --> 00:30:45.840 Karen Tarapata: Your mic go 415 00:30:47.070 --> 00:30:52.560 Karen Tarapata: For five minutes or adapted alright the minutes of the regular meeting of 416 00:30:52.560 --> 00:30:53.730 18456426153: September 17 417 00:30:53.970 --> 00:30:54.660 When we 418 00:30:56.460 --> 00:30:56.670 lauriedodge: I 419 00:30:56.940 --> 00:31:01.560 lauriedodge: Want small change. Yes, I'm on page 12 420 00:31:02.010 --> 00:31:05.130 lauriedodge: In the river hooks section that river hook 421 00:31:05.160 --> 00:31:06.270 lauriedodge: It's not 422 00:31:06.300 --> 00:31:11.850 lauriedodge: Friends of river hook ink so anxious come out. Jonathan Malloy public record created a vision. 423 00:31:13.980 --> 00:31:20.880 lauriedodge: Design vision. First of all, shouldn't be vision design. Design vision for friends of river. Whoa, there's no 424 00:31:21.360 --> 00:31:22.470 18456426153: It's not incorporated 425 00:31:30.120 --> 00:31:31.140 Karen Tarapata: To the minutes. It is 426 00:31:32.430 --> 00:31:35.370 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, it's page 12. No, no. But that's what the whole 427 00:31:35.370 --> 00:31:36.150 Karen Tarapata: Long thing. 428 00:31:37.710 --> 00:31:38.760 18456426153: Is 429 00:31:38.820 --> 00:31:39.270 Yeah. 430 00:31:42.180 --> 00:31:42.990 Karen Tarapata: All right. Thank you. 431 00:31:43.350 --> 00:31:44.100 Karen Tarapata: That's fine, like 432 00:31:45.120 --> 00:31:45.450 18456426153: That 433 00:31:46.200 --> 00:31:48.270 Karen Tarapata: Up that particular document. Yeah, okay. 434 00:31:49.590 --> 00:31:50.730 Karen Tarapata: Good. Thank you Lori. 435 00:31:52.470 --> 00:31:53.460 Karen Tarapata: Any other 436 00:31:53.490 --> 00:31:54.480 Corrections. 437 00:31:57.840 --> 00:31:59.730 Karen Tarapata: All right, with someone make a motion to accept the 438 00:31:59.730 --> 00:32:01.200 18456426153: Minutes of a regular meeting of 439 00:32:01.200 --> 00:32:02.250 18456426153: September 17 440 00:32:05.130 --> 00:32:07.680 lauriedodge: I'll make that motion glory. 441 00:32:08.790 --> 00:32:11.130 Kennon Rothchild: In a second this is Karen all second 442 00:32:12.300 --> 00:32:13.620 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say aye. 443 00:32:14.490 --> 00:32:15.390 lauriedodge: Lori, I 444 00:32:15.960 --> 00:32:16.650 michael esmay: Like I 445 00:32:17.250 --> 00:32:18.000 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 446 00:32:19.620 --> 00:32:20.700 sylviajeff: can abstain. 447 00:32:21.750 --> 00:32:22.620 Karen Tarapata: Darren, I 448 00:32:25.380 --> 00:32:35.970 Karen Tarapata: Okay. OK, so now the special meeting of October eight, where we accepted the FESCO fence bid any changes to that. 449 00:32:37.920 --> 00:32:38.220 18456426153: No. 450 00:32:40.410 --> 00:32:41.340 18456426153: So can I get 451 00:32:42.660 --> 00:32:46.170 Karen Tarapata: Some make a motion to accept the minutes of the special meaning of October eight, 452 00:32:47.100 --> 00:32:48.810 michael esmay: I'll make that motion like 453 00:32:49.860 --> 00:32:52.410 sylviajeff: All certain emotion, Jeff. Jeff. 454 00:32:52.920 --> 00:32:54.180 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say aye. 455 00:32:54.900 --> 00:32:57.090 sylviajeff: My guy. Jeff, I 456 00:32:58.110 --> 00:32:58.830 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 457 00:32:59.820 --> 00:33:00.750 lauriedodge: Already I 458 00:33:01.380 --> 00:33:08.430 Karen Tarapata: KAREN I thank you. And lastly, THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 25 459 00:33:10.530 --> 00:33:14.670 Karen Tarapata: And I think Jeff made a few minor typographical changes. 460 00:33:17.130 --> 00:33:19.170 Karen Tarapata: Other than that, are there any changes. 461 00:33:19.200 --> 00:33:20.730 18456426153: To the Minutes. 462 00:33:22.680 --> 00:33:27.030 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of October 25 463 00:33:28.110 --> 00:33:35.400 Kennon Rothchild: So, as Ken, I'll make that motion to accept the regular THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 25 as amended. 464 00:33:37.530 --> 00:33:38.160 Karen Tarapata: Seconds second 465 00:33:43.170 --> 00:33:45.330 Karen Tarapata: Up. Was it Lori or Jeff. 466 00:33:46.020 --> 00:33:46.560 Lori. 467 00:33:48.780 --> 00:33:50.640 Karen Tarapata: All right. All in favor say aye. 468 00:33:51.720 --> 00:33:52.440 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 469 00:33:53.790 --> 00:33:54.720 lauriedodge: Lori, I 470 00:33:55.230 --> 00:33:55.860 michael esmay: Mike, I 471 00:33:56.430 --> 00:33:57.240 sylviajeff: Jeff. Hi. 472 00:33:57.810 --> 00:34:02.910 Karen Tarapata: Karen, thank you. Now we're caught up, which is great because things 473 00:34:02.910 --> 00:34:03.240 Karen Tarapata: Kept 474 00:34:03.720 --> 00:34:04.770 18456426153: Happening. That's that. 475 00:34:04.800 --> 00:34:06.270 Karen Tarapata: kept us from getting some 476 00:34:06.960 --> 00:34:07.830 18456426153: Taken care of 477 00:34:09.030 --> 00:34:13.590 Karen Tarapata: Let's see. The last thing we really have to do tonight we have some 478 00:34:14.490 --> 00:34:16.740 18456426153: Old equipment to surplus. 479 00:34:17.550 --> 00:34:18.030 Karen Tarapata: And 480 00:34:18.060 --> 00:34:21.480 Karen Tarapata: We have an old actually Carol, you want to describe these 481 00:34:21.480 --> 00:34:22.320 Karen Tarapata: Three items. 482 00:34:24.780 --> 00:34:39.330 18456426153: Yes, we have a TV with a VHS recorder player in it. It used to be in the back meeting room. And so we replace it with the large monitor type TV. 483 00:34:41.070 --> 00:34:47.460 18456426153: That she was that when we have meetings that plan and planning board meetings so that TV is now. 484 00:34:48.630 --> 00:34:54.090 18456426153: Out of there and it's been sitting in the garage next door for several years. 485 00:34:55.890 --> 00:34:59.970 18456426153: We have a the color printer copier, which is 486 00:35:01.170 --> 00:35:07.950 18456426153: No longer useful. We have replaced it doesn't work anymore and you have a typewriter. 487 00:35:09.000 --> 00:35:23.910 18456426153: Which we put over into the record storage and it's been on the shelf over there. Probably for five years now for years and put it over there. We said we'll leave it there. See if we needed again. And we've never used it. So I think it's time 488 00:35:24.810 --> 00:35:28.530 Karen Tarapata: Is it electronic or is it a manual it's electric 489 00:35:29.520 --> 00:35:30.600 18456426153: Wondering how to know 490 00:35:32.970 --> 00:35:34.410 Karen Tarapata: What's her next time friends. 491 00:35:34.950 --> 00:35:35.250 Yeah. 492 00:35:37.830 --> 00:35:42.540 18456426153: All right, and I use it a lot when I first came to work at the visual 493 00:35:44.070 --> 00:35:46.260 18456426153: I probably use it until a few years ago. 494 00:35:48.600 --> 00:35:52.680 michael esmay: You use it sometimes to fill out forms where you couldn't do it on the computer. 495 00:35:53.610 --> 00:35:55.740 18456426153: Right now everything is 496 00:35:57.210 --> 00:36:00.150 18456426153: Available online just about do 497 00:36:00.660 --> 00:36:04.890 Karen Tarapata: The thing now is you can't even get ribbons. I had a brother type writer that I liked. 498 00:36:04.890 --> 00:36:16.920 Karen Tarapata: Very well that I kept long time for just that purpose. And then it became more and more difficult to even get a ribbon to go into it so that 499 00:36:17.490 --> 00:36:18.690 That was the end of that well. 500 00:36:20.460 --> 00:36:29.280 18456426153: I know there's a pile of ribbon with the typewriter over there because I, I just bought it, you know, we had a surplus of that in the drawer. So 501 00:36:30.630 --> 00:36:30.960 18456426153: That 502 00:36:32.400 --> 00:36:32.880 18456426153: Well, 503 00:36:33.240 --> 00:36:34.050 18456426153: Hold on to it. 504 00:36:36.030 --> 00:36:39.840 Kennon Rothchild: And we thought of contacting Tom Hanks, and see if he wants to add it to his collection. 505 00:36:42.840 --> 00:36:46.740 Karen Tarapata: That's right, but he has all the beautiful Italian ones and all the fancy 506 00:36:48.120 --> 00:36:49.080 Karen Tarapata: Right, I don't know. 507 00:36:50.700 --> 00:36:51.360 sylviajeff: Just a few 508 00:36:51.810 --> 00:36:58.200 sylviajeff: Was a collection. What would we do with a default printer that is that a photocopy of printer. 509 00:37:00.180 --> 00:37:00.990 18456426153: It's a 510 00:37:02.460 --> 00:37:20.010 18456426153: I'm trying to think of the brand, it might be a, it's a photo smart. So we had it, we used to use the, you know, you see as a village camera or take pictures of things and road road projects and things that we print out pictures. So we had 511 00:37:21.180 --> 00:37:24.240 18456426153: To make ID badges, things like that. 512 00:37:24.810 --> 00:37:26.220 18456426153: We're also, it does. 513 00:37:27.570 --> 00:37:28.140 18456426153: It just so 514 00:37:28.200 --> 00:37:29.010 Kennon Rothchild: It really just like 515 00:37:29.190 --> 00:37:29.610 18456426153: Five. 516 00:37:29.730 --> 00:37:31.260 Kennon Rothchild: The five by seven are the four 517 00:37:31.260 --> 00:37:32.100 Kennon Rothchild: By six 518 00:37:32.190 --> 00:37:33.690 Pictures, is that the size 519 00:37:34.920 --> 00:37:43.470 18456426153: Is just like a regular eight and a half by 11 but you could you can do different sizes depending on the program to software use with it. 520 00:37:44.580 --> 00:37:47.550 Karen Tarapata: I'm feeling that the drivers. You can't even get drivers for 521 00:37:47.550 --> 00:37:50.010 Karen Tarapata: These things anymore. I mean, a lot of times 522 00:37:50.640 --> 00:37:52.470 Karen Tarapata: I don't Mike said this experience. 523 00:37:52.470 --> 00:37:53.520 Karen Tarapata: To you can have a 524 00:37:53.550 --> 00:37:57.060 Karen Tarapata: Printer that you like and then it's not supported at a certain 525 00:37:57.060 --> 00:37:59.010 Karen Tarapata: Point. And that's the end of that. 526 00:38:01.530 --> 00:38:18.870 18456426153: What happened with it. And it was also a copier so you could, you know, it had a bed, you can lift up and put something down and copy it, but it started to really malfunction where, you know, you have to keep turning it on and off to get it to work properly or wouldn't 527 00:38:20.400 --> 00:38:21.960 18456426153: It just didn't seem to be 528 00:38:23.790 --> 00:38:28.620 18456426153: Taking you know signal from the some of your computer correctly. 529 00:38:29.970 --> 00:38:30.180 Karen Tarapata: You're 530 00:38:30.900 --> 00:38:32.790 sylviajeff: asking what's because I'm 531 00:38:33.810 --> 00:38:46.710 sylviajeff: I would suggest that we destroy that and truly destroy close. I've heard that those things can retain images of everything that was passed along during his lifetime. 532 00:38:48.540 --> 00:38:52.020 Karen Tarapata: I think what we usually what we do is we take it up to the hazardous. 533 00:38:52.290 --> 00:38:53.490 lauriedodge: People. Yeah. 534 00:38:53.790 --> 00:38:57.720 Karen Tarapata: And then they take them apart. And it's very secure 535 00:38:57.900 --> 00:38:59.490 Karen Tarapata: Because it's done through the county 536 00:39:02.820 --> 00:39:05.610 18456426153: It's really just a printer, it's not 537 00:39:07.260 --> 00:39:14.580 18456426153: I think that you're talking about like the memory. It keeps and i i i think like, like the large printer, we have in our office. 538 00:39:16.110 --> 00:39:27.480 18456426153: We've talked to kind of come and Alta or the, the company. We got that from an IT. It does not retain all of that information that you've copied through it. When we have any way. 539 00:39:28.590 --> 00:39:40.290 18456426153: That I understand what you're saying you don't want financial stuff to go through that if somebody so security number on there. But before we, before we get rid of it we will make sure that there is no 540 00:39:41.490 --> 00:39:44.040 18456426153: Possibility or issue that happening. 541 00:39:45.510 --> 00:39:48.120 18456426153: Is that it does not have a memory card or anything in it. 542 00:39:50.730 --> 00:39:52.860 18456426153: We may never ever know that we're not just putting it 543 00:39:52.860 --> 00:39:55.950 Karen Tarapata: On the curb. It is actually take into the facility. 544 00:39:57.450 --> 00:39:58.350 Karen Tarapata: Which is good too. 545 00:40:01.170 --> 00:40:07.350 18456426153: Right. But if we were taking an old computer or something. They are we would, we would not send the hard drive with it. 546 00:40:07.950 --> 00:40:19.200 18456426153: You know, that would be that we would take that out and get rid of that you wouldn't send that with the computer would wipe it or like you say, destroy it. But I'll ask Lucy about them going to see him tomorrow. 547 00:40:21.240 --> 00:40:25.950 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, I have a drawer full of old hard drives from the last 20 years is that 548 00:40:26.250 --> 00:40:29.580 Karen Tarapata: Used to pull out on my towers. If I was getting rid 549 00:40:29.580 --> 00:40:30.960 Karen Tarapata: Of a computer, I just pull it up and 550 00:40:32.310 --> 00:40:33.480 18456426153: Stick it in this drawer. 551 00:40:34.680 --> 00:40:36.900 Karen Tarapata: I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'LL EVER DO WITH THEM, BUT THEY'VE GOT 552 00:40:38.070 --> 00:40:38.520 Karen Tarapata: So, 553 00:40:39.600 --> 00:40:44.820 Karen Tarapata: The only question is, do you think we should keep the typewriter or not keep the type typewriter. 554 00:40:46.890 --> 00:40:47.820 michael esmay: I'm thinking 555 00:40:47.850 --> 00:40:48.630 You should 556 00:40:51.180 --> 00:40:52.440 18456426153: If you've got ribbons. 557 00:40:54.180 --> 00:40:55.950 Karen Tarapata: You haven't been used in five 558 00:40:55.950 --> 00:40:56.580 18456426153: Years. 559 00:40:56.910 --> 00:41:00.690 Karen Tarapata: Well you know that's true ribbon might be dry as a bone. 560 00:41:01.560 --> 00:41:01.950 Through 561 00:41:05.550 --> 00:41:07.470 Karen Tarapata: So I would say I 562 00:41:07.620 --> 00:41:10.140 Karen Tarapata: Suggest that we Carol. 563 00:41:10.560 --> 00:41:23.310 18456426153: To you can you can surpluses and I'll take a look at it. See what know if it's anything that would be it would work. But you know, it's not taking up that much space but 564 00:41:24.990 --> 00:41:31.890 18456426153: You know, as a practice. You don't want to start storing stuff like that in your record storage room. 565 00:41:32.970 --> 00:41:40.590 18456426153: Because then it'll become a depository for other things like that, you know, this is here. Let's put something else in here. That's all. 566 00:41:42.030 --> 00:41:42.990 18456426153: Well, what do you think 567 00:41:43.800 --> 00:41:51.180 Karen Tarapata: Board. What do you think, should we surplus the to the color printer in the TV and see if the typewriter works. 568 00:41:53.700 --> 00:41:54.720 michael esmay: That would be me. 569 00:41:56.640 --> 00:41:57.870 Karen Tarapata: Why do you want to make that motion. 570 00:42:00.390 --> 00:42:02.370 michael esmay: Well us the rest of the board. 571 00:42:05.280 --> 00:42:06.120 Karen Tarapata: Discussion. 572 00:42:07.230 --> 00:42:10.470 lauriedodge: I don't have a very strong opinion. I probably well 573 00:42:11.580 --> 00:42:24.390 lauriedodge: We kind of keep everything or not hoarders. It's not our house isn't scary, but we keep things, but I don't. Yeah. I mean, what, how often does anyone use a typewriter anymore. I, you know, 574 00:42:24.570 --> 00:42:28.530 michael esmay: I don't know if it's you know it's a village hall. I don't know. 575 00:42:29.880 --> 00:42:37.410 michael esmay: I'm just thinking there, you know, a year from now, you're going to go, oh god. Wouldn't it be great if we had that typewriter right now. 576 00:42:40.200 --> 00:42:41.160 sylviajeff: I told him when 577 00:42:41.370 --> 00:42:42.330 sylviajeff: These things 578 00:42:43.590 --> 00:42:44.640 sylviajeff: Get cheaper as 579 00:42:44.670 --> 00:42:46.080 michael esmay: Time goes on rid of them. 580 00:42:46.440 --> 00:42:51.120 sylviajeff: But, uh, but, um, but, you know, if we have the room, I'm looking holding on to 581 00:42:51.120 --> 00:42:52.470 sylviajeff: Our biggest necessity. 582 00:42:54.030 --> 00:43:06.210 Karen Tarapata: Well, let's say it works. We'll give it a shot. So yeah, what someone make emotion just surplus, the color printer copier and the TV making certain that all any memory is removed. 583 00:43:13.980 --> 00:43:20.160 sylviajeff: Mike, do it. And I took took this bull by the horns and he looks so good with that your clean shaven everything you can do it out. Second, 584 00:43:21.210 --> 00:43:21.630 michael esmay: Okay. 585 00:43:21.810 --> 00:43:23.040 michael esmay: I'll make that motion. 586 00:43:23.220 --> 00:43:24.480 sylviajeff: I'll second that motion. 587 00:43:24.930 --> 00:43:26.610 Karen Tarapata: All right. All in favor say 588 00:43:26.610 --> 00:43:26.940 michael esmay: Aye. 589 00:43:27.630 --> 00:43:29.970 sylviajeff: Aye, Mike. Hi, Jeff. 590 00:43:31.620 --> 00:43:32.130 Kennon Rothchild: I 10 591 00:43:32.910 --> 00:43:33.720 lauriedodge: I Lori. 592 00:43:34.680 --> 00:43:40.200 Karen Tarapata: Hi Karen. Great. So the typewriter got a reprieve at least a month. 593 00:43:44.610 --> 00:43:47.880 Karen Tarapata: But now someone else to come in and go in there and try 594 00:43:51.690 --> 00:43:52.320 sylviajeff: Allows you to 595 00:43:54.720 --> 00:43:55.830 Karen Tarapata: Record storage room because 596 00:43:55.830 --> 00:43:57.120 18456426153: That's outside 597 00:43:58.710 --> 00:44:00.690 18456426153: You can go in the records storage. 598 00:44:02.370 --> 00:44:05.610 18456426153: To get the key nobody's in there on a regular basis. 599 00:44:08.190 --> 00:44:10.320 Karen Tarapata: Okay. One other thing I've got is 600 00:44:10.380 --> 00:44:10.920 Um, 601 00:44:11.970 --> 00:44:20.400 Karen Tarapata: I was talking with cam who installed our security systems on the preserve because I got the call. 602 00:44:21.030 --> 00:44:21.720 18456426153: At midnight. 603 00:44:21.810 --> 00:44:29.040 Karen Tarapata: On Saturday night that there are the alarm went off in the library part of the 604 00:44:29.310 --> 00:44:30.180 18456426153: Maybe building 605 00:44:30.750 --> 00:44:33.210 Karen Tarapata: And we know it was either spiders are falling 606 00:44:33.210 --> 00:44:46.500 Karen Tarapata: Paint or whatever. And what he suggested was that I get the software so that I can turn off the alarm on the village on my cell phone. 607 00:44:47.580 --> 00:44:57.300 Karen Tarapata: It would cost us an extra $10 a month and monitoring, but when it's something like that, where if someone were actually then 608 00:44:57.300 --> 00:44:58.590 Karen Tarapata: To go into another 609 00:44:58.590 --> 00:44:59.220 18456426153: Part of 610 00:44:59.280 --> 00:45:03.510 Karen Tarapata: Building, we would know that they'd actually we're breaking in. 611 00:45:04.650 --> 00:45:05.880 Karen Tarapata: But when just one 612 00:45:05.940 --> 00:45:07.170 18456426153: Area goes off. 613 00:45:07.410 --> 00:45:09.600 Karen Tarapata: I want to be able to turn that off. 614 00:45:09.930 --> 00:45:13.680 Karen Tarapata: Without having to physically go over there in the middle of the night. 615 00:45:15.150 --> 00:45:18.930 lauriedodge: And Karen, do you, you have a visual in that app as well. 616 00:45:21.030 --> 00:45:22.590 Karen Tarapata: You mean we don't have cameras. No. 617 00:45:23.310 --> 00:45:24.060 lauriedodge: No, we don't have 618 00:45:24.300 --> 00:45:25.950 Karen Tarapata: Oh, I thought we had something in there. 619 00:45:25.980 --> 00:45:26.610 We don't know. 620 00:45:27.900 --> 00:45:28.260 lauriedodge: Okay. 621 00:45:28.320 --> 00:45:29.550 lauriedodge: Your motion right tag motion. 622 00:45:29.550 --> 00:45:32.010 Karen Tarapata: Detectors you wait and you see if somebody is 623 00:45:32.040 --> 00:45:33.390 18456426153: Moving from one place to 624 00:45:33.390 --> 00:45:34.470 18456426153: Another place. 625 00:45:34.530 --> 00:45:35.310 lauriedodge: Right, okay. 626 00:45:36.510 --> 00:45:45.390 Karen Tarapata: And that I could track, but if it's just this because I'm getting I have to tell you, I'm getting more now going over there and turning things off and turn them back on. 627 00:45:45.390 --> 00:45:46.380 18456426153: Again, that's 628 00:45:46.410 --> 00:45:46.950 18456426153: That's a 629 00:45:47.010 --> 00:45:50.070 michael esmay: That's a cost that you can approve. 630 00:45:51.390 --> 00:45:58.290 Karen Tarapata: I just wanted to run it past the word for is just to let you know that that's something that's going on. 631 00:45:59.190 --> 00:45:59.700 sylviajeff: Because I 632 00:45:59.760 --> 00:46:01.620 Karen Tarapata: Know, I don't like 633 00:46:01.680 --> 00:46:03.090 Karen Tarapata: Having the alarms. Right. 634 00:46:03.090 --> 00:46:03.720 18456426153: Ring for 635 00:46:03.750 --> 00:46:08.310 Karen Tarapata: 10 or 15 minutes about it's unfair to the neighbors. 636 00:46:08.970 --> 00:46:09.240 sylviajeff: So, 637 00:46:09.330 --> 00:46:11.670 michael esmay: I think it's reasonable for that reason alone. 638 00:46:12.000 --> 00:46:13.200 lauriedodge: Yeah, I think it's fine. 639 00:46:14.400 --> 00:46:15.780 18456426153: And now that it's interesting. 640 00:46:16.020 --> 00:46:24.990 Karen Tarapata: You know, when we first purchased the property. There were people trying to get in and now there's been really nothing because there's nothing in there. I 641 00:46:25.050 --> 00:46:25.380 18456426153: Guess. 642 00:46:25.710 --> 00:46:27.690 Karen Tarapata: The word got out that there's nothing 643 00:46:28.140 --> 00:46:40.350 Karen Tarapata: Interesting insights is to take a look at because we haven't had any kids or any scrappers or anybody trying to do anything over there for this entire season. 644 00:46:41.520 --> 00:46:44.550 Karen Tarapata: Which is great. We have a nice honest community. 645 00:46:46.890 --> 00:47:04.530 Karen Tarapata: Okay, thank you. I just wanted to run that past you guys a summit school sidewalk that we talked about at the workshop I looked at the survey and they have planted those trees exactly on their property line. 646 00:47:05.280 --> 00:47:05.760 Good. 647 00:47:07.650 --> 00:47:18.780 Karen Tarapata: So we can take a look at it. We can see how much room we have how far we would be able to move something if we could make the strip between the sidewalk and the road less 648 00:47:19.530 --> 00:47:32.280 Karen Tarapata: You know, do how much, how much space do we need there to try and pick up a little bit, you know, we're talking about perhaps putting a little pull off and on the other across the street from the school from the elementary school. 649 00:47:36.900 --> 00:47:48.030 sylviajeff: Discussion was to do about a foot and a half. Correct. And the only thing that was in the way what the utility poles, which, I believe, Mike purity spoke to them about it. They were going to have to move. Yes. 650 00:47:48.120 --> 00:47:53.850 michael esmay: Ordering to Dennis if we do this project it's incumbent upon all in order to move them. 651 00:47:55.980 --> 00:47:58.920 Karen Tarapata: So it looks like we can do it. It's going to be a squeaker 652 00:48:00.180 --> 00:48:01.290 18456426153: It's going to be close. 653 00:48:01.590 --> 00:48:08.610 Karen Tarapata: But I think we could have Dennis drop some plans and if that's okay with everybody. 654 00:48:09.630 --> 00:48:10.440 michael esmay: Do it next to you. 655 00:48:12.150 --> 00:48:12.690 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 656 00:48:13.560 --> 00:48:23.280 18456426153: Aaron. Can I just ask. This is a project doing a pull off along the east side of North Broadway in front of the summit school. Yes. 657 00:48:24.660 --> 00:48:25.830 18456426153: So you would just be 658 00:48:29.490 --> 00:48:31.020 18456426153: Taking away some of that. 659 00:48:32.490 --> 00:48:34.500 18456426153: Median there the grass area. 660 00:48:35.130 --> 00:48:36.300 Karen Tarapata: Well, we probably would. 661 00:48:36.330 --> 00:48:41.820 Karen Tarapata: relocate the sidewalk to the sidewalk is in poor repair and actually that was 662 00:48:41.820 --> 00:48:42.240 Karen Tarapata: Part 663 00:48:42.270 --> 00:48:45.390 Karen Tarapata: Of the Hudson River Greenway project that's the part that we 664 00:48:45.750 --> 00:48:49.530 Karen Tarapata: Had to not do because of the increased cost. 665 00:48:49.530 --> 00:48:50.340 18456426153: And concrete. 666 00:48:51.180 --> 00:49:01.020 Karen Tarapata: So once again 10 Zebrowski has promised us $50,000 for that sidewalk project earlier this year. 667 00:49:01.410 --> 00:49:01.890 Karen Tarapata: I have to get 668 00:49:01.950 --> 00:49:02.160 18456426153: The 669 00:49:02.190 --> 00:49:12.360 Karen Tarapata: Talk to him again and see if that's still an option that if we're going to be able to get that money next year, but he said when he came and asked me, Well, what do you need, I said I need $50,000 670 00:49:12.930 --> 00:49:22.500 Karen Tarapata: To fix the sidewalks. We couldn't do as part of the bridge project. And he said, That's reasonable. So hopefully this project, the cost of 671 00:49:23.190 --> 00:49:33.540 Karen Tarapata: When we relay those sidewalks, we'd be able to move them over a little bit reduce that grass strip a little bit and allow people to to pull off the road more safely. 672 00:49:35.880 --> 00:49:37.290 michael esmay: Not up on the medium. 673 00:49:37.800 --> 00:49:39.810 lauriedodge: And right now the higher curb 674 00:49:40.830 --> 00:49:44.820 Karen Tarapata: Exactly but a real curb there. So instead of parking 675 00:49:44.910 --> 00:49:46.050 18456426153: Half on the grass. 676 00:49:46.110 --> 00:49:46.740 18456426153: They'll part 677 00:49:48.450 --> 00:49:50.610 Karen Tarapata: A little bit further to the east. 678 00:49:52.230 --> 00:49:54.480 18456426153: Okay. Thank you. Great. 679 00:49:57.750 --> 00:50:03.570 Karen Tarapata: Last thing that I have on my little chatty list here that question. 680 00:50:03.600 --> 00:50:04.590 Karen Tarapata: That the 681 00:50:05.250 --> 00:50:09.690 Karen Tarapata: We got the letters about someone asking about parking on upper Birchwood 682 00:50:11.280 --> 00:50:11.970 18456426153: Oh, right. 683 00:50:12.420 --> 00:50:19.890 Karen Tarapata: I don't know is and did anyone is anyone on tonight to speak to that issue. I don't know who the participants are tonight. 684 00:50:22.560 --> 00:50:24.270 Karen Tarapata: No. Okay, just checking. 685 00:50:25.470 --> 00:50:25.950 Karen Tarapata: You know, we 686 00:50:26.010 --> 00:50:27.900 18456426153: It was a request that 687 00:50:27.930 --> 00:50:28.800 Karen Tarapata: We somehow 688 00:50:28.830 --> 00:50:36.750 Karen Tarapata: allow someone to park on upper Birchwood because they have their a renter 689 00:50:37.110 --> 00:50:38.160 18456426153: And the 690 00:50:38.370 --> 00:50:39.690 Karen Tarapata: Driveway is far 691 00:50:39.690 --> 00:50:42.600 Karen Tarapata: From the front entrance where they go into their house. 692 00:50:43.740 --> 00:50:58.470 Karen Tarapata: And I had a couple of questions, thoughts about that, you know, I sent you all the pictures of the house and where they were parking on the street when we have no parking on an upper Birchwood 693 00:50:59.730 --> 00:51:00.360 Karen Tarapata: And 694 00:51:02.340 --> 00:51:03.600 Karen Tarapata: My question is one 695 00:51:03.960 --> 00:51:06.540 Karen Tarapata: This request didn't come from the property owner 696 00:51:07.320 --> 00:51:08.640 Karen Tarapata: This came from a renter 697 00:51:10.170 --> 00:51:27.750 Karen Tarapata: And the pictures. You can see that someone has there's a car parked half off the road. I have no idea but but I'm part of the property, you can see that there are rocks along the side of the road. Which leads me to believe that perhaps 698 00:51:28.440 --> 00:51:29.490 Karen Tarapata: The property owner does 699 00:51:29.490 --> 00:51:30.120 Karen Tarapata: Not want 700 00:51:30.270 --> 00:51:31.350 18456426153: Someone parking 701 00:51:32.700 --> 00:51:42.960 Karen Tarapata: On that upper Birchwood you know along the road. So I'm thinking that perhaps we tell the person who requested it, that the request has to come 702 00:51:43.410 --> 00:51:55.470 Karen Tarapata: If there is a request would have to come from the property owner, but really if they wanted a pull off a gravel pull off whether renters. That's more of a 703 00:51:56.490 --> 00:52:04.320 Karen Tarapata: Of a project for the property owner. It really isn't something that we get involved in because we can't just allow someone to park mid block. 704 00:52:06.210 --> 00:52:07.440 Karen Tarapata: What do you think, I mean, 705 00:52:08.970 --> 00:52:12.960 Kennon Rothchild: I think you're right that it's you know it's if the renter 706 00:52:14.760 --> 00:52:25.080 Kennon Rothchild: Just has an objection to print parking on the property where the owner designates it. It's up to them to talk to the owner about their 707 00:52:25.740 --> 00:52:26.820 18456426153: Their situation. 708 00:52:26.910 --> 00:52:28.140 Kennon Rothchild: You know, that's 709 00:52:28.710 --> 00:52:29.190 Kennon Rothchild: You know, 710 00:52:29.310 --> 00:52:31.440 Kennon Rothchild: That's their, their thing, if they 711 00:52:31.920 --> 00:52:39.510 Kennon Rothchild: Don't like what the owner has to say. Then they have the option to rent elsewhere. I guess the other question and ask is do we know whether that's illegal rental or not. I mean, 712 00:52:40.440 --> 00:52:44.760 Karen Tarapata: That rentals been there a very, very long time. It's a two family home. Okay. 713 00:52:45.090 --> 00:52:46.140 Kennon Rothchild: Well, that's fine. I 714 00:52:46.710 --> 00:52:48.840 Karen Tarapata: Think Carolyn. I know people who live there. 715 00:52:49.380 --> 00:52:53.430 Karen Tarapata: It is, it isn't. To my knowledge, it is illegal to family home. 716 00:52:53.880 --> 00:52:54.870 Karen Tarapata: Care. Look, do you know 717 00:52:56.130 --> 00:52:59.460 18456426153: Um, it's listed as a two family and the tax will 718 00:53:00.570 --> 00:53:00.810 18456426153: Tell me. 719 00:53:01.350 --> 00:53:04.470 Kennon Rothchild: All right. But then, then it's likely to be illegal rentals. Yeah, I think. 720 00:53:04.920 --> 00:53:14.100 Kennon Rothchild: You know, if you're renting from an owner and they said, this is where you park and you say that's too far away from where I want to go. They say, well, that's where you park and that's 721 00:53:14.130 --> 00:53:15.030 Not our business. 722 00:53:16.080 --> 00:53:16.410 18456426153: It's 723 00:53:16.440 --> 00:53:18.990 Karen Tarapata: It's topic because the person was saying her 724 00:53:18.990 --> 00:53:20.550 Karen Tarapata: Husband has a handicap. 725 00:53:21.150 --> 00:53:24.210 Karen Tarapata: hang tag it it makes it 726 00:53:25.500 --> 00:53:27.870 Karen Tarapata: It feels a little cruel, but I think we 727 00:53:28.080 --> 00:53:37.560 Karen Tarapata: We can't start just allowing people to park on the roads that are it would obviously it would be very difficult then to 728 00:53:40.170 --> 00:53:49.500 Kennon Rothchild: The laws relatively clear about that kind of thing. If a person is has a handicap of some nature and requires an accommodation 729 00:53:50.070 --> 00:54:00.570 Kennon Rothchild: Then they make the request of the owner of the property and the property owner is legally obligated to decide whether that's a reasonable request. 730 00:54:00.960 --> 00:54:10.260 Kennon Rothchild: Or not one that they that one that they can say is unreasonable and and either make the accommodation or not. And then the renter would either have to say. 731 00:54:11.670 --> 00:54:15.900 Kennon Rothchild: You have turned me down for an invalid reason and I'm suing 732 00:54:17.430 --> 00:54:22.860 Kennon Rothchild: Taking before the Human Rights Commission, I guess it wouldn't be suing you take them you'd make a complaint to the Human Rights Commission. 733 00:54:23.250 --> 00:54:23.970 Kennon Rothchild: But we're 734 00:54:24.030 --> 00:54:30.360 Kennon Rothchild: We're not in that where it's we have, we're not parties to that agreement between the renter in the owner 735 00:54:32.790 --> 00:54:39.270 Karen Tarapata: So whatever whatever decision the property owner and the renter makes that's that's between them. 736 00:54:39.630 --> 00:54:43.740 michael esmay: It's it's why we have no parking between three and six. 737 00:54:46.290 --> 00:54:46.980 Kennon Rothchild: Yeah, I mean, 738 00:54:47.070 --> 00:54:47.670 Karen Tarapata: It may 739 00:54:47.730 --> 00:54:48.450 Kennon Rothchild: You know, I mean, 740 00:54:48.690 --> 00:54:59.370 Kennon Rothchild: It may be that the owner turns around and says, I need to make a reasonable accommodation for renter, and then so I'm requesting in the village board that you allow this. And then that it's up to us. 741 00:55:00.660 --> 00:55:10.920 Karen Tarapata: Right, that's another oldest or they come and they decide to put a gravel own gravel pull off area where the roots and quit part know 742 00:55:11.730 --> 00:55:12.960 Karen Tarapata: Your property as other 743 00:55:13.020 --> 00:55:16.140 Karen Tarapata: Other land owners have done in the village. 744 00:55:16.380 --> 00:55:17.190 Kennon Rothchild: You know, the legal 745 00:55:17.640 --> 00:55:21.000 Kennon Rothchild: Legal thing is reasonable accommodation and that's the phrase. 746 00:55:22.170 --> 00:55:25.440 Karen Tarapata: Well, you wouldn't. It's good to have your, your 747 00:55:25.470 --> 00:55:27.090 Karen Tarapata: Insight can because that's 748 00:55:28.620 --> 00:55:32.190 Karen Tarapata: That's something that we don't have and you do. Yeah. 749 00:55:32.670 --> 00:55:33.150 Thanks. 750 00:55:34.800 --> 00:55:37.050 Karen Tarapata: Well, that's all I have. I don't know. 751 00:55:37.140 --> 00:55:38.040 18456426153: What else 752 00:55:38.310 --> 00:55:39.480 Karen Tarapata: Anyone else wants to speak. 753 00:55:39.480 --> 00:55:41.190 18456426153: About tonight. Well, 754 00:55:42.240 --> 00:55:50.820 18456426153: I just have to say that the public hearings, but you have to make a resolution that you're going to hold those public hearings again. 755 00:55:51.930 --> 00:55:54.420 18456426153: It's an irregular meet you are 756 00:55:54.510 --> 00:55:57.360 Karen Tarapata: Absolutely correct. I said that at the beginning of the meeting. And then I 757 00:55:57.990 --> 00:55:59.280 18456426153: Put a checkmark next to it. 758 00:55:59.370 --> 00:56:12.570 Karen Tarapata: And forgot all about it. Okay, so now with someone make a motion to hold a public hearing on ordinance to amending ordinance 2.2 759 00:56:14.190 --> 00:56:20.040 Karen Tarapata: Ordinance 3.3 and ordinance for can we do them all as one resolution. Do you think Cara. 760 00:56:21.450 --> 00:56:21.990 18456426153: Um, 761 00:56:24.210 --> 00:56:27.300 18456426153: I think in the past we've always done them separately. 762 00:56:28.920 --> 00:56:30.480 Karen Tarapata: All right, I'm not. Yeah. 763 00:56:30.630 --> 00:56:32.820 18456426153: I think you just have to do each one 764 00:56:33.930 --> 00:56:34.260 18456426153: All right. 765 00:56:34.320 --> 00:56:36.000 Karen Tarapata: This is December 17 766 00:56:37.950 --> 00:56:38.910 Karen Tarapata: Calendar. 767 00:56:43.020 --> 00:56:46.440 Karen Tarapata: Someone make a motion to Amanda ordinance to 768 00:56:46.440 --> 00:56:48.030 Karen Tarapata: Point to a 769 00:56:48.090 --> 00:56:50.010 Karen Tarapata: Section E parking regulation. 770 00:56:52.830 --> 00:56:58.530 sylviajeff: Making motion that we have a meeting about section about 2.2 for the parking 771 00:56:59.190 --> 00:57:00.810 Karen Tarapata: Amending ordinance 2.2 772 00:57:00.840 --> 00:57:09.570 sylviajeff: Million 2.2 for parking and North Broadway to the next meeting somebody next Open major December, right. 773 00:57:11.010 --> 00:57:12.300 Kennon Rothchild: This is can I second. 774 00:57:13.680 --> 00:57:14.940 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say aye. 775 00:57:16.410 --> 00:57:17.100 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 776 00:57:17.730 --> 00:57:18.150 Address. 777 00:57:20.730 --> 00:57:21.600 lauriedodge: Lori, I 778 00:57:22.500 --> 00:57:23.160 michael esmay: My guy. 779 00:57:24.000 --> 00:57:24.960 Karen Tarapata: Aaron, I 780 00:57:26.010 --> 00:57:35.580 Karen Tarapata: Write with someone make a motion that we hold a public hearing to amend ordinance 3.3 fires burning and refuse 781 00:57:37.980 --> 00:57:49.170 lauriedodge: It's Lori, I will make a motion that we hold a public hearing on December 17 amending ordinance 3.3 concerning fires burning in refuse 782 00:57:50.100 --> 00:57:51.180 Karen Tarapata: All right. Can I get a second 783 00:57:52.320 --> 00:57:53.640 sylviajeff: Oh, Jeff. I'll second. 784 00:57:54.360 --> 00:57:55.560 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say aye. 785 00:57:57.060 --> 00:57:57.360 lauriedodge: Aye. 786 00:57:58.200 --> 00:57:58.950 michael esmay: Michael I 787 00:58:01.380 --> 00:58:02.130 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 788 00:58:02.850 --> 00:58:03.810 18456426153: KAREN I 789 00:58:05.280 --> 00:58:06.810 Karen Tarapata: And finally, with someone 790 00:58:06.840 --> 00:58:08.160 18456426153: Make a mission. 791 00:58:08.790 --> 00:58:13.470 Karen Tarapata: To hold a public hearing to women ordinance number for health and sanitation. 792 00:58:14.490 --> 00:58:16.320 Karen Tarapata: receptacles for rubbish. 793 00:58:16.950 --> 00:58:19.170 lauriedodge: 4.1 care and I think it is. 794 00:58:19.800 --> 00:58:23.310 Karen Tarapata: Ordinance for ordinance for amending 4.1 see 795 00:58:23.580 --> 00:58:25.050 receptacles for rubbish. 796 00:58:27.660 --> 00:58:28.830 lauriedodge: I'll make the motion. 797 00:58:29.940 --> 00:58:31.560 18456426153: That we hold a public hearing 798 00:58:31.560 --> 00:58:41.310 lauriedodge: On December 17 to amend ordinance 4.1 see concerning receptacles for rubbish collection and charges. 799 00:58:44.700 --> 00:58:46.440 Kennon Rothchild: This is can I second that motion. 800 00:58:51.270 --> 00:58:53.280 Karen Tarapata: All in All in favor say aye. 801 00:58:54.270 --> 00:58:54.990 sylviajeff: Just fine. 802 00:58:56.640 --> 00:58:57.090 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 803 00:58:59.880 --> 00:59:00.810 lauriedodge: Lori, I 804 00:59:01.680 --> 00:59:02.340 michael esmay: My guy. 805 00:59:03.210 --> 00:59:04.200 Karen Tarapata: KAREN I 806 00:59:05.280 --> 00:59:27.270 Karen Tarapata: Thank you. I actually had done you know of Roy sent me some more information on the fires and burning refuse. I found out the correct name for the outdoor fire pits. I've some tweaking to the language and also setting some distances from structures. 807 00:59:28.110 --> 00:59:40.140 Karen Tarapata: They don't just make it clear and and better and saying, also, that just a few things that that should be in the law and I've looked at some other villages and the way that they write it 808 00:59:40.650 --> 00:59:41.220 Karen Tarapata: And also, 809 00:59:42.000 --> 00:59:42.930 Karen Tarapata: We need a 810 00:59:43.650 --> 00:59:44.730 18456426153: bonfire or 811 00:59:45.570 --> 00:59:51.120 Karen Tarapata: Recreational fire permit to which we've never had so that these are things 812 00:59:51.300 --> 00:59:52.350 Karen Tarapata: We're actually 813 00:59:52.770 --> 01:00:01.230 Karen Tarapata: Benefiting from the fact that these it didn't get published, we can make these laws better and more useful. 814 01:00:06.750 --> 01:00:09.060 Karen Tarapata: Open Meeting up. What else 815 01:00:15.600 --> 01:00:17.910 michael esmay: I met with Tony Bruni this morning. 816 01:00:19.980 --> 01:00:38.250 michael esmay: PW. And he's going to prepare a drawing for revising number rising providing a new way of heating the DP W Building as opposed to what's there. Now, which what's there now is 817 01:00:39.420 --> 01:00:40.740 michael esmay: We're basically heating 818 01:00:42.510 --> 01:00:43.170 Karen Tarapata: The sky. 819 01:00:46.230 --> 01:00:47.400 michael esmay: It's, it's 820 01:00:48.420 --> 01:00:50.040 michael esmay: They the state. 821 01:00:51.240 --> 01:00:55.590 michael esmay: Will sound on the state. It's the building code which goes beyond the state. 822 01:00:57.270 --> 01:01:00.150 michael esmay: Requires such large amount of air. 823 01:01:01.230 --> 01:01:04.290 michael esmay: Intake for the heating system that it's just 824 01:01:05.670 --> 01:01:06.480 michael esmay: Ridiculous. 825 01:01:06.870 --> 01:01:09.630 michael esmay: And we're also eating the top 33rd of the building. 826 01:01:09.660 --> 01:01:19.110 michael esmay: It's not getting down to the to the floor. So what's going to happen is, instead of a forced warm air system, we're going to put in a 827 01:01:22.200 --> 01:01:23.940 michael esmay: Cup. I just drew a blank. 828 01:01:24.720 --> 01:01:26.550 michael esmay: Radiant no trade. 829 01:01:28.650 --> 01:01:29.160 Shit. 830 01:01:30.180 --> 01:01:32.130 michael esmay: Anyway, new heating system. Okay. 831 01:01:33.180 --> 01:01:34.170 18456426153: We'll see the drives 832 01:01:34.200 --> 01:01:34.800 Karen Tarapata: We get well. 833 01:01:38.040 --> 01:01:43.440 Karen Tarapata: I think it's great will say we spend a ton of money up there on he and it's wasteful, which 834 01:01:43.710 --> 01:01:46.770 michael esmay: Is good to go. That's going to go way down know 835 01:01:49.140 --> 01:02:01.110 michael esmay: By by doing this, and I also said that we're going to just send it out to three potential bitters, because it's going to be less than 30 grand 836 01:02:03.990 --> 01:02:11.640 Karen Tarapata: Guys, the guys that also talk to me again about the fact that when the gates open. People are driving him with their trucks and 837 01:02:11.640 --> 01:02:19.860 Karen Tarapata: Dumping stuff at the DP W leaves and refuse and sometimes they throw their junk into our leaf. 838 01:02:21.420 --> 01:02:23.670 Karen Tarapata: dumpsters. So we get charged higher 839 01:02:23.670 --> 01:02:25.230 18456426153: Rates, but 840 01:02:25.800 --> 01:02:26.760 Karen Tarapata: When I looked back. 841 01:02:26.790 --> 01:02:28.770 Karen Tarapata: At the bit at the information 842 01:02:28.770 --> 01:02:29.730 18456426153: About putting 843 01:02:29.790 --> 01:02:30.840 An electric gate. 844 01:02:32.100 --> 01:02:42.780 Karen Tarapata: The problem is that there isn't an easy source of power, where we would have to where we want to put an electric gate. If we were to change it from the manual gate to an electric gate. 845 01:02:44.070 --> 01:02:48.900 Karen Tarapata: It would cost a fortune, because we literally have to cross the road to hook up to the pole. 846 01:02:49.950 --> 01:02:54.450 Karen Tarapata: And it just doesn't make any sense. So I think they're going to have where it 847 01:02:54.480 --> 01:02:55.740 Ends up actually 848 01:02:57.120 --> 01:02:58.740 Karen Tarapata: It's more cost effective for us to 849 01:02:58.740 --> 01:03:00.960 Karen Tarapata: Just occasionally pay to 850 01:03:02.010 --> 01:03:03.990 Karen Tarapata: haul away somebody else's trash. 851 01:03:04.950 --> 01:03:09.930 Karen Tarapata: Then to try a lot completely secure during the day where they would have an automatic gate. 852 01:03:10.800 --> 01:03:12.240 michael esmay: We've got cameras. Right. 853 01:03:13.980 --> 01:03:15.690 Karen Tarapata: We've got cameras but 854 01:03:15.780 --> 01:03:17.820 michael esmay: You know, what about it. What about a sign. 855 01:03:19.320 --> 01:03:21.180 Karen Tarapata: Oh, there we go. That's a good idea. 856 01:03:21.990 --> 01:03:24.510 michael esmay: And the sign says their cameras watching you. 857 01:03:25.920 --> 01:03:28.320 Karen Tarapata: Right now dumping cameras. 858 01:03:28.740 --> 01:03:33.180 Karen Tarapata: Good idea. I like that $100 solution. I love it. 859 01:03:37.200 --> 01:03:38.850 lauriedodge: We're watching you. 860 01:03:39.180 --> 01:03:40.140 michael esmay: Exactly, yes. 861 01:03:41.610 --> 01:03:45.330 18456426153: There are cameras at the DP W. There are, yes. 862 01:03:46.740 --> 01:03:54.450 18456426153: It's not, you're not putting up a sign that saying something just say something there really aren't cameras up there. Yes. 863 01:03:54.900 --> 01:03:57.090 Karen Tarapata: It's just we don't advertise it. So, 864 01:03:57.090 --> 01:03:58.020 Karen Tarapata: I think perhaps 865 01:03:58.500 --> 01:03:59.340 Karen Tarapata: You need to do 866 01:04:01.950 --> 01:04:18.390 sylviajeff: Just curiosity and Mike and probably don't have an answer to this. At this point, since we haven't even gotten bids yet but we we budget like $10,000 almost for utilities for that facility. Do you have any idea. Once the costs go down. 867 01:04:18.420 --> 01:04:22.590 michael esmay: How long, no, no. But I'll be able to find that out. 868 01:04:23.310 --> 01:04:28.470 sylviajeff: So, I mean, it's probably a step number is probably the right thing to do because we will recoup and it will be 869 01:04:29.640 --> 01:04:30.120 sylviajeff: You know, 870 01:04:30.300 --> 01:04:33.060 michael esmay: Profit, I would say, we would probably recoup it 871 01:04:33.450 --> 01:04:40.500 michael esmay: I remember the engineer saying to me when I talked to him about this back in February. He said, probably three years will recoup it 872 01:04:41.610 --> 01:04:42.690 Karen Tarapata: That's amazing. 873 01:04:42.990 --> 01:04:44.130 sylviajeff: So worthwhile. 874 01:04:44.550 --> 01:04:44.850 Karen Tarapata: And it's 875 01:04:45.660 --> 01:04:46.170 Karen Tarapata: Too bad. 876 01:04:46.200 --> 01:04:47.670 18456426153: That's really the only place that's really 877 01:04:47.670 --> 01:04:51.780 Karen Tarapata: Comfortable in the winter time is up on the mezzanine where they store things 878 01:04:53.460 --> 01:05:07.860 Karen Tarapata: So this will be a much. This will be a much better. I understand why they had to have all that Aaron take though if you were working on a vehicle inside a garage. Yeah, you better have a pretty good Eric exchange, but they don't 879 01:05:08.340 --> 01:05:08.880 michael esmay: They don't 880 01:05:09.960 --> 01:05:13.200 michael esmay: They don't, they just drive them in and drive them out. 881 01:05:14.070 --> 01:05:15.180 michael esmay: Just like your garage at 882 01:05:15.180 --> 01:05:15.570 18456426153: Home. 883 01:05:15.990 --> 01:05:16.350 18456426153: Mm hmm. 884 01:05:17.160 --> 01:05:17.970 Karen Tarapata: Well, that's good. 885 01:05:18.990 --> 01:05:21.510 18456426153: Mike, can I just ask who's the person you met with 886 01:05:22.950 --> 01:05:23.490 michael esmay: His name is 887 01:05:23.520 --> 01:05:24.540 michael esmay: Tony, let me 888 01:05:24.630 --> 01:05:26.190 michael esmay: The are you and I 889 01:05:27.480 --> 01:05:31.230 Karen Tarapata: And he's a heating an H back engineer or 890 01:05:32.040 --> 01:05:34.230 michael esmay: It's called Perillo engineering 891 01:05:37.230 --> 01:05:37.830 18456426153: Thank you. 892 01:05:41.760 --> 01:05:45.660 Karen Tarapata: Oh, I wanted to say to I got a call the other day from a 893 01:05:48.540 --> 01:05:51.300 18456426153: Reporter from the journal news. 894 01:05:51.480 --> 01:05:53.040 Karen Tarapata: About the SAM of 895 01:05:53.070 --> 01:05:54.630 Karen Tarapata: The Alliance seminary building 896 01:05:55.710 --> 01:06:05.280 Karen Tarapata: I told him that our plans for that entire strip were public record because we've been 897 01:06:05.280 --> 01:06:06.840 Karen Tarapata: Working on a comprehensive plan. 898 01:06:06.840 --> 01:06:08.490 Karen Tarapata: For more than two and a half years. 899 01:06:09.690 --> 01:06:19.800 Karen Tarapata: And anyone could go and see what we have in mind for that area. Unfortunately, I guess, because he called me and asked for, quote, but when the 900 01:06:20.460 --> 01:06:23.100 Karen Tarapata: Article ran it said I had, I didn't answer the phone. 901 01:06:23.700 --> 01:06:33.000 Karen Tarapata: So I guess I didn't give him an exciting enough answer. So he just decided not to refile his story, but I did actually talk to him and 902 01:06:34.350 --> 01:06:36.990 Karen Tarapata: Told him something that was true. Yeah. 903 01:06:39.570 --> 01:06:41.370 Karen Tarapata: So that's that is 904 01:06:42.330 --> 01:06:44.970 michael esmay: Literally, say you didn't answer your phone. 905 01:06:45.330 --> 01:06:46.560 Karen Tarapata: Yes, yeah. 906 01:06:46.770 --> 01:06:48.810 Kennon Rothchild: Well, that's what it said in the newspaper. 907 01:06:50.550 --> 01:06:50.880 Karen Tarapata: When I 908 01:06:51.180 --> 01:06:58.350 Karen Tarapata: When I did answer the phone because he had called earlier in the day. I didn't know who it was. I wasn't, I had to check my messages, because I called you earlier. 909 01:06:58.800 --> 01:07:08.790 Karen Tarapata: And I said, Well, I'm just checking my messages. Now it's you know and and I, and he asked me to make a comment. First, I said, I don't. I haven't given it any thought. I really don't feel like and comment. He goes, 910 01:07:09.120 --> 01:07:17.130 Karen Tarapata: Well, then I'll say No comment. And I'm sure that your residents will have comments and I thought, Whoa, okay. 911 01:07:18.270 --> 01:07:22.350 Karen Tarapata: Here's what I'll tell you, we know what we're doing, we've been planning, we have a 912 01:07:22.530 --> 01:07:23.670 18456426153: Comprehensive Plan. 913 01:07:24.030 --> 01:07:28.650 Karen Tarapata: But it was odd. He was oddly aggressive and then he didn't even use the, quote, so sorry just 914 01:07:28.800 --> 01:07:32.250 Kennon Rothchild: Yeah, but, Karen. Your name was in the newspaper. 915 01:07:33.120 --> 01:07:35.520 sylviajeff: Oh, there's no bad publicity. 916 01:07:36.750 --> 01:07:37.740 Karen Tarapata: Oh yeah there is. 917 01:07:40.350 --> 01:07:46.440 Karen Tarapata: I have no I do not care to have my name in a favor. I want when you Google my name come up with 918 01:07:47.850 --> 01:07:48.090 Karen Tarapata: Right. 919 01:07:49.710 --> 01:07:49.860 18456426153: Now, 920 01:07:49.980 --> 01:07:50.490 Karen Tarapata: Such luck. 921 01:07:52.440 --> 01:07:54.570 Karen Tarapata: Anything else you'd like to speak about tonight. 922 01:07:56.490 --> 01:07:57.900 Kennon Rothchild: Um, so we 923 01:07:59.040 --> 01:08:02.250 Kennon Rothchild: currently have a member of the public here. 924 01:08:02.460 --> 01:08:03.810 Kennon Rothchild: Soon marker. 925 01:08:03.900 --> 01:08:04.380 Kennon Rothchild: Is that 926 01:08:05.850 --> 01:08:08.580 Kennon Rothchild: So is that someone wants to talk about something. 927 01:08:14.190 --> 01:08:15.720 michael esmay: Sue is muted. 928 01:08:16.800 --> 01:08:21.210 Karen Tarapata: That had been she's just listening and welcome so glad to have a member of the public. 929 01:08:25.980 --> 01:08:29.340 Kennon Rothchild: Okay, um, then the second thing is 930 01:08:30.330 --> 01:08:32.220 18456426153: Um, I 931 01:08:32.520 --> 01:08:41.130 Kennon Rothchild: Picked up the plans from the shipyard for the improvements to their access. Is that something we're planning on talking about at some point. 932 01:08:42.000 --> 01:08:44.130 Karen Tarapata: I know we really don't need to. I spoke 933 01:08:44.130 --> 01:08:45.870 Karen Tarapata: To Noel 934 01:08:46.560 --> 01:09:02.040 Karen Tarapata: About it and she said that on reviewing that plan that she feels that they need to come in for a building permit for road improvement. So she's going to speak to Roy so that he can respond to 935 01:09:02.550 --> 01:09:15.480 Karen Tarapata: What they sent us appropriately. She thought that at this point it's an issue where it really needs to come from the building inspector because before they could even have a 936 01:09:16.680 --> 01:09:29.250 Karen Tarapata: Before you could even put in a building applicant permit application, they'd have to have the agreement of the other affected property owners, which would be the cell phones and the resumes. 937 01:09:30.510 --> 01:09:33.870 Karen Tarapata: So there's a whole process for doing an 938 01:09:35.100 --> 01:09:40.290 Karen Tarapata: Improvement on an easement the application has to include that the 939 01:09:42.300 --> 01:09:46.470 Karen Tarapata: Accord of those property owners, so she kicked it back to the building department. 940 01:09:46.590 --> 01:09:49.380 Karen Tarapata: So when when something happens we'll know. 941 01:09:49.770 --> 01:09:55.170 Kennon Rothchild: Okay, I just, you know, nobody said anything about that and obviously we've been asked to pick up stuff. 942 01:09:55.590 --> 01:09:56.160 Of course, 943 01:09:57.570 --> 01:10:00.450 Kennon Rothchild: And you know the plans I I did say to myself, 944 01:10:01.470 --> 01:10:17.430 Kennon Rothchild: Aim the village holds the easement. But the property owners, own the property. So it seems to me right that the property owners and click here, which would be Mike certainly need to be approached by the shipyard for that, at least in part, so 945 01:10:18.270 --> 01:10:20.250 Karen Tarapata: Oh everybody law by law is 946 01:10:20.280 --> 01:10:20.700 Karen Tarapata: Only the 947 01:10:20.760 --> 01:10:21.960 Karen Tarapata: Only our property owner 948 01:10:21.960 --> 01:10:23.460 Karen Tarapata: can submit a building permit. 949 01:10:24.570 --> 01:10:40.740 Karen Tarapata: Application. So it's just, yeah, it came to us as board members and then I finally decided that the right thing to do was to talk to our land use lawyer and as she took a look and she just told me late yesterday that 950 01:10:41.790 --> 01:10:51.600 Karen Tarapata: That's really needs to be addressed by the building department before it goes to any kind of planning or back to us for any reason. 951 01:10:52.830 --> 01:10:53.130 Kennon Rothchild: Okay. 952 01:10:53.220 --> 01:10:58.920 Karen Tarapata: I've even had a chance to and I have informed anybody of it. I literally spoke with her yesterday. Okay. 953 01:11:00.330 --> 01:11:00.750 Kennon Rothchild: Good enough. 954 01:11:03.960 --> 01:11:06.300 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, and anything else. 955 01:11:11.220 --> 01:11:11.700 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 956 01:11:11.730 --> 01:11:12.660 Karen Tarapata: Well then I 957 01:11:12.930 --> 01:11:14.220 18456426153: Would like to make a motion we 958 01:11:14.220 --> 01:11:15.390 Karen Tarapata: Can be done with our meeting. 959 01:11:16.500 --> 01:11:17.190 Karen Tarapata: At 811 960 01:11:20.250 --> 01:11:22.530 sylviajeff: And move we adjourn the meeting. 961 01:11:24.060 --> 01:11:24.720 Kennon Rothchild: I'll second. 962 01:11:25.920 --> 01:11:27.210 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say aye. 963 01:11:28.110 --> 01:11:29.010 lauriedodge: Lori, I 964 01:11:29.460 --> 01:11:30.150 michael esmay: Like a 965 01:11:31.050 --> 01:11:31.770 Kennon Rothchild: Can I 966 01:11:33.870 --> 01:11:37.980 Karen Tarapata: KAREN I thank you all and I'll talk to you soon. 967 01:11:38.400 --> 01:11:39.510 lauriedodge: No night. 968 01:11:40.050 --> 01:11:41.610 Kennon Rothchild: Good night, everybody. Thanks.