WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.020 --> 00:00:02.399 Laurie Dodge: We are now recording 2 00:00:03.090 --> 00:00:04.080 Karen Tarapata: Perfect. Okay. 3 00:00:05.069 --> 00:00:07.589 Karen Tarapata: But you know, I will say I 4 00:00:07.890 --> 00:00:13.019 Karen Tarapata: Hope that there was a workshop, but I did not send it out as a healer, so 5 00:00:16.410 --> 00:00:17.039 Karen Tarapata: Here we are. 6 00:00:17.220 --> 00:00:18.300 Ken Rothchild: I think it's just us. 7 00:00:18.750 --> 00:00:22.620 Karen Tarapata: I think it's just us. So this is a workshop 8 00:00:22.830 --> 00:00:26.220 Karen Tarapata: Lovely upper nice Village Board of Trustees. 9 00:00:28.110 --> 00:00:29.820 827 2020 10 00:00:30.930 --> 00:00:35.820 Karen Tarapata: And no votes are taken during a workshop meeting. 11 00:00:37.200 --> 00:00:38.580 Karen Tarapata: Which is important. 12 00:00:40.290 --> 00:00:47.610 Karen Tarapata: And the recording will be made available on village website and the transcript also 13 00:00:48.810 --> 00:00:52.860 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so here we go. Now we're going to have to go into Executive Session. 14 00:00:53.940 --> 00:00:57.840 Karen Tarapata: Which is not a voting thing but it means once again Lori that now you'll have to turn 15 00:00:57.840 --> 00:00:58.170 Karen Tarapata: Off. 16 00:00:58.590 --> 00:01:02.460 Karen Tarapata: The recording until we come back because we're going to discuss them employment issues. 17 00:01:03.090 --> 00:01:03.510 Laurie Dodge: Okay. 18 00:01:03.540 --> 00:01:06.630 Laurie Dodge: Do we want to do we make a motion to go into executive session 19 00:01:06.900 --> 00:01:09.150 Laurie Dodge: Vote. Okay, so I'm gonna 20 00:01:10.410 --> 00:01:11.610 Laurie Dodge: I started recording 21 00:01:12.630 --> 00:01:13.710 Great, thank you. 22 00:01:14.850 --> 00:01:23.730 Karen Tarapata: Okay, first other stuff. I've got, um, I got a complaint from Greg Fischer about people parking on North Broadway. 23 00:01:25.020 --> 00:01:37.410 Karen Tarapata: And I thought that there was no parking on North Broadway, but their own our local law says that there's no parking on North Broadway north of locust. 24 00:01:37.890 --> 00:01:53.850 Karen Tarapata: So between Lexile and locusts in front of Greg's house parking is allowed and I thought it's something that we should consider perhaps we don't want parking on North Broadway street parking at all. 25 00:01:56.070 --> 00:02:05.970 Karen Tarapata: We have it as far as there's no parking, you know, past for by the school by the old style meeting house is areas where you can't park. 26 00:02:06.780 --> 00:02:21.810 Karen Tarapata: And then you can like you can park by that dangerous curve Merle mountain is so it's something we should think about. And when you're driving around, take a look and see if we should just say no parking on North Broadway pass the school. 27 00:02:23.280 --> 00:02:32.070 Laurie Dodge: So funny, I noticed that myself about a month ago because there was someone, it looked like they were working at chasing property, not the not the burb stall. 28 00:02:32.370 --> 00:02:50.580 Laurie Dodge: You know that there were tons of course, but these two cars were there every day when I walked and I found it really annoying and then right I looked for the signs and he couldn't see any know Park, he signs and I thought, Oh, my gosh. Could it be that you're actually allowed to park here. 29 00:02:50.940 --> 00:03:03.420 Karen Tarapata: I thought we'd lost the signs I call Chris and said we have any signs around this. God damn it. And I said, wait a minute. Let me just look at the law. I really know the lonely says from locust up to large Dale no parking 30 00:03:03.750 --> 00:03:04.020 Laurie Dodge: And 31 00:03:04.110 --> 00:03:19.230 Karen Tarapata: I think we should reassess that because you're not wrong when he says it doesn't look good. It tears up the grass. Yeah, it doesn't. I know I'm particularly on the west side will we have those ditches, it's a disaster. It's 32 00:03:19.740 --> 00:03:23.400 Karen Tarapata: A guy going to have to go and dig everything back out after people 33 00:03:23.820 --> 00:03:40.290 Laurie Dodge: And it's fascinating. For some reason, people do not honor the curb even, you know, now the guys did the curbs in front of the school they sort of refine them more and the other day there was a car that was like pretty much on the sidewalk. 34 00:03:40.800 --> 00:03:42.690 Karen Tarapata: They think it's better. I don't know why people 35 00:03:42.900 --> 00:03:45.810 Laurie Dodge: Don't understand that there's a curve for a reason. 36 00:03:46.380 --> 00:04:05.160 Ken Rothchild: Well, the roads narrow there. I mean, to some extent Broadway's narrow for as major of a road. It is so you know it's really bait, you know, probably shouldn't be parking anywhere on Broadway whatsoever north of North is a village hall. 37 00:04:06.210 --> 00:04:07.620 Karen Tarapata: Mother school, I think. 38 00:04:08.400 --> 00:04:12.660 Ken Rothchild: I know the school. I know the school wants to, but then you had that problem where 39 00:04:13.260 --> 00:04:25.950 Ken Rothchild: People either pulling up onto the grass on you know the village right of way there and tearing it up or they're parked up against the curb and, you know, God forbid, there's an actual emergency need needed to get vehicles through there. Right. 40 00:04:26.370 --> 00:04:33.150 Laurie Dodge: This is where I am jealous of South NIGHT AND THEY'RE LOVELY granite curbs because nobody messes with those curves. 41 00:04:33.690 --> 00:04:37.230 Karen Tarapata: Oh yeah, you want to pair up your coverage right up 42 00:04:38.010 --> 00:04:55.980 Laurie Dodge: We had when we first put the stones in front of the Old Stone Church. I think there were a couple of parents who there were just moments where people were dropping off kids and didn't pay attention and there was damage done, they just like drove over the rocks and not in their SUV. 43 00:04:56.700 --> 00:04:57.150 So, 44 00:04:58.260 --> 00:04:59.940 Laurie Dodge: There were like, you know, mangled 45 00:05:01.470 --> 00:05:04.770 Laurie Dodge: bumpers, and just, it's interesting. 46 00:05:05.340 --> 00:05:13.830 Karen Tarapata: And so that's something I just wanted to put out there because of course they can look at it. I can put it on the agenda for the next meeting. 47 00:05:14.520 --> 00:05:22.260 Karen Tarapata: So we can discuss it, you know, in a public meeting. And then if we think that that's a good idea. We can set a public hearing him see what people say. 48 00:05:23.820 --> 00:05:24.090 Karen Tarapata: Yeah. 49 00:05:24.420 --> 00:05:25.710 John's iPad: That's a good one. 50 00:05:28.320 --> 00:05:34.860 John's iPad: I mean, I don't mind one way or the other in front of our place, but I'm just wondering what's the advantage 51 00:05:36.240 --> 00:05:37.680 John's iPad: Of having no parking 52 00:05:39.690 --> 00:05:40.920 michael esmay: It's a narrow road. 53 00:05:42.540 --> 00:05:43.200 Ken Rothchild: I think it makes it 54 00:05:44.820 --> 00:05:51.750 Ken Rothchild: makes it safer for people walking cyclists and and vehicles, it's it's it's a 55 00:05:52.200 --> 00:06:09.240 Karen Tarapata: Most of the big houses have long driveways, where they can. It isn't like you know we're inconveniencing people for a family dinner, you know, that's my whole thing is like you don't want to keep people from having their friends over, but almost every big house has a generous driveway. 56 00:06:09.720 --> 00:06:25.110 Laurie Dodge: Well, and it seems to be interestingly, it seems to be a more recent phenomenon, at a time when there are a lot more walkers and bikers and you know people doing various things in the road so it just 57 00:06:25.920 --> 00:06:36.420 Laurie Dodge: Like, it seems like. And I don't mean just because of coronavirus, it seems like in the last couple of years, the park. I never remember people parking there i don't know i mean 58 00:06:36.480 --> 00:06:42.210 Karen Tarapata: I remember parties there were occasional parties where people would park on North Broadway for an event. 59 00:06:42.390 --> 00:06:47.880 Laurie Dodge: Yeah, but this seems like it's more random like i mean i appreciate what's great what Greg saying I 60 00:06:47.940 --> 00:06:57.330 Laurie Dodge: I've seen it myself. And it's just odd. It's like there's nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, and then there's a cluster of cars right because there's not there's not a no parking sign and then 61 00:06:57.750 --> 00:07:02.790 Laurie Dodge: You know everybody's navigating people are five across in the middle of the street and cars. 62 00:07:04.020 --> 00:07:09.540 Laurie Dodge: And, you know, no one wants to give way. It's just some yeah anyway. I don't have 63 00:07:10.740 --> 00:07:17.790 Karen Tarapata: It on the agenda. I'll put it on the agenda. And the only other thing I got is that Joe's car moto sent me a letter today saying 64 00:07:18.240 --> 00:07:20.070 Karen Tarapata: He thinks that the case in 65 00:07:20.250 --> 00:07:29.490 Karen Tarapata: House should be. We should tidy up around the house because he doesn't like looking at me a long grass by the 66 00:07:30.660 --> 00:07:31.440 Karen Tarapata: Front door. 67 00:07:32.970 --> 00:07:42.960 Karen Tarapata: So I'm going to respond to him. He's like, it wouldn't be a big deal for the, you know, for the DP W to clean it up and I'm thinking we just had a hurricane. 68 00:07:43.650 --> 00:07:59.130 Karen Tarapata: We had three weeks, and there were still recovering from that. No, we haven't gotten around to trimming that up, but I will, I will send him a nice email because at some point. Yes, we want to have everything look nice and tidy around there. 69 00:08:03.960 --> 00:08:05.160 michael esmay: Now he says it 70 00:08:06.750 --> 00:08:08.190 michael esmay: After 30 years 71 00:08:09.030 --> 00:08:12.600 Karen Tarapata: Exactly. Or I could say, God, please take your side of the 72 00:08:14.220 --> 00:08:16.020 Karen Tarapata: Fence, it's three different colors. 73 00:08:16.350 --> 00:08:18.090 michael esmay: A new word 74 00:08:20.190 --> 00:08:27.030 Ken Rothchild: I think the reason joke and send us. That is because he knows we don't actually go around with guns on us. So 75 00:08:28.950 --> 00:08:29.670 Karen Tarapata: That's right, yeah. 76 00:08:29.700 --> 00:08:30.210 Right. 77 00:08:32.820 --> 00:08:33.660 Karen Tarapata: Oh, and public 78 00:08:34.410 --> 00:08:47.760 Karen Tarapata: Money can low is the really lovely job that Ross brothers did the gift from Steve lubec they did a beautiful job of excavating what turned out to be 79 00:08:48.870 --> 00:08:58.500 Karen Tarapata: Dirt clay gravel some bricks, a bunch of roots and tree stumps all this stuff came out of that circle. 80 00:08:59.250 --> 00:09:09.870 Karen Tarapata: And they put a tremendous amount of topsoil. So that is going to be like our first more formal planting, which is kind of nice. So now we can actually plan on that. 81 00:09:10.560 --> 00:09:23.100 Karen Tarapata: So they clean that up beautifully. Also, yeah. Laurie were there. So you'll see where castle 10 had dislodged, a couple of the current blocks, they remember we when we were cleaning it up. 82 00:09:24.180 --> 00:09:26.580 Karen Tarapata: It's all set. Now, for those to be reset. 83 00:09:26.760 --> 00:09:35.850 Karen Tarapata: Oh that's yours will be able to reset those three Belgian blocks that were out of the circle. So that was done very promptly and very nicely. 84 00:09:36.570 --> 00:09:47.790 Karen Tarapata: I had a great conversation with their young with Ross brothers young labor turned out to be a Poli Sci major so I spent, I did my work there. 85 00:09:48.300 --> 00:10:02.910 Karen Tarapata: While they were excavating I brought my tablet and my phones and I did my work so that if there was any questions or anything that they didn't know what was what we want. You know what was appropriate. I was on site. So that's done. 86 00:10:04.080 --> 00:10:04.680 That's great. 87 00:10:06.120 --> 00:10:08.910 Karen Tarapata: Okay, anything else seeding the floor. 88 00:10:08.940 --> 00:10:15.660 John's iPad: What about the broken wall in the on the old barns anything going on with that. 89 00:10:16.290 --> 00:10:23.670 Karen Tarapata: So I sent you the I got a very late today, Dennis sent us his analysis. 90 00:10:24.690 --> 00:10:34.140 Karen Tarapata: And I read it and what it's definitely we can definitely go back to the insurance company and I did email that to us, you'll be able to take a look at it. 91 00:10:34.860 --> 00:10:46.080 Karen Tarapata: You said several things are immediately noticeable in the borings logs. There's a distinct difference between the install Phil and the native soils found deeper in the borings 92 00:10:46.500 --> 00:10:53.970 Karen Tarapata: The film materials are reported as gray or brown sand and the underlying materials are reported as red brown in color. 93 00:10:54.840 --> 00:11:06.540 Karen Tarapata: The surface stills are reported as loose or very loose blow counts, a measure of resistance to the penetration of the boring auger are reported for tonight blows per foot 94 00:11:07.170 --> 00:11:19.140 Karen Tarapata: The underlying soils are reported with blow count of 28 to over 57 times higher soils classified as loose with a blow out less than 10 per foot 95 00:11:19.770 --> 00:11:31.080 Karen Tarapata: Are generally considered as unsatisfactory bearing material or soils which should not be used to bear foundation loads without some kind of modification to increase the capacity 96 00:11:31.530 --> 00:11:45.360 Karen Tarapata: Or reduced capacities are used for the design of foundations, so I'm going to get back to Dennis and have him help me put together what we send back now to the insurance company that's that's our next move. 97 00:11:46.200 --> 00:11:57.180 Karen Tarapata: He does think that the building's pretty it is still settling but slower, but we're going to go back and try and get the insurance company to pick this up again. 98 00:11:59.580 --> 00:12:04.800 Karen Tarapata: I've been monitoring the cracks and they are getting worse. 99 00:12:05.070 --> 00:12:06.210 Karen Tarapata: But a lot 100 00:12:06.240 --> 00:12:09.600 Karen Tarapata: More they moved and now they're just sort of moving 101 00:12:13.620 --> 00:12:28.110 Karen Tarapata: So he recommends soil stabilization managers and grounding. You know, he's making some recommendations. So we'll take it back to our Scott Leiber and see what the insurance company says 102 00:12:30.660 --> 00:12:31.710 Karen Tarapata: I want to avoid. 103 00:12:33.000 --> 00:12:36.180 Karen Tarapata: Having to us. Sue castletown because 104 00:12:37.320 --> 00:12:39.270 Karen Tarapata: They're pretty tough characters. 105 00:12:40.470 --> 00:12:48.840 Karen Tarapata: And you know, it's also kind of sad. This Ross brothers. It turns out they do tank removal and remediation and I wish every now worked with them. 106 00:12:49.290 --> 00:13:00.510 Karen Tarapata: You never know. You learn, but if you ever. If you know anybody that needs a tank removed, I would say that Ross brothers are straight shooters and they do good work. 107 00:13:03.840 --> 00:13:06.090 michael esmay: Straight shoes bazooka 108 00:13:10.710 --> 00:13:11.910 michael esmay: To remove a tank. 109 00:13:12.810 --> 00:13:13.380 Karen Tarapata: There we go. 110 00:13:18.810 --> 00:13:21.180 Karen Tarapata: Alright, that's all I've got. Oh, um, 111 00:13:23.670 --> 00:13:29.430 Karen Tarapata: Next week we get the CCA think I might have mentioned this before we get the 112 00:13:31.020 --> 00:13:41.490 Karen Tarapata: RFP bids back for for our Community Choice aggregation. So that's going to be moving ahead next month, as far as letters to residents and 113 00:13:43.020 --> 00:13:45.000 Karen Tarapata: Moving ahead with with that change. 114 00:13:46.410 --> 00:13:47.910 michael esmay: Want to talk about the railing. 115 00:13:49.830 --> 00:14:02.190 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, okay. Oh, where we want to replace the the wooden railing on our newly painted the village hall with a steel or aluminum instead 116 00:14:02.940 --> 00:14:18.300 Karen Tarapata: But what keeps you know it rots it breaks and so we talked to first an aluminum railing place called Iron Age. After much discussion we discovered they don't do prevailing wage work right. 117 00:14:19.020 --> 00:14:30.420 Karen Tarapata: So I talked to anchor fence and he came out measured everything up and gave us a basic proposal wasn't sure Mike and I weren't sure. Exactly. We had seen 118 00:14:30.900 --> 00:14:38.760 Karen Tarapata: We thought he was going to send us some more pictures of options. So I went to his shop in MIT nanuet today and looked at 119 00:14:39.510 --> 00:14:48.930 Karen Tarapata: The steel stock that he's proposing. He says that I showed me what the aluminum looks like the aluminum fences are very bulky 120 00:14:49.590 --> 00:15:00.000 Karen Tarapata: And they would have to put big plates on each of the columns to hold the top railings. And he showed me a steel powder coated steel instead 121 00:15:00.810 --> 00:15:15.090 Karen Tarapata: And then I brought samples back and showed him to my. So now I'm going to take those samples and have another company. Give me a price to it looks like the railings are about $14,000 122 00:15:16.170 --> 00:15:24.630 Karen Tarapata: But at prevailing wage, they would be the should be good to not be painted for 10 to 15 years 123 00:15:25.890 --> 00:15:31.470 Karen Tarapata: So that's a we're moving ahead to come up with some options that we can present to the board. 124 00:15:32.670 --> 00:15:36.870 Ken Rothchild: It's too bad about Iron Age. I think they're really good. But go well. 125 00:15:36.990 --> 00:15:37.980 Karen Tarapata: Selling the business. 126 00:15:44.910 --> 00:15:46.110 michael esmay: I don't think he heard you. 127 00:15:46.830 --> 00:15:56.670 Karen Tarapata: Oh, I said. He is selling the business, the guy who owned it all these years is selling it. And I think the new guy just didn't want to bother with prevailing wage. 128 00:15:56.910 --> 00:15:57.540 They don't 129 00:15:59.250 --> 00:16:02.190 Ken Rothchild: Yeah, yeah. Right. I don't know, you know, 130 00:16:03.810 --> 00:16:07.920 Ken Rothchild: Obviously on a home prevailing wage wasn't an issue so 131 00:16:08.970 --> 00:16:10.650 Ken Rothchild: We just like the work that they did so. 132 00:16:11.670 --> 00:16:13.890 michael esmay: And I agree. I like I did to 133 00:16:16.650 --> 00:16:21.120 Karen Tarapata: You wouldn't do it. He waited a long time and said, No, no, no, thank you. 134 00:16:25.320 --> 00:16:37.110 Karen Tarapata: But Jan fence. Did the gates on river hook, which I think are quite nice. So I want to get I spoke with them. This afternoon, and the their estimators going to call me tomorrow. 135 00:16:42.210 --> 00:16:55.830 Karen Tarapata: Oh, just another one other little thing I did call the office of Dr yeller at Montefiore today I wanted to just ask him informally. If the hospital is still interested in the alliance missionary building 136 00:16:56.640 --> 00:17:04.650 Karen Tarapata: And to also tell him that I had heard the new york new jersey trail conference is in negotiation with 137 00:17:05.880 --> 00:17:14.910 Karen Tarapata: With through Clark's town to purchase land for the long path along the rich at the back of the alliance property. 138 00:17:15.600 --> 00:17:26.460 Karen Tarapata: So I just wanted. I haven't spoken to the head of Montefiore in over a year. I thought it was time to just give them a call. He's going to call me on Tuesday after their big golf outing on Monday. 139 00:17:30.690 --> 00:17:32.130 Karen Tarapata: No harm in asking 140 00:17:33.960 --> 00:17:34.650 John's iPad: Shuttle that 141 00:17:37.170 --> 00:17:37.560 John's iPad: Person. 142 00:17:41.520 --> 00:17:44.490 Karen Tarapata: Yeah, they could certainly use the space, it would be a good thing. 143 00:17:45.900 --> 00:17:51.150 John's iPad: I saw when we met with him. And I thought they were really interested down 144 00:17:52.200 --> 00:17:59.220 Karen Tarapata: Well, I heard that they couldn't come to an accommodation on price. And that's why I'm hoping that perhaps with Clark's town. 145 00:17:59.850 --> 00:18:12.090 Karen Tarapata: Purchasing part of the property, perhaps, that would lower the price and they might be interested. Again, I don't know. That's why I thought I would at least alert him that that's happening, and maybe he get involved again. 146 00:18:12.720 --> 00:18:15.930 Karen Tarapata: Because they would be a good, a really good use for us. 147 00:18:22.440 --> 00:18:36.960 Karen Tarapata: I couldn't find his card, but I found one of the trustees of the hospitals card and then I sort of found you know worked my way back, and I got a hold of his assistant. So she's, she's going to have them call me on Tuesday. 148 00:18:38.370 --> 00:18:41.070 Laurie Dodge: I have his contact information, care, and if you need it. 149 00:18:41.640 --> 00:18:49.740 Karen Tarapata: Oh, thank you. You might have your number. Thank you. I forgot. That's right. You're doing work with the hospital. Okay, so 150 00:18:50.430 --> 00:18:53.040 Laurie Dodge: I haven't yet. I know you know well 151 00:18:54.780 --> 00:18:56.160 Laurie Dodge: coronavirus happened. 152 00:18:57.540 --> 00:18:59.160 Karen Tarapata: Exactly, exactly. 153 00:19:00.720 --> 00:19:05.040 Karen Tarapata: Well, thank you, Laura. You can be my help me. That's my contact person over there. 154 00:19:07.350 --> 00:19:08.310 My best 155 00:19:12.450 --> 00:19:13.380 Karen Tarapata: Anything else 156 00:19:15.360 --> 00:19:15.750 Me. 157 00:19:17.520 --> 00:19:17.850 Karen Tarapata: Great. 158 00:19:21.330 --> 00:19:29.010 Karen Tarapata: Thank you all. I think we're done. That was a good word. It's nice to just be able to talk for a change. 159 00:19:29.790 --> 00:19:31.590 Ken Rothchild: Thanks, Karen. Thanks everybody. 160 00:19:32.040 --> 00:19:33.210 Karen Tarapata: All right. Good night, everyone. Good. 161 00:19:33.270 --> 00:19:33.780 Night.