WEBVTT 1 00:19:12.240 --> 00:19:13.140 sylviajeff: that's a good thing. 2 00:19:13.230 --> 00:19:13.620 Richard Fortunato: How are you. 3 00:19:14.220 --> 00:19:21.030 sylviajeff: All right, I just noticed that these glasses make me look like i'm wearing those a what's a call like Groucho Marx classes. 4 00:19:21.690 --> 00:19:24.120 Richard Fortunato: You think you're small and everybody screen don't want. 5 00:19:35.040 --> 00:19:36.900 sylviajeff: is the first time I got to meet heather. 6 00:19:38.550 --> 00:19:44.970 Richard Fortunato: I met her for the first time today also yeah she seemed very nice yeah well let's hope it works out we'll say. 7 00:19:46.410 --> 00:19:49.080 sylviajeff: How long she's been working in the office you know. 8 00:19:51.660 --> 00:19:53.280 Richard Fortunato: She started. 9 00:19:54.480 --> 00:19:55.230 Richard Fortunato: well. 10 00:19:56.790 --> 00:20:06.390 Richard Fortunato: It had to be this week because I didn't see her last Thursday, I was there, so it had to be my bed, it was Monday or Tuesday, she started and Monday it's no right so maybe it was just Tuesday. 11 00:20:06.750 --> 00:20:08.400 sylviajeff: I wonder how she's enjoying it. 12 00:20:09.300 --> 00:20:09.600 Richard Fortunato: I think. 13 00:20:10.620 --> 00:20:11.820 Richard Fortunato: it's overwhelming. 14 00:20:11.940 --> 00:20:15.540 sylviajeff: yeah exactly yeah so new jobs got to be a little bit yeah. 15 00:20:18.090 --> 00:20:21.990 sylviajeff: All right, i'm just gonna check one or two things i'm waiting. 16 00:20:22.470 --> 00:20:22.890 here. 17 00:23:46.530 --> 00:23:49.200 hi everyone is Jackie Kennedy I just want to make sure you can hear me. 18 00:23:50.310 --> 00:23:52.590 Karen Tarapata: Yes, we can Jackie Hello it's Karen. 19 00:23:52.890 --> 00:23:53.310 grant. 20 00:23:57.300 --> 00:24:07.470 Karen Tarapata: we're all we're all getting on a little bit late because we were doing text grievance day on another zoom meeting we just had to wrap that up and jump on over here. 21 00:24:17.760 --> 00:24:21.030 Karen Tarapata: All right, we just we had three of us, on the other. 22 00:24:22.650 --> 00:24:30.060 Karen Tarapata: finished we finished our text grievance and now we're gonna start this hold on a SEC Hello Mike. 23 00:24:33.240 --> 00:24:36.120 Karen Tarapata: Yes, never get back off, you can get it from website. 24 00:24:37.350 --> 00:24:40.890 Karen Tarapata: It was it's a separate meeting because it's a separate recording. 25 00:24:43.680 --> 00:24:44.760 Right Thank you bye. 26 00:24:48.300 --> 00:24:52.470 Karen Tarapata: Mike was not certain that there was a separate zoom link for this meeting. 27 00:24:54.030 --> 00:24:56.040 Karen Tarapata: But he will be on momentarily. 28 00:24:57.300 --> 00:25:03.360 Laurie Dodge: Sorry, and I didn't realize we needed to get back on that number, I thought we were just supposed to be year. 29 00:25:04.980 --> 00:25:15.300 Karen Tarapata: Once we had a quorum it didn't matter we just needed to close the meeting, and that we can easily say we won't accept any more applications for text grievance gotcha. 30 00:25:16.560 --> 00:25:17.430 sylviajeff: Did I miss them. 31 00:25:17.670 --> 00:25:19.620 Laurie Dodge: yeah we missed we weren't there. 32 00:25:21.300 --> 00:25:22.320 Laurie Dodge: We weren't here. 33 00:25:23.670 --> 00:25:36.330 Karen Tarapata: that's Okay, it was it was in the mail but that's sorry, here we are, and it's all legal and I just sat there you know with zoom running for the whole two hours. 34 00:25:37.440 --> 00:25:39.330 sylviajeff: So that's gonna be interesting viewing. 35 00:25:42.840 --> 00:25:46.290 Karen Tarapata: Oh, my goodness, well, it is eight o'clock. 36 00:25:47.550 --> 00:25:48.930 Karen Tarapata: and 37 00:25:49.980 --> 00:25:52.110 Karen Tarapata: not sure we can is but. 38 00:25:57.120 --> 00:25:58.380 There are cannon Mike. 39 00:26:01.740 --> 00:26:02.640 Karen Tarapata: All right. 40 00:26:09.270 --> 00:26:11.040 sylviajeff: have been some confusion that there were two. 41 00:26:11.040 --> 00:26:13.110 18456426153: Separate links. 42 00:26:14.130 --> 00:26:14.910 18456426153: to separate length. 43 00:26:14.940 --> 00:26:15.960 18456426153: Because it's two separate. 44 00:26:15.960 --> 00:26:17.700 18456426153: Recording yep yep. 45 00:26:20.520 --> 00:26:21.480 18456426153: able to work it out. 46 00:26:32.790 --> 00:26:34.500 18456426153: let's see who's here. 47 00:26:41.790 --> 00:26:44.070 18456426153: All right, if you're not called in. 48 00:26:44.970 --> 00:26:45.750 which you please. 49 00:26:55.800 --> 00:26:56.370 18456426153: Can you hear me. 50 00:26:57.690 --> 00:26:59.160 18456426153: Yes, I can hear you. 51 00:27:12.120 --> 00:27:12.930 Eight number. 52 00:27:14.610 --> 00:27:19.320 18456426153: 86153. 53 00:27:20.430 --> 00:27:21.240 Karen Tarapata: Okay, good. 54 00:27:21.390 --> 00:27:21.690 18456426153: All right. 55 00:27:23.910 --> 00:27:25.950 18452680779: To six eight numbers babies. 56 00:27:27.300 --> 00:27:27.720 Karen Tarapata: Oh Hello. 57 00:27:28.890 --> 00:27:29.310 Karen Tarapata: Hello. 58 00:27:36.780 --> 00:27:44.430 Karen Tarapata: i'm just thinking with somebody Can somebody text can and just make sure he knows that there's a separate number you're right there may have been some confusion. 59 00:27:48.540 --> 00:27:48.960 sylviajeff: Let me see. 60 00:28:03.330 --> 00:28:05.460 Karen Tarapata: Okay Mike side, now we just. 61 00:28:06.510 --> 00:28:10.260 sylviajeff: Have case solo Okay, let me see if I can find. 62 00:28:12.450 --> 00:28:13.770 Karen Tarapata: I may not have it either. 63 00:28:14.970 --> 00:28:16.050 Karen Tarapata: Here we go let's see. 64 00:28:17.970 --> 00:28:19.200 Karen Tarapata: Okay, join us on the. 65 00:28:43.560 --> 00:28:44.010 18456426153: Okay. 66 00:28:45.030 --> 00:28:46.110 18456426153: Sorry, I just. 67 00:28:48.660 --> 00:28:52.230 18456426153: technical difficulties I just having having some technical problems, but. 68 00:28:55.410 --> 00:28:55.830 18456426153: Good. 69 00:28:56.100 --> 00:28:58.080 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so i've just texted can. 70 00:28:58.740 --> 00:29:00.120 loisesmay: Jill was on twice. 71 00:29:02.190 --> 00:29:03.090 sylviajeff: that's commitment. 72 00:29:03.690 --> 00:29:04.050 yeah. 73 00:29:10.470 --> 00:29:17.310 18456426153: Karen can it's not going Oh, are you still in doing grievance are you on the regular meeting yet. 74 00:29:17.940 --> 00:29:19.320 Karen Tarapata: We are on the regular meeting. 75 00:29:19.350 --> 00:29:26.070 18456426153: Now Okay, and that might not be able to do the regular meeting that's right can oh. 76 00:29:27.240 --> 00:29:28.230 Karen Tarapata: Sorry, I forgot. 77 00:29:30.540 --> 00:29:35.640 Karen Tarapata: Well, now we don't have to wait for him, I forgot, you were Okay, let me just finish emailing him. 78 00:29:37.260 --> 00:29:41.040 Karen Tarapata: You are we just talked about it to ya i'm a knucklehead here we go. 79 00:29:41.760 --> 00:29:43.680 18456426153: Okay, good evening, this is. 80 00:29:43.740 --> 00:29:48.090 Karen Tarapata: The regular meeting of the village of upper nyack board of trustees. 81 00:29:51.120 --> 00:30:02.100 Karen Tarapata: We have a quorum of Jeff Epstein lori dodge Mike s may and Karen Terra cotta and I think we can begin to get everybody off let's begin with a. 82 00:30:02.100 --> 00:30:02.940 18456426153: Police report. 83 00:30:05.370 --> 00:30:17.400 18452680779: Fantastic good evening everybody nios Davies from the quicksand police department, so the some of the calls for service, there were four car accidents in Upper nyack. 84 00:30:18.600 --> 00:30:33.210 18452680779: Three of them were accidents, without injuries, so one of them was high mount and front street another was nine w and Christian herald and the third one, was in front of 501 North Highland avenue. 85 00:30:34.260 --> 00:30:35.100 18452680779: The one with. 86 00:30:35.730 --> 00:30:40.890 18452680779: With injuries and they were minor injuries was route nine w and Christian health. 87 00:30:42.300 --> 00:30:55.590 18452680779: There were seven alarms which included a fire and burglar alarms and, as always, the quicksand police department continues to do area checks school checks and cultural and religious. 88 00:30:56.100 --> 00:30:56.970 18456426153: checks at the. 89 00:30:57.240 --> 00:31:11.370 18452680779: Different houses of worship, they did seven checks at the upper nyack during school and then they did 30 cultural and religious checks that the houses of worship of the synagogue. 90 00:31:12.330 --> 00:31:13.830 18456426153: There were two. 91 00:31:13.860 --> 00:31:15.750 18452680779: domestics that happened in the village. 92 00:31:15.750 --> 00:31:17.340 18452680779: of both of those were verbal. 93 00:31:18.480 --> 00:31:22.320 18452680779: And some of the more important things, there were four. 94 00:31:23.400 --> 00:31:29.280 18452680779: larceny from vehicles that occurred to have those were attempted, and two of those were actual. 95 00:31:30.510 --> 00:31:42.060 18452680779: larcenies it happened, they were all from unlock vehicles and one of them was on Jewish three and they got $800 an $800 Gucci wallet. 96 00:31:42.750 --> 00:31:53.430 18452680779: Numerous credit cards and some cash and then there were three there were on Palmer giudice guys know is on the North end of Midland almost to the end you make the left and then Palmer. 97 00:31:54.420 --> 00:32:11.790 18452680779: runs North and South, one of the more serious ones, there was a stolen card that occurred on North mainland, it was a Mercedes unfortunately it was unlocked and also the keys i'm suspecting a probably a key fob were left inside. 98 00:32:13.650 --> 00:32:21.960 18452680779: We were able to track it down, and it was located in Newark New Jersey, so what we're finding with the stolen cars is that people go. 99 00:32:22.350 --> 00:32:30.330 18452680779: Through people's driveways they try to see if the car is unlocked if it is they know that many people leave their keys or key fobs in the car. 100 00:32:30.810 --> 00:32:39.270 18452680779: they'll sit in the driver's seat as they're looking around for any property, they can steal put their foot on the brake hit the start button and if the car stops starts. 101 00:32:39.720 --> 00:32:48.210 18452680779: they're going to take off to them, so this is a reminder, if you can just let the village residents notice the lock their cars, and that would prevent the some of the. 102 00:32:49.440 --> 00:32:53.220 18452680779: wash nice attempt to Larson ease and God forbid, you had your car stolen. 103 00:32:54.240 --> 00:33:05.700 18452680779: And then now jackie's going to talk about some frauds and scams that happened in the village yeah unless unless anybody has any questions about what I went over with the last season stolen cars. 104 00:33:07.590 --> 00:33:17.010 18452680779: Okay, great Thank you okay Jackie Kennedy john fox MTV forget to the fraud or just want to touch on the parking. 105 00:33:17.040 --> 00:33:17.580 jacquelinekennedy: The issue. 106 00:33:19.470 --> 00:33:32.340 jacquelinekennedy: Since we last met they were all for overnight parking those were in school street North broadway high mount birch wood and lex out and clark's employees will continue to patrol the. 107 00:33:33.120 --> 00:33:35.040 jacquelinekennedy: berry overnight, especially with the will be. 108 00:33:35.100 --> 00:33:38.790 jacquelinekennedy: snow that we've been getting some at the plows can get by and do what they need to do. 109 00:33:41.760 --> 00:33:43.110 jacquelinekennedy: As far as the. 110 00:33:43.560 --> 00:33:44.760 jacquelinekennedy: we're having a problem with identity. 111 00:33:44.760 --> 00:33:53.730 jacquelinekennedy: theft, what we're seeing to residents in the village of upper nyack and I was going through the Congress reports earlier today they had at least six or seven. 112 00:33:54.900 --> 00:34:09.030 jacquelinekennedy: residents are receiving letters from the Department of Labor and they are the phishing scam they'll have some correct information of the resident on the letter, but what they're looking for is the resident to. 113 00:34:09.060 --> 00:34:10.170 jacquelinekennedy: call back the number. 114 00:34:10.530 --> 00:34:22.050 jacquelinekennedy: that's on that letter and give them the correct information as such as their social security number and their date of birth, so we're really seeing a rise in that so we just want our residents to be aware that if you do get anything. 115 00:34:22.110 --> 00:34:23.460 From the Department of Labor. 116 00:34:26.430 --> 00:34:35.070 jacquelinekennedy: For an unemployment benefit that you applied for or did it so it doesn't matter whether or not you have applied for these benefits, you may still receive these letters that they. 117 00:34:35.070 --> 00:34:36.000 jacquelinekennedy: Are scam. 118 00:34:36.270 --> 00:34:38.010 jacquelinekennedy: it's fishing and to. 119 00:34:39.240 --> 00:34:48.540 jacquelinekennedy: Not to respond to that letter also it's tax season, unfortunately, so the irs scams will be picking up again just so that. 120 00:34:49.410 --> 00:35:01.830 jacquelinekennedy: Residents know that the irs won't be sending them any making any kind of phone calls asking for money, and certainly not asking to be paid back in gift cards or credit cards or food stamps or anything of that nature. 121 00:35:03.360 --> 00:35:19.980 jacquelinekennedy: We also add a town just incidents of interest on January 31 we had two robberies one was at the Shell gas station in valley cottage one was at the mobile gas station in West nyack both on the same day. 122 00:35:20.550 --> 00:35:33.180 jacquelinekennedy: about an hour and a half apart, based on video, it does not seem to be the same suspect, but a firearm was displayed the valley cottage the proceeds from that were $500 and in West nyack. 123 00:35:33.240 --> 00:35:34.440 18456426153: It was $50. 124 00:35:34.890 --> 00:35:35.940 jacquelinekennedy: And those incidents. 125 00:35:36.000 --> 00:35:39.060 jacquelinekennedy: are both currently under investigation with our detective bureau. 126 00:35:40.740 --> 00:35:42.150 jacquelinekennedy: And then on to the. 127 00:35:43.500 --> 00:36:00.750 jacquelinekennedy: county wide as far as the overdoses for year to date they've had a D3 resulting in six deaths, unfortunately, the town of clark's town has had 13 and one person has passed away as a result of an overdose. 128 00:36:01.950 --> 00:36:02.970 jacquelinekennedy: And then lastly. 129 00:36:03.270 --> 00:36:04.680 jacquelinekennedy: The no party songs on. 130 00:36:04.680 --> 00:36:07.620 jacquelinekennedy: Lucas, I do not believe they've been moved due to the snow. 131 00:36:09.330 --> 00:36:09.480 Karen Tarapata: I. 132 00:36:10.050 --> 00:36:19.200 Karen Tarapata: couldn't move them they're very well very, very well installed and those ice banks, so I think we're going to have to leave them who they are, for another month. 133 00:36:20.070 --> 00:36:21.930 jacquelinekennedy: yeah will address those as soon as we can. 134 00:36:26.280 --> 00:36:27.090 18456426153: Have any questions. 135 00:36:29.580 --> 00:36:30.990 18456426153: I do think so. 136 00:36:33.180 --> 00:36:35.430 Karen Tarapata: I don't know Jeff, what do you think should we try and get. 137 00:36:35.430 --> 00:36:37.500 Karen Tarapata: Those signs out or leave them where they are. 138 00:36:38.040 --> 00:36:41.400 sylviajeff: that's a fool's or not nobody's going to move this. 139 00:36:41.400 --> 00:36:44.190 sylviajeff: Is if you are able to get them out, which I dad wouldn't be. 140 00:36:44.340 --> 00:36:45.900 18456426153: put them back okay. 141 00:36:47.280 --> 00:36:47.970 jacquelinekennedy: Just let us know. 142 00:36:50.580 --> 00:36:51.270 18456426153: Actually. 143 00:36:51.330 --> 00:36:56.520 Laurie Dodge: What and Karen I know I know Karen has reached out to Google, a number of times. 144 00:36:56.850 --> 00:36:58.530 18456426153: That truck traffic. 145 00:36:58.890 --> 00:37:02.760 Laurie Dodge: Of the 18 wheeler traffic coming off of nine w is. 146 00:37:02.880 --> 00:37:04.140 Laurie Dodge: Picking up again. 147 00:37:04.200 --> 00:37:06.870 Laurie Dodge: and actually interestingly i've now noticed. 148 00:37:07.290 --> 00:37:10.110 Laurie Dodge: it's coming from South nyack as well, and the. 149 00:37:10.110 --> 00:37:10.740 Laurie Dodge: truckers. 150 00:37:11.250 --> 00:37:13.920 Laurie Dodge: are completely perplexed as to why. 151 00:37:14.370 --> 00:37:16.350 Laurie Dodge: It seems to be Google and way. 152 00:37:16.500 --> 00:37:17.340 Laurie Dodge: is taking them. 153 00:37:17.460 --> 00:37:18.150 Laurie Dodge: Through. 154 00:37:18.240 --> 00:37:19.710 18456426153: upper nyack nyack. 155 00:37:19.710 --> 00:37:20.370 18456426153: South night. 156 00:37:20.400 --> 00:37:21.570 Laurie Dodge: To get back on nine. 157 00:37:21.570 --> 00:37:26.220 Laurie Dodge: w I know this isn't really necessarily a police matter, and I know we. 158 00:37:26.220 --> 00:37:27.480 Laurie Dodge: Have signs coming but i'm. 159 00:37:27.480 --> 00:37:29.970 Laurie Dodge: Just lifting it up again because. 160 00:37:30.000 --> 00:37:31.530 Laurie Dodge: we've just seen an uptick. 161 00:37:31.680 --> 00:37:32.220 Laurie Dodge: near. 162 00:37:32.280 --> 00:37:34.590 Laurie Dodge: Our House in the last couple of weeks and. 163 00:37:34.590 --> 00:37:37.200 Laurie Dodge: It seemed like it had subsided, and again. 164 00:37:37.470 --> 00:37:39.360 18456426153: The other drivers just completely. 165 00:37:39.570 --> 00:37:42.030 Laurie Dodge: The fuddled as they come down these roads. 166 00:37:42.210 --> 00:37:42.570 Laurie Dodge: Like. 167 00:37:42.780 --> 00:37:43.470 Laurie Dodge: Oh, my God. 168 00:37:43.500 --> 00:37:49.260 Karen Tarapata: How am I, making Mr no worries, we know, the issue is they don't pay for commercial. 169 00:37:49.530 --> 00:37:52.800 Karen Tarapata: yep GPS they're using a. 170 00:37:52.830 --> 00:37:54.630 Laurie Dodge: Conditional which ways yeah. 171 00:37:55.410 --> 00:37:57.300 18456426153: So I we did put a sign. 172 00:37:57.570 --> 00:37:59.250 Karen Tarapata: at nine w and. 173 00:37:59.340 --> 00:38:01.560 18456426153: Old code at. 174 00:38:02.040 --> 00:38:05.910 Karen Tarapata: North Midland and all mountain road I think we're gonna have to put another node. 175 00:38:06.210 --> 00:38:07.500 18456426153: Local truck traffic. 176 00:38:07.530 --> 00:38:10.080 18456426153: Only at the south end of the. 177 00:38:10.080 --> 00:38:12.420 Karen Tarapata: village trucks coming north. 178 00:38:13.500 --> 00:38:21.540 jacquelinekennedy: Okay, what also things I lead our traffic guys know and i'll let her area cars make them aware of the situation, just so that they are a little more. 179 00:38:21.540 --> 00:38:23.130 18452680779: vigilant with it and they can. 180 00:38:23.310 --> 00:38:25.860 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, because we really we have a law that there is. 181 00:38:26.250 --> 00:38:27.120 Karen Tarapata: That nine w. 182 00:38:27.150 --> 00:38:33.510 Karen Tarapata: is the only commercial of truck route and unless you're making a local delivery you. 183 00:38:33.510 --> 00:38:33.870 18456426153: Should. 184 00:38:33.900 --> 00:38:34.860 18456426153: be bringing a. 185 00:38:35.520 --> 00:38:36.510 Karen Tarapata: A tractor trailer. 186 00:38:36.540 --> 00:38:40.410 18452680779: Through the village anyway right absolutely Okay, you will make them aware of it. 187 00:38:41.190 --> 00:38:41.850 Karen Tarapata: Thank you. 188 00:38:46.500 --> 00:38:47.280 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 189 00:38:48.810 --> 00:38:50.070 Karen Tarapata: Thank you officer. 190 00:38:50.190 --> 00:38:51.570 Karen Tarapata: jamie's and officer candidate. 191 00:38:51.870 --> 00:38:52.230 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 192 00:38:52.500 --> 00:38:54.720 18452680779: you're welcome have a great night good night have a. 193 00:38:54.990 --> 00:38:55.290 Nice. 194 00:38:58.860 --> 00:39:00.510 Karen Tarapata: treasurer's report Mitch. 195 00:39:01.350 --> 00:39:03.120 Richard Fortunato: Everybody how's everybody doing. 196 00:39:05.760 --> 00:39:08.820 Richard Fortunato: At the okay first up and next month. 197 00:39:09.090 --> 00:39:09.780 Richard Fortunato: The month of. 198 00:39:11.430 --> 00:39:31.260 Richard Fortunato: March will will be Karen I doing the budget, so I just want everybody to know that the new budget that begins June 1 two very important dates for your calendar, the workshop for the budget is going to be on April 8 it's your regular workshop but that's going to be a budget workshop. 199 00:39:32.550 --> 00:39:53.820 Richard Fortunato: And the public hearing and adoption of the budget is going to be on April 15 again a regular board meeting Okay, I promise that I will get you the proposed budget karen's budget prior to April 1 you'll have a week to review it and then on April eighth. 200 00:39:53.850 --> 00:39:55.710 Richard Fortunato: Will over the workshop OK. 201 00:39:55.980 --> 00:39:58.680 Richard Fortunato: So the dates and. 202 00:40:01.500 --> 00:40:04.140 Richard Fortunato: The abstract there's nothing in the abstract it's. 203 00:40:04.200 --> 00:40:05.280 Richard Fortunato: Extraordinary this. 204 00:40:05.280 --> 00:40:14.250 Richard Fortunato: Month please sign off on the abstract Karen or Jeff for whoever wants to take a look at that and the financial statements. 205 00:40:15.390 --> 00:40:27.840 Richard Fortunato: Nothing again material in this month financial statements were in budget, as everybody could see and most categories I don't anticipate going over budget for the year and in most categories and. 206 00:40:29.040 --> 00:40:40.410 Richard Fortunato: I mean revenues are a little bit down mortgage taxes sales taxes from the state but that's to be expected, but there's no real, significant impact on our budget so that's all I got. 207 00:40:41.340 --> 00:40:50.070 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, rich that's fantastic so if you're if there are any projects, I was speaking with Kenny today to saying you know. 208 00:40:51.150 --> 00:40:55.830 Karen Tarapata: we're going to be looking at fixing the sidewalk on North broadway that we weren't able to. 209 00:40:55.830 --> 00:40:57.120 18456426153: Complete last year. 210 00:40:57.750 --> 00:40:58.290 Karen Tarapata: and 211 00:40:58.590 --> 00:41:01.470 18456426153: You know any other projects that you think would be a real. 212 00:41:01.500 --> 00:41:02.700 18456426153: benefit, that we should. 213 00:41:03.000 --> 00:41:07.290 Karen Tarapata: Look at for this next year's budget start to think about it and. 214 00:41:08.490 --> 00:41:09.960 Karen Tarapata: put it in and see if we can do it. 215 00:41:10.260 --> 00:41:27.750 Richard Fortunato: yeah we'd love to know the projects ahead of time, rather than wait until the workshop meeting because you may only have a certain amount of tax revenue to spend so we'd like to get it all try to get it all in the budget, so if anybody has any kind of you know project i'd like to do. 216 00:41:28.110 --> 00:41:29.640 Richard Fortunato: is even talk to me or. 217 00:41:29.640 --> 00:41:39.870 Richard Fortunato: or or Karen in the next few weeks, because so you know we could get it in the proposed budget at your workshop try to make the numbers balance before I see you at the workshop. 218 00:41:41.610 --> 00:41:42.180 Richard Fortunato: Please. 219 00:41:44.910 --> 00:41:47.760 Karen Tarapata: Great do we have anything else, we need to do tonight rich. 220 00:41:48.450 --> 00:41:50.130 Richard Fortunato: I don't have anything else I need to do. 221 00:41:51.780 --> 00:41:53.490 Karen Tarapata: All right does anyone have any questions for. 222 00:41:53.490 --> 00:41:53.970 rich. 223 00:41:56.190 --> 00:41:59.220 Karen Tarapata: All right, enjoy your night rich and we'll talk to you soon. 224 00:41:59.550 --> 00:42:01.200 Richard Fortunato: Thank you guys enjoy this now. 225 00:42:01.380 --> 00:42:01.620 Laurie Dodge: yeah. 226 00:42:01.680 --> 00:42:02.610 18456426153: I richie to. 227 00:42:05.670 --> 00:42:06.420 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 228 00:42:07.530 --> 00:42:14.790 Karen Tarapata: i'm not sure, but I just wanted to say before we do the minutes is Victoria. 229 00:42:14.820 --> 00:42:16.500 18456426153: Gary the young tonight. 230 00:42:19.590 --> 00:42:31.680 Karen Tarapata: We were told that the representative of the new state Senator Elijah right the melnick might be joining us tonight, so I just wanted to give her a minute to introduce herself if she was on the call. 231 00:42:33.210 --> 00:42:33.990 Karen Tarapata: But and. 232 00:42:35.100 --> 00:42:44.010 Karen Tarapata: Also, as part of this say our annual outreach to our state legislators, I have a meeting tomorrow at. 233 00:42:44.010 --> 00:42:45.870 18456426153: 330 with Ken zebrowski. 234 00:42:46.350 --> 00:42:47.940 Karen Tarapata: So i'm going to be speaking with. 235 00:42:47.940 --> 00:42:50.460 18456426153: him about the sidewalk project if you can think of. 236 00:42:50.490 --> 00:42:55.470 Karen Tarapata: Any other projects that we might want paving projects sidebar. 237 00:42:56.040 --> 00:42:57.870 18456426153: That we might want his help with. 238 00:42:59.010 --> 00:43:00.510 Karen Tarapata: Just shoot me a text or an. 239 00:43:00.510 --> 00:43:01.590 18456426153: email, so that I can bring. 240 00:43:01.590 --> 00:43:02.400 18456426153: It up to him. 241 00:43:06.540 --> 00:43:08.790 Karen Tarapata: let's hope to stay can help us with a few minutes. 242 00:43:10.680 --> 00:43:13.200 Karen Tarapata: Okay, how about the Minutes. 243 00:43:14.250 --> 00:43:19.230 Karen Tarapata: The Minutes of the regular meeting of January 21 2021 I know. 244 00:43:19.650 --> 00:43:21.840 Karen Tarapata: I made some change corrections and I believe. 245 00:43:21.840 --> 00:43:25.500 Laurie Dodge: worry new did too yeah I send them via email. 246 00:43:28.110 --> 00:43:29.670 Karen Tarapata: Anyone have other. 247 00:43:29.820 --> 00:43:34.140 18456426153: Changes or corrections for the minutes of meeting of January 21. 248 00:43:38.310 --> 00:43:44.070 Karen Tarapata: Okay, with someone make a motion to adopt the Minutes as amended or regular meeting. 249 00:43:44.310 --> 00:43:45.840 18456426153: Of 10 or 21st 2020. 250 00:43:47.040 --> 00:43:53.580 sylviajeff: will move that we adopt the commanded minutes for January 2021 January 21 2021. 251 00:43:55.470 --> 00:43:56.250 sylviajeff: has presented. 252 00:43:57.510 --> 00:43:58.650 Laurie Dodge: i'll second it's laurie. 253 00:43:59.700 --> 00:44:01.860 Karen Tarapata: laurie all in favor say Aye. 254 00:44:02.310 --> 00:44:02.910 18456426153: Like I. 255 00:44:04.380 --> 00:44:04.710 sylviajeff: Jeff. 256 00:44:05.790 --> 00:44:06.630 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 257 00:44:07.980 --> 00:44:08.490 amen. 258 00:44:09.720 --> 00:44:19.260 Karen Tarapata: Alright, and the special meaning of January 28 does anyone have any changes to the Minutes of that special meeting. 259 00:44:22.470 --> 00:44:23.460 Laurie Dodge: No, I didn't. 260 00:44:24.600 --> 00:44:25.020 All right. 261 00:44:26.100 --> 00:44:29.670 Karen Tarapata: Then, when someone make a motion to accept the minutes of the special meetings. 262 00:44:31.140 --> 00:44:32.730 Laurie Dodge: it's lori i'll make that motion. 263 00:44:34.560 --> 00:44:35.820 sylviajeff: stressful second. 264 00:44:36.990 --> 00:44:38.340 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 265 00:44:38.790 --> 00:44:39.390 loisesmay: Aye Aye. 266 00:44:40.350 --> 00:44:41.040 Laurie Dodge: Aye laurie. 267 00:44:41.640 --> 00:44:42.300 hf. 268 00:44:43.980 --> 00:44:44.640 Karen Tarapata: I can run. 269 00:44:45.720 --> 00:44:47.160 Okay that's great. 270 00:44:48.240 --> 00:44:49.890 Karen Tarapata: All right, since we have a few minutes. 271 00:44:49.890 --> 00:44:51.720 18456426153: Before our public hearing. 272 00:44:52.710 --> 00:44:55.470 Karen Tarapata: I would like to ask the. 273 00:44:56.580 --> 00:44:57.720 Karen Tarapata: board to make a. 274 00:44:59.340 --> 00:45:02.010 Karen Tarapata: Resolution, for me, we have Bob. 275 00:45:02.190 --> 00:45:04.500 18456426153: Seen who is going to be. 276 00:45:04.770 --> 00:45:06.660 Karen Tarapata: doing a video of. 277 00:45:06.990 --> 00:45:09.330 Karen Tarapata: maple tapping for SAP. 278 00:45:10.290 --> 00:45:11.520 18456426153: for making me like. 279 00:45:12.060 --> 00:45:13.710 Karen Tarapata: we're doing a little video of it. 280 00:45:13.770 --> 00:45:16.740 Karen Tarapata: On Sunday, this week and. 281 00:45:17.400 --> 00:45:18.570 18456426153: He wants to. 282 00:45:18.960 --> 00:45:20.970 Karen Tarapata: He wants to have a. 283 00:45:22.050 --> 00:45:22.560 Claudia: fun. 284 00:45:23.370 --> 00:45:24.960 Karen Tarapata: hold on one SEC i'm just going to. 285 00:45:26.100 --> 00:45:27.810 Make sure that everybody. 286 00:45:29.280 --> 00:45:30.990 18456426153: anybody here, I need to mute. 287 00:45:35.400 --> 00:45:35.730 18456426153: But. 288 00:45:36.720 --> 00:45:37.230 18456426153: I would just. 289 00:45:37.290 --> 00:45:38.280 Karen Tarapata: Read our. 290 00:45:38.550 --> 00:45:40.080 Karen Tarapata: regulations for riverboat. 291 00:45:40.140 --> 00:45:42.450 Karen Tarapata: require that only the board of trustees. 292 00:45:42.870 --> 00:45:44.520 Karen Tarapata: can allow any set of fire. 293 00:45:44.550 --> 00:45:45.480 18456426153: On the property. 294 00:45:46.230 --> 00:45:50.250 Karen Tarapata: So we're going to have a small contained fire, so he can burn a little. 295 00:45:50.280 --> 00:45:55.320 Karen Tarapata: boys and little Sam you who are the video, and I would like someone who make a motion. 296 00:45:55.320 --> 00:45:55.650 18456426153: To. 297 00:45:55.680 --> 00:45:56.580 Karen Tarapata: allow that. 298 00:45:56.970 --> 00:46:00.300 Karen Tarapata: On Sunday and Sunday state is. 299 00:46:03.120 --> 00:46:04.200 it's a nice day. 300 00:46:06.030 --> 00:46:06.780 Laurie Dodge: 21st. 301 00:46:07.230 --> 00:46:16.410 Karen Tarapata: The 21st floor no more than two hours with an small attended fire on. 302 00:46:17.520 --> 00:46:18.780 Karen Tarapata: February 21. 303 00:46:21.180 --> 00:46:22.260 Karen Tarapata: But someone make a motion. 304 00:46:23.550 --> 00:46:23.730 Laurie Dodge: Is. 305 00:46:24.750 --> 00:46:34.170 sylviajeff: lotion that we allow to create a demonstration of making maple syrup on preserve property on Sunday the 21st using a. 306 00:46:35.400 --> 00:46:35.940 sylviajeff: Watch. 307 00:46:36.780 --> 00:46:38.610 sylviajeff: short duration fire. 308 00:46:39.900 --> 00:46:45.390 sylviajeff: and small small watched small duration short duration fire. 309 00:46:47.190 --> 00:46:48.090 Karen Tarapata: And I get a second. 310 00:46:48.270 --> 00:46:51.120 loisesmay: Michael second thing Thank you Mike. 311 00:46:51.510 --> 00:46:52.860 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 312 00:46:53.280 --> 00:46:53.550 Like. 313 00:46:55.410 --> 00:46:56.220 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 314 00:46:56.610 --> 00:46:59.130 18456426153: Justified Karen I. 315 00:47:00.090 --> 00:47:04.410 Karen Tarapata: and the last thing we can do is the safety committee report. 316 00:47:05.160 --> 00:47:06.060 Karen Tarapata: annually. 317 00:47:06.180 --> 00:47:07.500 18456426153: I have to report. 318 00:47:08.520 --> 00:47:16.380 Karen Tarapata: The findings of the safety committee to the COMP alliance and nightmare IRA insurance people and. 319 00:47:16.530 --> 00:47:17.820 Karen Tarapata: The safety committee. 320 00:47:17.970 --> 00:47:19.200 18456426153: would like to report that. 321 00:47:19.200 --> 00:47:28.650 Karen Tarapata: There were no issues or incidents to report at the village is complying with all requests and recommendations of the COMP alliance and. 322 00:47:30.450 --> 00:47:32.490 Karen Tarapata: Carol is that sufficient. 323 00:47:33.900 --> 00:47:40.710 18456426153: yeah well, as we have something in our Minutes that we have acknowledged what we're with the Board is doing. 324 00:47:41.760 --> 00:47:42.180 18456426153: Great. 325 00:47:43.200 --> 00:47:46.710 Karen Tarapata: Every year, they make a few suggestions and they're usually. 326 00:47:46.860 --> 00:47:47.700 18456426153: really good ones. 327 00:47:49.980 --> 00:47:50.670 18456426153: We still have. 328 00:47:50.730 --> 00:47:52.770 Karen Tarapata: eight minutes before our. 329 00:47:54.690 --> 00:47:56.370 Karen Tarapata: Our first public hearing. 330 00:47:56.880 --> 00:47:58.830 18456426153: Is there anything that. 331 00:47:58.890 --> 00:48:01.980 Karen Tarapata: Anyone would like to speak to. 332 00:48:06.030 --> 00:48:06.810 Karen Tarapata: All right, you know. 333 00:48:07.950 --> 00:48:10.530 sylviajeff: I have a question to somebody asked me about um. 334 00:48:10.920 --> 00:48:14.190 sylviajeff: If there's any issue with mailboxes been. 335 00:48:15.420 --> 00:48:18.270 sylviajeff: Either destroy it, or you know mess up during the plowing. 336 00:48:18.480 --> 00:48:21.300 sylviajeff: How does somebody go about you know, addressing that. 337 00:48:23.700 --> 00:48:24.780 Karen Tarapata: I think they have to. 338 00:48:24.780 --> 00:48:25.920 18456426153: just put it back. 339 00:48:26.010 --> 00:48:27.090 Karen Tarapata: Because actually. 340 00:48:28.740 --> 00:48:29.340 Karen Tarapata: When. 341 00:48:29.580 --> 00:48:30.780 18456426153: mailbox is pushed. 342 00:48:30.780 --> 00:48:32.250 Karen Tarapata: Over Carol correct me if i'm. 343 00:48:32.250 --> 00:48:33.630 18456426153: wrong, but when a mailbox is. 344 00:48:33.690 --> 00:48:34.890 Karen Tarapata: pushed over by the snow. 345 00:48:34.890 --> 00:48:42.390 Karen Tarapata: plowing the mailbox is in the village right of way and it really is up to the homeowner to repair it. 346 00:48:42.420 --> 00:48:43.740 Is that correct Carol. 347 00:48:45.210 --> 00:48:46.500 18456426153: Yes, okay. 348 00:48:48.330 --> 00:48:53.100 18456426153: Sometimes you generally see the weight of the snow pushing it over. 349 00:48:55.050 --> 00:49:01.950 18456426153: Maybe in a really extreme storm like we had a few weeks ago, maybe apply some but generally. 350 00:49:03.840 --> 00:49:05.040 it's the way the snow. 351 00:49:09.480 --> 00:49:09.720 18456426153: yeah. 352 00:49:11.070 --> 00:49:11.340 18456426153: Sorry. 353 00:49:13.260 --> 00:49:15.240 18456426153: that's just it's unfortunate that's all. 354 00:49:18.180 --> 00:49:19.620 18456426153: Thank you, mark, we have. 355 00:49:19.650 --> 00:49:21.420 Karen Tarapata: six minutes left. 356 00:49:23.910 --> 00:49:25.080 And then. 357 00:49:26.490 --> 00:49:28.380 18456426153: Trying to think if there's anything else. 358 00:49:28.800 --> 00:49:51.000 Karen Tarapata: Oh, I did get a letter back from the fire district, I asked them about their opinion on one side parking on lex out and locust avenues, and they got back to me with a with a good letter saying that they really do favor parking on one side only so that is something that we can take. 359 00:49:51.030 --> 00:49:52.830 Karen Tarapata: into consideration as. 360 00:49:52.890 --> 00:49:53.010 18456426153: We. 361 00:49:53.460 --> 00:50:03.900 Karen Tarapata: go forward and decide if we want to permanently limit parking on one side, because the parking on both sides, barely leaves enough room for any emergency vehicle. 362 00:50:04.590 --> 00:50:05.970 18456426153: And since we're talking about. 363 00:50:06.060 --> 00:50:06.690 damage. 364 00:50:08.310 --> 00:50:09.840 Karen Tarapata: I believe Jill told. 365 00:50:09.870 --> 00:50:10.260 me that. 366 00:50:11.550 --> 00:50:16.620 Karen Tarapata: They their attitude is if somebody's house is on fire, they will move your car out of the way. 367 00:50:17.340 --> 00:50:18.660 18456426153: And it might be with the truck. 368 00:50:19.380 --> 00:50:24.390 Karen Tarapata: So I think it might be safer on these narrow roads to consider that. 369 00:50:24.600 --> 00:50:26.340 Karen Tarapata: And maybe what we want to do is. 370 00:50:27.150 --> 00:50:29.940 Karen Tarapata: We could schedule a meeting and invite the. 371 00:50:31.860 --> 00:50:48.360 Karen Tarapata: members of the public who live on the streets to comment, I know that one of them is coming to our March meeting to talk about parking alexa so maybe that's time to start the conversation about should they be parking on one side and, if so, which side. 372 00:50:54.150 --> 00:50:55.260 sylviajeff: I think it's good idea. 373 00:50:56.730 --> 00:51:09.420 Karen Tarapata: it's tough, I know, like here on Castle heights people like the idea, and until they realize that either everyone will be parking in front of their house or they'll have to cross the street to their car, on the other side of the street. 374 00:51:10.530 --> 00:51:12.600 Karen Tarapata: And Either way, it is an inconvenience. 375 00:51:12.870 --> 00:51:14.070 Karen Tarapata: To only have parking on one. 376 00:51:14.070 --> 00:51:14.940 18456426153: side of the street. 377 00:51:15.660 --> 00:51:17.730 Karen Tarapata: But we really don't have the capacity to do. 378 00:51:17.730 --> 00:51:19.050 18456426153: alternate side parking. 379 00:51:19.260 --> 00:51:21.120 Karen Tarapata: Because we don't have a parking authority. 380 00:51:23.310 --> 00:51:23.550 So. 381 00:51:24.750 --> 00:51:26.820 loisesmay: applies to other streets in the village to. 382 00:51:28.980 --> 00:51:29.490 Karen Tarapata: Yes. 383 00:51:32.550 --> 00:51:35.220 loisesmay: You get cars parked on both sides it's a problem. 384 00:51:35.730 --> 00:51:36.750 Karen Tarapata: it's a real problem. 385 00:51:39.180 --> 00:51:39.690 sylviajeff: Okay. 386 00:51:42.390 --> 00:51:46.260 Karen Tarapata: It is 826 Carol didn't think we could. 387 00:51:46.260 --> 00:51:46.950 Karen Tarapata: begin to. 388 00:51:47.280 --> 00:51:48.600 Karen Tarapata: The public hearing notice. 389 00:51:48.600 --> 00:51:50.430 18456426153: Or do you think we should waste the extra. 390 00:51:50.700 --> 00:51:51.570 Karen Tarapata: couple minutes. 391 00:51:53.910 --> 00:51:57.090 18456426153: it'll take me a few minutes to read it i'll i'll start leaving it. 392 00:51:58.350 --> 00:51:58.830 18456426153: Thank you. 393 00:52:01.950 --> 00:52:10.560 18456426153: notice the public hearings village of upper nyack 328 North broadway upper nyack New York 1096 so. 394 00:52:11.760 --> 00:52:17.670 18456426153: Please take notice that the board of trustees the village of upper nyack will hold a public they're having. 395 00:52:18.420 --> 00:52:20.100 Claudia: they're having you know their village meeting. 396 00:52:21.540 --> 00:52:25.050 Karen Tarapata: Okay, if you're not speaking, please mute yourself. 397 00:52:27.360 --> 00:52:28.230 Karen Tarapata: go through here. 398 00:52:31.110 --> 00:52:40.590 18456426153: Okay, please take notice to the board of trustees of the village of upper nyack will hold a public hearing on February 18 2021. 399 00:52:41.100 --> 00:52:55.050 18456426153: At 8:30pm to consider an extension of the temporary moratorium on commercial or residential land use applications for property located in the office business ogi. 400 00:52:55.920 --> 00:53:06.690 18456426153: district laboratory office elmo district, and the art for resident residential districts that have been denied w quarter in the village. 401 00:53:07.230 --> 00:53:14.340 18456426153: Pending review and amendment the comprehensive plan, update and related zoning laws pertaining to set subject matters. 402 00:53:15.090 --> 00:53:25.770 18456426153: This law will also be known as local law number two of 2021 due to the coven 19 emergency village Board of Trustees will not be meeting in person. 403 00:53:26.430 --> 00:53:37.500 18456426153: In accordance with the governor's executive order to 02 point eight seven The meeting will be held via video conferencing, and a transcript will be provided at a later date. 404 00:53:38.190 --> 00:53:47.610 18456426153: The public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments to access meeting, please visit the villages, a website for ID and password. 405 00:53:48.210 --> 00:54:08.640 18456426153: A meeting agenda will be posted on the villages website comments and questions can also be provided by email before the meeting to carol's you go there with village clerk at village clerk at upper nyack dash and y.us data January 22 2021 Carol G brotherhood silage clerk. 406 00:54:11.820 --> 00:54:12.510 Karen Tarapata: Right. 407 00:54:14.040 --> 00:54:15.450 Karen Tarapata: Now, tonight we are. 408 00:54:18.420 --> 00:54:19.170 Karen Tarapata: Extending. 409 00:54:19.260 --> 00:54:21.000 18456426153: Our temporary moratorium. 410 00:54:21.600 --> 00:54:23.880 Karen Tarapata: While we're finishing the comprehensive. 411 00:54:23.880 --> 00:54:28.500 Karen Tarapata: plan and zoning code update, we have received. 412 00:54:29.130 --> 00:54:30.630 18456426153: A comment. 413 00:54:30.660 --> 00:54:35.190 Karen Tarapata: From the rockland county from the town of parks found department of. 414 00:54:35.190 --> 00:54:37.140 Karen Tarapata: Planning and they. 415 00:54:37.560 --> 00:54:40.440 Karen Tarapata: They referred the matter for local determination. 416 00:54:42.090 --> 00:54:43.410 18456426153: also received. 417 00:54:43.440 --> 00:54:44.310 Karen Tarapata: A comment from. 418 00:54:44.340 --> 00:54:45.750 Karen Tarapata: rockland county planning. 419 00:54:46.320 --> 00:54:58.620 Karen Tarapata: department of planning and they said, since the proposed extension of the temporary moratorium law will have no adverse effects on any county wide interests, this matter is remanded for local determination. 420 00:55:00.840 --> 00:55:01.650 Karen Tarapata: So. 421 00:55:03.390 --> 00:55:06.600 Karen Tarapata: I would ask that me open the public. 422 00:55:07.950 --> 00:55:08.370 hearing. 423 00:55:09.480 --> 00:55:15.570 Karen Tarapata: On this matter, if someone make a motion to open the public hearing. 424 00:55:16.020 --> 00:55:17.040 18456426153: Like make the. 425 00:55:17.070 --> 00:55:17.520 loisesmay: motion. 426 00:55:17.640 --> 00:55:20.610 loisesmay: We open up the public hearing that. 427 00:55:20.700 --> 00:55:21.450 sylviajeff: will send it. 428 00:55:22.680 --> 00:55:24.000 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 429 00:55:24.300 --> 00:55:26.220 sylviajeff: My guy Jeff by. 430 00:55:26.880 --> 00:55:27.720 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 431 00:55:28.770 --> 00:55:29.160 Karen Tarapata: Aaron. 432 00:55:31.350 --> 00:55:38.340 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone who's coming tonight to speak on this extension of the temporary moratorium. 433 00:55:40.170 --> 00:55:43.890 Karen Tarapata: On commercial land use, commercial or residential and use. 434 00:55:43.890 --> 00:55:47.370 18456426153: applications in the Ob and L O districts. 435 00:55:48.570 --> 00:55:50.220 Karen Tarapata: A budding nine w order. 436 00:55:56.430 --> 00:55:57.030 All right. 437 00:55:58.650 --> 00:56:06.810 Karen Tarapata: If there is, if there is no one who has joined us tonight to speak on the matter with someone make a motion to close. 438 00:56:06.840 --> 00:56:07.710 The public hearing. 439 00:56:09.210 --> 00:56:11.790 sylviajeff: A Jeff will make a motion to close the poll kira. 440 00:56:16.110 --> 00:56:16.530 Laurie Dodge: lori. 441 00:56:17.970 --> 00:56:19.020 18456426153: All in favor say. 442 00:56:19.020 --> 00:56:20.310 loisesmay: Aye my guy. 443 00:56:20.610 --> 00:56:22.530 Laurie Dodge: Jeff lori I. 444 00:56:23.370 --> 00:56:25.860 Karen public hearings closed. 445 00:56:27.720 --> 00:56:30.840 Karen Tarapata: Anyone do any of the trustees have any comments. 446 00:56:30.900 --> 00:56:31.980 18456426153: On the extension. 447 00:56:32.040 --> 00:56:32.610 18456426153: Of this. 448 00:56:33.900 --> 00:56:35.130 Karen Tarapata: temporary moratorium. 449 00:56:37.440 --> 00:56:37.740 nope. 450 00:56:40.680 --> 00:56:43.380 Karen Tarapata: Then, with someone make a motion. 451 00:56:44.880 --> 00:56:47.550 Karen Tarapata: To extend the temporary moratorium. 452 00:56:48.750 --> 00:56:51.480 loisesmay: Oh Mike i'll make that motion to extend the. 453 00:56:51.480 --> 00:56:52.800 loisesmay: Temporary more time. 454 00:56:56.550 --> 00:56:57.150 sylviajeff: Second. 455 00:56:59.070 --> 00:57:00.480 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 456 00:57:01.200 --> 00:57:01.890 loisesmay: My guy. 457 00:57:02.940 --> 00:57:03.240 loisesmay: Jeff. 458 00:57:04.380 --> 00:57:05.280 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 459 00:57:06.330 --> 00:57:06.810 Karen Tarapata: Karen. 460 00:57:08.520 --> 00:57:08.970 Karen Tarapata: alright. 461 00:57:11.700 --> 00:57:23.880 Karen Tarapata: So let's see here now, if we, the next one public hearing is 845, so I am wondering what we can do in this intervening 13 minutes. 462 00:57:24.870 --> 00:57:25.590 18456426153: I think. 463 00:57:25.650 --> 00:57:27.570 18456426153: might be able to do. 464 00:57:27.570 --> 00:57:29.790 Karen Tarapata: The secret for the annexation. 465 00:57:29.850 --> 00:57:30.690 Karen Tarapata: of properties. 466 00:57:30.750 --> 00:57:32.430 Karen Tarapata: On North Highland avenue. 467 00:57:33.570 --> 00:57:34.530 Karen Tarapata: Which is Item number. 468 00:57:34.980 --> 00:57:35.970 18456426153: On the agenda. 469 00:57:38.640 --> 00:57:40.050 18456426153: We can probably. 470 00:57:41.910 --> 00:57:44.430 18456426153: Get forward to Item number six. 471 00:57:47.370 --> 00:57:48.150 Here we go. 472 00:57:49.230 --> 00:57:50.700 Karen Tarapata: And i'm going to read a. 473 00:57:50.820 --> 00:57:51.870 18456426153: letter from. 474 00:57:53.910 --> 00:57:54.840 Karen Tarapata: George hohmann. 475 00:57:56.100 --> 00:57:57.990 18456426153: Where it says the town board of a ton of. 476 00:57:57.990 --> 00:57:59.790 Karen Tarapata: Facts down, as we see the petition. 477 00:57:59.940 --> 00:58:00.750 18456426153: The protection. 478 00:58:01.230 --> 00:58:15.180 Karen Tarapata: Of jabber Nidal SSM holdings llc kemp realty Inc and New York motor works llc now known as current lender works llc as owners and property located at 554. 479 00:58:15.180 --> 00:58:16.950 Karen Tarapata: North Highland avenue upper nyack. 480 00:58:17.850 --> 00:58:20.190 Karen Tarapata: 536 North Highland avenue upper. 481 00:58:20.190 --> 00:58:23.430 Karen Tarapata: nyack live 30 North Highland avenue upper. 482 00:58:23.430 --> 00:58:25.410 Karen Tarapata: nyah 520. 483 00:58:25.500 --> 00:58:26.580 18456426153: North Highland avenue. 484 00:58:26.670 --> 00:58:27.240 18456426153: For nine. 485 00:58:27.330 --> 00:58:30.270 Karen Tarapata: And 500 North island avenue upper nyack New York. 486 00:58:31.410 --> 00:58:33.540 Karen Tarapata: or particular particularly described on the facts down. 487 00:58:33.540 --> 00:58:34.920 18456426153: Tax maps and this. 488 00:58:35.370 --> 00:58:46.440 Karen Tarapata: 59.12 dash one dash 1559 dash one two dash one dash 1659 debt that one to dash one desk. 489 00:58:46.500 --> 00:58:55.860 Karen Tarapata: 1750 912 dash one dash 18 and 59 dash one to this one, this one, nine. 490 00:58:56.430 --> 00:59:05.550 Karen Tarapata: And the supporting short environmental assessments learn seeking annexation of the above reference properties from the town into the village of upper nyack. 491 00:59:06.240 --> 00:59:21.300 Karen Tarapata: Along with the village Board of Trustees notice of intent to serve as lead agency for the review of the annexation petition pursuant to seek or the town board of the town of box down here by consent to the board of trustees of the village of opera night. 492 00:59:21.600 --> 00:59:22.140 Karen Tarapata: Serving. 493 00:59:22.170 --> 00:59:25.890 18456426153: As lead agency in the secret review of this action. 494 00:59:27.960 --> 00:59:28.440 Karen Tarapata: alright. 495 00:59:32.340 --> 00:59:34.980 18456426153: I would say now that is let's review. 496 00:59:36.930 --> 00:59:38.910 18456426153: Part one and two. 497 00:59:39.360 --> 00:59:43.260 Karen Tarapata: We will review a secret here and then we'll open the public. 498 00:59:43.530 --> 00:59:44.010 hearing. 499 00:59:50.190 --> 00:59:54.420 Karen Tarapata: The questions in part two of the short environmental assessment. 500 00:59:54.570 --> 00:59:56.040 18456426153: form ours flows. 501 00:59:56.730 --> 00:59:58.980 Karen Tarapata: Well, the proposed action, create a material. 502 00:59:58.980 --> 00:59:59.640 18456426153: conflict. 503 00:59:59.730 --> 01:00:01.020 18456426153: Women adopted a new. 504 01:00:02.340 --> 01:00:03.180 18456426153: Regulation. 505 01:00:04.020 --> 01:00:08.790 Karen Tarapata: And the choices are either know or small impact or moderate or large impact. 506 01:00:09.810 --> 01:00:21.330 Karen Tarapata: This is a no or small impact to win the proposed action, result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land know or a small impact. 507 01:00:22.650 --> 01:00:27.450 Karen Tarapata: With a proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing Community. 508 01:00:28.530 --> 01:00:40.920 Karen Tarapata: The answer's no or small impact may occur with a proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a critical environmental area cea. 509 01:00:42.240 --> 01:00:49.620 Karen Tarapata: No, no, or a small impact well the proposed action result in an adverse change an existing level of. 510 01:00:49.620 --> 01:00:51.420 18456426153: Traffic or affect existing. 511 01:00:51.420 --> 01:00:58.950 Karen Tarapata: Infrastructure for mass transit biking or walk me know or a small only a small in. 512 01:01:00.120 --> 01:01:09.180 Karen Tarapata: One of the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities. 513 01:01:10.320 --> 01:01:29.550 Karen Tarapata: know with a proposed at your action impact existing public private water supplies, no public private wastewater treatment utilities, no well the proposed action impair the character of quality of important historic archaeological architectural. 514 01:01:29.760 --> 01:01:31.230 or aesthetic resources. 515 01:01:32.310 --> 01:01:34.020 Rob Picardi: know with a proposed. 516 01:01:34.050 --> 01:01:42.990 Karen Tarapata: Action result in an address change to natural resources examples wetlands water bodies groundwater air quality flora and fauna. 517 01:01:43.980 --> 01:01:57.240 Karen Tarapata: know with a proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion flooding or drainage problems know for the proposed actual data hazard to environmental resources or human health. 518 01:01:58.980 --> 01:01:59.490 know. 519 01:02:01.620 --> 01:02:25.890 Karen Tarapata: So the next part really is reviewing and completing part three of the environmental assessment form, first, I will say that this action of accessing these properties long i've w plus within the villages comprehensive plan both our existing comprehensive plan and the proposed. 520 01:02:28.020 --> 01:02:38.670 Karen Tarapata: Up date up to the comprehensive plan so on oil, I have a question for you should I read the entire part three. 521 01:02:38.820 --> 01:02:39.540 statement. 522 01:02:41.700 --> 01:02:44.640 Noelle Wolfson: I know that it's necessary to read the entire thing, as long as all the board. 523 01:02:44.640 --> 01:02:45.750 18456426153: Members have had a chance to. 524 01:02:45.750 --> 01:02:47.310 18456426153: review it, and if you have any questions. 525 01:02:47.310 --> 01:02:48.810 Noelle Wolfson: On it or unless you want to hear it. 526 01:02:51.420 --> 01:02:53.760 Karen Tarapata: it's really a statement of the public. 527 01:02:55.500 --> 01:02:57.210 Karen Tarapata: benefit to having this. 528 01:02:57.270 --> 01:02:58.530 Karen Tarapata: and also the fact. 529 01:02:58.530 --> 01:02:58.650 18456426153: That. 530 01:02:58.830 --> 01:02:59.820 Karen Tarapata: No development is. 531 01:03:00.240 --> 01:03:01.110 18456426153: Currently plan. 532 01:03:01.560 --> 01:03:03.300 Karen Tarapata: So it was in your packets that you. 533 01:03:03.300 --> 01:03:04.110 Karen Tarapata: received. 534 01:03:04.710 --> 01:03:06.600 Karen Tarapata: And if you have any questions. 535 01:03:06.690 --> 01:03:07.560 Karen Tarapata: about this. 536 01:03:07.620 --> 01:03:09.450 18456426153: annexation or about the. 537 01:03:09.660 --> 01:03:10.770 Karen Tarapata: description of it. 538 01:03:11.670 --> 01:03:12.660 18456426153: In the part three of. 539 01:03:12.690 --> 01:03:13.440 18456426153: EA if. 540 01:03:14.580 --> 01:03:16.200 This would be the time to. 541 01:03:17.790 --> 01:03:18.150 Karen Tarapata: Ask. 542 01:03:19.680 --> 01:03:21.510 Karen Tarapata: Otherwise, we will be entered into the record. 543 01:03:27.000 --> 01:03:28.530 Karen Tarapata: No one wants to hear the whole. 544 01:03:30.930 --> 01:03:31.500 Karen Tarapata: Two and a half. 545 01:03:32.760 --> 01:03:33.480 Karen Tarapata: We will. 546 01:03:33.540 --> 01:03:34.680 Karen Tarapata: Open the public hearing. 547 01:03:36.600 --> 01:03:38.100 Karen Tarapata: With seven make a motion to open the. 548 01:03:38.100 --> 01:03:38.880 18456426153: Public carry. 549 01:03:38.970 --> 01:03:47.010 Karen Tarapata: On the board declaring itself as lead agency and adopting a negative declaration of significance. 550 01:03:48.870 --> 01:03:50.310 Laurie Dodge: it's lori i'll make the motion. 551 01:03:52.830 --> 01:03:54.120 loisesmay: it's Michael second. 552 01:03:55.050 --> 01:03:56.370 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 553 01:03:56.790 --> 01:03:57.360 loisesmay: Like I. 554 01:03:58.110 --> 01:03:58.980 18456426153: lori I. 555 01:03:59.760 --> 01:04:00.450 sylviajeff: just fine. 556 01:04:03.780 --> 01:04:05.520 Karen Tarapata: All right, is there any other. 557 01:04:06.420 --> 01:04:09.570 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone from the public, who has come tonight to speak. 558 01:04:09.600 --> 01:04:10.950 18456426153: about the annexation. 559 01:04:11.010 --> 01:04:15.780 Karen Tarapata: Of the properties along nine w into the village from the town of dark skin. 560 01:04:21.270 --> 01:04:24.960 Karen Tarapata: If there isn't with someone make a motion to close the public hearing. 561 01:04:26.520 --> 01:04:27.990 sylviajeff: This Jeff I will make mostly. 562 01:04:28.020 --> 01:04:29.190 sylviajeff: Close the public area. 563 01:04:31.980 --> 01:04:32.280 Karen Tarapata: Second. 564 01:04:33.000 --> 01:04:34.290 Laurie Dodge: it's l'oreal second. 565 01:04:36.060 --> 01:04:36.330 18456426153: Right. 566 01:04:36.420 --> 01:04:37.800 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 567 01:04:38.160 --> 01:04:38.430 Like. 568 01:04:39.840 --> 01:04:40.200 Laurie Dodge: four. 569 01:04:41.070 --> 01:04:41.760 To five. 570 01:04:42.990 --> 01:04:43.920 Karen Tarapata: Karen and. 571 01:04:46.350 --> 01:04:53.580 Karen Tarapata: Because no new information, as it has been introduced, I would ask that someone make. 572 01:04:53.610 --> 01:04:54.360 18456426153: A motion. 573 01:04:55.080 --> 01:05:01.650 Karen Tarapata: to declare the village, the lead agency and adopt a negative declaration of significance. 574 01:05:05.040 --> 01:05:06.960 sylviajeff: it's just that we. 575 01:05:07.440 --> 01:05:07.890 sylviajeff: act as a. 576 01:05:07.920 --> 01:05:10.350 sylviajeff: leader, you can see, and adopt the. 577 01:05:11.400 --> 01:05:12.750 sylviajeff: right wording and adopt the. 578 01:05:13.290 --> 01:05:15.030 Laurie Dodge: next generation. 579 01:05:16.260 --> 01:05:18.810 sylviajeff: Negative declaration of. 580 01:05:20.340 --> 01:05:20.820 Karen Tarapata: Never did. 581 01:05:20.970 --> 01:05:22.380 sylviajeff: So good it's Okay, thank you. 582 01:05:23.520 --> 01:05:24.750 Laurie Dodge: it's l'oreal second. 583 01:05:25.920 --> 01:05:27.990 Karen Tarapata: rate all in favor say Aye. 584 01:05:28.380 --> 01:05:28.950 loisesmay: My guy. 585 01:05:29.610 --> 01:05:31.530 Laurie Dodge: Jeff lori I. 586 01:05:32.610 --> 01:05:33.030 Karen Tarapata: Karen. 587 01:05:34.500 --> 01:05:39.150 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, this is great, this is annexation is moving along and our. 588 01:05:40.320 --> 01:05:44.190 Karen Tarapata: next step, I believe, will be the joint meeting in March. 589 01:05:47.940 --> 01:05:54.930 Karen Tarapata: This I did that and we still have five minutes before the public hearing on the temporary moratorium. 590 01:06:03.840 --> 01:06:05.550 Karen Tarapata: Well Carol would you like to read. 591 01:06:07.590 --> 01:06:08.430 Karen Tarapata: The notice. 592 01:06:09.420 --> 01:06:11.400 18456426153: For the yes for the. 593 01:06:12.330 --> 01:06:12.690 Local. 594 01:06:15.510 --> 01:06:21.570 18456426153: just give me one second to organize my paper yeah, we have to go back up to. 595 01:06:22.260 --> 01:06:24.990 Karen Tarapata: Item number five on page 26 of. 596 01:06:24.990 --> 01:06:25.530 Karen Tarapata: Your bag. 597 01:06:31.530 --> 01:06:32.010 18456426153: i'm ready. 598 01:06:33.060 --> 01:06:33.390 18456426153: Okay. 599 01:06:33.450 --> 01:06:33.840 Go ahead. 600 01:06:35.820 --> 01:06:43.380 18456426153: notice a public hearing village of upper nyack 328 North broadway for nyack New York 1096 so. 601 01:06:44.310 --> 01:06:54.780 18456426153: Please take notice the board of trustees the village of upper nyack will hold a public hearing on February 18 2021 at 8:45pm. 602 01:06:55.470 --> 01:07:07.140 18456426153: To consider an extension of the duration of the temporary moratorium on commercial or residential land use applications requiring new special use permit. 603 01:07:07.950 --> 01:07:18.540 18456426153: and special use permit renewal applications pending review and amendment the comprehensive plan updates and related zoning laws pertaining to said subject matters. 604 01:07:19.290 --> 01:07:29.340 18456426153: This law will also be known as local law number three of 2021 due to the coven 19 emergency village Board of Trustees will not be meeting in person. 605 01:07:29.910 --> 01:07:37.470 18456426153: In accordance with the governor's executive order to 02 point eight seven The meeting will be held by a video conferencing. 606 01:07:38.010 --> 01:07:46.260 18456426153: And a transcript will be provided at a later date, the public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments. 607 01:07:47.160 --> 01:07:54.630 18456426153: to access the meeting, please visit the villages website for ID and password the meeting agenda will be posted on the villages website. 608 01:07:55.080 --> 01:08:14.100 18456426153: comments and questions can also be provided by email before meeting before the meeting to technology brotherhood village clerk village clerk at upper nyack fashion y.us data January 22 2021 Harold G brotherhood village click. 609 01:08:19.380 --> 01:08:28.260 Karen Tarapata: Again, part of our comprehensive plan update that we have this temporary moratorium on special permits new ones and renewals. 610 01:08:29.280 --> 01:08:38.010 Karen Tarapata: We received a letter of data February 10 from the rockland county department of planning once again said that since the. 611 01:08:38.010 --> 01:08:39.150 18456426153: temporary moratorium. 612 01:08:39.150 --> 01:08:40.530 18456426153: model, have no adverse. 613 01:08:40.800 --> 01:08:46.230 Karen Tarapata: impacts on any countywide interest, this matter is remanded for local determination. 614 01:08:48.570 --> 01:08:49.500 So. 615 01:08:54.120 --> 01:08:55.860 Karen Tarapata: I would ask, now that someone make. 616 01:08:55.920 --> 01:08:57.630 18456426153: A motion that we. 617 01:08:57.720 --> 01:08:58.800 Open the public hearing. 618 01:09:00.990 --> 01:09:03.120 Laurie Dodge: flory i'll make a motion we open the public. 619 01:09:03.120 --> 01:09:03.510 hearing. 620 01:09:04.980 --> 01:09:05.880 sylviajeff: All sudden they're. 621 01:09:07.620 --> 01:09:08.250 sylviajeff: All right. 622 01:09:08.520 --> 01:09:09.930 Karen Tarapata: All in favorite fruit my. 623 01:09:10.530 --> 01:09:11.130 loisesmay: My God. 624 01:09:12.150 --> 01:09:12.900 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 625 01:09:13.200 --> 01:09:13.890 sylviajeff: Just by. 626 01:09:15.480 --> 01:09:15.840 sylviajeff: high. 627 01:09:16.620 --> 01:09:17.850 Karen Tarapata: As anyone joined this. 628 01:09:17.880 --> 01:09:19.500 18456426153: evening delicious to speak. 629 01:09:19.590 --> 01:09:22.410 Karen Tarapata: On this temporary moratorium extension. 630 01:09:27.930 --> 01:09:33.360 Karen Tarapata: If no one wants to speak, I would ask that someone make emotion that we close the public hearing. 631 01:09:34.380 --> 01:09:37.710 loisesmay: My guide make a motion that we close the public hearing. 632 01:09:39.210 --> 01:09:40.860 sylviajeff: chef I second that motion. 633 01:09:41.760 --> 01:09:43.260 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 634 01:09:43.500 --> 01:09:43.800 Like. 635 01:09:46.770 --> 01:09:47.700 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 636 01:09:51.750 --> 01:10:00.840 Karen Tarapata: I think we've we've talked about this temporary moratorium enough of the past year, and if there any other comments that the. 637 01:10:01.710 --> 01:10:02.820 18456426153: board would like to make. 638 01:10:05.460 --> 01:10:14.820 Karen Tarapata: If not, with someone make a motion to adopt this extension of the temporary moratorium my. 639 01:10:15.960 --> 01:10:17.340 loisesmay: Book go ahead. 640 01:10:17.490 --> 01:10:19.830 sylviajeff: Jeff I moved to extend more tourists. 641 01:10:20.670 --> 01:10:21.660 loisesmay: Michael second. 642 01:10:22.770 --> 01:10:24.630 Karen Tarapata: Right all in favor say Aye. 643 01:10:24.990 --> 01:10:25.650 loisesmay: My guy. 644 01:10:26.280 --> 01:10:26.910 sylviajeff: Jeff hi. 645 01:10:27.750 --> 01:10:28.710 Laurie Dodge: lori hi. 646 01:10:29.670 --> 01:10:30.720 Karen Tarapata: Aaron I. 647 01:10:31.800 --> 01:10:32.610 Karen Tarapata: don't right. 648 01:10:34.260 --> 01:10:43.170 Karen Tarapata: Hopefully, this is the last extension that will have everything in place before this is this one is up. 649 01:10:44.580 --> 01:10:46.890 Karen Tarapata: it's amazing how much work it takes. 650 01:10:48.420 --> 01:10:52.080 Karen Tarapata: To finish, a comprehensive plan. 651 01:10:52.500 --> 01:10:53.730 18456426153: And zoning code update. 652 01:10:56.070 --> 01:10:57.900 All right now. 653 01:10:59.310 --> 01:11:01.680 Karen Tarapata: Here we go Item number seven. 654 01:11:02.790 --> 01:11:08.880 Karen Tarapata: Introduction of a local law regulating unnecessary noise within the village and Upper nyack. 655 01:11:11.640 --> 01:11:12.060 and 656 01:11:13.470 --> 01:11:15.750 Karen Tarapata: i'm going to make a little statement here to introduce. 657 01:11:15.810 --> 01:11:16.470 The law. 658 01:11:18.390 --> 01:11:19.770 Karen Tarapata: The making creating a. 659 01:11:19.830 --> 01:11:21.450 Karen Tarapata: unreasonably disturbing or. 660 01:11:21.450 --> 01:11:22.770 Karen Tarapata: excessive noise within the. 661 01:11:22.770 --> 01:11:23.220 18456426153: village of. 662 01:11:23.250 --> 01:11:26.850 18456426153: upper night is a condition token system. 663 01:11:27.480 --> 01:11:34.350 Karen Tarapata: And the level and frequency of occurrences of such noises continues to increase us noise levels. 664 01:11:34.410 --> 01:11:36.150 18456426153: are a detriment to public health. 665 01:11:36.630 --> 01:11:39.450 Karen Tarapata: comfort convenience safety. 666 01:11:39.780 --> 01:11:41.160 sylviajeff: And well for the citizens. 667 01:11:41.190 --> 01:11:43.950 18456426153: Of the village, it is the intent. 668 01:11:44.490 --> 01:11:45.510 Karen Tarapata: Of the local law. 669 01:11:45.720 --> 01:11:47.700 18456426153: to balance the rights of residents and. 670 01:11:47.700 --> 01:11:48.780 Karen Tarapata: Property owners. 671 01:11:49.080 --> 01:11:59.160 Karen Tarapata: To use their property in a reasonable manner with the rights of others in the village to be free of excessive continuous unnecessary or disturbing noise. 672 01:12:01.260 --> 01:12:14.370 Karen Tarapata: This law is going to be more comprehensive than perhaps some of the discussions we had earlier it's going to cover things like radios televisions sound reproduction devices. 673 01:12:14.430 --> 01:12:17.580 Karen Tarapata: and similar devices animals. 674 01:12:18.450 --> 01:12:23.460 Karen Tarapata: leaf blowers outdoor power tools and machinery heavy machinery. 675 01:12:26.220 --> 01:12:28.950 Karen Tarapata: So, tonight we are. 676 01:12:28.980 --> 01:12:29.880 18456426153: going to. 677 01:12:30.180 --> 01:12:30.600 Karen Tarapata: set. 678 01:12:30.630 --> 01:12:33.090 A public hearing to. 679 01:12:34.500 --> 01:12:36.390 Karen Tarapata: discuss this law at. 680 01:12:38.130 --> 01:12:48.240 Karen Tarapata: April 15 the draft law will be available for review on our website so people have plenty of time to look at it and just submit their comments. 681 01:12:50.610 --> 01:12:52.860 Karen Tarapata: I think this is a really exciting step for us. 682 01:12:52.950 --> 01:12:53.700 Karen Tarapata: I know that. 683 01:12:53.820 --> 01:12:54.990 18456426153: All the villages have. 684 01:12:54.990 --> 01:12:59.310 Karen Tarapata: been struggling with this, and I think that we have come up with some. 685 01:12:59.340 --> 01:13:00.450 18456426153: Pretty reasonable. 686 01:13:02.370 --> 01:13:05.130 Karen Tarapata: regulations that can actually be. 687 01:13:05.190 --> 01:13:06.750 18456426153: enforced, and I look forward. 688 01:13:06.750 --> 01:13:18.780 Karen Tarapata: To releasing at the draft, and also to hearing feedback from the residents, so I asked for a resolution to set a public hearing. 689 01:13:19.530 --> 01:13:22.290 Karen Tarapata: For April 15 2022 regular. 690 01:13:24.690 --> 01:13:31.620 loisesmay: Mike i'll make that motion that we set a public hearing to consider a noise law on April, the 15th. 691 01:13:33.630 --> 01:13:34.230 Will second. 692 01:13:36.180 --> 01:13:37.500 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 693 01:13:37.980 --> 01:13:38.700 loisesmay: By guy. 694 01:13:39.720 --> 01:13:40.470 sylviajeff: Jeff I. 695 01:13:41.310 --> 01:13:42.210 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 696 01:13:43.350 --> 01:13:43.710 Karen Tarapata: Marion. 697 01:13:44.760 --> 01:13:58.980 Karen Tarapata: And I would also like a resolution to authorize referral of the draft lots of the rockland county planning pursuant to general municipal law to 39 dash and and also to the upper neck building departments comment. 698 01:14:02.160 --> 01:14:03.690 loisesmay: So require a resolution. 699 01:14:05.550 --> 01:14:05.970 Karen Tarapata: I don't. 700 01:14:06.360 --> 01:14:08.790 loisesmay: require it i'll make that resin resolution Mike. 701 01:14:11.310 --> 01:14:12.750 Karen Tarapata: All right, with somebody make a second. 702 01:14:13.890 --> 01:14:14.640 sylviajeff: Second, the motion. 703 01:14:15.030 --> 01:14:15.930 Jeff will second. 704 01:14:18.180 --> 01:14:19.530 Karen Tarapata: All in favor Aye. 705 01:14:20.010 --> 01:14:20.730 loisesmay: By guy. 706 01:14:22.080 --> 01:14:22.740 sylviajeff: Jeff I. 707 01:14:23.640 --> 01:14:24.570 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 708 01:14:25.980 --> 01:14:29.550 Karen Tarapata: And I will tell you, I am very excited to. 709 01:14:29.910 --> 01:14:30.900 Karen Tarapata: move this along. 710 01:14:31.470 --> 01:14:33.540 Karen Tarapata: With me a real. 711 01:14:34.290 --> 01:14:34.920 18456426153: benefit. 712 01:14:35.100 --> 01:14:36.510 Karen Tarapata: A real public benefit. 713 01:14:37.380 --> 01:14:39.750 Karen Tarapata: amen a man. 714 01:14:41.100 --> 01:14:49.650 Karen Tarapata: Well, this is all I have, I know we've been here since, for I just wanted to let everyone know better, since four o'clock today doing. 715 01:14:49.680 --> 01:14:52.320 18456426153: text grievance day and. 716 01:14:53.400 --> 01:14:57.930 Karen Tarapata: Is there anybody who has any other comments they would like to make during this meeting. 717 01:15:03.750 --> 01:15:09.060 Karen Tarapata: Alright, I will be certain to post, the draft law, because I know that there are a lot of people who are. 718 01:15:09.120 --> 01:15:11.070 18456426153: interested in reviewing. 719 01:15:12.270 --> 01:15:12.510 Karen Tarapata: What. 720 01:15:13.920 --> 01:15:14.550 Karen Tarapata: We are we are. 721 01:15:14.700 --> 01:15:14.970 Karen Tarapata: After. 722 01:15:15.030 --> 01:15:17.550 Karen Tarapata: All our discussions and public meetings and. 723 01:15:19.050 --> 01:15:24.630 Karen Tarapata: More public meetings and more discussions, but if there isn't any more common does anyone have. 724 01:15:24.660 --> 01:15:25.950 18456426153: Anything else they'd like to speak. 725 01:15:25.950 --> 01:15:26.940 18456426153: about this week. 726 01:15:27.270 --> 01:15:27.930 Or we adjourn. 727 01:15:31.680 --> 01:15:34.560 Karen Tarapata: Alright, with someone make a motion to end the regular meeting. 728 01:15:36.240 --> 01:15:37.740 sylviajeff: it's nice to. 729 01:15:38.220 --> 01:15:38.610 sylviajeff: The Lord. 730 01:15:38.820 --> 01:15:39.360 Laurie Dodge: says okay. 731 01:15:40.260 --> 01:15:42.750 sylviajeff: Jeff I moved to end regular me. 732 01:15:44.280 --> 01:15:44.880 Laurie Dodge: i'll second. 733 01:15:46.140 --> 01:15:47.760 Karen Tarapata: All right, all in favor say Aye. 734 01:15:48.060 --> 01:15:50.310 sylviajeff: micah Jeff I. 735 01:15:50.790 --> 01:15:51.780 18456426153: lori I. 736 01:15:52.830 --> 01:15:53.610 Karen Tarapata: Karen and I. 737 01:15:54.450 --> 01:16:06.660 Karen Tarapata: Thank you well, thank you for being on tonight I always feel more confident, even though I have my my templates in my cheat sheets and everything I feel good having you here, thank you very much, no problem, my pleasure. 738 01:16:06.690 --> 01:16:09.060 18456426153: Talk to you tomorrow okay thanks so much. 739 01:16:09.630 --> 01:16:10.530 Karen Tarapata: good night everybody. 740 01:16:10.950 --> 01:16:12.210 Laurie Dodge: good night everyone. 741 01:16:13.050 --> 01:16:15.090 Karen Tarapata: good night goodnight Carol.