WEBVTT 1 00:00:06.390 --> 00:00:26.670 Karen Tarapata: Well, good evening everybody, this is the village of Upper and diack Board of Trustees regular meeting for January 20 2022 we have a quorum of lori dodge can rock child like as May and myself trustee Jeffrey Epstein is absent. 2 00:00:28.170 --> 00:00:33.570 Karen Tarapata: Alright, to begin the meeting why don't we start it does niles on. 3 00:00:35.100 --> 00:00:37.110 18454991094: Oh yeah I just want to make sure that you can hear me okay. 4 00:00:37.770 --> 00:00:41.880 Karen Tarapata: We sure can so let's start with the police report. 5 00:00:42.960 --> 00:00:48.870 18454991094: Fantastic okay so for the background of so for the. 6 00:00:50.250 --> 00:01:07.620 18454991094: last meeting and so now, there were four traffic accidents, one of them was there all four of them have one was on North broadway in clarksdale another one was on a hilltop drive and the other two were on Highland avenue. 7 00:01:08.910 --> 00:01:18.990 18454991094: As I say, all the time or officers continue to do various area checks in the village, they also do school checks and cultural and religious checks. 8 00:01:20.190 --> 00:01:32.100 18454991094: For the month there were two animal incidents both involving dear one was on Northumberland avenue deal was stuck on the fence and our officers went down there and they were able to. 9 00:01:32.670 --> 00:01:38.940 18454991094: Get not sure whether it was a buck or doe, but they were able to get it free and it ran off and the other one was struck by a car. 10 00:01:39.720 --> 00:01:49.860 18454991094: There were no burglaries there were no fires, the village know firework complains that were no fraud or scam. 11 00:01:50.790 --> 00:02:00.570 18454991094: Reports reported to us, but just as a reminder throughout the town, we are having on our scams, in other words, where people call up and say that. 12 00:02:01.200 --> 00:02:06.330 18454991094: they're going to cut off their power if they don't send them money also because of the tax season. 13 00:02:07.080 --> 00:02:15.600 18454991094: Excuse me, because of the tax season coming up, I just be aware of frauds involving people asking for tax refunds and. 14 00:02:16.530 --> 00:02:37.530 18454991094: We did have to I call them sweetheart or forbes and another words somebody over whatever social media platform meet somebody online they develop some kind of a relationship in one of the sweetheart deals, the person sent them at $5,000. 15 00:02:37.650 --> 00:02:38.040 Michael Esmay: Oh. 16 00:02:38.130 --> 00:02:54.060 18454991094: And in other one they send $35,000 and again this is this happened in the town within the last three weeks so you know if you if you have friends that are seniors or you know just you know, keep an eye keep an eye on them. 17 00:02:55.530 --> 00:03:14.910 18454991094: There were no juvenile complaints no wars nice no larceny from vehicles, there were three medical calls that occurred in the village, there was one noise ordinance complaints and that was a leaf blower and that was on the first day that the leaf blower ban. 18 00:03:16.500 --> 00:03:19.140 18454991094: occurred, the code enforcement officer came out. 19 00:03:20.520 --> 00:03:38.970 18454991094: And did a fantastic job you know spoke to the homeowner and allowed them to continue cleaning up, but you know, then warn them that they were not able to you know continue continue after that no property damage reports, no reports of anybody coming down and trying to go through the recycling. 20 00:03:39.990 --> 00:03:52.440 18454991094: Know stolen vehicle reports know suspicious incidents know robberies know trespass complaints, so a good, very good month in the village. 21 00:03:53.070 --> 00:04:04.230 18454991094: And you guys did a great job on insurance terms of speeding complaints we are our officers and our traffic unit or monitoring North broadway by the elementary school. 22 00:04:05.490 --> 00:04:14.580 18454991094: they're also monitoring and again, these are in addition to what the normal things that they're supposed to be doing, these are you know we're calling them calling this to their attention. 23 00:04:15.120 --> 00:04:25.290 18454991094: upper birchwood for speeding old mountain for speeding and also walk Castle heights eastbound coming down the hill from middle and avenue. 24 00:04:26.400 --> 00:04:40.710 18454991094: But in terms of the drug related incidents for 2021 in the county there were 364 which resulted in 61 deaths for 2022 there were 13 no depth. 25 00:04:41.610 --> 00:04:52.710 18454991094: In the town of quarks down there were 108 reported a overdoses with 19 people 19 deaths and year to date to 2022 there was one. 26 00:04:53.220 --> 00:05:12.120 18454991094: And again we're still when we're testing marijuana we're still found finding the fentanyl in there, other than that that is my report if anybody has any questions any comments, as always, if there's ever any issues or anything, please, please let me know. 27 00:05:14.010 --> 00:05:15.450 18454991094: If anybody has any questions or comments. 28 00:05:16.770 --> 00:05:18.150 Karen Tarapata: Does anyone have any questions. 29 00:05:20.760 --> 00:05:21.180 Laurie Dodge: No. 30 00:05:23.190 --> 00:05:23.970 18454991094: Actually, sorry. 31 00:05:24.300 --> 00:05:36.090 Kennon Rothchild: I had to unmute myself quickly officer yeah there there's one I was talking with a resident on North broadway prior to you know just across the village border. 32 00:05:36.600 --> 00:05:49.980 Kennon Rothchild: Talking about his concerns about continued speeding so it's not obviously justin the school area, but even you know coming up from nyack into the village is an area, so that the police department can. 33 00:05:50.310 --> 00:05:52.140 Kennon Rothchild: Look at that upon occasion that would be great. 34 00:05:53.280 --> 00:06:09.780 18454991094: I will put that on my list, and I will flow i'm in the same office as our traffic unit, so I will make sure that that's taken care of and I just want to give kudos to him, like the code enforcement we've been corresponding and the doing great job, so thank you. 35 00:06:10.530 --> 00:06:11.850 18454991094: It looks like we do have. 36 00:06:11.910 --> 00:06:14.310 Karen Tarapata: One resident, though, who has raised his hand. 37 00:06:17.490 --> 00:06:23.130 Karen Tarapata: So let's allow i'm going to give you a chance at this is chase. 38 00:06:24.360 --> 00:06:27.780 Karen Tarapata: Alright chase we're moving you up so you can speak. 39 00:06:27.990 --> 00:06:30.750 Chase Altneu: Wonderful Happy New Year everybody. 40 00:06:31.950 --> 00:06:45.090 Chase Altneu: i'm just a quick question just you know kind of just thinking in my head or anything has a town ever you know, come to a conversation at all about kind of deer control in the area, or is that something that's really. 41 00:06:46.140 --> 00:06:51.090 Chase Altneu: found upon or anything else because you know, we have, at any given time. 42 00:06:52.320 --> 00:07:02.970 Chase Altneu: Probably like 20 or 30 year that are on our lawn sleeping you know can't be out has the town, you know, had any consideration about deer control of the door. 43 00:07:04.170 --> 00:07:05.250 18454991094: I would find that uh. 44 00:07:06.090 --> 00:07:16.710 Karen Tarapata: Oh God I can't really answer that quickly and that because we back up on state land we've had several meetings and a lot of discussions about it. 45 00:07:16.950 --> 00:07:19.350 Karen Tarapata: Even if we were to eliminate every. 46 00:07:19.530 --> 00:07:27.660 Karen Tarapata: deer that we have now there's a good chance they would all be there would be new ones in from here to rockland lake within weeks. 47 00:07:28.050 --> 00:07:33.390 Chase Altneu: Of course Okay, no totally understandable Karen, thank you for that answer yeah okay yeah that's. 48 00:07:33.540 --> 00:07:35.190 18454991094: That would be through the Dec. 49 00:07:35.700 --> 00:07:36.090 that's you. 50 00:07:37.170 --> 00:07:54.120 Chase Altneu: Know mean great, but by no means that would ever want to eliminate the deer population or i'm sure nobody would want that, but you know it just seems like there's quite a bit and I found a couple of them on my lawn couple fun um with a major amount of text been talking like blistering. 51 00:07:54.540 --> 00:07:55.200 18454991094: On themselves. 52 00:07:56.100 --> 00:07:59.880 Karen Tarapata: You know that's actually something you could probably might be able to call animal control. 53 00:07:59.880 --> 00:08:13.560 Karen Tarapata: Because usually that's a sign that they're not going to make it one thing when they're covered in tix that's from my research, that means that they're not being cared for by the mother, the mother may have already been hit by a car or whatever their. 54 00:08:13.560 --> 00:08:14.160 18454991094: phone is. 55 00:08:14.520 --> 00:08:16.950 Karen Tarapata: More than likely abandoned at that point. 56 00:08:17.790 --> 00:08:26.820 Chase Altneu: understood yeah I made a call once, I think, to the the lady I forget her name but I made a call once before, but i'll make sure to keep that in mind, thank you, thank you yeah. 57 00:08:26.880 --> 00:08:33.870 18454991094: Thank you Casey Casey dial the general number just asked for animal control it's a patty McCoy is her name. 58 00:08:34.680 --> 00:08:37.080 Chase Altneu: So, but i'll keep that in mind, thank you, thank you. 59 00:08:38.250 --> 00:08:38.400 Kennon Rothchild: I. 60 00:08:38.640 --> 00:08:39.030 18454991094: would just. 61 00:08:39.300 --> 00:08:53.430 Kennon Rothchild: I would just add one thing about the checks on the gear I have experienced with added on fire island, which also has a deer population and tix a bad one, and they have found, you know that the. 62 00:08:54.840 --> 00:09:09.840 Kennon Rothchild: Contrary Karen and i'm not a scientist, so I can't you know talk numbers on this, but having lots of text and seem to be assigned about health it just seemed to be a sign of a lot of ticks in the area and no mitigation occurring the the. 63 00:09:11.070 --> 00:09:13.710 Kennon Rothchild: way that they've tried to control it, there is to set up. 64 00:09:13.710 --> 00:09:14.970 Kennon Rothchild: feeding stations. 65 00:09:15.480 --> 00:09:28.230 Kennon Rothchild: which feed the deer but they have to in order to get to the food they have to stick their heads, through rollers that have insecticide and that kills and that kills the Turks so it's one way of. 66 00:09:29.250 --> 00:09:41.730 Kennon Rothchild: You know, eliminating that the tick situation or mitigating the tix situation on dear, without necessarily doing anything further to the deer population even Of course I civics boat so just. 67 00:09:42.630 --> 00:09:43.830 Kennon Rothchild: i'm just pulling information. 68 00:09:44.370 --> 00:09:47.490 Karen Tarapata: Just real quick, though the deer on fire island oh there. 69 00:09:48.600 --> 00:09:56.340 Karen Tarapata: Do they travel to the mainland Are they really pretty much isolated i'm just saying, because we have such a huge amount of state. 70 00:09:56.340 --> 00:09:56.760 18454991094: Land. 71 00:09:57.180 --> 00:10:06.990 Karen Tarapata: To our North, even if we were to try and control the tix Would that be possible with a with an unbounded population. 72 00:10:08.250 --> 00:10:24.210 Kennon Rothchild: The tier deer population there does migrate across the two bridges that do co from fire island to the mainland as part of its it's not quite the same thing is being bordering you know a number of miles of state property and park property but. 73 00:10:25.260 --> 00:10:27.360 Kennon Rothchild: They still do in fact. 74 00:10:28.830 --> 00:10:35.640 Kennon Rothchild: You know the population isn't just totally isolated it's it was used as a site for. 75 00:10:36.990 --> 00:10:44.040 Kennon Rothchild: an experiment on birth control gear, because it was a relatively constraint population. 76 00:10:45.840 --> 00:11:05.490 Kennon Rothchild: And the yeah it was successful, but the national park service decided to discontinue it much to the dismay of animal lovers, and instead instituted a policy of killing deer on national parkland not in the residential areas of the island, so just. 77 00:11:06.630 --> 00:11:11.640 Karen Tarapata: Show us maybe it's something for us to take up with the palisades interstate park Commission. 78 00:11:12.780 --> 00:11:24.270 Kennon Rothchild: yeah I yeah I I don't have much hope that you'll get much traction there, I mean you can certainly try and talk to them about it but it's there's a lot of processes involved in that sort of thing and. 79 00:11:26.130 --> 00:11:37.560 Kennon Rothchild: You know, pretty much the solution everybody seems to gravitate towards is calling the population that's but the ticket size thing is something we as a village could consider. 80 00:11:39.270 --> 00:11:52.170 Kennon Rothchild: If we wanted to it did it did seem to require significant buy in from residents around the station I can't remember what the radius is but needed apparently hundred percent. 81 00:11:53.730 --> 00:12:08.040 Kennon Rothchild: Agreement to having such a station within a certain radius of that station from the residents in the area, so um it's a it's a I think it's a great thing to do, but it does involve a fair amount of work to make it happen. 82 00:12:08.580 --> 00:12:17.400 Karen Tarapata: see what you can find for me that'd be really good to know what, if anything from your experience on fire early to find any information that'd be useful. 83 00:12:17.910 --> 00:12:18.330 Karen Tarapata: So I know. 84 00:12:19.320 --> 00:12:27.120 Karen Tarapata: There are a number of residents who are interested in fear control and we've we've never come up with anything that seemed like a. 85 00:12:28.200 --> 00:12:36.000 Karen Tarapata: Whether it's the population control the control wouldn't have not come up with a solution that's to our scale. 86 00:12:37.980 --> 00:12:39.570 Kennon Rothchild: population control is difficult. 87 00:12:40.050 --> 00:12:47.670 Kennon Rothchild: chicken troll is a little easier, unfortunately, you know you control the chicks that isn't control the population, it just feeds the deer which allows them to. 88 00:12:48.240 --> 00:12:57.390 Kennon Rothchild: propagate more so there's that you know that's downside, so you know i'm just saying there is there are solutions to the problem but. 89 00:12:59.280 --> 00:13:03.810 Kennon Rothchild: You know the population problems, a big ongoing issue and and, as you can imagine. 90 00:13:04.440 --> 00:13:12.750 Kennon Rothchild: there's really strong opinions on both sides, such that the folks on fire island, who are in charge of talking about it basically say we take no stand, because there are. 91 00:13:13.230 --> 00:13:22.410 Kennon Rothchild: You know it's it's kind of like the current political situation customer they're people who want to kill all the deer and the people who want to save all the deer and there's not much in between so. 92 00:13:25.170 --> 00:13:35.430 Karen Tarapata: Okay, well, thank you miles for staying for our our dear if you if you if you have any good ways to control dear pass it on. 93 00:13:36.450 --> 00:13:36.750 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 94 00:13:36.780 --> 00:13:42.420 18454991094: So so actually my parents only a fruit and vegetable farm and we put up fences senses. 95 00:13:43.500 --> 00:13:45.240 18454991094: that's, the only thing that we can do that, we do. 96 00:13:47.190 --> 00:13:51.240 18454991094: So I don't know about putting the big think that's possible to put a big age with fence around the whole village. 97 00:13:52.380 --> 00:13:54.930 Karen Tarapata: Now, but many people are putting up your fences that it's. 98 00:13:54.990 --> 00:13:56.310 absolutely the case. 99 00:13:58.740 --> 00:14:08.310 18454991094: Okay, so this is no other questions Thank you so much, and again if there's ever problems issues questions, please don't hesitate to give us a call Thank you. 100 00:14:10.380 --> 00:14:13.410 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so our next thing is our. 101 00:14:14.490 --> 00:14:23.100 Karen Tarapata: New code enforcement officer Michael, no one is going to give a report of his activities, since, since it began. 102 00:14:24.180 --> 00:14:26.610 Karen Tarapata: Since it began Hello Mike. 103 00:14:27.150 --> 00:14:29.520 Mike Nolan: All right, how is everyone tonight very. 104 00:14:29.700 --> 00:14:39.480 Mike Nolan: Good okay um so pretty much starting on December 16 we did start with some of the leaf blower complaints. 105 00:14:40.650 --> 00:14:49.890 Mike Nolan: I did respond and there was a police officer at the first one, and then there was one about a week later that looks like the residents just had their landscaper. 106 00:14:50.400 --> 00:15:03.000 Mike Nolan: You know, show up periodically when they weren't home, but they were left with a notice informing them that the leaf blower band has been in the noise ordinance has been in effect from there we've had. 107 00:15:04.020 --> 00:15:08.010 Mike Nolan: Four noise complaints down in the van van houghton area. 108 00:15:09.900 --> 00:15:14.250 Mike Nolan: i'd always complaint for heavy equipment operation before 9am. 109 00:15:15.390 --> 00:15:20.970 Mike Nolan: There was a complaint about garbage left on broadway that was taking care of. 110 00:15:22.440 --> 00:15:25.350 Mike Nolan: A few complaints from. 111 00:15:26.820 --> 00:15:36.930 Mike Nolan: Different residents that had animals on their property and off their property, as well as noise from dogs in another area of the village, there was a. 112 00:15:39.000 --> 00:15:47.340 Mike Nolan: checkup on a trailer whether or not it was registered or unregistered on a residence property and, most recently we've had. 113 00:15:48.330 --> 00:15:59.070 Mike Nolan: i've gone out and we've sent out mailers to inform multiple residents, that when it snows or ISIS that they have to take care of their sidewalks. 114 00:15:59.730 --> 00:16:14.580 Mike Nolan: You know and remove the obstructions of the snow and ice within a 24 hour period of the storm ending, which I did a quick check before the end of today and the entire area was completely clear. 115 00:16:15.960 --> 00:16:20.280 Mike Nolan: Of the from this morning snow and ice let's see. 116 00:16:22.860 --> 00:16:33.510 Mike Nolan: That was pretty much most of that was that was all of the stuff since i've become the code enforcer and everything was put up on the website where everyone knows how to get in touch with me. 117 00:16:34.140 --> 00:16:47.970 Mike Nolan: And all of these cases, I was able to make contact with you know the residents and explain to them what was going on, but the code was hand out copies of the code that was dead, they were being. 118 00:16:49.290 --> 00:16:59.280 Mike Nolan: issued a violation or citation on and we were able to resolve pretty much all of them in a satisfactory matter. 119 00:17:00.120 --> 00:17:10.260 Karen Tarapata: Well that's that's good Mike I know, our goal is always to get compliance it's not to punish people it's to get them to comply, and I think that's why the. 120 00:17:11.400 --> 00:17:19.740 Karen Tarapata: The note sort of the notice to comply notice a violation is really the first step, and then, if someone is becomes. 121 00:17:20.850 --> 00:17:26.580 Karen Tarapata: A repeat offender than it goes to the level of an appearance chicken. 122 00:17:27.360 --> 00:17:38.850 Mike Nolan: Yes, and that's that's really what was was issued to certain people other ones were just making sure, everything was within code and everyone knew what the code was and was aware of. 123 00:17:39.420 --> 00:17:46.740 Mike Nolan: What codes, I was appearing to speak to them about, and you know as well as you know, letting them know that. 124 00:17:47.400 --> 00:17:52.020 Mike Nolan: There is a code enforcer where they can get in touch with me how they can get in touch with me. 125 00:17:52.410 --> 00:18:02.430 Mike Nolan: And if there are any other future questions or anything else from both the people that were complaining, as well as the the complaints, as well as the people that were they were complaining about. 126 00:18:03.090 --> 00:18:11.880 Mike Nolan: That both sides knew how they can get back in touch with me so that these situations can be resolved without getting to that level right Thank you. 127 00:18:13.680 --> 00:18:16.050 Karen Tarapata: Alright, any questions from my. 128 00:18:17.670 --> 00:18:18.030 know. 129 00:18:21.390 --> 00:18:23.130 Karen Tarapata: All right, Mike Thank you this is. 130 00:18:23.670 --> 00:18:24.210 Mike Nolan: very much. 131 00:18:25.380 --> 00:18:27.840 Laurie Dodge: Thanks Mike have a good night, you have a good night. 132 00:18:27.900 --> 00:18:28.170 tonight. 133 00:18:31.710 --> 00:18:33.120 Laurie Dodge: OK, the next thing. 134 00:18:33.150 --> 00:18:37.530 Karen Tarapata: on our agenda is the appointment of the village treasurer. 135 00:18:38.520 --> 00:18:49.380 Karen Tarapata: So, tonight we are really we are appointed enrich Fortunato the village treasure and chill our annual meeting and then we'll put them back in the list with everybody. 136 00:18:50.220 --> 00:19:05.220 Karen Tarapata: All the other annual appointments, so I would ask that somebody make you rich resigned and then I convinced him to become village treasure again I see ken's looking very confused. 137 00:19:06.360 --> 00:19:19.410 Karen Tarapata: It was it was designed because of a particular questions from ny calm and then it became simpler to deal with because we want to continue to work with rich because his work is so excellent. 138 00:19:20.460 --> 00:19:33.780 Karen Tarapata: That it made more sense to deal with the issue and having reappointed his village treasure then to appoint a one of our employees was not an accountant as village treasure. 139 00:19:34.410 --> 00:19:47.970 Karen Tarapata: So we are reappointing given me a few ratify this we are reappointing rich Fortunato the village treasure and then until the annual meeting in April with someone. 140 00:19:49.980 --> 00:19:57.960 Michael Esmay: I was just going to make the motion that we reappoint rich as our village treasure gladly. 141 00:19:59.460 --> 00:20:00.450 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a second. 142 00:20:00.750 --> 00:20:02.850 Kennon Rothchild: yeah this can I second it Bible. 143 00:20:03.420 --> 00:20:04.860 Laurie Dodge: it's fine doesn't matter. 144 00:20:07.500 --> 00:20:09.240 Karen Tarapata: All right, all in favor say Aye. 145 00:20:09.660 --> 00:20:09.870 Like. 146 00:20:10.920 --> 00:20:11.400 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 147 00:20:12.120 --> 00:20:12.900 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 148 00:20:13.890 --> 00:20:22.050 Karen Tarapata: Karen I right so moved and having done that I would like to ask rich to give us the treasurer's report. 149 00:20:23.430 --> 00:20:25.740 Richard Fortunato: Thank you, everybody, and thank you for the. 150 00:20:26.130 --> 00:20:45.480 Richard Fortunato: Appointment heather could you take Jill off of restrictions, because she is going to when i'm done over the bill and i'm hoping everybody took a look at and maybe ask some questions or or I think it looks good to me so, first I want to talk about the financial statements. 151 00:20:47.220 --> 00:20:55.710 Richard Fortunato: made I think they look great everything takes and ties, I mean if everybody wants to take a look at the last page of the financials and the debt, the bonds and bands. 152 00:20:56.370 --> 00:21:13.950 Richard Fortunato: In the totals, we could see exactly a half years with the savings and in in our refinance a half year looks like it's just around math about 14,000 so the full, you will be about 25 28,000 a year on the refinance you can tell now by the numbers because everything's in there. 153 00:21:16.560 --> 00:21:17.220 Richard Fortunato: They were fine. 154 00:21:17.280 --> 00:21:22.200 Richard Fortunato: To me, so if anybody has any questions throughout the month, you know where to find me for myself. 155 00:21:24.570 --> 00:21:34.950 Richard Fortunato: And Jill has been feverish Lee working with with edmonds on this new billing program because we're trying to get away from file maker. 156 00:21:35.700 --> 00:21:50.190 Richard Fortunato: And we're trying to produce a bill that's I guess looks a little nicer and a little easier to read and we're trying to get away from building resonance five different times, instead of just building them once but all the information. 157 00:21:52.350 --> 00:21:56.610 Richard Fortunato: by different times, meaning if you don't pay me send you another bill and another bill and another girl. 158 00:21:57.690 --> 00:22:03.720 Richard Fortunato: The most resonance do paying the first month but it's kind of cumbersome and it's it's it's a lot of work. 159 00:22:04.470 --> 00:22:16.650 Richard Fortunato: So I attached the back in front of the bill that we've been working on for everybody to take a look at and Jill just wants to go over some of the things that are on there, and we can take any questions Julia with me. 160 00:22:17.160 --> 00:22:20.580 Jillana Sinnott: Yes, i'm here I don't know i'm just uh can you hear me. 161 00:22:21.330 --> 00:22:22.080 Richard Fortunato: We can hear you. 162 00:22:22.290 --> 00:22:33.180 Jillana Sinnott: Okay um so most of the bill is based off of probably looks a lot, like the nyack bill we've tried to base it off of that to start have a starting point. 163 00:22:34.020 --> 00:22:42.360 Jillana Sinnott: The top part is very you haven't in front of us soon, so the top part is very simple gives you are ours, the phone number, where you can go to pay. 164 00:22:43.260 --> 00:22:52.200 Jillana Sinnott: The bank code is blank right now we need to enter all the bank codes for the mortgages so that's not on there, yet when you get to the Center section, where it says exemption. 165 00:22:52.920 --> 00:23:02.430 Jillana Sinnott: That will have a veterans low income and the firefighter Ms exemptions if you're eligible for it it'll list there and what the value is of it. 166 00:23:03.630 --> 00:23:10.590 Jillana Sinnott: In the Center section there that big empty spot what's going to be there is the penalty schedule that you see down below. 167 00:23:11.130 --> 00:23:19.350 Jillana Sinnott: So this way when they mail the check Stub check in with the Stub you'll also get to keep it on the bill of what the penalty schedule was. 168 00:23:19.830 --> 00:23:29.520 Jillana Sinnott: So, by doing this and putting the penalty scheduled here and giving you the dates when you have to pay it's going to be a huge saving to the village, because I did a quick. 169 00:23:30.150 --> 00:23:39.960 Jillana Sinnott: thing it's we send out about 111 pest to notices So if you take that into effective the postage stamping it printing it envelopes. 170 00:23:40.680 --> 00:23:48.450 Jillana Sinnott: it's going to be a big thing, and you know, every time every month, we would have to scramble to get everything entered in time, so now it will be. 171 00:23:48.870 --> 00:23:55.320 Jillana Sinnott: You know, I was actually thinking, maybe on here, I might put something saying that this, you will only receive this bill once. 172 00:23:55.920 --> 00:24:06.750 Jillana Sinnott: So people understand that, because some people are used to getting a reminder every month about it so we're trying to get away from that to stop so that's mostly the front of the bill, we tried to make it simple. 173 00:24:07.770 --> 00:24:09.960 Jillana Sinnott: the back of the bill we simplified a little. 174 00:24:11.370 --> 00:24:29.130 Jillana Sinnott: Just make things clear took out and nothing really we just made a little bit clear we did add under reminders to not use your bank's bill pay service and we had an issue with that last year, because people do bill pay we don't get a check Stub with it, I mean a. 175 00:24:29.820 --> 00:24:39.540 Jillana Sinnott: You know stuff from your bill and the Bank will tell you what day it's going to arrive well this girl's check actually to the state has never arrived. 176 00:24:40.020 --> 00:24:54.360 Jillana Sinnott: And she was trying to say, well, my bank said it would arrive on this day, so it wouldn't be late so we're not going to accept bill pay I guess we'll take that you know we're saying we're not going to get one I guess we'll take it on a case by case basis. 177 00:24:55.440 --> 00:25:02.790 Jillana Sinnott: Also down at the bottom there the village will no longer be stamping bills received your return check is going to be received. 178 00:25:03.120 --> 00:25:11.460 Jillana Sinnott: If you need to print something out in this new program will kind of be a little bit like barks town not as detailed but you'll be able to go on to our website. 179 00:25:12.030 --> 00:25:27.240 Jillana Sinnott: and put in your address your tax ID number and it'll say paid on it and how it was paid so that will also stop us from 773 times 50 cents right there's $500 just in postage. 180 00:25:27.750 --> 00:25:37.410 Jillana Sinnott: of sending receipts back to everyone and having a stamp them, and you know it's very time consuming so um I think that's about it anyone has any questions. 181 00:25:38.490 --> 00:25:42.240 Karen Tarapata: Oh, it looks like chase has has his hand up with a question. 182 00:25:45.390 --> 00:25:47.250 Karen Tarapata: chase chase. 183 00:25:48.210 --> 00:25:57.060 Richard Fortunato: Be you could let Jason but before we do chase I just want to add a couple more things first early worth savings i'm not so sure what we're going to do with the printing yet. 184 00:25:57.540 --> 00:26:08.340 Richard Fortunato: We may actually print these on wrong, we may find you may have to buy the paper with a perforation but that's going to save us all the printing costs harriman or harrington where those guys are. 185 00:26:10.350 --> 00:26:20.760 Richard Fortunato: What else from my notes, here we used we, this is a great bill, because we were able to use many of the town and many of the village, I mean it looks like nyack because. 186 00:26:21.660 --> 00:26:33.180 Richard Fortunato: nyack was in the program already so they were our story, but we went over a lot of the different bills and the other villages and towns to come up with what you see in front of you, so this is a combination of many other bills. 187 00:26:36.240 --> 00:26:38.370 Jillana Sinnott: We actually out of other bills. 188 00:26:38.400 --> 00:26:49.260 Jillana Sinnott: To put it on here, so the guy and we don't do this, we have to call them so it's been a long process, calling Evans, every time we had to have a change, and I have to get them on the server to make the changes so. 189 00:26:49.770 --> 00:26:50.340 Richard Fortunato: Yes, they. 190 00:26:51.360 --> 00:27:07.530 Richard Fortunato: Are they have to prepare the bill we can't just go in and Edit it so it's very time consuming and that's why I just you know, want to make sure everybody likes it and you know feel free to call us and then next week, if you, you know, have any questions chase any questions. 191 00:27:07.950 --> 00:27:16.770 Chase Altneu: Yes, I do Richard Thank you know sorry for being so naive, you know it's all this, my wife and I, you know we bought the House here and large still you know. 192 00:27:17.190 --> 00:27:32.460 Chase Altneu: Almost a year ago and I just want to kind of understand exactly what the bill is um because last year, I think we received some sort of an assessment on taxes and it went right into our mortgage so is this some sort of a separate bill, can you kind of explain what what it is. 193 00:27:32.910 --> 00:27:39.180 Richard Fortunato: If you are mortgages paying the taxes we send the bill directly to the mortgage company. 194 00:27:39.990 --> 00:27:48.840 Richard Fortunato: If you're a mortgage is not paying the taxes we send it directly to the residence, so if you're telling me that you're wells fargo whoever it is paid your mortgage. 195 00:27:49.350 --> 00:28:02.250 Richard Fortunato: or pays the taxes, through your escrow, then this is not, I mean you, you could go online you get the receipt once they pay it but it'll be sent directly to wells fargo or Bank of America and they pass. 196 00:28:02.820 --> 00:28:03.180 Chase Altneu: On your. 197 00:28:03.540 --> 00:28:10.470 Chase Altneu: hometown so very good so it's built so it's built into because we have the election, where we pay the taxes for the for the town of up or nine. 198 00:28:11.490 --> 00:28:14.280 Chase Altneu: Or, more so just start to understand exactly. 199 00:28:14.430 --> 00:28:17.280 Chase Altneu: Now you know I guess facilitated just you know. 200 00:28:17.310 --> 00:28:24.990 Richard Fortunato: Just now i'm not sure which piece of property, you have, or if your mortgage is paying the taxes, but if they are yes, it will go directly to mortgage. 201 00:28:25.800 --> 00:28:28.110 Chase Altneu: understood okay so we'll get a bill and. 202 00:28:28.140 --> 00:28:32.760 Richard Fortunato: we'll get we'll get a bell and you won't get the bell your mortgage company will get the bill directly. 203 00:28:33.720 --> 00:28:40.110 Jillana Sinnott: And if you do get the bill in your your taxes or escrow, then you should forward that bill to your. 204 00:28:41.970 --> 00:28:44.580 Jillana Sinnott: bank and let them know that you know. 205 00:28:44.670 --> 00:28:51.210 Chase Altneu: Do we get like a description of what it's being what you know why we're being assessed and what what it's for or. 206 00:28:52.140 --> 00:28:58.200 Richard Fortunato: Where you're assessing every year, so you know we basically send you a bill, based on the budget. 207 00:28:58.470 --> 00:29:07.800 Richard Fortunato: Which you're more than happy to show up at the budget hearings check the website, the village website so during the budget hearings, the budget comes up with and i'm using round numbers. 208 00:29:08.400 --> 00:29:16.350 Richard Fortunato: $2 million in real estate taxes divided the 770 residents, based on their assessed value so it's pretty simple math. 209 00:29:17.700 --> 00:29:24.990 Chase Altneu: We have a way of seeing what why why we're being assessed, where the where the optimization comes in, you know I work in a bank, so I just you know again. 210 00:29:26.040 --> 00:29:32.370 Chase Altneu: You know my clients get a bill I explained to them where it's going to why they're being assessed X amount of dollars, every time. 211 00:29:33.570 --> 00:29:40.590 Richard Fortunato: yeah well every year the village puts out a budget you're more than welcome to the budget hearings that's why I said, you know check the website. 212 00:29:40.800 --> 00:29:41.220 Chase Altneu: would be great. 213 00:29:41.460 --> 00:29:51.540 Richard Fortunato: Absolutely and it's just simple it's simple you know simple math right if the village board creates a budget with $2 million in tax revenue on it. 214 00:29:52.110 --> 00:29:59.400 Richard Fortunato: We just divide by the 770 residents not equally, obviously, but you know, based on their assessed values of their homes. 215 00:29:59.940 --> 00:30:10.410 Richard Fortunato: And and it's on the bill actually if you go and it'll it'll show your assessed value it'll show what your rate was, and it will show how much your escrow or your your bank paid. 216 00:30:10.440 --> 00:30:17.040 Chase Altneu: yeah that that's where I think the most important thing is just like any other taxpayer, they want to know where their money is going to I think it's a fair question and. 217 00:30:17.880 --> 00:30:20.520 Richard Fortunato: I really do but that's the process. 218 00:30:20.610 --> 00:30:22.200 Richard Fortunato: Right process. 219 00:30:24.360 --> 00:30:29.460 Chase Altneu: yeah forget about the process, want to see where the money's going to I think as a resident I think that's a pretty fair. 220 00:30:29.580 --> 00:30:34.290 Richard Fortunato: I think the most important part of your question was what Jill actually said, if you get the bill. 221 00:30:35.130 --> 00:30:51.630 Richard Fortunato: forwarded to your and wherever I mean whoever anyone else is listening, there you know if you get the bill and error and your mortgage company does pay the taxes send it to your mortgage company, and let us know that we need next year the following year to send it directly to your mortgage. 222 00:30:52.530 --> 00:30:56.790 Chase Altneu: understood Okay, because I believe we got the notice what when we first moved in so. 223 00:30:56.820 --> 00:31:02.340 Richard Fortunato: it's all keep me on the reason, and the only reason we're telling you that is because you're a new resident right because the banks may have. 224 00:31:02.850 --> 00:31:12.540 Richard Fortunato: You know, we still may be thinking with the old person who lived in your House that it's going to the House and not the Bank and may have not, you know crossed over yet you just. 225 00:31:13.110 --> 00:31:17.760 Chase Altneu: said right now, they made sure that it was on our taxes, I saw the increase so. 226 00:31:19.620 --> 00:31:20.340 Richard Fortunato: Okay, so. 227 00:31:21.390 --> 00:31:26.730 Richard Fortunato: Just you know, be careful because you're in transition sort of, and I want to make sure I want to make sure the bill gets paid. 228 00:31:27.510 --> 00:31:35.970 Chase Altneu: Oh yeah no absolutely and listen, we want to fulfill our obligations as well, but you know, again we just want to make sure how I want to have full transparency where the money's going to everything else, like. 229 00:31:36.360 --> 00:31:40.530 Chase Altneu: we're in full cooperation, so I just want to make sure you know so we're all you know. 230 00:31:41.460 --> 00:31:41.790 Everything. 231 00:31:43.320 --> 00:31:49.140 Kennon Rothchild: that's all yeah so rich right, I do have a question of it actually has been brought up I chase which is. 232 00:31:50.460 --> 00:32:01.230 Kennon Rothchild: I do have a mortgage I do have an escrow the money you know, on my village taxes, my school taxes, my town and country county taxes are paid by the Bank. 233 00:32:01.770 --> 00:32:12.300 Kennon Rothchild: Yet I do receive a receipt showing it being paid from the village and the past, as well as the, so there are entities that was that ending that we will no longer. 234 00:32:12.570 --> 00:32:20.820 Kennon Rothchild: You will, the only way we can see receipt of you know from the Bank, you know the bank pays but still I have in my records every year. 235 00:32:21.420 --> 00:32:33.120 Kennon Rothchild: The receipt that the Bank, you know I get the bill and it says that the Bank will be paying this and it shows me it's just a secondary recipient of it, you for that system is ending under this. 236 00:32:33.420 --> 00:32:38.910 Richard Fortunato: process, like most of the other villages and towns, yes, if you want. 237 00:32:40.170 --> 00:32:48.150 Richard Fortunato: Pay receipt you could go online and printer it'll be online we're not going to send it out, because we just thought that. 238 00:32:48.570 --> 00:32:55.950 Richard Fortunato: The work and the 50 cents or 50 something sense now I don't even know how much it's just it just became something that was kind of. 239 00:32:56.400 --> 00:33:05.670 Richard Fortunato: old fashioned I know people kind of like the paper but it's just you know we're moving also towards maybe in the future, obviously, paying some of these bills via. 240 00:33:06.180 --> 00:33:14.550 Richard Fortunato: You know, via the Internet direct payments we're not there yet, but you know i'm hoping that next the following year we were actually paying these you know online. 241 00:33:15.900 --> 00:33:17.040 Richard Fortunato: Instead of with checks. 242 00:33:19.050 --> 00:33:19.650 Very good. 243 00:33:22.170 --> 00:33:24.840 Karen Tarapata: Okay, are there any other questions for rich tonight. 244 00:33:27.810 --> 00:33:29.340 Michael Esmay: so great. 245 00:33:29.760 --> 00:33:31.290 Karen Tarapata: Well, thank you, rich you're. 246 00:33:31.620 --> 00:33:32.550 Richard Fortunato: Welcome guys. 247 00:33:34.320 --> 00:33:36.780 Karen Tarapata: So that's why it's always a pleasure to talk to you. 248 00:33:37.050 --> 00:33:42.120 Richard Fortunato: Any questions throughout the night, please call me everybody's got myself thanks Joe. 249 00:33:44.190 --> 00:33:44.910 Laurie Dodge: I rich. 250 00:33:47.130 --> 00:33:56.940 Karen Tarapata: Sorry, so we have a notice of continued public hearing and Noel I know that this is going to be a journey. 251 00:33:58.050 --> 00:34:03.810 Karen Tarapata: At the applicants request is it necessary to read the notice of continued public hearing. 252 00:34:04.260 --> 00:34:15.210 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: I don't think you have to read the notice I think its vision, just to you know, make sure it's clear that we're starting the public hearing explain the request that we received from the applicant and then you can make a motion on you know, on behalf of that request. 253 00:34:16.320 --> 00:34:37.740 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so tonight on our agenda, we had a continuation of public hearing for the yes, yes, yes shabbat business doll Torah time Inc an application for temporary moratorium variance at 315 North Highland avenue, and they sent us a letter requesting. 254 00:34:39.210 --> 00:34:44.010 Karen Tarapata: That they're hearing the adjourned to the February 17 meeting. 255 00:34:45.420 --> 00:34:55.530 Karen Tarapata: So unless any of the trustees have questions and if not, what someone make a motion that we adjourn this public public hearing to February 17. 256 00:34:57.780 --> 00:34:59.310 Laurie Dodge: it's l'oreal make the motion. 257 00:35:00.420 --> 00:35:01.230 The second. 258 00:35:02.490 --> 00:35:03.360 Kennon Rothchild: And i'll second that. 259 00:35:04.080 --> 00:35:05.760 Karen Tarapata: Thank you all in favor say Aye. 260 00:35:06.570 --> 00:35:07.440 Laurie Dodge: Aye lori. 261 00:35:08.730 --> 00:35:09.030 Kennon Rothchild: hi. 262 00:35:10.050 --> 00:35:10.590 Michael Esmay: i'm Mike. 263 00:35:11.550 --> 00:35:31.410 Karen Tarapata: Karen I and just a reminder that that meeting on the 17th will start at 8pm, because that will be after our grievance for our grievance period tech screen so just a note to let them know that it will be a journey to a later time. 264 00:35:33.330 --> 00:35:34.020 All right. 265 00:35:36.000 --> 00:35:41.490 Karen Tarapata: i'm right here we go now, I want to be, we have on our agenda tonight. 266 00:35:42.810 --> 00:36:09.990 Karen Tarapata: A continuation of the public hearing for the proposed local law 11 of 2021 our zoning code update, but before we do that, I would like to introduce several land use local laws that support our zoning code, update and I would like to turn this over to know well, to introduce these laws. 267 00:36:11.130 --> 00:36:21.300 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Or, thank you very much okay so um, as you know, we've been considering the zoning law will continue that public hearing later in this meeting. 268 00:36:21.720 --> 00:36:29.640 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: But we have three laws that are being introduced tonight that go along with the zoning law that make up a part of the broader land use laws of privilege. 269 00:36:30.000 --> 00:36:39.540 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: But you have so you've received a bound volume earlier this month that includes a revised version of the zoning law a proposed subdivision law. 270 00:36:39.990 --> 00:36:49.710 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: A proposed law continuing and setting the procedural requirements for the villages planning board and a stormwater management and erosion control flock. 271 00:36:50.220 --> 00:36:56.400 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: The bound volume that you receive also included the environmental assessment form for all those laws. 272 00:36:56.670 --> 00:37:02.910 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And rockland county plantings comments on the zoning well we'll get to the environmental assessment form later on when we talk about the zoning law. 273 00:37:03.570 --> 00:37:12.300 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: For any of the members of the public who are listening all of those documents that I just listed are available on the villages website under the zoning code update tab. 274 00:37:14.610 --> 00:37:19.920 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So i'd like to give you just a bit of background on each of the laws kind of explain briefly. 275 00:37:20.160 --> 00:37:28.560 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: How they fit into the land, you scheme and the village, I know you've received a lot of material, so a lot of this is going to be repetitive, but just to give you a high level overview. 276 00:37:28.950 --> 00:37:33.090 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So the first law that I want to talk about is the proposed subdivision law. 277 00:37:33.540 --> 00:37:39.960 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And this law will basically provide the standards and procedures for the planning board to apply. 278 00:37:40.170 --> 00:37:49.830 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: When it receives applications to change lot line so either to take a lot and divided into into several lots or to merge lots together or change lot lines. 279 00:37:50.130 --> 00:38:02.610 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: This law provides the procedural mechanism for that to occur, the substance of the of the lots how big they are the setbacks, etc, that all comes from the zoning law, but the subdivision level provide those procedural mechanisms. 280 00:38:03.030 --> 00:38:14.100 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: The subdivision law also has road standards for subdivisions that require new roads, we have existing road standards and they have basically been kind of imported into this new subdivision. 281 00:38:15.330 --> 00:38:24.540 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: In your bound volume, you have a comparison you have the to the existing roadway standards and the proposed so that you can see them if you're interested in taking a look at those. 282 00:38:25.140 --> 00:38:35.850 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: The second law is a law reestablishing the planning board setting forth its procedural aspects, you know how many Members, it has a quorum to vote. 283 00:38:36.150 --> 00:38:44.160 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: The rights and responsibilities of the chairman alternative members, it also provides kind of a list of the planning boards authority and the sources of that law. 284 00:38:44.460 --> 00:38:51.750 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: We have similar provisions establishing the zoning Board of appeals in the zoning law and the architectural review board in the architectural review. 285 00:38:52.770 --> 00:39:04.920 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And the last law is the stormwater management and erosion control law, and we have currently a stormwater management and erosion control law, it is incorporated into the existing current zoning law. 286 00:39:05.340 --> 00:39:16.440 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And all this law really does is it breaks that out of the zoning law and adapts it as a separate local law and that's really just for ease of use, you know, so you have to go through the whole zoning law, just to find the. 287 00:39:17.100 --> 00:39:24.750 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: stormwater management regulations and also for ease of modification in the future so that you don't have to open up you know one big law to mind either. 288 00:39:25.320 --> 00:39:40.950 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: There are some minor modifications, most of them are you know, adding some definitions updating references to DC permits have nothing really substantive that changes what is in the existing stormwater management right regulations. 289 00:39:41.430 --> 00:39:54.720 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So those are the three additional laws that are going to be reviewed, alongside with the zoning law will review them together for secret and we can hopefully schedule a public hearing on them for February. 290 00:39:57.540 --> 00:40:14.670 Karen Tarapata: All right, thank you all for the summary so next is a bit procedural i'd like to formally introduce the proposed subdivision lies Noel just described and when asked for emotion, to set the public hearing for that law to the board meeting of February 10. 291 00:40:18.390 --> 00:40:19.500 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a motion. 292 00:40:21.690 --> 00:40:23.370 Laurie Dodge: i'll make that motion lori. 293 00:40:24.930 --> 00:40:26.100 Laurie Dodge: And can I get a second. 294 00:40:27.030 --> 00:40:28.020 Michael Esmay: Michael second. 295 00:40:29.550 --> 00:40:31.320 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 296 00:40:33.120 --> 00:40:33.930 Laurie Dodge: Aye lori. 297 00:40:36.690 --> 00:40:36.990 Kennon Rothchild: hi. 298 00:40:38.130 --> 00:40:38.550 Karen. 299 00:40:39.750 --> 00:40:52.440 Karen Tarapata: Thank you so moved next i'd like to formally introduce the proposed planning for law as well just described it would ask for emotion, to set up the caring for that law for the board meeting of February 10. 300 00:40:54.840 --> 00:40:56.040 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion. 301 00:41:00.510 --> 00:41:00.870 Karen Tarapata: Is that you. 302 00:41:01.050 --> 00:41:02.190 Michael Esmay: Make that motion like. 303 00:41:04.140 --> 00:41:05.430 Kennon Rothchild: No, no second the motion. 304 00:41:06.870 --> 00:41:08.160 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 305 00:41:08.220 --> 00:41:09.180 Michael Esmay: Who was nothing. 306 00:41:10.380 --> 00:41:11.520 Karen Tarapata: you're here, I hear you. 307 00:41:13.050 --> 00:41:17.100 Michael Esmay: know my screen froze so I don't know what happened. 308 00:41:19.980 --> 00:41:24.090 Karen Tarapata: hold on perhaps it'll it'll come back all right all in favor say Aye. 309 00:41:25.410 --> 00:41:25.650 Kennon Rothchild: and 310 00:41:27.270 --> 00:41:28.020 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 311 00:41:29.460 --> 00:41:42.030 Karen Tarapata: So move finally i'd like to formally introduce the proposed stormwater management and erosion control law as well just described and would ask for emotion, to set the public hearing for that love for the board meeting a February 10. 312 00:41:43.590 --> 00:41:46.140 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a motion, please just. 313 00:41:46.920 --> 00:41:48.900 Kennon Rothchild: i'll just i'll make that motion. 314 00:41:50.070 --> 00:41:52.740 Laurie Dodge: i'll second it's lori Thank you Larry. 315 00:41:53.160 --> 00:41:54.540 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 316 00:41:55.980 --> 00:41:56.250 Kennon Rothchild: Aye. 317 00:41:57.180 --> 00:41:58.080 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 318 00:41:58.500 --> 00:41:59.220 Michael Esmay: Like I. 319 00:42:00.480 --> 00:42:03.960 Karen Tarapata: I thank you alright, so we will be. 320 00:42:05.760 --> 00:42:08.850 Karen Tarapata: revisiting these on this on the 10th at a public hearing. 321 00:42:10.710 --> 00:42:13.950 Karen Tarapata: Right now, it is, we have two minutes left before we. 322 00:42:15.090 --> 00:42:17.100 Karen Tarapata: Finish we did this very efficiently Noel. 323 00:42:18.750 --> 00:42:21.840 Karen Tarapata: Allow us, then, to continue the public hearing. 324 00:42:23.430 --> 00:42:30.600 Karen Tarapata: All right, in those two minutes, why don't we approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of December 16. 325 00:42:33.180 --> 00:42:36.810 Karen Tarapata: Does anyone have changes to the meeting minutes of the meeting. 326 00:42:38.310 --> 00:42:49.530 Laurie Dodge: 16 to 2021 I think that's the was that the one where Peggy talked about jewel yes, if so jewel is spelled incorrectly, that was the only thing that I saw. 327 00:42:51.840 --> 00:42:54.180 Laurie Dodge: Great all right now, it looks fine to me. 328 00:42:55.530 --> 00:42:55.770 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: All right. 329 00:42:55.890 --> 00:42:58.770 Karen Tarapata: What do you mean in any other corrections or changes. 330 00:42:59.640 --> 00:43:00.570 Laurie Dodge: I didn't see in. 331 00:43:02.400 --> 00:43:06.240 Karen Tarapata: All right, would you make a motion to accept the minutes of December 16. 332 00:43:07.770 --> 00:43:09.660 Laurie Dodge: yeah it's lori i'll make the motion. 333 00:43:10.890 --> 00:43:11.850 Laurie Dodge: And I get a second. 334 00:43:13.110 --> 00:43:14.100 Michael Esmay: Michael will sync. 335 00:43:15.300 --> 00:43:16.980 Karen Tarapata: rate all in favor say Aye. 336 00:43:17.850 --> 00:43:18.750 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 337 00:43:19.920 --> 00:43:20.610 Michael Esmay: My guy. 338 00:43:25.260 --> 00:43:26.610 Michael Esmay: he's muted sorry yeah. 339 00:43:26.640 --> 00:43:27.900 Kennon Rothchild: Here I am 10 I. 340 00:43:28.740 --> 00:43:38.400 Karen Tarapata: heron I thank you now also sent we sent the Minutes for the workshop meeting of January 13, which is a new thing. 341 00:43:39.030 --> 00:43:58.980 Karen Tarapata: It turns out that even though by our tradition, we do not take actions of the board at workshop meetings we are they encourage you to have an agenda and keep minutes, so I don't know if you've had a chance to review those minutes or not, but if you have do you have any changes. 342 00:44:00.750 --> 00:44:01.230 So. 343 00:44:02.820 --> 00:44:03.060 Laurie Dodge: Now. 344 00:44:03.930 --> 00:44:07.770 Karen Tarapata: Someone make a motion to accept the minutes of the workshop meeting of January. 345 00:44:07.770 --> 00:44:10.320 13 21st. 346 00:44:11.940 --> 00:44:12.300 Laurie Dodge: yeah. 347 00:44:15.000 --> 00:44:16.350 Michael Esmay: Oh i'll make that motion. 348 00:44:16.350 --> 00:44:16.830 Mike. 349 00:44:18.660 --> 00:44:19.470 Kennon Rothchild: And i'll second and. 350 00:44:20.370 --> 00:44:21.990 Karen Tarapata: Thank you all in favor say Aye. 351 00:44:22.410 --> 00:44:23.070 Michael Esmay: Money guy. 352 00:44:23.640 --> 00:44:24.180 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 353 00:44:24.900 --> 00:44:29.610 Laurie Dodge: lori I Karen I thank you so much. 354 00:44:29.670 --> 00:44:32.850 Karen Tarapata: All right, good it is 745. 355 00:44:33.870 --> 00:44:38.520 Karen Tarapata: heather which you read the notice of public the public hearing, please. 356 00:44:43.410 --> 00:44:55.410 Village Clerk: These are the bills builder developer nyack will hold a public hearing on Thursday January 20 2022 at 7:45pm as a hybrid meeting at the old stone meeting house 347 North broadway upper nyack New York. 357 00:44:55.740 --> 00:45:08.640 Village Clerk: Or, as soon practical thereafter to consider the adoption of proposed local law 11 of 2021 a local law repealing and replacing the zoning ordinance for the village of upper nyack adopted. 358 00:45:09.000 --> 00:45:20.280 Village Clerk: January 18 1962 last amended on April 13 2021 by local law number three of 2021 commonly known as the 1962 zoning ordinance of the village of upper nyack. 359 00:45:20.910 --> 00:45:26.160 Village Clerk: A meeting agenda will be posted on the villages website upper nyack dash and y.us. 360 00:45:26.850 --> 00:45:34.260 Village Clerk: Those wishing to attend may do so in person, please visit the villages website for the meeting link and registration information to access the meeting online. 361 00:45:34.650 --> 00:45:43.950 Village Clerk: The text of the proposed local laws available at the villages website at upper nyack dash ny.us slash zoning dash code dash update. 362 00:45:44.280 --> 00:45:55.770 Village Clerk: comments and questions can be provided via email before the meeting to heather condello village clerk at village clerk at upper nyack dash ny.us data January 7 20 2200 candela village clerk. 363 00:45:58.200 --> 00:46:18.810 Karen Tarapata: Thank you heather, well, here we are, we have been discussing this zoning code for quite a while we have received many of the many comments back from individuals and from rockland county planning, and I think we're getting very close to being able to adopt this. 364 00:46:20.940 --> 00:46:24.270 Karen Tarapata: Local law that will support our comprehensive plan. 365 00:46:25.680 --> 00:46:32.970 Karen Tarapata: So I would like to turn this back over to know well, to introduce the third session of the public hearing on the zoning law. 366 00:46:34.920 --> 00:46:42.390 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So, so this is the third session of this public hearing we opened it on December 9 and continued it on December 16. 367 00:46:42.990 --> 00:46:51.450 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And in addition to be reviewed to being reviewed at those meetings we had an original draft dated November 12 2021. 368 00:46:51.780 --> 00:46:57.330 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: That was referred to several agencies, including rockland county planning the town of clark's town village at nyack. 369 00:46:57.960 --> 00:47:06.510 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: we've received comments from members of the public and we've received comments from rockland county planning and the town of clark's town which deemed to be for local determination. 370 00:47:07.320 --> 00:47:16.050 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: In response to the comments that we received from rockland county planning which they were included in the bound volume or you received with all the land use laws for tonight's meeting. 371 00:47:16.560 --> 00:47:28.080 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: It was the last exhibit so we've reviewed we've revised the law, the zoning committee has revised the law in response to those comments and the comments that we received from the public. 372 00:47:28.440 --> 00:47:32.490 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And we have re referred the law back to rockland county planning. 373 00:47:32.820 --> 00:47:43.140 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And in rockland county plantings initial referral they asked us to refer to several other agencies so we've sent out the revised law in that form, to those other agencies as well. 374 00:47:43.440 --> 00:47:51.930 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: You have the revised version of the law in your bound volume, it is posted on the website and, additionally, a red line of the. 375 00:47:52.410 --> 00:47:57.270 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Of the revised version of the law and the original version presented to the board of trustees is also. 376 00:47:58.050 --> 00:48:04.200 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: On the villages website so we're waiting to hear back on on the referral, and all that information is posted. 377 00:48:04.500 --> 00:48:11.730 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So tonight what i'd like to do is devote a significant portion of the hearing to reviewing the full environmental assessment form. 378 00:48:11.970 --> 00:48:19.140 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: For the proposed zoning law and the proposed land use laws that were just introduced will review them all in one action under secret. 379 00:48:19.920 --> 00:48:26.250 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Since we're taking considering them all, you know concurrently and they all kind of have a common purpose um. 380 00:48:26.910 --> 00:48:39.660 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And so to do that I wanted to direct your attention to exhibit five and the bound volume, are you received that's the full environmental assessment form for the adoption of the proposed laws. 381 00:48:40.290 --> 00:48:54.120 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Has a part, part one that's completed a draft of parts two and three, which we'll talk about tonight that's the obligation of you, your board as lead agency to complete and then it has you know some supporting exhibits us to complete. 382 00:48:58.860 --> 00:49:06.660 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Type one action your board is the lead agency under secret by default, since you are the only agency with authority to act to adopt the laws. 383 00:49:07.320 --> 00:49:17.520 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So the review of this action follows closely behind the adoption of the comprehensive plan and the adoption of the negative declaration ending the secret review of the comprehensive plan. 384 00:49:17.970 --> 00:49:24.300 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: The EFF provides a detailed analysis of how the proposed zoning law implements the comprehensive plan. 385 00:49:25.350 --> 00:49:32.400 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: A stated in the comprehensive plan, the core character of the villages as a small town walkable community of mostly single family residences. 386 00:49:32.760 --> 00:49:38.940 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Who zoning provides housing options a variety of price points for many socio economic levels. 387 00:49:39.420 --> 00:49:46.800 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So the overarching goal of the comprehensive plan was to continue that pattern of development within the village. 388 00:49:47.040 --> 00:49:53.460 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So I start there because that's really the the essence of where we're starting the environmental analysis. 389 00:49:53.760 --> 00:50:07.380 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: I don't necessarily want to take all the time to go point by point, through the ETF, because you do have it it's available on the website and we can take some time to discuss it at the end if there are areas that you want to you know dive into more fully. 390 00:50:07.830 --> 00:50:17.940 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: But I just wanted to start with that general goal and explain how the proposed zoning was try to achieve that goal in a manner that is hopefully you know. 391 00:50:18.390 --> 00:50:27.390 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: more sensitive to environmental resources to forward the goal of the comprehensive plan for a sustainable Community so. 392 00:50:28.170 --> 00:50:34.950 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: The laws that are the subject of the action implement the goals of continuing the patterns of development in the village in a sustainable way. 393 00:50:35.250 --> 00:50:45.150 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: By first fundamentally retaining the patterns of development, such that land that is now zone for residential purposes, which is the overwhelming majority of land in the village. 394 00:50:45.360 --> 00:50:54.690 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: will continue to be zoned for residential purposes generally at the density, that is permitted now and so zoning terms i'm talking about density i'm talking about minimum lot size. 395 00:50:55.320 --> 00:51:07.320 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And you can see included as an exhibit to the yeah for a copy of the current zoning map and the proposed zoning map, so you can see the districts and how there is a lot of alignment between the existing districts and proposed. 396 00:51:08.010 --> 00:51:19.440 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: we're also the proposed zoning law continues their commercial use in the historically commercial areas of the village such a long nine w in the village Center district, and in the marine business district. 397 00:51:22.860 --> 00:51:33.720 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Like the existing version of the law that current the proposed version of the zoning law continues to require site plan review, for you know all new construction. 398 00:51:35.010 --> 00:51:49.200 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Almost all significant additions and alterations and expands the planning boards authority to review site plans to significant land disturbances, even if the even if proposed building construction or structures are not proposed. 399 00:51:50.430 --> 00:51:56.970 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: This additional level of review of land disturbances provides a procedural mechanism within the law. 400 00:51:57.210 --> 00:52:10.410 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: To evaluate project specific impacts and mitigate them in the context of site plan approval and the related seeker review so that's something that we have now and we will continue and actually will make more stringent to allow for more projects specific review. 401 00:52:11.190 --> 00:52:24.180 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And we continue to allow on residential residential zoning districts and maybe more intense commercial and industrial uses in the commercial districts by special use permit only we're going to continue to. 402 00:52:24.660 --> 00:52:32.970 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: have specific criteria for special use permits and to have them require renewal on a regular basis, as proposed, every five years. 403 00:52:34.470 --> 00:52:44.850 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Implementing one of the specific goals of the comprehensive plan, the proposal and law as a special use permit for accessory apartments and owner occupied single family residences. 404 00:52:45.240 --> 00:52:48.600 Michael Esmay: To provide an opportunity for more economically diverse housing. 405 00:52:48.960 --> 00:52:53.340 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: In a manner that's respectful of the single family character of the majority of the village. 406 00:52:53.790 --> 00:53:04.680 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Its aim is to make use of underutilized residential space, by allowing underutilized structures to be up to be occupied with an accessory apartment there are limited in size. 407 00:53:04.920 --> 00:53:13.140 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: There are configuration requirements to make sure they're consistent with a single family character of the village, and we are adding. 408 00:53:14.220 --> 00:53:20.190 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Some provisions that are kind of more protective of the physical environment than our current zoning law. 409 00:53:20.460 --> 00:53:31.890 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Most notably, we are increasing protections for steep slopes, there are several lots in the village that that are encumbered by steep slopes we're expanding the protection for steep slopes in the law also expanding. 410 00:53:32.430 --> 00:53:44.880 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: protections for floodplains and limiting development in those areas and moving to a calculation of lot area based on net lot area that eliminates from that calculation, some of the sensitive environmental features. 411 00:53:46.830 --> 00:54:00.300 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: We are continuing the villages stormwater management regulations that are in a manner substantially consistent with our current stormwater management regulations so that the village engineer will review. 412 00:54:01.530 --> 00:54:11.940 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: All significant land disturbances and so Based on the above that we were just talking about and analyzed more fully in the E, F which which we can certainly talk about. 413 00:54:12.300 --> 00:54:20.010 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: You know, submit to you that, because the laws that comprises action are very specific implementation of the comprehensive plan. 414 00:54:20.490 --> 00:54:28.620 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: They continue the existing patterns of population and development, there are several divisions that are more protective of the physical environment. 415 00:54:29.490 --> 00:54:37.770 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: That there is no potential for any significant environmental impacts from the adoption of the proposed Sony well and the related land geez was. 416 00:54:37.950 --> 00:54:48.210 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: That would enable your board to considered the adoption of the negative declaration of environmental significance to end the secret process so that is my sort of high level. 417 00:54:50.100 --> 00:55:01.410 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Introduction of the ETF, I wanted to note that on the call tonight is the village engineer Dennis lesson and planning board chairman and zoning committee Member bill pfaff so. 418 00:55:02.190 --> 00:55:11.970 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: I wanted to open up the discussion to the members of your board if you have any questions about the if you wanted to discuss any particular areas in more detail if you have any questions for any of us. 419 00:55:16.590 --> 00:55:24.510 Karen Tarapata: I do not like to other members of the board rather anything is there anything in the EDF, I think we are. 420 00:55:25.650 --> 00:55:30.870 Karen Tarapata: This is more protective of the village and is the right direction. 421 00:55:31.890 --> 00:55:32.640 Karen Tarapata: For us. 422 00:55:33.990 --> 00:55:34.770 Karen Tarapata: But I hope I. 423 00:55:35.910 --> 00:55:37.710 Karen Tarapata: open it up to my trustees. 424 00:55:40.110 --> 00:55:42.210 Laurie Dodge: I read through It seems pretty straightforward. 425 00:55:45.960 --> 00:55:52.740 Karen Tarapata: Alright, if there aren't comments, then I think they're open to members of the public is that the next question next thing Noel. 426 00:55:53.160 --> 00:55:55.620 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: I think Mike is trying to say something, but he's muted. 427 00:55:57.780 --> 00:55:58.650 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: you're still muted. 428 00:56:01.920 --> 00:56:03.840 Michael Esmay: Having been involved with the. 429 00:56:05.190 --> 00:56:09.450 Michael Esmay: zoning committee for very long time on. 430 00:56:10.650 --> 00:56:14.070 Michael Esmay: I have no questions on a more set with the. 431 00:56:18.180 --> 00:56:23.790 Karen Tarapata: Good I think Ken is nodding, as he sees it it's in alignment with the comprehensive plan. 432 00:56:26.760 --> 00:56:33.660 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so I would say, then we can open it to public comment Is there anyone who wishes to speak on the. 433 00:56:35.400 --> 00:56:36.390 Karen Tarapata: yeah. 434 00:56:41.790 --> 00:56:42.060 Michael Esmay: No. 435 00:56:43.260 --> 00:57:00.900 Karen Tarapata: No hands up alright, I would like them to add request a motion to direct the Boards Council to prepare a negative declaration of environmental significance, based on the parts one, two and three of the ETF for consideration at the Boards February 10 meeting. 436 00:57:03.240 --> 00:57:03.840 We make that. 437 00:57:05.700 --> 00:57:08.100 Michael Esmay: i'd like to make that motion like. 438 00:57:09.810 --> 00:57:11.640 Kennon Rothchild: Ken i'll second that motion. 439 00:57:12.780 --> 00:57:14.490 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 440 00:57:14.820 --> 00:57:15.840 Michael Esmay: Mike I. 441 00:57:16.740 --> 00:57:17.580 Kennon Rothchild: Karen hi. 442 00:57:18.630 --> 00:57:19.530 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 443 00:57:20.340 --> 00:57:22.230 Karen Tarapata: Karen on so moved. 444 00:57:22.710 --> 00:57:24.390 Karen Tarapata: So now, I would like a motion to. 445 00:57:24.390 --> 00:57:29.790 Karen Tarapata: adjourn the public hearing at the proposed owning lot to the board meeting of the dory 10th. 446 00:57:31.950 --> 00:57:41.910 Kennon Rothchild: will make that motion this can I move that we adjourn the public hearing on the proposed local law concerning the. 447 00:57:43.140 --> 00:57:48.930 Kennon Rothchild: replacement of the zoning code till village board meeting of February 10. 448 00:57:50.190 --> 00:57:51.630 Karen Tarapata: Oh, and second. 449 00:57:52.080 --> 00:57:53.250 Laurie Dodge: i'll second it's lori. 450 00:57:54.510 --> 00:57:55.800 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 451 00:57:56.400 --> 00:57:57.120 Kennon Rothchild: Can hi. 452 00:57:57.720 --> 00:57:58.530 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 453 00:57:59.850 --> 00:58:00.690 Michael Esmay: Like I. 454 00:58:01.830 --> 00:58:04.170 Karen Tarapata: I thank you all. 455 00:58:05.520 --> 00:58:09.150 Karen Tarapata: getting closer and closer to actually enacting this. 456 00:58:10.590 --> 00:58:11.220 Karen Tarapata: ordinance. 457 00:58:11.640 --> 00:58:12.270 amen. 458 00:58:13.980 --> 00:58:21.540 Karen Tarapata: If there's 759 and our next public hearing starts at eight o'clock we're good we are. 459 00:58:23.640 --> 00:58:24.750 Karen Tarapata: punctual here. 460 00:58:27.150 --> 00:58:33.570 Karen Tarapata: All right, I would say that heather you can begin to read the public hearing notice before one o'clock on the Dutch. 461 00:58:33.750 --> 00:58:35.280 Village Clerk: People read slowly. 462 00:58:37.440 --> 00:58:51.120 Village Clerk: Please take notice that the board of trustees of the village of upper nyack will hold a public hearing on Thursday January 20 2022 at 8pm as a hybrid meeting at the old stone meeting house 347 North broadway. 463 00:58:51.600 --> 00:58:58.800 Village Clerk: upper nyack New York or as soon practical thereafter to consider the adoption of proposed local law number one of 2020 to. 464 00:58:59.130 --> 00:59:05.370 Village Clerk: A local law authorizing this certain public servants of the village of upper nyack to issue appearance tickets. 465 00:59:06.030 --> 00:59:10.800 Village Clerk: members of the public may attend the meeting in person or online via zoom video conference. 466 00:59:11.280 --> 00:59:18.840 Village Clerk: Participants attending in person and online will have the ability to view the meeting live and ask questions or make comments. 467 00:59:19.110 --> 00:59:24.000 Village Clerk: Please visit the villages website for the meeting link and registration information to access the meeting online. 468 00:59:24.570 --> 00:59:31.620 Village Clerk: A copy of the proposed law and meeting agenda will be posted on the villages website at upper nyack dash and y.us. 469 00:59:32.040 --> 00:59:45.120 Village Clerk: comments and questions will also be provided via email before the meeting to heather condello village clerk at village clerk at upper nyack dash ny.us at January 7 2022 other candela village clerk. 470 00:59:47.100 --> 00:59:57.930 Karen Tarapata: Right, so the background, this law, this is a proposed local law authorizing the villages code enforcement officer and other authorized persons to issue appearance tickets. 471 00:59:58.620 --> 01:00:06.960 Karen Tarapata: And appearance ticket is generally a written notice issued by an authorized person directing the recipient to appear in Clarks town justice court. 472 01:00:07.410 --> 01:00:15.240 Karen Tarapata: At a designated future time in connection with his alleged Commission of a violation of the village local law ordinance. 473 01:00:16.020 --> 01:00:26.130 Karen Tarapata: Giving this authority to the village enforcement personnel allows for more streamlined process of beginning of formal enforcement proceeding and it's an important step. 474 01:00:27.450 --> 01:00:38.910 Karen Tarapata: That are local laws and ordinances are effectively enforced currently if we want to issue an appearance ticket, we have to go through the clerk's town justice court clerk. 475 01:00:39.330 --> 01:00:51.810 Karen Tarapata: And it's a cumbersome process, and this will allow our enforcement personnel to take that next step when someone really is a repeat offender and issue and appearance ticket. 476 01:00:52.950 --> 01:01:00.240 Karen Tarapata: it's also will authorize this so This allows us to better enforce our own laws, more effective. 477 01:01:01.260 --> 01:01:06.300 Karen Tarapata: I would like to make someone to make a motion to open the public hearing on this matter. 478 01:01:08.610 --> 01:01:10.770 Laurie Dodge: i'll make a motion that we open the public hearing. 479 01:01:12.390 --> 01:01:13.860 Kennon Rothchild: And i'll second. 480 01:01:14.940 --> 01:01:16.980 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say hi. 481 01:01:17.820 --> 01:01:18.720 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 482 01:01:19.290 --> 01:01:20.100 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 483 01:01:23.160 --> 01:01:23.790 Karen Tarapata: Can I. 484 01:01:25.140 --> 01:01:27.900 Karen Tarapata: All right, any discussion. 485 01:01:32.430 --> 01:01:34.110 Karen Tarapata: Alright So here we go this. 486 01:01:35.400 --> 01:01:41.940 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone, yes, is there anybody here we go we've got a Member from the public, who would like to speak chase. 487 01:01:46.380 --> 01:01:48.720 Karen Tarapata: Go ahead thanks Jason be. 488 01:01:50.640 --> 01:02:06.990 Chase Altneu: hi everybody it's me again sorry sorry for budding in so many times um so I have a quick question you know we've submitted um I want to say about pre applications that the town already, what is the process of US amending. 489 01:02:08.190 --> 01:02:17.760 Chase Altneu: um one of the applications that we submitted to the town um you know because we've had a change in circumstance so. 490 01:02:18.180 --> 01:02:24.660 Chase Altneu: You know, again we don't want to be caught in the crossfire and you know, Michael who's the code enforcer has been really, really good with us and. 491 01:02:25.380 --> 01:02:37.650 Chase Altneu: You know i've spoken with him many times and I can attest to you know him coming by our property and talking with me and you know really being being involved Member of the Community, and you know I really appreciate that. 492 01:02:38.670 --> 01:02:44.220 Chase Altneu: um So what is the process of us trying to amend a permanent um. 493 01:02:44.250 --> 01:02:45.750 Karen Tarapata: Well, can speak to that. 494 01:02:47.760 --> 01:02:50.100 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: um what kind of parameter you're referencing. 495 01:02:51.060 --> 01:02:57.090 Chase Altneu: So, for example, you know, like we have chickens on our property sorry for the glare the kitchen. 496 01:02:59.640 --> 01:03:11.850 Chase Altneu: lighting is a little antique here um so yeah so, for example, if we want to amend one of our permits that we originally put language in um that really hasn't worked. 497 01:03:12.630 --> 01:03:21.990 Chase Altneu: On for a number of reasons, and I won't get into it on the call, but I don't want to and me and my wife don't want to go against the town code. 498 01:03:22.770 --> 01:03:32.700 Chase Altneu: By originally what we said so we want to try to like work with the town and try to you know amend our language so it's not. 499 01:03:33.180 --> 01:03:47.580 Chase Altneu: As if we're trying to go to go against the code enforcement, so if we want to make an amendment to an already existing permit that we already have you know what's the best method that we should go upon doing that i'm. 500 01:03:48.240 --> 01:03:57.570 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Sure, so that's a that's a permit just for those who don't know that is a permit issued by the zoning Board of appeals under the villages general ordinance. 501 01:03:57.960 --> 01:04:04.050 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: and generally the process to amend the permit is the same as the process to obtain the permit in the first instance. 502 01:04:04.140 --> 01:04:11.580 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: So, in the first instance, you made an application, you described what you wanted to get you had a hearing before the zoning board they made a decision adapted a resolution. 503 01:04:11.880 --> 01:04:22.590 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: And then you were able to get your permit, if you want to amend that permit you follow the same course would make an application to the zoning board this time would be in the nature of amending the permit and you would state the. 504 01:04:22.920 --> 01:04:33.270 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: portion that you want to amend and the reason why you want to amend it, it would go to the zoning board for a public hearing in the same manner as the original issuance of the permit and then they would make a decision by resolution. 505 01:04:35.910 --> 01:04:37.770 Chase Altneu: can argue with that answer Noel well so. 506 01:04:41.130 --> 01:04:45.030 Kennon Rothchild: I have a question about that Noel if if he's been issued a permit. 507 01:04:46.410 --> 01:04:50.100 Kennon Rothchild: and subsequently we've changed the law. 508 01:04:51.210 --> 01:04:55.680 Kennon Rothchild: Is that is are they grandfathered in or would they you know how does that work. 509 01:04:56.010 --> 01:05:04.500 Noelle C. Wolfson, Esq.: Sure, so that would be on a case by case basis, but this is actually a permit that's issued under the general ordinance and it's not proposed to be changed as a part of the zoning law amendment. 510 01:05:08.430 --> 01:05:17.310 Chase Altneu: yeah and that's totally fair, you know, but the law that you know that we're referring to which i've looked it up, which is a livestock wall which is from 1973. 511 01:05:18.360 --> 01:05:29.820 Chase Altneu: um that's actually in the handbook of the you know the town of upper nyack so you know again like you know we're situated in it place in Upper NIH credit question Mary del. 512 01:05:31.410 --> 01:05:43.020 Chase Altneu: We have chickens and that's really what it's in in pretending to, and you know our circumstances have changed, you know we've developed a collaboration with the sisters across the street so. 513 01:05:43.440 --> 01:05:51.810 Chase Altneu: You know we're trying to make it a little more open so that's kind of our reason for putting in an amendment, you know because again like we're still learning, you know. 514 01:05:52.800 --> 01:05:57.780 Chase Altneu: Raising chickens and doing everything else so like what we originally planned, has not worked. 515 01:05:58.290 --> 01:06:10.380 Chase Altneu: So, again we're willing to go in front of the Board and try to see if we can make an amendment to see if our changes will align with the interest of everybody else so that's kind of where our heads at right now so. 516 01:06:11.940 --> 01:06:21.510 Chase Altneu: You know, but that's that's good to know so we'll just do the regular process and we'll put in our changes and make sure that you know everyone's well informed of what we're trying to try to accomplish. 517 01:06:24.030 --> 01:06:26.580 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, Sir, any other discussion. 518 01:06:29.370 --> 01:06:35.760 Kennon Rothchild: I will just again, as usual, go on record of favoring anybody who's raising chickens ability, but since we did. 519 01:06:37.230 --> 01:06:39.480 Kennon Rothchild: Right Mike we had great chickens in our yard, for what. 520 01:06:39.960 --> 01:06:40.890 Michael Esmay: Great eggs. 521 01:06:41.760 --> 01:06:42.360 Exactly. 522 01:06:43.410 --> 01:06:44.730 Chase Altneu: Ours ours are blue. 523 01:06:46.200 --> 01:06:51.750 Kennon Rothchild: And we had blue eggs, we had brown eggs, we even had white eggs from my Rhode island red So there we go. 524 01:06:51.990 --> 01:06:53.010 Chase Altneu: share the wealth time. 525 01:06:53.730 --> 01:07:01.680 Kennon Rothchild: Whether we have no more chicken state they died out and we chose not to be chicken farmers any longer, but that's you know choice yeah. 526 01:07:01.770 --> 01:07:04.080 Chase Altneu: it's a dirty job it's a lot of poop. 527 01:07:07.470 --> 01:07:11.460 Karen Tarapata: All right, any other comments and, if not i'd ask somebody to make a motion to. 528 01:07:11.460 --> 01:07:24.570 Kennon Rothchild: Close the public and i'm sorry just a point of levity it when we're talking about tix chickens are great for removing ticks from one's yard, so perhaps we should encourage more people to have chickens, so we can get rid of the population number nine. 529 01:07:27.240 --> 01:07:27.840 Michael Esmay: well. 530 01:07:29.970 --> 01:07:31.470 But nobody's please. 531 01:07:33.270 --> 01:07:34.020 Karen Tarapata: Too loud. 532 01:07:35.490 --> 01:07:40.950 Karen Tarapata: chickens are fine i'm with someone make a motion to close the public hearing. 533 01:07:42.000 --> 01:07:43.410 Michael Esmay: Michael make that motion. 534 01:07:44.760 --> 01:07:46.140 Kennon Rothchild: I can i'll second. 535 01:07:47.100 --> 01:07:48.720 Karen Tarapata: All right, all in favor say I. 536 01:07:49.200 --> 01:07:49.950 Michael Esmay: My guy. 537 01:07:50.550 --> 01:07:51.000 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 538 01:07:51.870 --> 01:07:52.710 Laurie Dodge: Already I. 539 01:07:53.580 --> 01:08:03.210 Karen Tarapata: Aaron is somebody alright, so now whenever they asked is there any more discussion before we make a motion to adopt the appearance ticket local law. 540 01:08:05.010 --> 01:08:10.350 Karen Tarapata: So all right with someone make a motion to adopt the appearance ticket local law. 541 01:08:11.040 --> 01:08:12.900 Michael Esmay: I want to make them motion my. 542 01:08:15.660 --> 01:08:16.620 Laurie Dodge: Second, as long. 543 01:08:19.170 --> 01:08:21.360 Kennon Rothchild: As that's not all rushed to make seconds. 544 01:08:21.390 --> 01:08:22.170 or make the motion. 545 01:08:27.270 --> 01:08:28.020 Karen Tarapata: say I. 546 01:08:29.160 --> 01:08:29.400 Michael Esmay: Like. 547 01:08:30.540 --> 01:08:31.290 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 548 01:08:31.710 --> 01:08:32.190 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 549 01:08:32.940 --> 01:08:35.610 Karen Tarapata: hear it, I thank you, great. 550 01:08:36.720 --> 01:08:44.520 Karen Tarapata: All right now heather would you like to explain that the rockland county residency provision for election workers. 551 01:08:46.650 --> 01:08:56.370 Village Clerk: Yes, so there's actually two resolutions we have this evening, the first resolution is to because we have a small amount of. 552 01:08:57.120 --> 01:09:07.470 Village Clerk: Election workers that live within the village, so it makes it a bit difficult to have a full staff because New York state and we'll get to this in a second is required requesting or. 553 01:09:08.100 --> 01:09:18.240 Village Clerk: suggesting we have more than the standard three during code for election workers, this year, so we are by law allowed to have. 554 01:09:18.960 --> 01:09:37.020 Village Clerk: Residents of rockland county approved by the rockland county Board of elections to serve as a village election workers at the March 15 election, so I just need a resolution to allow the inspectors of the village of elections, who are residents of rockland county to. 555 01:09:38.790 --> 01:09:44.520 Village Clerk: be allowed to work at the village election on march 13 15th 2022. 556 01:09:47.280 --> 01:09:48.510 Karen Tarapata: Someone make that motion. 557 01:09:52.110 --> 01:09:54.360 Kennon Rothchild: says, can I move that we. 558 01:09:56.010 --> 01:10:04.470 Kennon Rothchild: Allow residents of rockland county to serve as workers for our village election as as we need to increase our numbers. 559 01:10:06.540 --> 01:10:07.440 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a second. 560 01:10:09.360 --> 01:10:10.380 Laurie Dodge: l'oreal second. 561 01:10:12.030 --> 01:10:13.380 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 562 01:10:14.310 --> 01:10:15.030 Kennon Rothchild: Can hi. 563 01:10:16.170 --> 01:10:17.010 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 564 01:10:19.230 --> 01:10:19.860 Michael Esmay: Okay Mike. 565 01:10:21.150 --> 01:10:21.900 Aaron on it. 566 01:10:24.600 --> 01:10:31.050 Village Clerk: Okay, and the second resolution is similar to the one we had to make under deadline for the last. 567 01:10:32.250 --> 01:10:33.510 Village Clerk: Meeting, but now we have. 568 01:10:34.530 --> 01:10:54.780 Village Clerk: Our confirmed election workers, so I need a resolution to a point for inspectors of the election for the March 15 2022 village election election law 15 dash one and pay them $15 an hour, and that is a during de Meyer galliano peril Cousteau Mayra lead Sir and Anita Saito. 569 01:10:56.910 --> 01:10:58.980 Karen Tarapata: week with someone make a motion. 570 01:10:59.340 --> 01:11:00.660 Michael Esmay: Michael make that motion. 571 01:11:02.280 --> 01:11:03.030 And a second. 572 01:11:04.650 --> 01:11:06.240 Kennon Rothchild: I can i'll i'll second. 573 01:11:07.290 --> 01:11:08.580 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 574 01:11:09.000 --> 01:11:09.690 Michael Esmay: My guy. 575 01:11:10.380 --> 01:11:10.920 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 576 01:11:11.880 --> 01:11:12.720 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 577 01:11:13.410 --> 01:11:15.690 Michael Esmay: Parents great Thank you. 578 01:11:17.400 --> 01:11:18.360 Karen Tarapata: All right, and then the. 579 01:11:19.740 --> 01:11:30.210 Karen Tarapata: very last thing tonight is for discussion is the opportunity to purchase some surplus equipment from self nyah. 580 01:11:30.780 --> 01:11:31.440 Michael Esmay: Oh yeah. 581 01:11:31.800 --> 01:11:46.740 Karen Tarapata: chance to take a look at this, it was something that was brought to my attention by our dp w and both of these items I think would really improve our efficiency, one is a four time asphalt trailer. 582 01:11:47.670 --> 01:12:05.760 Karen Tarapata: That comes with both the propane torch and if he did deck it's twice as large as the one we have and we can serve us and sound when we have because it's an excellent condition the other item, I would like authorization to fit on is a Ford F 350 pickup. 583 01:12:06.780 --> 01:12:13.710 Karen Tarapata: That has a V plow on it and a toolbox 58,000 miles on it. 584 01:12:14.910 --> 01:12:24.420 Karen Tarapata: And i'm proposing to bid for each one of them to go $22,000 for the asphalt trailer and 23 for the truck. 585 01:12:25.890 --> 01:12:27.090 Karen Tarapata: open for discussion. 586 01:12:28.260 --> 01:12:29.970 Michael Esmay: Was from South diet right. 587 01:12:33.840 --> 01:12:50.970 Karen Tarapata: it's from South night, and we know their maintenance records, I have the bill a copy of the original bill of sale for the asphalt trailers, so I was able to do some research on it and to know that that is a very good price. 588 01:12:52.050 --> 01:12:53.250 Karen Tarapata: There you know there. 589 01:12:54.630 --> 01:13:12.000 Karen Tarapata: would be getting it for about two thirds of its new cost at government contract and it's only been used for five times the trucks had some heavier duty, of course, but it is a diesel and 58,000 on a piece of land and is really nothing and the trucks very well maintained. 590 01:13:13.080 --> 01:13:13.680 Laurie Dodge: And also. 591 01:13:14.130 --> 01:13:15.960 Laurie Dodge: trucks are in high demand. 592 01:13:16.830 --> 01:13:18.360 Karen Tarapata: They are you. 593 01:13:20.130 --> 01:13:22.530 Michael Esmay: Know i've seen that took the trucks in good shape. 594 01:13:24.570 --> 01:13:25.200 Karen Tarapata: So. 595 01:13:26.490 --> 01:13:33.630 Karen Tarapata: i'm asking for a resolution of the bar and allowing me to enter those bits and we'll see if we prevail. 596 01:13:35.430 --> 01:13:38.100 Michael Esmay: Okay, make that motion Mike. 597 01:13:40.500 --> 01:13:41.370 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a second. 598 01:13:41.880 --> 01:13:44.610 Laurie Dodge: i'll second is lori Thank you lori. 599 01:13:44.730 --> 01:13:46.050 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 600 01:13:46.440 --> 01:13:47.190 Michael Esmay: My guy. 601 01:13:47.850 --> 01:13:48.690 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 602 01:13:49.440 --> 01:13:50.160 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 603 01:13:51.030 --> 01:13:54.330 Karen Tarapata: hear it, I thank you so much. 604 01:13:55.860 --> 01:14:00.780 Karen Tarapata: we'll see we'll see how we do i'm sorry South night is going, but i'll take their good equipment. 605 01:14:03.690 --> 01:14:11.340 Laurie Dodge: will be lucky if we only have to spend $23,000 for that pickup truck I would imagine that it could go for a lot more. 606 01:14:11.790 --> 01:14:22.980 Karen Tarapata: It may go for more if we may not but that's what, when I was asking our guys what I should bed, and they did their research and they said, this is what we think is a fair bit so. 607 01:14:24.420 --> 01:14:28.500 Karen Tarapata: Just don't don't let anybody over in orange town, I hope the ones on the call tonight. 608 01:14:30.000 --> 01:14:31.950 Karen Tarapata: You might be bidding against them. 609 01:14:34.770 --> 01:14:41.220 Karen Tarapata: All right, before we end the meeting tight Is there anyone in the audience who wishes to speak on any topic tonight. 610 01:14:43.230 --> 01:14:44.190 Karen Tarapata: raise your hand. 611 01:14:48.810 --> 01:14:55.350 Karen Tarapata: All right, it does not appear to be the case for anything else the trustees would like to speak about tonight. 612 01:14:56.850 --> 01:15:09.540 Laurie Dodge: um, I just wanted to let everybody know that Jonathan did a first draft of the proposal for the grant and Karen and I looked at it today and had some minor comments so as soon as they turn it around. 613 01:15:10.560 --> 01:15:15.480 Laurie Dodge: With a to reflect our comments will send it off to you guys because it's due on Monday. 614 01:15:15.870 --> 01:15:27.360 Laurie Dodge: So I think I should get it back tomorrow and we'll email it out and then, if you can just take a quick look at it it's not it's not really long it's a pretty easy read, then they can send it out on Monday morning. 615 01:15:29.430 --> 01:15:34.440 Karen Tarapata: And I was thinking that the four hours that we're going Oh, this is, I do have one thing to say. 616 01:15:35.520 --> 01:15:45.750 Karen Tarapata: We will be in person for grievance day at the old stone meeting house, so we may be master not mass, but because the extension of the. 617 01:15:47.430 --> 01:16:02.310 Karen Tarapata: Our ability to have remote meetings was only extended to the with the 14th of February and our meetings on the 17th and we just won't know to the last minute, because of the noticing requirements will be doing that in person. 618 01:16:03.450 --> 01:16:17.490 Karen Tarapata: So we will see what happened love four hours, though, to go over our priorities, depending on how many grievances we get that might be a good time to talk about our priorities for remember, because I can actually bring. 619 01:16:19.890 --> 01:16:28.740 Karen Tarapata: Things to look at Madison plans, and it would give us some time to just discuss something that doesn't require resolution but just. 620 01:16:30.210 --> 01:16:31.320 Karen Tarapata: Discussion support. 621 01:16:32.250 --> 01:16:36.390 Laurie Dodge: My God will finally be able to have pizza and peanuts together. 622 01:16:38.580 --> 01:16:39.450 Laurie Dodge: How much. 623 01:16:41.670 --> 01:16:42.540 Laurie Dodge: will be. 624 01:16:46.560 --> 01:16:48.120 Karen Tarapata: never, never enough. 625 01:16:49.980 --> 01:16:50.580 Laurie Dodge: it's true. 626 01:16:52.080 --> 01:16:53.100 Laurie Dodge: Well i'm trying to make it. 627 01:16:53.100 --> 01:16:53.640 Karen Tarapata: sound like a. 628 01:16:54.900 --> 01:16:57.000 Karen Tarapata: month I don't know if I want a bunch of pizza. 629 01:17:00.060 --> 01:17:03.540 Kennon Rothchild: Do we think her tells delivers we could just have that happen. 630 01:17:03.870 --> 01:17:04.080 Laurie Dodge: If. 631 01:17:04.860 --> 01:17:05.520 We go. 632 01:17:07.110 --> 01:17:09.990 Karen Tarapata: Oh, my goodness, all right, no. 633 01:17:11.040 --> 01:17:13.710 Karen Tarapata: Would someone make a motion to adjourn the meeting. 634 01:17:15.240 --> 01:17:17.490 Laurie Dodge: i'll make the motion that we adjourn tonight's meeting. 635 01:17:18.870 --> 01:17:23.040 Kennon Rothchild: Can I get a second yep i'll second that motion, you can. 636 01:17:23.520 --> 01:17:24.900 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 637 01:17:25.770 --> 01:17:26.580 Laurie Dodge: I lori. 638 01:17:27.900 --> 01:17:28.170 Kennon Rothchild: hi. 639 01:17:29.790 --> 01:17:30.390 Michael Esmay: hi Mike. 640 01:17:31.620 --> 01:17:43.620 Karen Tarapata: I Karen Thank you everyone for being on the call tonight, thank you Dennis and below for attending and thank you Noel for all your assistance and we'll see you all soon. 641 01:17:44.520 --> 01:17:45.030 Michael Esmay: Thank you. 642 01:17:46.590 --> 01:17:47.040 Laurie Dodge: honey. 643 01:17:47.370 --> 01:17:47.760 bye bye.