WEBVTT 1 00:00:19.980 --> 00:00:25.110 Karen Tarapata: Is a special meeting of the proper night Board of Trustees Thursday April. 2 00:00:25.140 --> 00:00:26.520 8 2021. 3 00:00:29.970 --> 00:00:30.810 18456426153: nope have. 4 00:00:31.860 --> 00:00:32.820 18456426153: chef yet. 5 00:00:33.480 --> 00:00:34.740 Karen Tarapata: We do have a quorum. 6 00:00:35.010 --> 00:00:36.750 18456426153: We have Michael as they. 7 00:00:36.960 --> 00:00:39.750 Karen Tarapata: lori dodge can rock child and myself. 8 00:00:41.100 --> 00:00:49.620 Karen Tarapata: And I think we can begin a meeting and see if Jeff joins us time for the public hearing at 730. 9 00:00:54.240 --> 00:00:56.100 Karen Tarapata: We have two things to discuss. 10 00:00:56.160 --> 00:00:56.880 Karen Tarapata: Before we. 11 00:00:56.910 --> 00:00:57.600 18456426153: get to. 12 00:00:57.630 --> 00:01:07.140 Karen Tarapata: Our public hearing the first is the retiree health insurance you you've got the email, I sent of the proposed changes that we talked about. 13 00:01:08.790 --> 00:01:10.290 Karen Tarapata: Okay Hello Jeff. 14 00:01:17.370 --> 00:01:19.200 Karen Tarapata: Is he on Hello Jeff. 15 00:01:19.380 --> 00:01:21.300 sylviajeff: Hello there I guess you. 16 00:01:21.510 --> 00:01:22.890 sylviajeff: Know really my email. 17 00:01:25.530 --> 00:01:32.490 Karen Tarapata: No problem we just started I just literally call the meeting to order and get a roll call so now everyone's here. 18 00:01:33.540 --> 00:01:41.040 Karen Tarapata: So the first thing the first order of business are those amendments to the employee guidelines. 19 00:01:42.240 --> 00:01:44.700 Karen Tarapata: Of retiree health insurance. 20 00:01:46.410 --> 00:01:54.000 Karen Tarapata: And I was wondering if what people if everyone was alright, with the handbook the changes that we proposed after our discussion. 21 00:01:55.230 --> 00:02:06.330 Karen Tarapata: And that was to pay 80% of the premium for individual coverage for a qualifying retiring employee until they're eligible for medicare. 22 00:02:08.160 --> 00:02:09.450 Karen Tarapata: And the other part. 23 00:02:09.510 --> 00:02:10.680 18456426153: was to. 24 00:02:12.810 --> 00:02:13.680 Karen Tarapata: Hello Noel. 25 00:02:15.420 --> 00:02:15.570 18456426153: The. 26 00:02:15.600 --> 00:02:19.890 Karen Tarapata: Other part was to do other change was to. 27 00:02:20.910 --> 00:02:25.980 Karen Tarapata: Allow Carol to have her medicare supplemental insurance reimbursement. 28 00:02:26.010 --> 00:02:26.460 18456426153: For in. 29 00:02:26.640 --> 00:02:27.360 A single. 30 00:02:28.380 --> 00:02:30.060 Karen Tarapata: And that would for a retire. 31 00:02:30.090 --> 00:02:31.950 18456426153: You which we don't currently do. 32 00:02:33.300 --> 00:02:45.660 Karen Tarapata: Because if we wanted to have this discussion, because we need to have an emotion, to adopt the amendments to the retiree health insurance portion of the employee handbook. 33 00:02:47.160 --> 00:02:55.620 Karen Tarapata: There was one thing that came up before we open up I open this up for discussion Jill reminded me that we have two employees who currently get. 34 00:02:56.190 --> 00:03:00.390 Karen Tarapata: Their medicare supplemental insurance reimbursement for a family coverage. 35 00:03:01.050 --> 00:03:14.940 Karen Tarapata: When we're not doing that anymore, but I need to add one line and I thought perhaps this would work, you can help me with this any eligible retiree who was offered family coverage at the time of their retirement will continue as before. 36 00:03:16.140 --> 00:03:19.170 Karen Tarapata: And that's really just for the two people who get that. 37 00:03:22.290 --> 00:03:31.320 Karen Tarapata: So is there any more discussion now Jeff What did you think of the changes on the know you were asking the retiree health insurance that's a good idea. 38 00:03:33.660 --> 00:03:35.730 Karen Tarapata: You know, we don't have anyone will be retiring. 39 00:03:36.090 --> 00:03:37.620 18456426153: Probably another 10 years. 40 00:03:38.370 --> 00:03:40.770 Karen Tarapata: But it gives them confidence that. 41 00:03:40.890 --> 00:03:41.130 Karen Tarapata: Will. 42 00:03:41.460 --> 00:03:42.480 Karen Tarapata: Take care of part of their. 43 00:03:42.510 --> 00:03:42.960 costs. 44 00:03:44.820 --> 00:03:47.220 Karen Tarapata: So if we're agreed, I asked for someone to make a. 45 00:03:47.220 --> 00:03:49.080 18456426153: motion to accept the. 46 00:03:49.410 --> 00:03:53.550 Karen Tarapata: Amendments to the village of upper neck employee handbook. 47 00:03:54.750 --> 00:03:55.620 Laurie Dodge: Make the motion. 48 00:03:57.210 --> 00:03:57.990 Karen Tarapata: They get a second. 49 00:03:58.950 --> 00:03:59.670 sylviajeff: A second. 50 00:04:00.480 --> 00:04:03.150 Karen Tarapata: Thank you Jeff all in favor say Aye. 51 00:04:03.840 --> 00:04:04.560 Laurie Dodge: Aye lori. 52 00:04:05.310 --> 00:04:05.850 sylviajeff: hi Jeff. 53 00:04:07.260 --> 00:04:07.800 18456426153: I can. 54 00:04:09.030 --> 00:04:09.720 michael esmay: i'm like. 55 00:04:12.360 --> 00:04:13.830 Karen Tarapata: Great pad. 56 00:04:15.180 --> 00:04:15.660 michael esmay: it's funny. 57 00:04:17.670 --> 00:04:24.780 michael esmay: i'm not seeing any images that says that ken's is muted, but he's not this is weird. 58 00:04:25.860 --> 00:04:26.340 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 59 00:04:27.750 --> 00:04:32.430 Kennon Rothchild: No, I am I am muted and now i've unmuted myself but no i'm going to mute myself. 60 00:04:32.430 --> 00:04:32.880 again. 61 00:04:34.080 --> 00:04:34.740 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 62 00:04:38.910 --> 00:04:42.030 Karen Tarapata: The other thing well Michael i'm glad you're you're. 63 00:04:42.390 --> 00:04:43.800 Karen Tarapata: Promoting froze. 64 00:04:43.830 --> 00:04:47.670 Karen Tarapata: And then you came back because i'm going to ask you to settle into. 65 00:04:48.210 --> 00:04:49.560 Karen Tarapata: started passion. 66 00:04:49.590 --> 00:04:50.940 Karen Tarapata: The second discussion which. 67 00:04:50.940 --> 00:04:53.610 Karen Tarapata: Instead of bread stream overlay district. 68 00:04:53.700 --> 00:04:54.150 michael esmay: Oh yeah. 69 00:04:55.800 --> 00:05:04.350 michael esmay: yeah I call this lets him about this and he's going to refer me to some. 70 00:05:05.400 --> 00:05:09.600 michael esmay: sample Code, the deal with just that, which includes. 71 00:05:10.650 --> 00:05:11.400 michael esmay: clark's town. 72 00:05:12.570 --> 00:05:13.410 18456426153: Now the handle that. 73 00:05:13.740 --> 00:05:21.150 michael esmay: He thinks that we should actually have something like that, for all the streams or or water courses. 74 00:05:21.150 --> 00:05:21.780 michael esmay: In. 75 00:05:21.960 --> 00:05:23.970 Karen Tarapata: upper niantic oh. 76 00:05:27.120 --> 00:05:27.990 michael esmay: I didn't hear you. 77 00:05:28.650 --> 00:05:32.550 Karen Tarapata: I said, all the ones on our official map of the. 78 00:05:32.610 --> 00:05:33.990 michael esmay: watercooler said, at least. 79 00:05:34.080 --> 00:05:37.800 michael esmay: At least the ones that are on the official map okay. 80 00:05:38.100 --> 00:05:46.920 Karen Tarapata: That would make sense and we those are in the comprehensive plan so anyone could go and find those and know which ones they you know, be able to. 81 00:05:47.460 --> 00:05:48.390 identify those. 82 00:05:49.500 --> 00:05:51.060 18456426153: At the biggest one is. 83 00:05:51.090 --> 00:05:52.050 Karen Tarapata: The one that runs along. 84 00:05:52.080 --> 00:05:54.780 Karen Tarapata: All of North road and trying to. 85 00:05:54.990 --> 00:05:55.530 Karen Tarapata: Tell ya. 86 00:05:56.820 --> 00:05:57.270 Karen Tarapata: The. 87 00:05:57.300 --> 00:05:58.680 18456426153: next question is. 88 00:05:59.310 --> 00:06:09.120 Karen Tarapata: What about purchasing properties, do you think that that would be necessary if we were to have a stream overlay district. 89 00:06:10.680 --> 00:06:11.340 Karen Tarapata: or some kind. 90 00:06:11.370 --> 00:06:15.450 michael esmay: Of if we had a stream overlay district that property probably would not be. 91 00:06:18.690 --> 00:06:21.480 michael esmay: viable for for any kind of development. 92 00:06:21.990 --> 00:06:23.940 michael esmay: Because it's basically all stream. 93 00:06:24.660 --> 00:06:26.790 Karen Tarapata: yeah do you think would be accused of. 94 00:06:26.820 --> 00:06:27.450 Taking. 95 00:06:28.800 --> 00:06:29.040 18456426153: Just. 96 00:06:30.750 --> 00:06:31.320 sylviajeff: that's what. 97 00:06:31.950 --> 00:06:32.430 michael esmay: that's what. 98 00:06:33.750 --> 00:06:37.710 Karen Tarapata: If we put us if we put zoning on something, and no one can get any. 99 00:06:38.490 --> 00:06:40.980 18456426153: value from it considered a taking. 100 00:06:41.550 --> 00:06:46.290 Karen Tarapata: And they could have neagle worse so that's the question. 101 00:06:46.500 --> 00:06:46.800 18456426153: That. 102 00:06:47.190 --> 00:06:47.790 Karen Tarapata: You know that. 103 00:06:47.850 --> 00:06:50.310 Karen Tarapata: That would be the reason why you might have to. 104 00:06:50.340 --> 00:06:52.320 Karen Tarapata: purchase it one way or the other, if you're going to. 105 00:06:52.320 --> 00:06:53.430 Karen Tarapata: Make it worthless. 106 00:06:55.470 --> 00:06:55.950 michael esmay: But what if. 107 00:06:56.280 --> 00:06:57.990 michael esmay: it's an odd piece of property. 108 00:07:00.510 --> 00:07:02.370 Karen Tarapata: When when checkmate what are you asking lori. 109 00:07:03.180 --> 00:07:11.370 Laurie Dodge: Just Mike Mike is maybe describing it, I was when I saw the sign actually I was wondering what what's actually being sold. 110 00:07:11.910 --> 00:07:12.600 18456426153: Because. 111 00:07:12.660 --> 00:07:13.530 Laurie Dodge: It doesn't seem like. 112 00:07:13.800 --> 00:07:15.090 Laurie Dodge: there's a lot of land. 113 00:07:15.120 --> 00:07:18.450 Laurie Dodge: I mean, unless they own across the stream and they're going to. 114 00:07:18.450 --> 00:07:21.780 Laurie Dodge: build a structure that hovers the Stream is that. 115 00:07:22.230 --> 00:07:26.520 michael esmay: yeah it the south property line of butts. 116 00:07:26.880 --> 00:07:27.870 18456426153: daisy street. 117 00:07:29.490 --> 00:07:30.090 michael esmay: So it. 118 00:07:30.810 --> 00:07:34.290 michael esmay: crosses the stream, but in that location, the stream. 119 00:07:34.560 --> 00:07:36.870 michael esmay: Banks are so steep and. 120 00:07:37.620 --> 00:07:38.670 michael esmay: bay and wide. 121 00:07:38.760 --> 00:07:39.540 michael esmay: That it's a. 122 00:07:41.910 --> 00:07:45.780 michael esmay: It would be difficult property to to build on and no question about it. 123 00:07:46.170 --> 00:07:48.060 michael esmay: Which is probably why it hasn't sold. 124 00:07:48.750 --> 00:07:52.860 michael esmay: Because that property has been on the market in the past and hasn't sold. 125 00:07:54.450 --> 00:07:54.840 18456426153: So. 126 00:07:56.520 --> 00:08:04.020 michael esmay: And I asked dennis's opinion What did he think about us purchasing the property and he thought that was a good idea. 127 00:08:05.610 --> 00:08:10.590 sylviajeff: The idea if I manage to spread the idea of personal property is that since then. 128 00:08:10.650 --> 00:08:13.110 sylviajeff: You know, in case there was flooding or some. 129 00:08:13.320 --> 00:08:19.080 sylviajeff: Events or something it's ours to access and act on as necessary to help the village correct. 130 00:08:19.680 --> 00:08:20.970 sylviajeff: yeah okay. 131 00:08:21.000 --> 00:08:21.630 michael esmay: it's a you know. 132 00:08:24.150 --> 00:08:26.160 sylviajeff: To prevent development okay yeah. 133 00:08:28.410 --> 00:08:30.360 Laurie Dodge: How much is the property being sold for. 134 00:08:31.680 --> 00:08:32.730 Karen Tarapata: 200,000. 135 00:08:33.300 --> 00:08:35.490 Laurie Dodge: yeah and and and the at the end, the. 136 00:08:35.550 --> 00:08:37.920 Laurie Dodge: Access would be from daisy street. 137 00:08:38.040 --> 00:08:40.860 Laurie Dodge: If someone were to build a house there is that, where they. 138 00:08:41.100 --> 00:08:41.280 Were. 139 00:08:42.450 --> 00:08:43.020 Laurie Dodge: w. 140 00:08:43.590 --> 00:08:45.120 michael esmay: We don't know, oh no. 141 00:08:45.390 --> 00:08:46.530 michael esmay: I suppose it could. 142 00:08:46.530 --> 00:08:47.040 michael esmay: Be from. 143 00:08:47.340 --> 00:08:48.360 michael esmay: Old mountain road. 144 00:08:48.840 --> 00:08:50.460 Laurie Dodge: I mean I sorry from old mountain road not. 145 00:08:51.360 --> 00:08:56.070 michael esmay: Really, I if I already use a property I would try to access from daisy. 146 00:08:56.940 --> 00:08:57.930 Laurie Dodge: Yes, yeah. 147 00:08:57.960 --> 00:08:58.980 michael esmay: I would make sense. 148 00:09:00.240 --> 00:09:01.500 Laurie Dodge: yeah that'd be. 149 00:09:01.560 --> 00:09:02.430 michael esmay: Also. 150 00:09:03.150 --> 00:09:08.880 michael esmay: You know if you stand there the edge of the stream embankment is very high, of the stream. 151 00:09:09.120 --> 00:09:11.010 michael esmay: yeah So how do you. 152 00:09:11.430 --> 00:09:11.880 18456426153: You know. 153 00:09:14.010 --> 00:09:14.670 michael esmay: Whereas. 154 00:09:15.810 --> 00:09:17.520 michael esmay: it's pretty much ED level. 155 00:09:17.610 --> 00:09:19.080 michael esmay: With daisy street. 156 00:09:21.240 --> 00:09:29.550 Karen Tarapata: Well, you were saying Mike you were telling me some history that there was another property with someone attempt, I think, attempted to fill in the stream. 157 00:09:30.720 --> 00:09:32.310 Karen Tarapata: Maybe carolyn was telling me that. 158 00:09:33.690 --> 00:09:39.270 Karen Tarapata: You had purchased one property and was just going to fill in the. 159 00:09:39.270 --> 00:09:39.930 stream. 160 00:09:41.820 --> 00:09:42.480 michael esmay: yeah well. 161 00:09:42.570 --> 00:09:51.840 Karen Tarapata: Okay, thank their their love their yard bigger and they're like, no, no, they were obviously not well yours. 162 00:09:52.440 --> 00:09:54.420 18456426153: And in physics and. 163 00:09:54.990 --> 00:09:57.330 Karen Tarapata: Hydro hydrology. 164 00:10:00.390 --> 00:10:01.140 18456426153: More history. 165 00:10:01.770 --> 00:10:02.640 yeah okay. 166 00:10:05.010 --> 00:10:09.630 michael esmay: Anyway, so when we saw that piece the thought crossed. 167 00:10:10.650 --> 00:10:11.520 michael esmay: our minds. 168 00:10:12.930 --> 00:10:14.910 michael esmay: By it, but then. 169 00:10:14.940 --> 00:10:16.350 we're not for 200,000. 170 00:10:17.820 --> 00:10:18.060 18456426153: But. 171 00:10:18.120 --> 00:10:19.470 michael esmay: I don't think it's worth it. 172 00:10:20.040 --> 00:10:21.810 Karen Tarapata: We need to have an obsessed. 173 00:10:22.380 --> 00:10:26.700 Karen Tarapata: yeah really is, do we do we approach the. 174 00:10:26.760 --> 00:10:27.390 seller. 175 00:10:29.670 --> 00:10:34.080 michael esmay: I don't know I don't know the words what would be the way we approach it. 176 00:10:37.410 --> 00:10:39.000 michael esmay: In and talk about taxes or. 177 00:10:42.540 --> 00:10:42.810 18456426153: No. 178 00:10:43.140 --> 00:10:45.270 Karen Tarapata: And I think that. 179 00:10:46.590 --> 00:10:54.150 Karen Tarapata: that's the question, what does the point think, would we get an appraisal first, would you approach, the owner first. 180 00:10:54.390 --> 00:10:55.800 Laurie Dodge: I have another question. 181 00:10:56.070 --> 00:10:58.080 Laurie Dodge: So, for all the properties. 182 00:10:58.080 --> 00:10:59.160 18456426153: That are. 183 00:10:59.460 --> 00:11:15.720 Laurie Dodge: That have but the south side of the stream so whatever the houses are and whatever those side streets are or even if they're just on blind broken, they are but do those do their property lines cross the stream to nine w do they all own the stream. 184 00:11:15.840 --> 00:11:16.980 Karen Tarapata: Mau Mau yes. 185 00:11:17.070 --> 00:11:19.830 Laurie Dodge: I mean, yes, keep saying nine w i'm sorry right old mountain. 186 00:11:21.690 --> 00:11:23.610 Laurie Dodge: Oh interesting they. 187 00:11:23.910 --> 00:11:25.920 18456426153: Only this one piece that's. 188 00:11:25.950 --> 00:11:26.880 Winston. 189 00:11:27.900 --> 00:11:31.860 Karen Tarapata: And that's the that's the only one where it's an actual separate lot. 190 00:11:32.370 --> 00:11:42.960 Karen Tarapata: Less than part of people's larger lots and cannot you know not big enough to be subdivided, this is a strange thing it's actually pretty big it's like. 191 00:11:42.990 --> 00:11:44.220 Karen Tarapata: 170 by. 192 00:11:44.220 --> 00:11:45.600 18456426153: 190 feet. 193 00:11:46.230 --> 00:11:48.420 Karen Tarapata: it's not a tiny lot but it's just not. 194 00:11:48.450 --> 00:11:49.350 Karen Tarapata: Really buildable. 195 00:11:50.190 --> 00:11:52.320 Karen Tarapata: The one thing the benefit of my stream. 196 00:11:52.410 --> 00:11:55.140 Karen Tarapata: overlay would be that we could have access. 197 00:11:55.170 --> 00:11:56.310 18456426153: If we ever needed. 198 00:11:57.030 --> 00:12:01.740 Karen Tarapata: To clear, something that was obstructing water flow. 199 00:12:01.920 --> 00:12:06.750 Karen Tarapata: Right now, we have no control or access or right to do anything. 200 00:12:07.980 --> 00:12:11.730 sylviajeff: But access would be limited to that lot not. 201 00:12:11.880 --> 00:12:12.990 sylviajeff: above or below it. 202 00:12:13.560 --> 00:12:14.280 18456426153: No it's. 203 00:12:14.640 --> 00:12:16.350 18456426153: An overlay we would have access. 204 00:12:16.350 --> 00:12:18.990 Karen Tarapata: To all of them for emergency purposes, that would be. 205 00:12:19.290 --> 00:12:19.710 sylviajeff: good to have. 206 00:12:20.760 --> 00:12:21.210 sylviajeff: Okay. 207 00:12:22.290 --> 00:12:23.040 sylviajeff: that's helpful. 208 00:12:23.730 --> 00:12:33.150 Karen Tarapata: So maybe that's better, but that doesn't that doesn't answer the question if we are rendering this lot valueless or not, but maybe we go ahead with the stream. 209 00:12:34.140 --> 00:12:47.040 Karen Tarapata: overlay and see what happened because, if someone were to sue us, for I taking that would require an appraisal of what its actual value is and that we could purchase it at that point. 210 00:12:48.960 --> 00:12:49.410 michael esmay: yeah. 211 00:12:51.540 --> 00:12:52.050 michael esmay: So. 212 00:12:52.350 --> 00:12:54.450 michael esmay: we're going to pursue the the. 213 00:12:55.530 --> 00:12:57.930 michael esmay: stream overlay see where that goes. 214 00:13:00.720 --> 00:13:05.250 Karen Tarapata: let's see let's look at some model laws and see what other people have done yeah. 215 00:13:07.350 --> 00:13:07.860 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 216 00:13:09.450 --> 00:13:13.890 Karen Tarapata: that's we still have 17 minutes before public hearing. 217 00:13:17.730 --> 00:13:21.090 michael esmay: You want to talk about the status of the zoning ordinance zoning yes. 218 00:13:22.650 --> 00:13:25.890 Karen Tarapata: That sounds great that's good we can actually get caught up on some things. 219 00:13:26.280 --> 00:13:26.760 michael esmay: well. 220 00:13:27.330 --> 00:13:28.590 Karen Tarapata: We are Mike on the whole. 221 00:13:29.040 --> 00:13:30.120 michael esmay: Well, would you say we're. 222 00:13:30.120 --> 00:13:32.610 michael esmay: About halfway through or even. 223 00:13:32.700 --> 00:13:33.390 michael esmay: That far. 224 00:13:34.890 --> 00:13:39.810 Noelle Wolfson: I think we're I think we're halfway through, I would say that's that's a good benchmark for where we are. 225 00:13:41.220 --> 00:13:41.550 Noelle Wolfson: Yes. 226 00:13:42.720 --> 00:13:47.340 michael esmay: But it's an amazing experience to do this, but keep on saying. 227 00:13:48.960 --> 00:13:52.320 michael esmay: We will spend an hour parsing word. 228 00:13:56.760 --> 00:14:15.450 Karen Tarapata: it's yeah it's it's up it's a very high level and I don't like a lot of what if thinking and that's What this really is like well what if what if someone were to come in and paint that pea green or or want to put a big sign on you know, on a poster. 229 00:14:16.530 --> 00:14:16.800 michael esmay: All. 230 00:14:17.310 --> 00:14:20.190 Karen Tarapata: You have to think about that you never really considered. 231 00:14:20.700 --> 00:14:27.180 michael esmay: Well, that was the That was the big question you said sign the big question is what's a sign. 232 00:14:28.800 --> 00:14:32.520 michael esmay: And that you know that starts a whole discussion about what's a sudden. 233 00:14:33.720 --> 00:14:42.120 michael esmay: You know assign it isn't necessarily words and Simon can be a picture could be you know signs or banners signs or flags, you know and it. 234 00:14:43.440 --> 00:14:45.240 michael esmay: was two hours and sullivan's right. 235 00:14:46.770 --> 00:14:54.360 Karen Tarapata: that's right and it was interesting because you know what we learned both from Noel and also from the last case law. 236 00:14:55.830 --> 00:15:06.180 Karen Tarapata: seminar was it the only things you can regulate our time place and manner of the sign, but not the it's time place and manner Is that correct. 237 00:15:06.750 --> 00:15:10.440 Noelle Wolfson: Yes, that's correct time place and manner is the standard for signs that's right. 238 00:15:10.530 --> 00:15:11.790 Karen Tarapata: But not the content. 239 00:15:12.870 --> 00:15:16.110 Karen Tarapata: Unless it's unless it's like ah, or something but. 240 00:15:16.680 --> 00:15:17.430 michael esmay: yeah so. 241 00:15:17.490 --> 00:15:18.540 Karen Tarapata: very interesting what. 242 00:15:18.540 --> 00:15:18.840 18456426153: You. 243 00:15:18.990 --> 00:15:20.610 Karen Tarapata: can say how big it is how aware. 244 00:15:20.610 --> 00:15:32.670 Karen Tarapata: tongue, how it, you know, we had a whole discussion about blade side, so you know the science of hanging perpendicular to a building like you would see a charming little town. 245 00:15:34.140 --> 00:15:43.410 Karen Tarapata: And whether or not you know we have them, whether we want them how many you would want let's say you, you know if you've had a an office, building on nine w with a number of the or. 246 00:15:44.400 --> 00:15:46.470 18456426153: develop them with a number of different shops. 247 00:15:47.130 --> 00:15:47.970 Karen Tarapata: Would it be would be. 248 00:15:48.030 --> 00:15:49.320 Karen Tarapata: Time Jeff small signs. 249 00:15:49.860 --> 00:15:57.090 Karen Tarapata: But this is for every little thing, so it has been quite Ken it's like the comprehensive plan you're like. 250 00:15:57.180 --> 00:15:58.470 Karen Tarapata: You talk about things that. 251 00:15:58.470 --> 00:16:02.970 Karen Tarapata: You never considered and you realize how thorny they can be. 252 00:16:03.600 --> 00:16:03.960 yep. 253 00:16:06.690 --> 00:16:08.280 michael esmay: it's fun actually. 254 00:16:08.970 --> 00:16:09.990 Karen Tarapata: it's fun, but i've after. 255 00:16:09.990 --> 00:16:11.820 Karen Tarapata: Two hours i'm exhausted. 256 00:16:11.880 --> 00:16:13.320 michael esmay: i'm oh yeah well No two hours is. 257 00:16:13.320 --> 00:16:14.010 18456426153: The cutoff off. 258 00:16:15.900 --> 00:16:17.550 Noelle Wolfson: So I think they're talking about are the things. 259 00:16:17.550 --> 00:16:25.230 Noelle Wolfson: That come up and applications, you know the parse out of words, what do they really mean, how do they really apply to a property and. 260 00:16:25.320 --> 00:16:27.540 Noelle Wolfson: intend to the regular These are all things that come. 261 00:16:27.750 --> 00:16:33.090 Noelle Wolfson: routinely in application so it's it's very time well spent to give it a lot of thought in the draft. 262 00:16:34.740 --> 00:16:36.000 Karen Tarapata: Well, today Mike and I. 263 00:16:36.000 --> 00:16:36.900 18456426153: were speaking. 264 00:16:36.930 --> 00:16:37.410 With. 265 00:16:38.580 --> 00:16:41.520 Karen Tarapata: The would you call a planner my. 266 00:16:41.880 --> 00:16:47.190 Karen Tarapata: planner planner the planner who worked on nine X. 267 00:16:47.640 --> 00:16:49.680 18456426153: Local waterfront plan. 268 00:16:50.250 --> 00:16:52.140 Karen Tarapata: And because we're looking at. 269 00:16:52.260 --> 00:16:53.370 18456426153: Something we discussed. 270 00:16:53.400 --> 00:16:53.850 Karen Tarapata: Before a. 271 00:16:53.880 --> 00:16:55.410 18456426153: harbor management plan. 272 00:16:55.980 --> 00:17:06.960 Karen Tarapata: Because we really need to get jurisdiction over our portions of the river and it was a very interesting discussion and he did suggest that we make. 273 00:17:07.170 --> 00:17:08.640 18456426153: A reference to. 274 00:17:08.640 --> 00:17:12.540 Karen Tarapata: The our desire for a harbor management plan. 275 00:17:12.600 --> 00:17:14.250 18456426153: In our comprehensive plan. 276 00:17:15.300 --> 00:17:16.350 18456426153: And we do speak. 277 00:17:16.350 --> 00:17:20.790 Karen Tarapata: about having a Hudson river overlay district. 278 00:17:21.540 --> 00:17:21.870 18456426153: and 279 00:17:21.900 --> 00:17:22.530 18456426153: In that. 280 00:17:22.620 --> 00:17:27.360 Karen Tarapata: chicken I think it's chapter 11 there may be a very logical place to. 281 00:17:27.420 --> 00:17:29.160 18456426153: add a line because. 282 00:17:29.700 --> 00:17:31.200 Karen Tarapata: If you have it in your comprehensive. 283 00:17:31.230 --> 00:17:32.670 18456426153: plan it's. 284 00:17:33.750 --> 00:17:45.060 Karen Tarapata: It shows your intention and when the state looks to give you that jurisdiction ultimately they'll say, well, was it in your comprehensive plan and we're at a perfect point. 285 00:17:45.660 --> 00:17:55.890 Karen Tarapata: To add it and say, yes, so it's really just looking again at a comprehensive plan and seeing, I think it would go with the Hudson river overlay district. 286 00:17:56.460 --> 00:18:07.890 Karen Tarapata: But we'll have to look and see because it would be a good addition Noel is that something we could do at the public hearing or this is going to have to be an amendment to the. 287 00:18:07.890 --> 00:18:09.150 18456426153: comprehensive plan. 288 00:18:09.540 --> 00:18:13.500 Noelle Wolfson: We haven't adopted sure so we'll have to hold another public hearing. 289 00:18:14.010 --> 00:18:15.840 Noelle Wolfson: to adapt the comprehensive plan. 290 00:18:16.050 --> 00:18:17.430 Noelle Wolfson: So I think you're still within. 291 00:18:17.430 --> 00:18:20.940 Noelle Wolfson: Your abilities to make modifications to it. 292 00:18:21.810 --> 00:18:33.720 Noelle Wolfson: Because it will be the subject of another public hearing the first public hearing was for the purpose of just collecting public content and truthfully we have a lot of public comment about a local waterfront redevelopment plan and our harper. 293 00:18:33.720 --> 00:18:34.950 18456426153: management was. 294 00:18:34.980 --> 00:18:36.240 Noelle Wolfson: Part of a couple of a comment. 295 00:18:36.750 --> 00:18:42.690 Noelle Wolfson: So how we want to incorporate it into the comprehensive plan is something that we can do, and then it will be the subject of the next hearing. 296 00:18:43.140 --> 00:18:56.220 Karen Tarapata: that's good good so i'll be able to review the comprehensive plan determine the best location for it and circulate it to the board and then we'll bring it up at the public here if the next public hearing. 297 00:18:58.440 --> 00:18:59.370 Karen Tarapata: Okay, good. 298 00:19:00.390 --> 00:19:05.070 Laurie Dodge: Karen Can you clarify the question that I had about the the paint. 299 00:19:05.190 --> 00:19:07.020 18456426153: restrictions or lack thereof. 300 00:19:08.670 --> 00:19:22.680 Karen Tarapata: Okay, and when we adopted the architectural review board update and gave them more power to actually comment on applications, one of the visions that we put in, there was that. 301 00:19:23.460 --> 00:19:34.230 Karen Tarapata: painting should be substantially similar to what's there, unless you in order to not go to the architectural review board paint color should be substantially similar. 302 00:19:35.190 --> 00:19:37.140 Laurie Dodge: To what House already is. 303 00:19:37.590 --> 00:19:45.210 Karen Tarapata: And that is that everyone seems to find that probably problematic the IRB didn't really mind it. 304 00:19:45.240 --> 00:19:46.290 Karen Tarapata: Until they. 305 00:19:46.290 --> 00:19:46.650 18456426153: sort of. 306 00:19:46.830 --> 00:19:48.090 began to realize. 307 00:19:49.380 --> 00:19:54.870 Karen Tarapata: That that's there are so many issues about that so it's something that we. 308 00:19:54.990 --> 00:19:58.410 18456426153: We obviously unintended consequences. 309 00:19:59.130 --> 00:20:08.070 Karen Tarapata: So now there's been meetings of the ARV meetings with the aarp on themselves with Donna Roy with the well they're going to give us. 310 00:20:08.100 --> 00:20:09.930 18456426153: Their recommendations okay. 311 00:20:10.590 --> 00:20:20.850 Karen Tarapata: And then we can because we're the legislators they're the administrators of it but we're the legislators, we will can make an amendment to the ARV law. 312 00:20:22.080 --> 00:20:29.280 Karen Tarapata: And currently we're I think we're just sort of not enforcing that provision because. 313 00:20:30.180 --> 00:20:33.120 18456426153: there's it doesn't seem to be something that. 314 00:20:33.150 --> 00:20:36.180 Karen Tarapata: We really know what they said is Is that correct. 315 00:20:36.930 --> 00:20:39.000 Noelle Wolfson: Yes, they're they're sort of a state of. 316 00:20:39.000 --> 00:20:40.470 18456426153: Enforcement and. 317 00:20:42.300 --> 00:20:43.590 18456426153: There was another way to put it. 318 00:20:44.970 --> 00:21:00.870 Karen Tarapata: But it is something that needs to be adjusted I don't think we really want to get into the business of telling people exactly what color they can paint but there was a discussion of could there be certain. 319 00:21:02.280 --> 00:21:03.540 18456426153: Things that we would. 320 00:21:04.260 --> 00:21:20.190 Karen Tarapata: Certain colors that would require going to the ARV and perhaps those are things have a very high saturation or chroma we can stay in a very vivid colors and there are there is language around. 321 00:21:21.330 --> 00:21:28.320 Karen Tarapata: sort of quantifying of vividness that if you really wanted to paint your House of neon. 322 00:21:28.560 --> 00:21:30.330 18456426153: That you would have to go to the IRB. 323 00:21:31.260 --> 00:21:36.780 Karen Tarapata: So I, I think, Michael and Noel and I are going to be looking for. 324 00:21:38.070 --> 00:21:51.030 Karen Tarapata: Language to sort of flip it around rather than singing, we have to approve it, or like if you really, really want to do something right got to talk to us and there and there, hopefully ways that we can do that, that. 325 00:21:51.240 --> 00:21:53.430 18456426153: are simple so that. 326 00:21:53.670 --> 00:21:55.860 18456426153: The average person can understand. 327 00:21:56.520 --> 00:21:58.470 18456426153: The bar that will be they'll have to. 328 00:21:59.400 --> 00:22:01.500 Karen Tarapata: Cross if if they want a really vivid. 329 00:22:01.500 --> 00:22:03.900 18456426153: color gotcha okay thanks. 330 00:22:07.650 --> 00:22:09.300 Karen Tarapata: eight minutes to go anything else. 331 00:22:09.600 --> 00:22:10.980 Laurie Dodge: Yes, I have another comment. 332 00:22:11.760 --> 00:22:13.140 Laurie Dodge: Just because i've been noticing an. 333 00:22:13.170 --> 00:22:14.100 Laurie Dodge: uptick again. 334 00:22:14.130 --> 00:22:15.870 Laurie Dodge: I hate to say it in truck traffic. 335 00:22:16.260 --> 00:22:16.800 michael esmay: yeah. 336 00:22:16.860 --> 00:22:21.960 Laurie Dodge: And I think we really need to have instead of the Clark town police sitting at Camp Rama. 337 00:22:22.710 --> 00:22:24.420 Laurie Dodge: which they do really very often I. 338 00:22:24.420 --> 00:22:29.040 Laurie Dodge: think we might need to ask them to sit on that corner because they're just the. 339 00:22:29.550 --> 00:22:43.140 Laurie Dodge: Whatever whether it's ways or Google, that the trucks are I mean every day they're probably five or six massive 18 wheelers going through that aren't doing local deliveries and so it's just a matter of time before. 340 00:22:43.590 --> 00:22:49.650 Laurie Dodge: You know they crash into the car growls again or whatever, I mean that I think without having. 341 00:22:51.780 --> 00:22:58.710 Laurie Dodge: I guys I don't I mean I don't think talking about signage I mean I don't know that we want huge you know know truck signs. 342 00:22:59.850 --> 00:23:05.640 Laurie Dodge: mean, obviously we have a little ones that have the truck with the slash through it, but they're either not seeing. 343 00:23:06.780 --> 00:23:07.740 Karen Tarapata: A local deliveries. 344 00:23:07.800 --> 00:23:13.980 Karen Tarapata: Only but without enforcement I don't know what to do, that's it's a tough one. 345 00:23:14.280 --> 00:23:20.790 sylviajeff: yeah hurry, when you say absolutely moving them from the camp, to the corner the corner. 346 00:23:21.420 --> 00:23:24.450 sylviajeff: Nine w was that the corner Midland or. 347 00:23:24.510 --> 00:23:38.340 Laurie Dodge: um I will, I think they're coming off of nine w so yeah I would I mean every time I go over Christian, Harold which isn't you know I can't say i'm doing it multiple times a day, but every time I do go over there's a clark's town policeman sitting there. 348 00:23:38.670 --> 00:23:39.750 18456426153: Doing paperwork. 349 00:23:40.260 --> 00:23:43.080 Laurie Dodge: And you know with respect to them if they can. 350 00:23:43.350 --> 00:23:44.820 Laurie Dodge: move their operation. 351 00:23:44.820 --> 00:23:45.810 Laurie Dodge: and pay attention. 352 00:23:45.840 --> 00:23:48.870 Laurie Dodge: To the four corners of Christian herald old mountain road nine. 353 00:23:48.870 --> 00:23:50.700 Laurie Dodge: w and they start to give. 354 00:23:50.730 --> 00:23:53.580 Laurie Dodge: tickets, I think the word will get out. 355 00:23:54.000 --> 00:23:56.340 Laurie Dodge: You know, because obviously these truckers. 356 00:23:56.340 --> 00:23:56.670 18456426153: Are. 357 00:23:56.760 --> 00:24:04.350 Laurie Dodge: I mean they're not talking to one another, or if they are it's I don't I don't know what they're saying I can't imagine that they wanted thing on this road. 358 00:24:05.010 --> 00:24:05.460 Radio. 359 00:24:06.960 --> 00:24:07.980 Karen Tarapata: is a good thing. 360 00:24:08.220 --> 00:24:15.630 Laurie Dodge: yeah so they're just following Google in ways which is you know they Google in ways will do anything to cut two seconds off your trip so. 361 00:24:15.900 --> 00:24:22.290 Laurie Dodge: they're not paying attention but it's obvious when they drive through here, you can almost hear the conversation that's going on in their head, which is. 362 00:24:22.290 --> 00:24:35.040 Laurie Dodge: Like where Am I and Why did I get off nine w to be punted through this tiny town to get back on my w again it just like it just doesn't make any sense, but I think. 363 00:24:35.520 --> 00:24:36.750 Karen Tarapata: bringing it up to La. 364 00:24:37.260 --> 00:24:40.530 Karen Tarapata: Bring to officer Davies. 365 00:24:40.590 --> 00:24:46.020 Laurie Dodge: neck when we the next call okay so i'm just letting you all know, i'm going to do it because I really I think we need to. 366 00:24:46.020 --> 00:24:46.500 18456426153: Have. 367 00:24:46.890 --> 00:24:48.480 Laurie Dodge: A police presence at that. 368 00:24:48.480 --> 00:25:00.840 Laurie Dodge: corner, for I don't the times that that I see the trucks going by my house or it's very really I mean it's in the morning as actually all the time it's just it's random, so I don't know what times they. 369 00:25:02.340 --> 00:25:05.730 Karen Tarapata: pay attention for the next week and see if you could ask them. 370 00:25:06.090 --> 00:25:06.960 If we're not. 371 00:25:08.100 --> 00:25:10.110 Karen Tarapata: they'll come and sit for two minutes to drive on. 372 00:25:10.110 --> 00:25:11.130 Laurie Dodge: they'll drive yeah. 373 00:25:11.310 --> 00:25:14.610 Karen Tarapata: don't have to ask them to do an enforcement action. 374 00:25:15.120 --> 00:25:17.370 Karen Tarapata: You have to give a parameter. 375 00:25:17.400 --> 00:25:18.450 Karen Tarapata: A real, specific. 376 00:25:18.450 --> 00:25:23.970 Laurie Dodge: parameter well, I will do my best, the trucks come all day, so I think it's me, maybe just us saying. 377 00:25:24.360 --> 00:25:36.750 Laurie Dodge: Oh, you know, can you sit there do a morning shift or do an afternoon shift or do an evening shift and and sort of like we do with the signs on the side of the road they're going to have to change it up, because I, there is a. 378 00:25:37.050 --> 00:25:44.730 Karen Tarapata: good thing that we're going to get a better result PD if we give them we want you there from eight to 10 in the morning. 379 00:25:45.180 --> 00:25:46.200 Karen Tarapata: For three days. 380 00:25:46.260 --> 00:25:48.360 Laurie Dodge: And just see what happens yeah okay that's. 381 00:25:48.840 --> 00:25:50.190 Karen Tarapata: run by it'll be like the. 382 00:25:51.120 --> 00:25:51.420 Laurie Dodge: Right. 383 00:25:51.480 --> 00:25:56.430 Karen Tarapata: You know there'll be like the parking where I say, can you give a ticket they write a ticket and then they don't come back to six. 384 00:25:56.970 --> 00:26:01.140 michael esmay: Right, I wonder if there's a truckers support group. 385 00:26:02.070 --> 00:26:02.700 Laurie Dodge: yeah right. 386 00:26:02.790 --> 00:26:05.490 Karen Tarapata: They say that they're they're hiring more more. 387 00:26:05.880 --> 00:26:07.050 18456426153: Random and they're. 388 00:26:07.110 --> 00:26:10.080 michael esmay: they're not professional and them yeah well you know. 389 00:26:10.860 --> 00:26:16.140 18456426153: To have what the treasures newspaper or truckers, something that would. 390 00:26:16.650 --> 00:26:19.500 michael esmay: note the fact that don't drive through overnight. 391 00:26:20.400 --> 00:26:23.250 Karen Tarapata: I mean get a hold of the Amazon warehouse to. 392 00:26:23.250 --> 00:26:23.790 michael esmay: start. 393 00:26:24.720 --> 00:26:27.210 Karen Tarapata: Maybe that, but they are 18 wheelers. 394 00:26:27.330 --> 00:26:29.580 Laurie Dodge: Learn yeah yeah they're all 18 wheelers. 395 00:26:32.370 --> 00:26:34.560 Karen Tarapata: village Hall, because if they come down on that. 396 00:26:34.620 --> 00:26:36.000 18456426153: they're going to have to stop. 397 00:26:36.720 --> 00:26:38.190 Karen Tarapata: And this is not a truck route. 398 00:26:38.670 --> 00:26:41.550 Laurie Dodge: know, and they also come down birchwood some days. 399 00:26:41.550 --> 00:26:41.940 Karen Tarapata: To. 400 00:26:42.570 --> 00:26:47.040 Karen Tarapata: But if they sat across from village Hall, they would catch everybody going so. 401 00:26:47.880 --> 00:26:51.090 Laurie Dodge: Oh right yes that's true that's true. 402 00:26:53.550 --> 00:27:03.720 Karen Tarapata: I think that's better than asking them to do nine w so you just catch the ones that have come down and then they'll tell their employers and maybe they'll stop. 403 00:27:06.930 --> 00:27:15.390 sylviajeff: I think we've eliminated two ways, it may make sense that we should take them, because that will have an immediate effect and get word of mouth going. 404 00:27:16.140 --> 00:27:22.770 sylviajeff: The truth is, though, I think that they are also just following the lead of Google and ways and all that stuff and. 405 00:27:23.520 --> 00:27:35.070 sylviajeff: If we could sort of stop them if we can have the police officer stay where maybe the gas station is up at nine w he might be able to stop them by time they got Midland because I every block they go against works. 406 00:27:36.420 --> 00:27:36.990 sylviajeff: On broadway. 407 00:27:37.110 --> 00:27:38.250 sylviajeff: And then it's going to knock. 408 00:27:38.250 --> 00:27:40.890 sylviajeff: In the guardrail up there, so. 409 00:27:41.460 --> 00:27:44.310 Karen Tarapata: Possible maybe that's it is Midland. 410 00:27:45.330 --> 00:27:50.730 Karen Tarapata: And if i'm thinking there's no really for them to park at quarterback except to the gas station. 411 00:27:51.300 --> 00:27:54.240 Laurie Dodge: Have a baby yeah I mean they can park there. 412 00:27:54.690 --> 00:28:00.210 Karen Tarapata: That is private property, you know it's like I don't know if they would do it right, but if we. 413 00:28:00.330 --> 00:28:03.780 sylviajeff: Actually, there is the street right behind the gas station. 414 00:28:04.020 --> 00:28:06.840 sylviajeff: That they could stay at, and that is not private. 415 00:28:08.130 --> 00:28:08.850 Karen Tarapata: Right, the old what. 416 00:28:08.880 --> 00:28:09.720 18456426153: used to be. 417 00:28:10.440 --> 00:28:11.130 The old. 418 00:28:12.180 --> 00:28:12.570 Laurie Dodge: Through. 419 00:28:13.380 --> 00:28:14.850 sylviajeff: The street now right. 420 00:28:16.860 --> 00:28:17.910 michael esmay: At the end of all. 421 00:28:21.510 --> 00:28:22.020 Right. 422 00:28:23.040 --> 00:28:28.740 Karen Tarapata: That is all right, just the last little bit from there on it's not all not it's actually Christian, Harold. 423 00:28:29.250 --> 00:28:29.940 michael esmay: that's right. 424 00:28:31.410 --> 00:28:31.740 sylviajeff: All right. 425 00:28:32.100 --> 00:28:33.690 Karen Tarapata: Okay let's do that will. 426 00:28:33.750 --> 00:28:36.180 18456426153: bring it up with the police next week okay. 427 00:28:36.960 --> 00:28:37.500 18456426153: There we go. 428 00:28:37.740 --> 00:28:39.210 Karen Tarapata: It is now 729. 429 00:28:41.880 --> 00:28:44.520 Karen Tarapata: So we can get ready heather are you ready to read the. 430 00:28:45.540 --> 00:28:46.410 18456426153: notice. 431 00:28:46.980 --> 00:28:48.030 Heather Candella: I am ready. 432 00:28:50.580 --> 00:28:55.560 Karen Tarapata: Alright So here we go with whenever it gets 730 we can go ahead and do this. 433 00:29:08.070 --> 00:29:09.840 michael esmay: Watch jeopardy theme. 434 00:29:14.580 --> 00:29:16.110 Karen Tarapata: Oh, my goodness, yes it's. 435 00:29:16.770 --> 00:29:17.610 Karen Tarapata: right ahead. 436 00:29:17.850 --> 00:29:18.270 Okay. 437 00:29:19.410 --> 00:29:29.550 Heather Candella: Please take notice that the board of trustees of the village of upper nyack will hold a public hearing on April 8 2021 at 7:30pm. 438 00:29:29.970 --> 00:29:36.840 18456426153: To consider the adoption of a proposed local law amending the official zoning map of the village of upper nyack. 439 00:29:37.800 --> 00:29:48.090 Heather Candella: To include five parcels of land to be annexed into the village and to locate such parcels in the villages laboratory office Lol zoning district. 440 00:29:49.140 --> 00:30:10.950 Heather Candella: This law will also be known as local law number three of 2021 the full text of the proposed law is available on the villages website at https colon slash slash www.up or nyack dash New York ny.us backslash due to the coven. 441 00:30:12.390 --> 00:30:18.750 Heather Candella: pandemic the village Board of Trustees will not be meeting in person, in accordance with the applicable. 442 00:30:19.230 --> 00:30:28.620 Heather Candella: executive orders here to issued by the State of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo suspending certain provisions of the New York state open meetings law. 443 00:30:29.100 --> 00:30:34.440 Heather Candella: The meeting will be held via video conferencing, and a transcript will be provided at a later date. 444 00:30:35.310 --> 00:30:43.590 Heather Candella: The public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments to access the meeting, please village. 445 00:30:44.100 --> 00:31:03.600 Heather Candella: Please visit the villages website for ID number and password comments and questions can also be provided via email before the meeting to Carol G brotherhood village clerk at village clerk at upper nyack dash ny.us dated march 10 2021. 446 00:31:03.630 --> 00:31:05.250 Heather Candella: Carol G brotherhood village. 447 00:31:05.250 --> 00:31:05.580 clerk. 448 00:31:09.330 --> 00:31:29.190 Karen Tarapata: For I asked us to open the public curious, I want to acknowledge that the neg deck under secret for this local law was adopted on February 18 before the annexation petition public hearing that was held jointly with the town of clark's town on march 9 2021. 449 00:31:30.240 --> 00:31:32.850 Karen Tarapata: All right, with someone make a motion to open the public hearing. 450 00:31:34.140 --> 00:31:35.220 sylviajeff: i'll make a motion to. 451 00:31:35.610 --> 00:31:37.380 Laurie Dodge: make a motion to open up sorry. 452 00:31:38.670 --> 00:31:39.750 Karen Tarapata: All right, Laura your second. 453 00:31:39.810 --> 00:31:41.010 Laurie Dodge: i'll second yep. 454 00:31:41.640 --> 00:31:43.050 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 455 00:31:43.710 --> 00:31:45.060 sylviajeff: Aye Aye dress. 456 00:31:46.770 --> 00:31:47.490 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 457 00:31:48.480 --> 00:31:49.020 I can. 458 00:31:50.460 --> 00:31:51.420 Karen Tarapata: Karen I. 459 00:31:52.530 --> 00:31:59.400 Karen Tarapata: Alright, public hearing is open, is there any member of the public who wishes to speak on this matter. 460 00:32:05.700 --> 00:32:15.060 Karen Tarapata: As there are no members of the public who wish to speak on local law number three of 2021 I would ask that someone make a motion to close the public hearing. 461 00:32:15.930 --> 00:32:18.450 Kennon Rothchild: Just can I move we close the public hearing. 462 00:32:21.780 --> 00:32:23.310 Laurie Dodge: Can I guess it l'oreal second. 463 00:32:24.360 --> 00:32:25.650 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 464 00:32:26.160 --> 00:32:26.670 michael esmay: Like I. 465 00:32:28.530 --> 00:32:28.830 sylviajeff: Just. 466 00:32:30.000 --> 00:32:30.540 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 467 00:32:31.110 --> 00:32:31.920 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 468 00:32:33.690 --> 00:32:36.570 Karen Tarapata: ran on public hearing is closed. 469 00:32:37.860 --> 00:32:46.530 Karen Tarapata: Now if you'd like I can read the local law again if it's a short one i'm not going to read all the schedules. 470 00:32:46.890 --> 00:32:47.940 18456426153: But just for the record. 471 00:32:48.720 --> 00:32:56.430 Karen Tarapata: village of upper nyack local Law three of 2021 being enacted by the board of trustees of the village of upper neck as. 472 00:32:56.430 --> 00:32:58.890 18456426153: follows section final. 473 00:32:59.340 --> 00:33:02.940 Karen Tarapata: A local law amending the official zoning map of the ability of upper nyack. 474 00:33:03.300 --> 00:33:05.220 18456426153: To include five parcels of land. 475 00:33:05.280 --> 00:33:06.660 Karen Tarapata: To be annex into the village. 476 00:33:06.990 --> 00:33:14.940 Karen Tarapata: And to locate such parcels in the villages laboratory office ella zoning district section to legislative intent. 477 00:33:15.570 --> 00:33:19.650 Karen Tarapata: The purpose of this local law is to amend the official zoning map of the village of offering. 478 00:33:20.460 --> 00:33:32.220 Karen Tarapata: To include the annexation properties defined in Section three below on the official zoning map of the village of upper daya and locate such properties within the villages laboratory office elmo zoning district. 479 00:33:32.610 --> 00:33:35.220 18456426153: immediately upon the annexation into the village. 480 00:33:36.330 --> 00:33:51.750 Karen Tarapata: Section three zoning map amendment the official zoning map of the village of upper neck is hereby amended to include there on the properties, known as and described on the official text nap the town of yorktown as tex Mex map numbers. 481 00:33:51.900 --> 00:33:52.440 18456426153: If you go. 482 00:33:53.220 --> 00:33:56.340 Karen Tarapata: 50 912 dash one dash. 483 00:33:56.370 --> 00:33:59.550 18456426153: One 550 9.12. 484 00:33:59.670 --> 00:34:03.660 18456426153: dash one dash one 650 911 to. 485 00:34:04.020 --> 00:34:09.480 Karen Tarapata: One dash one 750 9.12 dash one dash one eight. 486 00:34:10.110 --> 00:34:11.970 18456426153: And 59.12. 487 00:34:12.060 --> 00:34:13.710 Karen Tarapata: dash one dash one nine. 488 00:34:14.220 --> 00:34:16.350 18456426153: and, more particularly, described by metes and. 489 00:34:16.350 --> 00:34:18.240 Karen Tarapata: bounds on schedule a annex. 490 00:34:18.360 --> 00:34:19.590 18456426153: Year two and. 491 00:34:19.620 --> 00:34:20.730 18456426153: part here on. 492 00:34:21.120 --> 00:34:29.220 Karen Tarapata: Collectively, the annexation properties and to locate the annexation properties in the villages laboratory office Lol zoning district. 493 00:34:30.300 --> 00:34:31.950 18456426153: Section for when effective. 494 00:34:32.460 --> 00:34:33.930 Karen Tarapata: This local laws to take effect. 495 00:34:34.020 --> 00:34:35.340 Karen Tarapata: immediately upon filing with. 496 00:34:35.340 --> 00:34:36.510 18456426153: The Secretary of State. 497 00:34:36.930 --> 00:34:41.730 18456426153: For the date that the annexation properties are enix into the village whichever is later. 498 00:34:44.100 --> 00:34:45.510 Karen Tarapata: Alright, with somebody make. 499 00:34:45.540 --> 00:34:46.950 18456426153: A motion to adopt. 500 00:34:47.070 --> 00:34:49.080 Karen Tarapata: Local on number three of 2021. 501 00:34:50.670 --> 00:34:51.780 18456426153: I would like to make that. 502 00:34:51.780 --> 00:34:53.070 michael esmay: Motion Michael. 503 00:34:59.160 --> 00:35:00.540 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 504 00:35:01.680 --> 00:35:02.400 michael esmay: Like I. 505 00:35:03.120 --> 00:35:03.870 sylviajeff: said, if I. 506 00:35:04.740 --> 00:35:05.250 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 507 00:35:05.820 --> 00:35:06.600 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 508 00:35:07.560 --> 00:35:14.070 Karen Tarapata: Parents Karen hi all right, we have some new lands in our village. 509 00:35:15.690 --> 00:35:15.840 Laurie Dodge: Right. 510 00:35:16.620 --> 00:35:18.750 Noelle Wolfson: Now yeah we just have the zoning for them will enter. 511 00:35:19.050 --> 00:35:20.970 Noelle Wolfson: into the village officially at a later meeting. 512 00:35:23.010 --> 00:35:23.940 18456426153: At the next meeting. 513 00:35:24.000 --> 00:35:25.650 Karen Tarapata: Correct yeah one more step. 514 00:35:26.100 --> 00:35:26.760 we're getting. 515 00:35:29.820 --> 00:35:30.270 Laurie Dodge: Whereas. 516 00:35:31.020 --> 00:35:32.280 Laurie Dodge: Now I just. 517 00:35:32.790 --> 00:35:34.440 Kennon Rothchild: miss the old days. 518 00:35:34.500 --> 00:35:36.540 Kennon Rothchild: When he just moved your troops in and took it. 519 00:35:40.680 --> 00:35:41.400 Laurie Dodge: To the crest. 520 00:35:44.550 --> 00:35:45.360 Karen Tarapata: More altitude. 521 00:35:47.280 --> 00:35:47.670 Karen Tarapata: Much. 522 00:35:48.060 --> 00:35:48.840 Karen Tarapata: Probably changed. 523 00:35:48.900 --> 00:35:51.270 Karen Tarapata: Her elevation above sea level on average. 524 00:35:54.180 --> 00:35:57.540 Kennon Rothchild: We can all move there when a global warming takes over it that's. 525 00:35:58.230 --> 00:35:58.350 A. 526 00:36:00.690 --> 00:36:01.830 Karen Tarapata: web they do all. 527 00:36:02.220 --> 00:36:03.180 Karen Tarapata: North broadway. 528 00:36:03.360 --> 00:36:03.750 Right. 529 00:36:04.920 --> 00:36:05.940 Laurie Dodge: Because the question to. 530 00:36:05.940 --> 00:36:06.780 Laurie Dodge: carry over you. 531 00:36:06.960 --> 00:36:07.710 Karen Tarapata: Yes, terrell. 532 00:36:10.710 --> 00:36:22.290 18456426153: We sent out referrals on this local law, and we did receive we did receive responses and I don't know if it's too late to just mentioned that we we got them. 533 00:36:23.460 --> 00:36:28.350 18456426153: We received a response from the New York State Department of Transportation. 534 00:36:29.610 --> 00:36:39.450 18456426153: From the rockland county department of planning and from the town of Clark sound department of planning and all of them, the comments were all to. 535 00:36:40.860 --> 00:36:43.500 18456426153: To the matter for local determination. 536 00:36:44.460 --> 00:36:45.240 18456426153: Thank you Karen. 537 00:36:45.330 --> 00:36:45.930 18456426153: I did not. 538 00:36:46.110 --> 00:36:48.480 Karen Tarapata: Have those with me tonight. 539 00:36:49.380 --> 00:36:49.620 yep. 540 00:36:51.690 --> 00:36:51.900 18456426153: well. 541 00:36:52.230 --> 00:36:54.420 Karen Tarapata: So we did do all our referrals directly. 542 00:36:57.660 --> 00:36:59.130 Karen Tarapata: Is there anything else that. 543 00:36:59.160 --> 00:37:00.600 18456426153: Anyone would like to speak. 544 00:37:00.810 --> 00:37:02.310 Karen Tarapata: Of tonight, otherwise I would. 545 00:37:02.310 --> 00:37:03.330 Karen Tarapata: Ask that me. 546 00:37:03.990 --> 00:37:05.610 18456426153: make a motion to end the special meaning. 547 00:37:07.410 --> 00:37:08.070 michael esmay: The good one. 548 00:37:10.740 --> 00:37:14.340 Karen Tarapata: Who would make a motion, who will make a motion to end this special evening. 549 00:37:15.030 --> 00:37:16.140 Laurie Dodge: I will miss lori. 550 00:37:16.800 --> 00:37:17.340 18456426153: Great. 551 00:37:17.820 --> 00:37:18.630 Can I get a second. 552 00:37:20.940 --> 00:37:21.960 Kennon Rothchild: 10 mil spec at it. 553 00:37:23.100 --> 00:37:25.650 Laurie Dodge: All in favor say Aye Aye lori. 554 00:37:27.750 --> 00:37:28.500 sylviajeff: hi Jeff. 555 00:37:29.490 --> 00:37:30.120 michael esmay: I Mike. 556 00:37:30.960 --> 00:37:38.820 Karen Tarapata: I Karen Thank you so much, everybody and yeah next week's going to be a big one, and a long one, I think. 557 00:37:39.390 --> 00:37:39.570 Right. 558 00:37:41.310 --> 00:37:41.910 Karen Tarapata: yeah really. 559 00:37:43.080 --> 00:37:45.120 Karen Tarapata: People are very interested in. 560 00:37:45.120 --> 00:37:45.450 This. 561 00:37:46.710 --> 00:37:48.990 Karen Tarapata: Noise law, and I think we're going to get some good. 562 00:37:48.990 --> 00:37:53.070 Karen Tarapata: comments and there's always a chance that it will be continued until May. 563 00:37:53.790 --> 00:37:55.110 michael esmay: you've already gotten some. 564 00:37:55.560 --> 00:37:55.920 yep. 565 00:37:57.660 --> 00:38:11.370 Karen Tarapata: I definitely have and and some of them are interesting and reasonable so we'll see I just came across the card for the panel discussion, you know we've been talking about this for a very long time. 566 00:38:12.540 --> 00:38:20.130 Karen Tarapata: And I think I still think that this new noise law is going to get a much greater public benefit than one strictly focused on Lon acquit. 567 00:38:22.470 --> 00:38:25.170 Karen Tarapata: All right, I will see you all next week, if I don't see you soon. 568 00:38:25.980 --> 00:38:27.750 Laurie Dodge: Have a great night every. 569 00:38:28.230 --> 00:38:29.040 Laurie Dodge: Night night. 570 00:38:29.310 --> 00:38:31.170 Karen Tarapata: Everybody everybody. 571 00:38:32.070 --> 00:38:33.840 Karen Tarapata: Night night.