WEBVTT 1 00:00:04.259 --> 00:00:09.330 Karen Tarapata: Good evening everyone, this is the village of upper night Board of Trustees regular meeting. 2 00:00:10.769 --> 00:00:28.320 Karen Tarapata: December 16 2021 we do have a quorum of lori dodge Jeff Epstein and rough childhood rothschilds so just joined and myself here entire pata we're expecting trustee Mike as May to join presently. 3 00:00:29.520 --> 00:00:37.260 Karen Tarapata: And I would say that we could start the meeting with having our unity officer now's Davies, give the police report. 4 00:00:39.420 --> 00:00:42.540 18456395980: Hello good afternoon everybody hope you can hear me correct. 5 00:00:42.960 --> 00:00:56.820 18456395980: yeah good good good good, so I ran the numbers from the last meeting until today, there were no car accidents in the village, which absolutely amazes me, I think that that's fantastic. 6 00:00:58.410 --> 00:01:09.900 18456395980: Our officers continue to do area checks of different locations in the village they do school checks and they're doing cultural and religious checks, they make sure they do those every day. 7 00:01:10.620 --> 00:01:23.100 18456395980: There were no animal calls there was one call for assistance, which was on North broadway and ended up being a garbage company put a accidentally put a dumpster. 8 00:01:23.520 --> 00:01:30.810 18456395980: In the wrong to went to the wrong address, so our officers were down there and were able to figure out and get got the dumpster moved. 9 00:01:31.590 --> 00:01:36.090 18456395980: There were no burglaries that happened in the village, there was a one fire. 10 00:01:36.600 --> 00:01:46.170 18456395980: And it was on a cedar avenue, and it ended up being a defective water heater that caught on fire and caused a smoke condition inside the House no fireworks. 11 00:01:46.950 --> 00:02:01.770 18456395980: There were no fraud or scams reported in the village, but the the usual ones are still going on, and we are starting to see, although not in quarks that i'm starting to hear about a coded scam. 12 00:02:02.760 --> 00:02:09.570 18456395980: And, basically, what happens is a resident will get a call from somebody who says that they're from a health department. 13 00:02:10.260 --> 00:02:22.110 18456395980: And they tell tell the person that you were exposed to somebody that had all that there isn't right now they're using the delta variant and they're saying that the person that. 14 00:02:22.830 --> 00:02:32.580 18456395980: exposed koba to you is currently in the hospital they're in pretty bad shape and they're recommending that they send you a pre coated kit. 15 00:02:33.780 --> 00:02:44.700 18456395980: They asked the resident to confirm their address and then they'll say okay we're going to put the pre call the testing kit in the mail but we're just going to need a credit card for the. 16 00:02:45.630 --> 00:02:54.000 18456395980: For the for the mailing for the expenses, the mailing problem is is that once they have the credit card, they can use that to make all kinds of different purchases. 17 00:02:54.480 --> 00:03:03.510 18456395980: or they'll ask the person to verify their birthday and their social security number so that's just something to look out for. 18 00:03:04.650 --> 00:03:17.070 18456395980: We did not have any juvenile complaints, there was one reported the laptop a person, a resident was expecting a delivery of a number of laptops on tompkins avenue. 19 00:03:17.520 --> 00:03:30.030 18456395980: And one of them wasn't delivered we went down there, we were able to track it back and the Amazon had delivered three laptops instead of four. 20 00:03:30.690 --> 00:03:35.640 18456395980: They ended up having the other one on the truck and they were able to deliver it so it was not an actual larceny. 21 00:03:36.480 --> 00:03:45.630 18456395980: There were no larceny from vehicles in the village, but again make sure you at the residents know that we're still having that issue in town. 22 00:03:46.620 --> 00:03:58.680 18456395980: People are going into you know people's Anwar cars at this point, so this reminds the residents to make sure that they keep their vehicles lock but also make sure that they bring their keys keys in. 23 00:04:00.060 --> 00:04:12.990 18456395980: As everybody knows, or hopefully knows the noise ordinance with the leaf blowers expired yesterday, today, we had to call a one on one on on North broadway. 24 00:04:13.650 --> 00:04:24.180 18456395980: The one on one excel or officer responded as well as the new code enforcement officer and it was handled fantastically our officers had. 25 00:04:24.780 --> 00:04:35.700 18456395980: Very high praise for the code enforcement officer, so thank you very much for that the one on North broadway by the time the officer got there, it was all quiet today mark that as. 26 00:04:36.150 --> 00:04:48.750 18456395980: Not not as unfounded, but I know property damage reports, there were no reports of anybody coming into the village to take or go through the recycling, which is good. 27 00:04:49.920 --> 00:05:05.520 18456395980: topic that I added that this month is ongoing speed complaints that our traffic unit is aware of, as well as or or parole officers oh so we have complaints of speeding on Capitol heights on old mountain. 28 00:05:06.420 --> 00:05:25.650 18456395980: Speeding and parking issues on North broadway by the elementary school speeding on upper birchwood and overnight parker's in the village now, there were no stolen cars in the village, but we have had a number of them in the village in the in the town. 29 00:05:26.880 --> 00:05:39.060 18456395980: All those where people leaving their key fobs in the car, there were no suspicious incidents in the village or no robbery calls no trespassing calls. 30 00:05:40.080 --> 00:05:51.420 18456395980: In a county wide there was a increase in the overdoses year to date there's been 350 which resulted in 58 deaths and 292 people survived. 31 00:05:52.140 --> 00:06:09.540 18456395980: But it's out of Clark sound we had 104 reported overdoses with 17 people dying and 87 people surviving and again we're still having that issue that I brought up last month with fighting fentanyl in the marijuana. 32 00:06:10.620 --> 00:06:15.330 18456395980: that's my report if anybody has any questions or comments. 33 00:06:16.920 --> 00:06:25.710 18456395980: be more than happy to listen to them and I forgot to mention before that let's add in for any any who's in charge of special operations is a is also with me. 34 00:06:30.150 --> 00:06:30.690 Jeffrey Epstein: Excellent. 35 00:06:30.780 --> 00:06:39.090 18456395980: Is anybody does anybody have any questions comments anything they would that they want to report anything that they feel that we should be looking more into. 36 00:06:41.130 --> 00:06:41.310 Kennon Rothchild: That. 37 00:06:43.020 --> 00:06:51.180 Kennon Rothchild: I would just say yeah at least from my perspective, no and i'm glad to see that we basically have amongst the most boring reports have ever had. 38 00:06:53.790 --> 00:07:10.380 18456395980: A lot of civic associations, this is it's good to be boring but, as I always say that you know when people find out that there's not much going on that's when the bad people tend to go into there and start doing stuff so we can't wait, are we cannot let our guard down. 39 00:07:12.480 --> 00:07:19.230 Village Clerk: We have a question in the chat How was the noise complaint on lexile handle did it results in a ticket. 40 00:07:21.000 --> 00:07:21.210 18456395980: It. 41 00:07:22.800 --> 00:07:25.020 Karen Tarapata: What do you want me to answer that for. 42 00:07:25.890 --> 00:07:28.830 Karen Tarapata: an officer absolutely that'd be fantastic. 43 00:07:29.400 --> 00:07:41.250 Karen Tarapata: yeah that'd be great yes, this, I see that that question came from Harry better Oh yes, we got a call this morning about this, the complaint. 44 00:07:41.670 --> 00:07:51.510 Karen Tarapata: I was going to be in village home, it was referred to our code enforcement officer he went and he issued a notice. 45 00:07:52.050 --> 00:07:58.200 Karen Tarapata: A violation which is not a ticket, yet it is it gives you an opportunity to comply. 46 00:07:58.860 --> 00:08:08.520 Karen Tarapata: that's what we're trying to do at this point because we're still working for compliance we're not trying to be punitive we're changing behaviors. 47 00:08:09.300 --> 00:08:31.830 Karen Tarapata: He spoke to the homeowner and he also spoke to the landscaper who was said oh I wasn't sure you know, they said something, but now they're aware and we know they're aware, so no a ticket was not issued we're still in the we're still wanting compliance so that was that was good news. 48 00:08:34.110 --> 00:08:34.650 And also. 49 00:08:35.910 --> 00:08:45.150 Karen Tarapata: There were one letter saying we are we're tomorrow we will be setting up the phone numbers, so that when you call village hall you'll be able to be transferred. 50 00:08:45.780 --> 00:08:50.550 Karen Tarapata: To the code enforcement officer, either directly or to his voicemail. 51 00:08:51.390 --> 00:09:10.170 Karen Tarapata: So it will be a much simpler process, everything has taken a lot longer than we thought and it's been a lot more complicated, but we're hoping to have both his email and his phone number set up tomorrow and I will be sending out an e blast once we have those things successfully in place. 52 00:09:13.320 --> 00:09:25.500 18456395980: Do you, the only additional thing that I want to say a mayor is that if the code enforcement officer feels that there's any possibility of any kind of problem just to make sure that we're notified so that. 53 00:09:26.520 --> 00:09:40.710 18456395980: As as we do with our code enforcement officers here in clarkston will stand in the background, and a lot of times just having a police presence will make sure that people behave themselves we don't want anybody to get anybody to get hurt or anything like that. 54 00:09:41.400 --> 00:09:51.600 Karen Tarapata: that's great thing now that's that's good to know, because that's something that our code enforcement officer will have to assess, case by case. 55 00:09:54.720 --> 00:10:05.940 18456395980: I have a very close relationship with the code enforcement offices here in quarks down and they know if there's any issues will wouldn't be more than happy to go out there and help them and are there any other questions or comments. 56 00:10:10.620 --> 00:10:11.760 Karen Tarapata: It doesn't appear so. 57 00:10:12.990 --> 00:10:24.870 18456395980: Okay, as as always anybody has any questions issues be be more than happy to give me a call or an email and we'll definitely work on it, thank you very much, happy holidays everybody and. 58 00:10:26.910 --> 00:10:27.630 Jeffrey Epstein: Okay, all day. 59 00:10:28.680 --> 00:10:28.980 Thank you. 60 00:10:31.980 --> 00:10:37.380 Karen Tarapata: OK, so now they are how about the treasurer's report rich, would you like to. 61 00:10:37.380 --> 00:10:37.740 Karen Tarapata: do that. 62 00:10:38.370 --> 00:10:41.160 Richard Fortunato: Good evening everybody um. 63 00:10:42.480 --> 00:10:45.930 Richard Fortunato: first thing i'm going to need is a resolution, the resolution. 64 00:10:47.370 --> 00:10:51.540 Richard Fortunato: To pay the first payment for the new refunding bond. 65 00:10:52.860 --> 00:11:04.590 Richard Fortunato: $200,000 in principle and $13,583 and 61 cents and interest do on January 15 of 2022. 66 00:11:07.290 --> 00:11:09.810 Karen Tarapata: All right, somebody make that motion. 67 00:11:11.850 --> 00:11:13.440 Laurie Dodge: it's lori i'll make the motion. 68 00:11:14.790 --> 00:11:15.360 Laurie Dodge: Right. 69 00:11:15.750 --> 00:11:16.080 Thanks. 70 00:11:17.280 --> 00:11:18.060 Karen Tarapata: And second. 71 00:11:18.690 --> 00:11:20.100 Jeffrey Epstein: This is Jeff I will second. 72 00:11:21.240 --> 00:11:22.260 Richard Fortunato: Thank you Jeff. 73 00:11:23.700 --> 00:11:24.510 Karen Tarapata: say I. 74 00:11:25.140 --> 00:11:25.920 Laurie Dodge: I lori. 75 00:11:26.520 --> 00:11:28.590 Kennon Rothchild: Address right care. 76 00:11:29.730 --> 00:11:30.780 Richard Fortunato: Thanks can. 77 00:11:32.190 --> 00:11:50.520 Richard Fortunato: All right, second thing on the agenda chips application chips application for reimbursement of $119,265 80 cents for three paved roads wanamaker school and all mountain went out the door. 78 00:11:51.720 --> 00:11:58.170 Richard Fortunato: 30 to 60 days is usually the turnaround time for the reimbursement, I just want to let the board know. 79 00:11:59.760 --> 00:12:02.550 Richard Fortunato: edmonds is the computer system. 80 00:12:03.600 --> 00:12:11.310 Richard Fortunato: That you approved two or three months ago for the new property tax billing system for next May. 81 00:12:11.970 --> 00:12:14.910 Richard Fortunato: The systems and the software is installed. 82 00:12:15.270 --> 00:12:24.540 Richard Fortunato: The data is installed we're well underway, we have a Gemini and louie are going to be on a couple of we were on today a couple of webinars to teach us how to use the Program. 83 00:12:24.780 --> 00:12:31.500 Richard Fortunato: we're going to design a new tax bill, all within the next 60 days so we're working on the edmonds systems coming along. 84 00:12:32.550 --> 00:12:38.250 Richard Fortunato: financial statements everybody's got a copy i'm hoping of the most recent financial statement. 85 00:12:39.600 --> 00:12:42.720 Richard Fortunato: there's really no magic in there nothing for me to record. 86 00:12:45.510 --> 00:12:52.530 Richard Fortunato: The Mayor and Jeff signed all of our vouchers, you know, there are no anomalies we're not we're on target with our budget. 87 00:12:53.850 --> 00:12:59.910 Richard Fortunato: I don't see anything wrong with the financials and, as usual, if anybody has any questions you have my cell phone number. 88 00:13:02.700 --> 00:13:21.570 Richard Fortunato: Last but not least, or I don't know when we're going to do it, but I think sometime in this meeting i'm going to stay on because Karen asked me to stay on for the insurance premium issue to answer any questions so you guys are up i'm out but i'll be on. 89 00:13:22.950 --> 00:13:27.630 Richard Fortunato: Anybody have any questions on the financials whereby you can I know you look like you've got questions there can. 90 00:13:29.130 --> 00:13:31.770 Kennon Rothchild: I do that at this moment, thank you for asking, though. 91 00:13:32.070 --> 00:13:35.610 Kennon Rothchild: Thanks thanks for providing the space for me to make comments of what. 92 00:13:37.290 --> 00:13:38.190 Richard Fortunato: you're very welcome. 93 00:13:40.290 --> 00:13:44.670 Richard Fortunato: Alright, so back to Karen i'm going to just mute myself thanks guys. 94 00:13:44.880 --> 00:13:46.830 Richard Fortunato: Oh Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if. 95 00:13:47.370 --> 00:13:49.080 Richard Fortunato: You don't get the next meeting yeah. 96 00:13:49.560 --> 00:13:50.430 Richard Fortunato: i'll be here now. 97 00:13:51.030 --> 00:13:53.010 Karen Tarapata: yeah we'll See you in a little bit if. 98 00:13:55.170 --> 00:13:59.520 Karen Tarapata: we're all going to have tonight is Peggy Peggy kurtz on this evening. 99 00:14:00.660 --> 00:14:04.680 Karen Tarapata: To get the report from July Community power, yes, she is. 100 00:14:09.870 --> 00:14:13.470 Karen Tarapata: So I have to unmute her and she'll give them okay. 101 00:14:13.500 --> 00:14:14.220 Peggy Kurtz: Can you hear me. 102 00:14:14.790 --> 00:14:15.630 Karen Tarapata: Yes, we can. 103 00:14:15.810 --> 00:14:18.960 Peggy Kurtz: you hear me okay I don't know how to show my screen. 104 00:14:24.360 --> 00:14:27.000 Karen Tarapata: yeah i'll have to make you a Co host Peggy Golda. 105 00:14:27.180 --> 00:14:31.560 Peggy Kurtz: Okay Okay, it just would be helpful to be able to show to show. 106 00:14:32.880 --> 00:14:33.540 Peggy Kurtz: PowerPoint. 107 00:14:34.740 --> 00:14:35.190 Peggy Kurtz: I guess we'll. 108 00:14:35.220 --> 00:14:37.110 Karen Tarapata: make you have to make you a panelist. 109 00:14:37.590 --> 00:14:41.730 Karen Tarapata: OK, and then hold on a second and then. 110 00:14:43.590 --> 00:14:48.960 Karen Tarapata: let's see here now if she's a panelist and make her. 111 00:14:50.430 --> 00:14:52.650 Karen Tarapata: You should be able to. 112 00:14:53.820 --> 00:14:58.110 Karen Tarapata: share your video Now this is asked to start video. 113 00:14:59.370 --> 00:15:01.020 Karen Tarapata: Well heather knows what to do right. 114 00:15:08.280 --> 00:15:08.790 Laurie Dodge: Peggy. 115 00:15:11.640 --> 00:15:13.440 Laurie Dodge: We heard you before, but now. 116 00:15:14.070 --> 00:15:15.180 Peggy Kurtz: Okay, can you hear me now. 117 00:15:15.540 --> 00:15:28.260 Peggy Kurtz: yeah okay so i'm going to share my screen, but I just before I do, I just want to say, good evening, my name is Peggy Kurt some the Community coordinator for the rockland Community power Program. 118 00:15:29.010 --> 00:15:44.670 Peggy Kurtz: I work for the program administrator, which is a whole community power and I live in Upper nyack on, I just want to remind you rockland Community power is a community based clean energy program and here, let me just share my screen. 119 00:15:45.810 --> 00:15:46.500 Okay. 120 00:15:50.580 --> 00:15:51.210 Peggy Kurtz: Okay. 121 00:15:55.410 --> 00:15:56.520 Peggy Kurtz: Okay, can you see my screen. 122 00:15:57.030 --> 00:16:04.890 Peggy Kurtz: Yes, okay great so you may remember rocklin Community power includes six communities, all together, clark's down orange town. 123 00:16:05.490 --> 00:16:11.640 Peggy Kurtz: nyack South nyack and village of haverstraw, of course, in addition to our PR nyack arm. 124 00:16:12.150 --> 00:16:19.950 Peggy Kurtz: And we're now one year into the program so i'm here to report on the program performance and to answer any of your questions. 125 00:16:20.610 --> 00:16:34.140 Peggy Kurtz: So i'll keep this short so first of all, in terms of participation 473 upper nyack households are participating in the program on the renewable energy option, so you may you may remember. 126 00:16:34.650 --> 00:16:44.250 Peggy Kurtz: That this program replaces the standard option which is largely based on fossil fuels, I think, at this point, probably 80 something percent of. 127 00:16:44.700 --> 00:16:56.070 Peggy Kurtz: Standard energy is as fossil fuel powered by fossil fuels to replace this replaces orange and rockland standard option largely fossil fuels with 100% renewable energy. 128 00:16:56.790 --> 00:17:17.190 Peggy Kurtz: We also offered through the program a second option that's slightly less expensive that mirrors what orange and rockland provides the standard energy and is rather strikingly only three households chose to opt instead for the standard energy option. 129 00:17:18.930 --> 00:17:23.460 Peggy Kurtz: A higher percentage than usual of households in Upper niantic appear to be on. 130 00:17:24.060 --> 00:17:33.720 Peggy Kurtz: s coast, the third party suppliers, so they were not eligible to get the mailing right from the beginning and somehow sports, of course, and opted out well together in the beginning. 131 00:17:34.140 --> 00:17:46.740 Peggy Kurtz: A new mailing without recently to 59 households, these are households that either moved in recently into the village or who were previously in an escrow contract that has since expired, as always. 132 00:17:47.190 --> 00:17:55.230 Peggy Kurtz: anybody can always opt out the program at any time with there's no participation fee or there's also no exit fee. 133 00:17:59.340 --> 00:18:13.050 Peggy Kurtz: Okay now i'm looking at showing you rockland Community power, all together, so through this program 20,306 households transition into renewable energy. 134 00:18:13.890 --> 00:18:24.480 Peggy Kurtz: without raising the rates as you'll see and this entire program is Karen knows i'm very proud that this entire program started here in Upper nyan that's the creation of the program started here. 135 00:18:24.990 --> 00:18:36.120 Peggy Kurtz: And, as a result of what we did 20,000 over 20,000 households transition to clean energy and it looks like new communities will be joining this here, and it will started here in our little village. 136 00:18:37.050 --> 00:18:44.220 Peggy Kurtz: And because this program transitions entire communities were pretty much entire communities to clean energy, instead of going. 137 00:18:44.730 --> 00:18:52.140 Peggy Kurtz: household by household this is considered one of the highest impact steps, the Community can take to reduce the carbon footprint. 138 00:18:52.650 --> 00:19:01.020 Peggy Kurtz: Essentially, what I usually say when i'm speaking to new communities and it's true is that New York state has said very ambitious goals for transitioning to clean energy. 139 00:19:01.500 --> 00:19:13.530 Peggy Kurtz: 70% by 2030 and 100% carbon free by 2040 but the state can I do that without the municipalities taking action and that's essentially what this program does. 140 00:19:14.280 --> 00:19:26.880 Peggy Kurtz: So, as a result of our participation in this program, we are also already registered for points to becoming a designated clean energy community program it also counselors points toward climate smart communities. 141 00:19:28.890 --> 00:19:40.050 Peggy Kurtz: goal of the program is to transition communities to clean energy, while protecting at the same time protecting consumers from rate increases so just want to emphasize that. 142 00:19:40.440 --> 00:20:02.430 Peggy Kurtz: that the goal is to transition to clean energy or protecting consumers from rate increases, so you hearing a sea of a cost savings for the period of this last year six rocklin Community power programs to 20,306 households on clean energy saved 720 $5,342. 143 00:20:04.050 --> 00:20:10.140 Peggy Kurtz: Altogether, and an opera nyack $18,916 on. 144 00:20:10.590 --> 00:20:16.830 Karen Tarapata: Peggy we're not seeing your screen now I don't know if you're showing your screen or not i'm not saying it i'm just saying oh. 145 00:20:17.340 --> 00:20:18.420 Peggy Kurtz: yeah yeah. 146 00:20:19.890 --> 00:20:20.970 Kennon Rothchild: I can see sorry. 147 00:20:21.210 --> 00:20:21.450 Karen Tarapata: yeah. 148 00:20:22.020 --> 00:20:23.910 Michael Esmay: that's something we can see it too. 149 00:20:24.360 --> 00:20:26.160 Karen Tarapata: Okay something's clearly on my end. 150 00:20:26.550 --> 00:20:35.850 Peggy Kurtz: Okay Okay, so when you break it down per household for the average consumer move called remember keep in mind that it depends on how much. 151 00:20:36.540 --> 00:20:44.310 Peggy Kurtz: How much energy each person uses or each household uses the renewable energy savings for across a year with $36. 152 00:20:44.880 --> 00:20:52.500 Peggy Kurtz: And standard energy $101 So you can see very clearly people on staff who chose the standard energy option. 153 00:20:52.890 --> 00:21:07.830 Peggy Kurtz: save more money because fossil fuels are still slightly less expensive than renewable energy, but keep in mind that's The goal of the program is to transition as a community to clean energy without raising rates. 154 00:21:08.220 --> 00:21:08.730 Peggy Kurtz: And that is. 155 00:21:08.910 --> 00:21:17.970 Peggy Kurtz: The program has performed exactly as expected from that standpoint rates were not raised matter of fact, people had experienced life savings. 156 00:21:18.420 --> 00:21:36.000 Peggy Kurtz: These lights savings are in addition to the savings that people experience through the Community solar program if they chose to take advantage of that and those savings were approximately close to 10% of the energy bill of the elect of the electricity GM sorry. 157 00:21:37.170 --> 00:21:42.780 Peggy Kurtz: Okay, so i've just said that the point of the program really is the transition from clean energy. 158 00:21:43.290 --> 00:22:02.850 Peggy Kurtz: We avoided 700 metric tons of carbon dioxide over two years that's the equivalent to avoiding 22,356 miles driven by an average gas powered passenger car and the equivalent to the carbon sequestered by close to 11 acres of US forest in one year. 159 00:22:04.080 --> 00:22:14.310 Peggy Kurtz: And that's that's that's the real point of the program through the Community solar program 39 upper nyack households. 160 00:22:15.600 --> 00:22:26.250 Peggy Kurtz: chose to participate to enroll, this was an opt in program so far and $1,950 was raised for local tree planting and trees were planted in revenue. 161 00:22:28.620 --> 00:22:38.760 Peggy Kurtz: This so we've been waiting for approval for the opt out Community solar, there are substantial benefits for consumers through this program. 162 00:22:39.270 --> 00:22:48.600 Peggy Kurtz: However, I have to say there's been a good way because the public service Commission has put all of our Community solar approvals temporarily on hold. 163 00:22:49.500 --> 00:22:55.050 Peggy Kurtz: that's unfortunate we're looking into a few possibilities one of those possibilities might be to. 164 00:22:55.530 --> 00:23:02.370 Peggy Kurtz: bring back the opt in program so people can take advantage of that while they're working out their their issues. 165 00:23:02.730 --> 00:23:07.950 Peggy Kurtz: But in the meantime we're not offering Community solar and the reason why I emphasize that is just to say that. 166 00:23:08.430 --> 00:23:15.270 Peggy Kurtz: Any Community scholars that are sending out mailings are going door to door are not programs from the village. 167 00:23:15.630 --> 00:23:30.840 Peggy Kurtz: So consumers should will have to do their own work to vet the program before deciding to enroll again sometimes there are clauses in there that people miss there are high exit fees that kind of thing, so I just want to emphasize that. 168 00:23:31.890 --> 00:23:36.660 Peggy Kurtz: Whatever you see, in the meantime, is not through the villages, not through Joel Community power. 169 00:23:38.760 --> 00:23:49.560 Peggy Kurtz: Okay, I also want to emphasize things we're talking about that the stronger consumer protection, this is something that I had completely underestimated before I began working for the Program. 170 00:23:50.010 --> 00:23:59.400 Peggy Kurtz: It really protects consumers from very common bait and switch tactics by the Eskimos or third party suppliers i've spoken to. 171 00:24:00.090 --> 00:24:08.070 Peggy Kurtz: I feel like i've spoken to hundreds of people over the last year and a half and Nearly everybody on a on an escrow and one of these third party suppliers. 172 00:24:08.490 --> 00:24:26.580 Peggy Kurtz: is paying too much they bring them people in at a low introductory rate and then they raised the rates on time and people pay sometimes two or three times, but then we pay through the program so one of the real strengths of the program is much stronger consumer protection. 173 00:24:28.350 --> 00:24:35.370 Peggy Kurtz: I also wanted to just mention the Community engagement and assistance continues throughout the life of the Program. 174 00:24:35.820 --> 00:24:40.470 Peggy Kurtz: That includes the email updates for the Community that Karen has very kindly been forwarding to. 175 00:24:40.950 --> 00:24:55.950 Peggy Kurtz: email this really want people to understand the program and understand the environmental benefits and the cost benefits, and it also includes the helpline Monday to Friday nine to five, which is there to assist people throughout the life of the Program. 176 00:24:57.330 --> 00:25:04.980 Peggy Kurtz: And then, finally, I just want to mention that the program ends October for one year, it seems incredible that we've already halfway through it. 177 00:25:05.430 --> 00:25:24.300 Peggy Kurtz: But it ends October 31 2022 and the renewal process actually begins mid to late spring 2022 some of it you've already done you've already passed the CCA enabling law, etc, so you know it's not quite as much as last time, but should go a lot more easily. 178 00:25:25.470 --> 00:25:37.740 Peggy Kurtz: I also want to mention that the current six participating communities will probably be joined by almost surely be joined by civil war rocklin communities and possibly some orange county communities to. 179 00:25:39.690 --> 00:25:42.660 Peggy Kurtz: And now i'm ready for questions. 180 00:25:43.860 --> 00:26:02.610 Karen Tarapata: I just want to make a couple of comments first 473 households participating is fantastic and a community of about of less than 800 households, so I the fact that we're well over 50% is really quite an accomplishment a lot to be proud of Peggy. 181 00:26:03.690 --> 00:26:04.020 Karen Tarapata: The other. 182 00:26:04.350 --> 00:26:09.990 Peggy Kurtz: One, as I mentioned some households never got the original mailing because they are on an s calm. 183 00:26:12.000 --> 00:26:31.530 Karen Tarapata: Right, I just wanted to mention that, and I also wanted to mention that our code enforcement officer Mike nolan can completed his energy code enforcement training and he has submitted that energy code enforcement training to nicer to for the plates that it will bring to. 184 00:26:31.590 --> 00:26:35.820 Karen Tarapata: The program climate smart program that your personal. 185 00:26:36.420 --> 00:26:40.020 Peggy Kurtz: office we did that he did that, through the clean energy communities Program. 186 00:26:42.420 --> 00:26:44.100 Karen Tarapata: i'd have you have to test me tomorrow. 187 00:26:44.100 --> 00:26:47.880 Karen Tarapata: pegs i'm not getting the line we have a public hearing it. 188 00:26:47.910 --> 00:26:48.750 Peggy Kurtz: Seventh sure. 189 00:26:49.110 --> 00:26:52.440 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so i'm trying to make everyone aware, though, that we. 190 00:26:52.590 --> 00:27:03.000 Karen Tarapata: have completed that I could it says here, thank you, Nice sorta has received submission on behalf of your community, as detailed below. 191 00:27:03.750 --> 00:27:19.170 Karen Tarapata: name of Community village of upper nice high impact action energy code enforcement training leadership round we are reviewing your submission will notify you by email, and the next few weeks and it, you know clean energies community. 192 00:27:20.790 --> 00:27:24.360 Karen Tarapata: So it says yeah cleaning the Jews Community team. 193 00:27:26.550 --> 00:27:27.570 Karen Tarapata: So he completed them. 194 00:27:31.230 --> 00:27:39.450 Karen Tarapata: But thank you Peggy I think this is great, and we look forward to next spring, as we start the renewal and I hope that more communities join us. 195 00:27:40.230 --> 00:27:44.070 Peggy Kurtz: They I think they will be and I always want to answer questions so. 196 00:27:45.360 --> 00:27:46.890 Peggy Kurtz: They can contact me at any time. 197 00:27:47.520 --> 00:27:48.780 Karen Tarapata: Very good, thank you. 198 00:27:49.200 --> 00:27:50.040 Peggy Kurtz: Sure okay. 199 00:27:54.240 --> 00:28:02.430 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so we have a German have a continued public hearing, I think this be good to get out way before we do our next. 200 00:28:03.960 --> 00:28:06.840 Karen Tarapata: public hearing and. 201 00:28:09.120 --> 00:28:24.420 Karen Tarapata: heather would you see, this is an adjournment of the continued public hearing the application for temporary moratorium variants 315 North Highland avenue to January 2022 the regular meeting. 202 00:28:25.620 --> 00:28:31.380 Karen Tarapata: Is the former alliance seminary building yeah oh yes. 203 00:28:31.710 --> 00:28:35.340 Kennon Rothchild: i'm sorry i'm sorry to interrupt you two things one is. 204 00:28:36.480 --> 00:28:43.200 Kennon Rothchild: My videos been stopped by a host so you can put me back on someone can that might have been Peggy accidentally. 205 00:28:45.270 --> 00:28:45.600 Kennon Rothchild: Do. 206 00:28:47.040 --> 00:28:49.170 Karen Tarapata: That okay i'll see you. 207 00:28:51.000 --> 00:28:54.060 Karen Tarapata: There you guys can see if I can get you back on here. 208 00:28:55.320 --> 00:28:56.670 Karen Tarapata: yeah see. 209 00:28:57.150 --> 00:28:58.710 Kennon Rothchild: There you go hold on we go. 210 00:29:00.570 --> 00:29:01.260 Karen Tarapata: he's back. 211 00:29:03.210 --> 00:29:11.250 Kennon Rothchild: The second thing is I didn't we passed a resolution to adjourn this to our January meeting in our special meeting last week. 212 00:29:13.560 --> 00:29:15.960 Kennon Rothchild: Yes, so it shows so in the Minutes. 213 00:29:16.410 --> 00:29:36.990 Karen Tarapata: We didn't know we did we did we're just announcing it to the public here i'm sorry we don't have to vote on this it's just wanted to explain to the public what this is that the applicant had requested this adjournment and the was adjourned correctly is Ken says at our special meeting. 214 00:29:38.670 --> 00:29:39.630 Karen Tarapata: Thursday night. 215 00:29:42.270 --> 00:29:46.200 Karen Tarapata: Okay now 730 and we have a public hearing. 216 00:29:48.060 --> 00:29:49.440 Karen Tarapata: heather would you read the notice. 217 00:29:52.170 --> 00:30:01.440 Village Clerk: Please take notice that the board of trustees of the village of upper nyack will hold a public hearing on December 16 2021 at 7:30pm or as soon. 218 00:30:02.100 --> 00:30:11.220 Village Clerk: As practical thereafter to consider the adoption of the proposed local number 11 of 2021 a local law repealing and replacing the zoning ordinance. 219 00:30:11.700 --> 00:30:26.130 Village Clerk: Of the village of upper nyack adopted January 18 1962 last amended on April 13 2021 by local law number three of 2021 commonly known as the 1960s zoning ordinance of village of upper nyack. 220 00:30:26.520 --> 00:30:34.650 Village Clerk: Due to the coven 19 pandemic the village Board of Trustees will not be meeting in person, in accordance with the chapter 417 and the laws 2021. 221 00:30:34.950 --> 00:30:40.950 Village Clerk: signed by the New York State Governor Kathy vocals suspending the certain provisions of the New York state open meetings law. 222 00:30:41.490 --> 00:30:47.580 Village Clerk: The meeting will be held via video conferencing, and a transcript will be held at the end provided at a later date. 223 00:30:47.940 --> 00:30:55.200 Village Clerk: The public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments, a meeting agenda will be posted on the villages website. 224 00:30:55.500 --> 00:31:09.240 Village Clerk: up or nine X and y.us to access the meeting, please visit visit the villages website for meeting link and registration information, the text of this approach proposed local law is available in the villages website at upper nyack dash and y.us. 225 00:31:10.980 --> 00:31:13.560 Village Clerk: backslash zoning code update. 226 00:31:15.030 --> 00:31:27.330 Village Clerk: comments and questions can also be provided via email before the meeting to heather condello village market village corporate overnight X and y.us dated December 10 2021 heather condello village park well. 227 00:31:30.480 --> 00:31:32.850 Karen Tarapata: Alright, this is an. 228 00:31:34.830 --> 00:31:39.660 Karen Tarapata: application, this is, this is the i'm sorry I was just looking at my notes. 229 00:31:41.190 --> 00:31:41.370 Village Clerk: here. 230 00:31:41.820 --> 00:31:45.300 Village Clerk: yeah i'm sorry I got them backwards, but they were full set for 730. 231 00:31:46.170 --> 00:31:46.530 yeah. 232 00:31:48.030 --> 00:32:02.820 Karen Tarapata: The agenda is 730 in the other one is 745 so I guess i'll ask them, since we are doing it in this order Is there anyone here tonight who is on to speak about the zoning code update. 233 00:32:06.120 --> 00:32:09.810 Karen Tarapata: raise your hand and you can speak about this. 234 00:32:17.850 --> 00:32:34.050 Karen Tarapata: If there isn't anyone who wishes to speak on this tonight, I would ask for a motion to continue the public hearing to our meeting of January 20. 235 00:32:35.730 --> 00:32:44.040 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion to adjourn a to adjourn this public hearing not close it but adjourn it to the meeting of January 20. 236 00:32:45.000 --> 00:32:50.940 Jeffrey Epstein: And we'll move that we adjourn this meeting to our next regular scheduled meeting on January 20. 237 00:32:51.510 --> 00:32:52.770 Karen Tarapata: All right, and I get a second. 238 00:32:54.150 --> 00:32:55.980 Laurie Dodge: l'oreal second of. 239 00:32:56.400 --> 00:32:58.410 Karen Tarapata: Karen yes. 240 00:32:59.430 --> 00:33:06.570 Kennon Rothchild: So prior to the vote, of course, we assume can have a little bit of discussion about this, I mean the motions been made, but we can have discussion is that. 241 00:33:08.130 --> 00:33:09.420 Kennon Rothchild: Great, why are we adjourning. 242 00:33:10.860 --> 00:33:15.390 Karen Tarapata: Oh, we are just keeping the public hearing open until January 20. 243 00:33:16.110 --> 00:33:16.590 Karen Tarapata: For. 244 00:33:16.950 --> 00:33:21.810 Karen Tarapata: or comments for comments on the local zoning code update. 245 00:33:22.530 --> 00:33:27.600 Kennon Rothchild: And again i'm the question i'm asking is for what purpose, I mean I understand the purposes for. 246 00:33:27.810 --> 00:33:28.470 Public comment. 247 00:33:30.390 --> 00:33:37.470 Kennon Rothchild: But there's been plenty of time for public comment, we had one we haven't had any others I don't know why we're attorney when we could. 248 00:33:38.880 --> 00:33:46.050 Kennon Rothchild: Either you know adjourned a closed public hearing and either vote or something like that, I mean I don't know why we're delaying. 249 00:33:47.220 --> 00:34:03.780 Karen Tarapata: Allow me to explain I apologize i've been so deep in it to it today, I spent all day talking to Noel that little ahead of myself we're journeying this because we just received today the comments of rockland county planning. 250 00:34:04.860 --> 00:34:05.790 Karen Tarapata: And we want. 251 00:34:06.780 --> 00:34:19.740 Karen Tarapata: to incorporate their comments during the public hearing process don't know how you can jump in and correct me if i'm saying something wrong sure so would you take it from there no. 252 00:34:20.130 --> 00:34:27.660 Noelle C. Wolfson: Sure, so so we refer this the zoning watch of rockland county planning we receive their comments today, which we can circulate. 253 00:34:28.620 --> 00:34:37.920 Noelle C. Wolfson: they've asked for some revisions and some circulation of the law to other agencies so we're going to take those comments, some of the comments we received so far. 254 00:34:38.250 --> 00:34:50.100 Noelle C. Wolfson: and make some revisions and then also, this is a type one action under secret, the adoption of the new zoning law, so the German of the public hearing at jet in January, I think the prime focus of that. 255 00:34:50.400 --> 00:35:02.430 Noelle C. Wolfson: session of the public hearing will be to review the part two of the ETF, so that you can make a determination of significance under secret so at the next session of the public hearing it will be mostly the seeker of you. 256 00:35:04.680 --> 00:35:15.450 Karen Tarapata: And, in the meantime, people can continue to submit written comments, between now and that meaning if they find something that they wish to comment on. 257 00:35:16.650 --> 00:35:29.430 Kennon Rothchild: Great thanks I mean it's I think it's useful not only for me, but perhaps from the general public to understand the process and why it may take longer than a simple let's no comments let's go forward right, I mean there's numerous. 258 00:35:30.690 --> 00:35:36.870 Kennon Rothchild: People including attorney that have a right and have made comments, although they made them today. 259 00:35:38.100 --> 00:35:55.200 Kennon Rothchild: And we of course have to have time to incorporate comments into the local law, including any of those submitted by the public to at least consider them as and include them and i'm assuming some of that consideration inclusion will be occurring in a workshop meeting of some sort. 260 00:35:57.060 --> 00:35:57.780 Karen Tarapata: Of course. 261 00:35:59.790 --> 00:36:20.430 Karen Tarapata: We are compiling that's the reason for the public hearing is to compile all the comments of interest of agencies, the public, and then we come back and we review them and we discuss it and determine the adjustments, we wish to make in the law before it is circulated in final form. 262 00:36:21.600 --> 00:36:23.580 Kennon Rothchild: Okay, thanks thanks for explaining. 263 00:36:24.210 --> 00:36:37.290 Karen Tarapata: i'm sorry I was completely thrown off by doing this, out of order because I had a little sheet from Noel of what I was going to say and it just said, sorry, thank you, I got knocked sideways can you're my anchor Thank you very much. 264 00:36:39.090 --> 00:36:41.400 Kennon Rothchild: And just i'm just an annoyance, but so. 265 00:36:44.070 --> 00:36:50.430 Karen Tarapata: you're very helpful if you're an annoyance you're my helpful, I really appreciate that. 266 00:36:51.090 --> 00:36:51.570 Kennon Rothchild: Thank you. 267 00:36:52.380 --> 00:37:01.080 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so cool, we had a first and the second, it was lori and then was there a second, to adjourn this meeting to January. 268 00:37:02.280 --> 00:37:05.160 Jeffrey Epstein: Actually, I made the motion lori submitted, so we could go. 269 00:37:05.910 --> 00:37:14.070 Karen Tarapata: There you go Thank you all right, so all in favor of this adjournment to January say I. 270 00:37:15.990 --> 00:37:16.830 Laurie Dodge: Already I. 271 00:37:17.730 --> 00:37:18.330 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 272 00:37:19.590 --> 00:37:20.250 Michael Esmay: Like I. 273 00:37:21.630 --> 00:37:22.110 Karen Tarapata: I. 274 00:37:25.500 --> 00:37:35.490 Karen Tarapata: Actually we're doing really well, I was very pleased to get the comments back there were not that many just some of them were like Have you considered. 275 00:37:35.970 --> 00:37:47.880 Karen Tarapata: So overall, I would say, because of all the work that was put into the comprehensive plan that Robin county planning has found that our proposed zoning code update is. 276 00:37:49.140 --> 00:37:56.910 Karen Tarapata: pretty much an alignment with our comprehensive plan so I feel very good about the work that that we've done over the past couple of years. 277 00:37:59.070 --> 00:38:04.830 Karen Tarapata: Okay now let's have the public hearing on the application for temporary moratorium variance. 278 00:38:06.570 --> 00:38:07.980 Karen Tarapata: Either way, you read the notice. 279 00:38:09.210 --> 00:38:23.940 Village Clerk: notices here by, given that a public hearing will be held Thursday December 16 2021 at 7:30pm or as soon as practical thereafter before the new upper nyack Board of Trustees to take such action come before said board. 280 00:38:25.140 --> 00:38:38.400 Village Clerk: 536 Highland avenue llc application for temporary moratorium about variance 536 North Highland avenue village of upper nyack spl five nine dot one two dash to dash one. 281 00:38:38.400 --> 00:38:54.570 Village Clerk: And nine dot one dot one two dash one dash one six up or nyack application for various from the temporary moratorium on commercial or residential land use applications for property located in the office Ob district. 282 00:38:56.010 --> 00:39:06.090 Village Clerk: laboratory l O district, and our our for residential districts that have butts the nine w court door see local law one of. 283 00:39:06.930 --> 00:39:15.720 Village Clerk: and eight of 2021 as extended to allow the applicant to pursue land use approvals necessary to convert an existing restaurant to office space. 284 00:39:16.080 --> 00:39:20.940 Village Clerk: The property is in the LM zoning district due to coven 19 pandemic. 285 00:39:21.600 --> 00:39:26.190 Village Clerk: The Board of Trustees will not be meeting in person, in accordance with Chapter set for. 286 00:39:26.520 --> 00:39:38.430 Village Clerk: 17 of the laws of 2021 signed by the New York State Governor Kathy hopefuls suspending certain provisions of the New York state open meetings law, the meeting will be held via video conferencing, and a transcript will be held at a later date. 287 00:39:39.600 --> 00:39:45.030 Village Clerk: The public will have the opportunity to see and hear the meeting live and provide comments to access the meeting, please. 288 00:39:45.330 --> 00:39:56.430 Village Clerk: visit the villages website for the meeting link and registration information, a meeting agenda plans application materials and other information will be posted on the villages website up or nyack dash and y.us in advance of the meeting. 289 00:39:57.060 --> 00:40:03.480 Village Clerk: copies of the application are also available for public inspection of village hall during the regular business hours 9am to 12 noon. 290 00:40:03.900 --> 00:40:14.970 Village Clerk: comments and questions can also be provided via email before the meeting to heather condello village market Philip Clarke at operatic dash ny.us November 29 2020 $100 village clerks. 291 00:40:17.790 --> 00:40:24.690 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so tonight, this is we're being asked to grant a temporary. 292 00:40:25.740 --> 00:40:30.960 Karen Tarapata: waver from our temporary moratorium, and I believe so. 293 00:40:33.120 --> 00:40:36.600 Karen Tarapata: No well do we open the public hearing and then have the African speak. 294 00:40:37.410 --> 00:40:47.670 Noelle C. Wolfson: You can do it either way, I think I I would prefer if you open the public hearing have all the information presented during the course of the public hearing so that should proceed that way. 295 00:40:48.210 --> 00:40:50.790 Karen Tarapata: So would somebody make a motion to open the public here. 296 00:40:53.610 --> 00:40:54.150 This morning. 297 00:40:58.140 --> 00:40:59.100 Karen Tarapata: And lori second. 298 00:41:03.300 --> 00:41:07.950 Laurie Dodge: Who, who I thought I was making the motion, who did someone else make it. 299 00:41:08.190 --> 00:41:09.780 Jeffrey Epstein: Look i'll send it to your. 300 00:41:10.680 --> 00:41:11.130 Karen Tarapata: perfect. 301 00:41:11.220 --> 00:41:12.240 Laurie Dodge: I mean I don't care. 302 00:41:12.300 --> 00:41:13.800 Laurie Dodge: I just didn't hear anyone else. 303 00:41:14.400 --> 00:41:21.390 Karen Tarapata: Oh no, we just need to get it in the Minutes that's that's, the main thing all right all in favor of opening the public hearing so. 304 00:41:23.190 --> 00:41:24.060 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 305 00:41:24.420 --> 00:41:24.810 Just. 306 00:41:27.420 --> 00:41:28.110 Michael Esmay: Like I. 307 00:41:28.980 --> 00:41:33.030 Karen Tarapata: Karen I all right, who is here as the. 308 00:41:33.030 --> 00:41:35.100 Karen Tarapata: Applicants representative tonight. 309 00:41:37.080 --> 00:41:38.730 Kier Levesque: curable back architect. 310 00:41:39.690 --> 00:41:47.370 Karen Tarapata: Great cure i'm heather would you make him a participant, so that you can share his screen. 311 00:41:49.590 --> 00:41:52.200 Karen Tarapata: i'm assuming you're going to want to share the screen, am I right here. 312 00:41:56.370 --> 00:42:00.840 Village Clerk: he's being reset to be able to share so we might not be able to hear. 313 00:42:16.290 --> 00:42:17.130 Karen Tarapata: All right, Hello. 314 00:42:19.590 --> 00:42:20.130 Kier Levesque: Everyone. 315 00:42:21.300 --> 00:42:21.720 Jeffrey Epstein: Hello. 316 00:42:23.640 --> 00:42:24.870 Kier Levesque: Can you see my screen. 317 00:42:27.540 --> 00:42:29.130 Jeffrey Epstein: Yes, okay. 318 00:42:29.370 --> 00:42:33.150 Kier Levesque: This is the site plan for Casa del mar. 319 00:42:35.580 --> 00:42:39.750 Kier Levesque: Three 536 nine Thailand lcc is purchased the property. 320 00:42:40.860 --> 00:42:52.350 Kier Levesque: They are mechanical engineering company, and they are looking to install their offices, on the second floor only and maintain the restaurant on the first floor. 321 00:42:53.490 --> 00:43:02.340 Kier Levesque: The purpose of asking for a variance or a waiver is, we need to go to the land use boards for a parking variance. 322 00:43:03.450 --> 00:43:12.210 Kier Levesque: calculations which are on the drawings that you've seen and have been submitted, show that we need a variance for 18 spaces. 323 00:43:13.200 --> 00:43:22.230 Kier Levesque: I think currently the way the parking was calculated the assumption was that whatever restaurant use was on the first floor. 324 00:43:22.740 --> 00:43:43.500 Kier Levesque: It would be duplicated on the second floor and they came up with 46 or 42 parking spaces, when I use the zoning code to now calculate parking based upon office use it requires us to go for a variance for 18 more spaces, however, if you look at the. 325 00:43:45.390 --> 00:43:47.550 Kier Levesque: second floor plan can you see that. 326 00:43:52.500 --> 00:43:53.970 Kier Levesque: Seeing my second floor plan. 327 00:43:54.330 --> 00:43:55.710 Karen Tarapata: Yes, yes. 328 00:43:55.980 --> 00:44:00.450 Kier Levesque: So there is approximately eight to 10 people that will be in this space. 329 00:44:01.920 --> 00:44:10.410 Kier Levesque: And not anywhere near 18 so the variance is actually based upon how the code is applied to this second floor. 330 00:44:11.640 --> 00:44:15.090 Kier Levesque: And, as I said before, the first floor will remain the same as a restaurant. 331 00:44:19.320 --> 00:44:19.950 Kier Levesque: questions. 332 00:44:22.620 --> 00:44:28.620 Karen Tarapata: I think this is a great use that that's always been an underutilized space so i'm just i'm just fascinated. 333 00:44:29.790 --> 00:44:31.500 Karen Tarapata: I do not have any questions, though. 334 00:44:33.270 --> 00:44:34.140 Michael Esmay: question. 335 00:44:35.550 --> 00:44:36.360 Michael Esmay: Can you hear me. 336 00:44:36.690 --> 00:44:37.200 Jeffrey Epstein: Yes, yes. 337 00:44:37.530 --> 00:44:38.400 Kier Levesque: Yes, I can hear you. 338 00:44:38.970 --> 00:44:40.020 Michael Esmay: Oh it's Mike. 339 00:44:41.490 --> 00:44:43.590 Michael Esmay: Will there be any other. 340 00:44:45.690 --> 00:44:54.450 Michael Esmay: activity on the site associated with this precision mechanical corporations use will be any. 341 00:44:56.010 --> 00:44:59.100 Michael Esmay: fabrication of things will be trucks were. 342 00:45:00.840 --> 00:45:05.430 Michael Esmay: You know that that that's an addition to this, this offices. 343 00:45:06.600 --> 00:45:16.740 Kier Levesque: They there's an existing warehouses everybody knows, and they are going to use that warehouse to store equipment so trucks will come and go to pick up equipment and drop off equipment. 344 00:45:19.050 --> 00:45:23.310 Kier Levesque: there's no fabrication on the site it'll just be storage of hga see equipment. 345 00:45:25.200 --> 00:45:29.370 Michael Esmay: So they have a another location where they they. 346 00:45:31.560 --> 00:45:32.130 Kier Levesque: fabricate. 347 00:45:32.760 --> 00:45:34.440 Kier Levesque: fabricate yeah yes. 348 00:45:35.310 --> 00:45:38.310 Laurie Dodge: Okay, one of the organization. 349 00:45:39.690 --> 00:45:41.250 Kier Levesque: i'm sorry I didn't understand the question. 350 00:45:41.670 --> 00:45:47.910 Laurie Dodge: What what's the what it's an hba see contract or what's the name of the organization. 351 00:45:48.240 --> 00:45:49.560 Kier Levesque: Precision mechanical. 352 00:45:56.190 --> 00:45:56.700 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 353 00:45:57.120 --> 00:46:03.000 Jeffrey Epstein: The first a quick question the first floor is going to be used, also by precision mechanical for their. 354 00:46:03.060 --> 00:46:05.310 Jeffrey Epstein: Work office work was supposed to be. 355 00:46:06.480 --> 00:46:07.950 Jeffrey Epstein: it's going to remain a restaurant. 356 00:46:08.490 --> 00:46:10.920 Kier Levesque: Yes, this is a picture, this is a. 357 00:46:12.300 --> 00:46:15.510 Kier Levesque: plan of the first floor and the restaurant is to remain. 358 00:46:16.560 --> 00:46:22.980 Kier Levesque: The kitchen the prep area everything about its to remain okay. 359 00:46:23.760 --> 00:46:26.820 Laurie Dodge: So it's the same owner or the ownership is changing. 360 00:46:27.090 --> 00:46:31.710 Kier Levesque: The ownership is changing to 536 North Highland else don't see. 361 00:46:34.260 --> 00:46:36.690 Kier Levesque: What the restaurant will remain as a restaurant. 362 00:46:38.040 --> 00:46:41.820 Kier Levesque: Who will be the tenant for the restaurant, I have no idea. 363 00:46:43.650 --> 00:46:51.270 Karen Tarapata: Okay, I have a question, who are you who is that what is that, and this is really because we're talking about. 364 00:46:52.290 --> 00:46:52.590 Karen Tarapata: A. 365 00:46:53.940 --> 00:47:11.400 Karen Tarapata: Application for a waiver, what is the hardship in waiting until the new zoning code is in place, what is the necessity of of bringing the application to the planning board now. 366 00:47:12.510 --> 00:47:16.620 Kier Levesque: Well, when will the zoning code be approved, would be the first hardship. 367 00:47:17.670 --> 00:47:30.750 Kier Levesque: This is a region recent purchase and this company is needing to move into their new offices and since there is no physical change to the building, other than. 368 00:47:31.470 --> 00:47:50.070 Kier Levesque: occupying that second floor the hardship really is the time delay between the approval by this board of the zoning Code and the implementation of the zoning code which my understanding is it could be months after it's approved by this board to be approved by the state. 369 00:47:54.030 --> 00:48:03.570 Karen Tarapata: I gosh it's usually only a month that that's once but i'm just curious because I don't believe that this is a. 370 00:48:04.800 --> 00:48:08.040 Karen Tarapata: Michael have to tell me is this an approved is this up. 371 00:48:09.300 --> 00:48:17.160 Karen Tarapata: A use that's allowed in the elmo laboratory office district or cure, you can tell me, you know the zoning code. 372 00:48:17.520 --> 00:48:18.420 Karen Tarapata: better than anybody. 373 00:48:19.020 --> 00:48:20.310 Kier Levesque: Use butter right yes. 374 00:48:21.750 --> 00:48:30.000 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so this if we grant this it is it's still within the use by right you're not you don't have to go and then and seek a number of. 375 00:48:31.020 --> 00:48:31.560 Kier Levesque: Various. 376 00:48:32.070 --> 00:48:34.260 Karen Tarapata: Data to present this plan. 377 00:48:34.680 --> 00:48:40.320 Kier Levesque: No, we don't need to use variance and we don't we don't need to change your view special permit. 378 00:48:42.090 --> 00:48:42.960 Kier Levesque: To use by right. 379 00:48:46.020 --> 00:48:53.160 Karen Tarapata: Okay, have we received any other, have we received any comments back from the adjoining properties. 380 00:48:53.970 --> 00:48:55.140 Village Clerk: We have not received any. 381 00:48:56.520 --> 00:49:08.370 Karen Tarapata: Is there anyone here tonight who wishes to speak on the topic of this change is this addition to the Casa del mores use. 382 00:49:13.980 --> 00:49:15.480 Karen Tarapata: i'll take that as a no. 383 00:49:17.730 --> 00:49:18.750 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so. 384 00:49:19.800 --> 00:49:38.070 Karen Tarapata: No well, would you like to explain what is involved in granting a waiver of a temporary moratorium, what is the how you know how is it determined if we if this is a good idea or not before I open it up to the discussion of the trustees. 385 00:49:38.640 --> 00:49:49.650 Noelle C. Wolfson: Sure, so if you recall the standard um it it the the standard is is the waiver of the moratorium necessary to avoid a hardship. 386 00:49:50.400 --> 00:49:57.420 Noelle C. Wolfson: Is it is granting the waiver to allow the applicant to proceed the land nice approvals consistent with the healthy again welfare of the village. 387 00:49:57.870 --> 00:50:05.910 Noelle C. Wolfson: And is the proposal generally consistent with a comprehensive plan and the proposed rezoning such that, so the whole point of the moratorium. 388 00:50:06.120 --> 00:50:17.340 Noelle C. Wolfson: Is kind of a freeze on new applications that something that is contrary to the comprehensive plan and the proposed zoning is not approved, right at the time that it's going to be changed so Those are the three. 389 00:50:17.850 --> 00:50:26.220 Noelle C. Wolfson: prongs of the standard necessity to avoid hardship consistency with the health, safety and welfare of the village and consistency with the comprehensive plan and the proposed rezoning. 390 00:50:29.010 --> 00:50:36.180 Karen Tarapata: Alright, well, I think we can keep the public hearing open and the trustees can speak correct discard yeah. 391 00:50:36.240 --> 00:50:56.790 Noelle C. Wolfson: I think that's a good idea, and before we circulate around to the trustees I just want to point out one thing for cure cure, I think you need to change the municipal boundary in the survey, because the tax lot 559 point 12 dash one debt 16 was one of the annexation parcels so that was. 392 00:50:56.940 --> 00:50:58.200 Noelle C. Wolfson: used to be in the ground, of course. 393 00:50:58.200 --> 00:51:04.170 Noelle C. Wolfson: down, it has been Nx, no, no, the one note go down the one that's just to the I guess to the West. 394 00:51:05.220 --> 00:51:07.380 Noelle C. Wolfson: of your site yes. 395 00:51:10.710 --> 00:51:11.130 Kier Levesque: Yes. 396 00:51:13.080 --> 00:51:13.320 Karen Tarapata: Look. 397 00:51:14.370 --> 00:51:15.750 Karen Tarapata: Inside your boundary. 398 00:51:16.170 --> 00:51:16.560 yeah. 399 00:51:19.140 --> 00:51:20.790 Michael Esmay: It was part of your property. 400 00:51:21.030 --> 00:51:21.900 Kier Levesque: This one yes. 401 00:51:23.550 --> 00:51:23.820 Noelle C. Wolfson: that's. 402 00:51:24.300 --> 00:51:28.680 Karen Tarapata: My little current tax maps as being an upper diet, because that was annexed. 403 00:51:29.310 --> 00:51:30.060 Kier Levesque: that's excellent. 404 00:51:32.760 --> 00:51:33.120 Karen Tarapata: alright. 405 00:51:35.010 --> 00:51:42.990 Karen Tarapata: Alright does with any trustees like to speak to care about these particularly about these three standards. 406 00:51:44.310 --> 00:51:46.260 Karen Tarapata: For relief from the moratorium. 407 00:51:53.430 --> 00:51:55.380 Karen Tarapata: Mike do you have any additional questions. 408 00:51:57.030 --> 00:52:05.010 Michael Esmay: Now i'm just musing about the mixed mixing of the uses the restaurant and with the office above it. 409 00:52:08.760 --> 00:52:25.560 Michael Esmay: I guess if it was New York City you'd see a lot of situations like that just have you know if the client anticipates keeping it that way, or do you think they anticipate growing and then maybe moving into that lower space. 410 00:52:26.940 --> 00:52:38.490 Kier Levesque: I have not had that conversation with this client the client is indicated to me, as I stated that the restaurant is to remain and the offices, on the second floor is is going right now. 411 00:52:39.240 --> 00:52:39.570 yeah. 412 00:52:43.440 --> 00:52:51.900 Jeffrey Epstein: Can I ask just so clarification of the usage of trucks coming on and off the property just won't have an idea is that, like going to be. 413 00:52:53.550 --> 00:53:00.390 Jeffrey Epstein: An ongoing regular cycling thing was just you know, a couple of times a week or a couple hundred today. 414 00:53:00.810 --> 00:53:08.220 Kier Levesque: it's probably morning and afternoon pick up and then whenever in the afternoon deliveries back to the warehouse. 415 00:53:09.750 --> 00:53:15.720 Jeffrey Epstein: Okay, so let's throughout the day but pick up in the morning and delivery okay like early and late one time, each. 416 00:53:16.620 --> 00:53:18.120 Kier Levesque: I don't know how to answer that. 417 00:53:19.530 --> 00:53:22.530 Karen Tarapata: Well, I think that cure correct me if i'm wrong but. 418 00:53:23.850 --> 00:53:34.590 Karen Tarapata: As part of the site plan the Department of Transportation would weigh in on the trucks going in and out to the State highway I. 419 00:53:34.620 --> 00:53:37.860 Kier Levesque: think that would be a part of the planning boards request. 420 00:53:40.170 --> 00:53:43.980 Kier Levesque: Okay, and part of that whole approval process by the planning board. 421 00:53:48.450 --> 00:53:57.210 Karen Tarapata: So the hardship is primarily the fact they just bought this building, they want to do something that it is as of right currently. 422 00:53:59.490 --> 00:54:07.350 Karen Tarapata: Does anyone have a question about the consistency is this consistent with the health, safety and welfare of the village. 423 00:54:08.430 --> 00:54:15.750 Karen Tarapata: What do you like I don't see that this is any I think it's an improvement, but that's just my my feeling. 424 00:54:16.410 --> 00:54:25.830 Jeffrey Epstein: uncomfortable with the health, safety and welfare of the village that you know, which is the second aspect of it and file with the third aspect of well as well you know that it doesn't get. 425 00:54:26.910 --> 00:54:39.990 Jeffrey Epstein: It doesn't go counter to the moratorium and what we're trying to achieve when we go after the moratorium, we put the new plan to effect and you've just explained, the first part, so I think i'm okay with that. 426 00:54:41.700 --> 00:54:51.390 Kennon Rothchild: yeah I if I were to weigh in I would say that the applicants description of their hardship is is accurate that as we've seen we've. 427 00:54:51.870 --> 00:55:01.620 Kennon Rothchild: we're still adjourning our public hearings on the local law, I can see that going on with comments and and approvals and rewriting going on till at least March. 428 00:55:02.640 --> 00:55:13.170 Kennon Rothchild: Possibly April and and and then of course state approval after that, so it seems reasonable to say, rather than make them wait for five months to make this application to. 429 00:55:13.830 --> 00:55:29.280 Kennon Rothchild: The planning boards, which then of course you know those reviews take time as well to allow them to move forward on something which, as we've noted does not seem to have an impact on criteria to or criteria three that we're considering. 430 00:55:31.980 --> 00:55:37.260 Karen Tarapata: So I would first Noel do you see anything that we should be asking about in this. 431 00:55:38.580 --> 00:55:41.160 Karen Tarapata: You see any in consistencies with the. 432 00:55:42.180 --> 00:55:43.260 Karen Tarapata: The three points. 433 00:55:45.090 --> 00:55:53.970 Noelle C. Wolfson: I know I don't as to you know the last point consistency with a proposal, the proposal uses will continue to be permitted in the new zoning law. 434 00:55:54.300 --> 00:56:03.090 Noelle C. Wolfson: Other the parking requirements will likely change so carrie you may want to take a look through the draft zoning law on the villages website and take a look at the parking requirements. 435 00:56:03.480 --> 00:56:14.520 Noelle C. Wolfson: When you make the application to the planning board if you should get that far and just kind of evaluate your compliance with those requirements yeah should they be adopted as well, so you can be prepared, if there's a change in the law. 436 00:56:15.840 --> 00:56:16.350 Kier Levesque: So. 437 00:56:17.940 --> 00:56:21.990 Kier Levesque: Why would I should be looking to the new zoning code for my parking requirements. 438 00:56:22.200 --> 00:56:31.920 Noelle C. Wolfson: Not to apply, but not, you know they they won't apply unless they are adapted and and the law becomes effective by the. 439 00:56:32.100 --> 00:56:33.300 Laurie Dodge: filing with the Department of. 440 00:56:33.870 --> 00:56:46.440 Noelle C. Wolfson: But you know, depending on when the applicant application gets me and when the zoning law gets adopted it's it's possible that it could apply even if you're granted the waiver to make the application now so just familiarize yourself with those requirements as well. 441 00:56:47.010 --> 00:57:02.550 Kier Levesque: So my understanding of the calendar at this point is i'd missed the 30 day application deadline for the January meeting I would be on the February meeting and hopefully get a little. 442 00:57:03.660 --> 00:57:16.650 Kier Levesque: sent to the zoning Board of appeals and it's probably at that planning board hearing or the zoning board hearing one of those two that there's a possibility that the zoning code will change and then i'll have to adapt the drawing to the new zoning code. 443 00:57:17.100 --> 00:57:32.610 Noelle C. Wolfson: Correct that's right yes you're correct and your assessment about the timing is correcting the you know, think of submission deadline for the February meeting for a site like yours, that would require referral to rockland county planning would be around the 18th of January. 444 00:57:33.600 --> 00:57:38.100 Kier Levesque: When you have to submit right okay i'm clear now. 445 00:57:42.000 --> 00:57:43.710 Karen Tarapata: Is there any other discussion. 446 00:57:47.100 --> 00:57:51.540 Karen Tarapata: And if not, I would ask someone to make a motion to close the public hearing. 447 00:57:56.340 --> 00:58:00.840 Kennon Rothchild: Make the motion to close the public hearing on this on this property. 448 00:58:02.490 --> 00:58:04.410 Karen Tarapata: All right, can I get a second. 449 00:58:08.220 --> 00:58:09.900 Karen Tarapata: All right, all in favor say I. 450 00:58:11.400 --> 00:58:12.090 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 451 00:58:14.940 --> 00:58:15.750 Laurie Dodge: lori dye. 452 00:58:19.020 --> 00:58:19.680 Michael Esmay: My guy. 453 00:58:20.610 --> 00:58:21.600 Karen Tarapata: And Karen I. 454 00:58:22.650 --> 00:58:27.780 Karen Tarapata: Alright, thank you, the public hearing his clothes alright discussion of the board. 455 00:58:29.160 --> 00:58:30.300 Karen Tarapata: Do you have anything that's. 456 00:58:31.410 --> 00:58:32.700 Karen Tarapata: Why don't we why don't we think. 457 00:58:36.300 --> 00:58:46.710 Kennon Rothchild: I guess, if I were to speak on it, I would say that you know the lifting you know, giving a variance or the lifting of the moratorium in this particular case. 458 00:58:49.080 --> 00:59:04.260 Kennon Rothchild: Is falls in line with what we would want to know about and what we permit you know, in order to allow people to have the you know allowed uses of their property so i'm. 459 00:59:05.400 --> 00:59:09.840 Kennon Rothchild: i'm in favor of allowing for the lifting of the moratorium in this particular instance. 460 00:59:13.770 --> 00:59:14.700 Any other comments. 461 00:59:16.080 --> 00:59:17.430 Michael Esmay: yeah it's a it's a. 462 00:59:18.750 --> 00:59:21.600 Michael Esmay: it's a good use for the village. 463 00:59:22.980 --> 00:59:24.450 Michael Esmay: And you know. 464 00:59:26.100 --> 00:59:37.680 Michael Esmay: curious going to have to go to the Sony board planning board i'm sure there's going to be some site issues, I was thinking about what Jeff was talking about trucks coming in. 465 00:59:39.000 --> 00:59:42.540 Michael Esmay: Trying to visualize that and how they're going to access that. 466 00:59:44.640 --> 00:59:47.280 Michael Esmay: Storage building, but that that's a planning board issue. 467 00:59:48.420 --> 00:59:58.920 Michael Esmay: And you know that's farther down the road, but as far as this kind of a use no, I have no objections, and I would say that it's. 468 01:00:00.630 --> 01:00:01.950 Michael Esmay: Good for the village. 469 01:00:03.780 --> 01:00:06.660 Karen Tarapata: I agree with you Mike I think this is excellent. 470 01:00:08.850 --> 01:00:22.140 Karen Tarapata: Application First, I just want to say, I really like the fact that this is very complete very, very well prepared Thank you here you're able to really give us an idea of what's being proposed, and I appreciate that. 471 01:00:24.120 --> 01:00:26.220 Karen Tarapata: So anyone else, want to weigh in. 472 01:00:28.350 --> 01:00:31.710 Jeffrey Epstein: i'm in agreement with what the trustees have said. 473 01:00:33.480 --> 01:00:36.180 Karen Tarapata: All right, Laura do you have any any comments. 474 01:00:36.750 --> 01:00:37.170 Now. 475 01:00:38.670 --> 01:00:44.460 Karen Tarapata: All right, then I think we're pretty much in agreement with someone make a motion to grant the. 476 01:00:46.020 --> 01:00:52.350 Karen Tarapata: waiver APP variance we're all from the temporary moratorium for 536 North Highland avenue. 477 01:00:55.980 --> 01:00:56.520 Kennon Rothchild: Just can. 478 01:00:58.140 --> 01:01:00.840 Kennon Rothchild: move that we grant variance for. 479 01:01:02.130 --> 01:01:03.450 Kennon Rothchild: Permit 536 north. 480 01:01:05.250 --> 01:01:10.890 Kennon Rothchild: North Highland to go and present their plans to the planning boards. 481 01:01:12.660 --> 01:01:14.070 Karen Tarapata: All right, can I get a second. 482 01:01:15.600 --> 01:01:16.050 Jeffrey Epstein: Second. 483 01:01:17.550 --> 01:01:19.170 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 484 01:01:26.250 --> 01:01:29.400 Karen Tarapata: And Karen I all right, thank you care. 485 01:01:31.980 --> 01:01:33.870 Kier Levesque: Have a great evening and happy holidays. 486 01:01:35.130 --> 01:01:35.580 to you. 487 01:01:38.820 --> 01:01:40.380 Right yeah. 488 01:01:42.210 --> 01:01:44.700 Karen Tarapata: Okay well that's that's. 489 01:01:46.080 --> 01:01:46.950 Kennon Rothchild: So Karen. 490 01:01:48.570 --> 01:01:50.370 Kennon Rothchild: I know that we sort of mixed up our. 491 01:01:50.490 --> 01:01:59.820 Kennon Rothchild: public hearings, a bit there and I see at least made here, who I imagined wanted to speak, and we are going to have it going on with the. 492 01:02:01.440 --> 01:02:11.520 Kennon Rothchild: And the zoning and the repeal and replace the zoning board when we pass it on so maybe you want to announce that we've that public hearings, been a journey. 493 01:02:12.240 --> 01:02:21.540 Karen Tarapata: Again, yes, the public here say maybe we are in receipt of your comments, we were looking at them today. 494 01:02:23.340 --> 01:02:32.880 Karen Tarapata: We are a journey, the the public hearing on the zoning code repeal and. 495 01:02:32.880 --> 01:02:34.890 Kennon Rothchild: replace I guess there's some new collection. 496 01:02:36.090 --> 01:02:37.440 Karen Tarapata: Oh, their new comments. 497 01:02:38.610 --> 01:02:38.790 Meave Tooher: Oh. 498 01:02:41.040 --> 01:02:42.720 Karen Tarapata: No, we have. 499 01:02:42.780 --> 01:02:42.990 Michael Esmay: Your. 500 01:02:43.290 --> 01:02:49.410 Karen Tarapata: Decisions crust okay hold on a second here Noel i'm going to have you weigh in here because we've adjourned. 501 01:02:49.950 --> 01:02:56.520 Karen Tarapata: Their public hearing to January 20 yeah can we can we have public comments now or should they be. 502 01:02:57.870 --> 01:03:03.360 Karen Tarapata: submitted in writing or taken to the January 20 meeting, what is the correct procedure. 503 01:03:04.050 --> 01:03:10.920 Noelle C. Wolfson: I think that we should hold off until the January 20 meeting because i'm not sure if anybody who was here for that public meeting and signed off. 504 01:03:12.120 --> 01:03:24.270 Noelle C. Wolfson: But we did maybe we have your written comments from the last meeting and as Karen mentioned, we were reviewing those comments today, we did not receive anything in addition just that first set of comments. 505 01:03:25.020 --> 01:03:35.580 Noelle C. Wolfson: And then the public hearing will be continued to January 20, at which time will be focusing some some time on the review of of the action under secret, because the take one action. 506 01:03:36.600 --> 01:03:44.310 Meave Tooher: I actually had no additional comments this evening, but thank you and I appreciate just letting me know that the hearing had been adjourned. 507 01:03:47.190 --> 01:03:48.030 Karen Tarapata: Very good. 508 01:03:49.380 --> 01:04:02.190 Karen Tarapata: Okay, thank you, thank you can i'm sorry i'm doing this on my tablet and I can't see everybody who's on I don't see the participant list, unless I go into a sub menu. 509 01:04:04.260 --> 01:04:12.180 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so the next item on our list is page 32 in your packet, it is the holidays schedule. 510 01:04:14.010 --> 01:04:17.310 Karen Tarapata: And we talked about this last week of bit. 511 01:04:19.110 --> 01:04:23.430 Karen Tarapata: And the question was because currently we have four. 512 01:04:24.600 --> 01:04:27.390 Karen Tarapata: days when the office is closed in November. 513 01:04:28.650 --> 01:04:38.220 Karen Tarapata: We were discussing whether or not we wanted, and one of the holidays, that we offer that we have with offices closed is the federal election day. 514 01:04:39.450 --> 01:04:42.840 Karen Tarapata: So the question was with the should we. 515 01:04:44.400 --> 01:04:55.230 Karen Tarapata: not have that as a holiday for the village where employees, where we close the office and perhaps instead. 516 01:04:56.280 --> 01:05:08.520 Karen Tarapata: Use the march village election how a day instead and have a have the office close on that march day with a village election is held. 517 01:05:11.220 --> 01:05:12.120 Karen Tarapata: it's a thought. 518 01:05:12.330 --> 01:05:12.750 What. 519 01:05:13.920 --> 01:05:17.820 Karen Tarapata: Eric yes, I know I know i'm going to bring something up in the moment. 520 01:05:17.850 --> 01:05:18.780 Michael Esmay: heather just hold on. 521 01:05:19.080 --> 01:05:19.680 Karen Tarapata: I understand. 522 01:05:20.730 --> 01:05:33.780 Karen Tarapata: The heather and I had spoken about this a bit if we were to do this, then the village clerk would not have that day off because that is a day when she has to run the election. 523 01:05:34.830 --> 01:05:47.190 Karen Tarapata: So, based on our conversation of at our last workshop meeting I wanted to add if we were to make the village Election Day, a day when the office is closed. 524 01:05:47.940 --> 01:06:02.040 Karen Tarapata: We would have to then offer the village clerk a floating holiday to make up for the day that she has to work because that's her one of her primary duties his village for that or does that sum up what you were going to say. 525 01:06:03.090 --> 01:06:03.630 Village Clerk: Yes. 526 01:06:05.400 --> 01:06:11.790 Karen Tarapata: So i'm just opening this back up to the trustees based on our conversation of last week, what do you think. 527 01:06:14.400 --> 01:06:26.640 Laurie Dodge: I kind of feel that they either get the election again election day or they don't they don't get a day off it's not a day off for a day off sake, in my opinion it's a day off to go and vote so. 528 01:06:27.030 --> 01:06:49.050 Laurie Dodge: There are either for me it's about using the data vote, and if we want them with we want to offer that then as a holiday, then we should do that, and if we don't, then I would just say it's just should go away, I wouldn't create another day, even if it's around our own election. 529 01:06:50.190 --> 01:07:03.510 Laurie Dodge: Because that wasn't that's not really the point it's up the point is about making voting accessible, so that you don't have a reason not to vote, because you have a job, so I just think it's a it's a different message in my mind. 530 01:07:04.200 --> 01:07:11.250 Karen Tarapata: it's a very different message, but it is also we've added juneteenth, so we are adding another paid holiday. 531 01:07:12.540 --> 01:07:18.930 Karen Tarapata: And that's one reason why I was thinking to drop the holiday, that is not the federal holiday, which is the election day. 532 01:07:20.040 --> 01:07:32.400 Karen Tarapata: yeah we may gain the same number of holidays for our employees, as we have in the past, because it is a there's a cost to the village of having everyone stay home yeah. 533 01:07:38.820 --> 01:07:54.420 Karen Tarapata: Any comments any any we can leave it as it is, we can not change anything, I just wanted to say where we are currently because of the addition of the new holiday, we are now adding another unpaid another day off. 534 01:07:55.950 --> 01:07:56.790 Karen Tarapata: In the schedule. 535 01:07:57.570 --> 01:07:59.910 Michael Esmay: Karen we talked about this. 536 01:08:02.070 --> 01:08:05.610 Michael Esmay: Before my feeling was leave it as it is. 537 01:08:06.690 --> 01:08:08.430 Karen Tarapata: And just add the additional data. 538 01:08:09.270 --> 01:08:09.900 well. 539 01:08:11.490 --> 01:08:13.350 Karen Tarapata: To the annual schedule i'm just saying now it's. 540 01:08:13.710 --> 01:08:17.430 Karen Tarapata: 30 days off instead of 12 that's a lot yeah yeah. 541 01:08:18.030 --> 01:08:23.130 Jeffrey Epstein: I feel in, as I mentioned, last time, so we are we not. 542 01:08:24.660 --> 01:08:33.390 Jeffrey Epstein: Give the extra day off at this point and the hope is that all come in national day last year, obviously support, I support all kinds of stuff. 543 01:08:34.740 --> 01:08:35.610 Karen Tarapata: I think that's. 544 01:08:35.760 --> 01:08:36.660 Michael Esmay: that's different. 545 01:08:39.360 --> 01:08:41.100 Michael Esmay: What do you like, the chances of that are. 546 01:08:43.110 --> 01:08:45.060 Jeffrey Epstein: I don't know he's. 547 01:08:47.160 --> 01:08:54.240 Karen Tarapata: Our employees at the employee who leaves the latest leaves at 330 and if you can that they're not. 548 01:08:55.290 --> 01:08:57.990 Karen Tarapata: prevented from voting by their work hours. 549 01:08:59.280 --> 01:09:02.400 Michael Esmay: Well, I don't think anybody in the villages prevented from voting. 550 01:09:03.240 --> 01:09:04.470 Karen Tarapata: that's what i'm saying I. 551 01:09:05.610 --> 01:09:08.400 Karen Tarapata: point of this is possible to vote. 552 01:09:09.540 --> 01:09:13.500 Karen Tarapata: Everyone is done by 330 in the afternoon you. 553 01:09:15.210 --> 01:09:18.810 Kennon Rothchild: don't care and what is the cost of the village, to have a day off. 554 01:09:19.830 --> 01:09:22.320 Kennon Rothchild: What is the actual $1. 555 01:09:23.040 --> 01:09:36.060 Karen Tarapata: I would have had that I would have that a couple thousand dollars, I would have that if I was in village Hall, I have it in a folder because i'm putting together something for fema about. 556 01:09:36.540 --> 01:09:38.490 Kennon Rothchild: The cost, I guess, I guess. 557 01:09:40.140 --> 01:09:53.820 Kennon Rothchild: As a person who has employees, I would propose that the cost of the village is modest compared to the sense the village employees may get that we do not care about them by taking away a holiday. 558 01:09:55.050 --> 01:09:56.490 Laurie Dodge: and getting another holiday. 559 01:09:56.760 --> 01:09:58.740 Laurie Dodge: you're getting another holiday engine team. 560 01:09:58.770 --> 01:10:01.980 Laurie Dodge: which they didn't have before, so this really can it would be even. 561 01:10:03.150 --> 01:10:08.460 Kennon Rothchild: that's that's how I again, I stand by my comments about how employees tend to feel about things like. 562 01:10:09.660 --> 01:10:21.510 Karen Tarapata: Okay, then that's, this is the sense of the board, I have no problem with this it's just bringing it up, so now we will add juneteenth and we will not remove the. 563 01:10:22.380 --> 01:10:38.430 Karen Tarapata: federal election holiday, that is just a village celebrated holiday and not a federal holiday it's fine good i'm onward that's done we don't have anything that we need to vote on that because there's no change. 564 01:10:40.650 --> 01:10:43.770 Karen Tarapata: next thing here is the village hall copier. 565 01:10:44.940 --> 01:10:47.880 Karen Tarapata: That is page 34 in your packet. 566 01:10:49.500 --> 01:10:55.320 Karen Tarapata: Are copier is coming to the end of its useful life and we're looking for a new. 567 01:10:55.320 --> 01:10:55.920 Karen Tarapata: One that. 568 01:10:55.950 --> 01:11:07.590 Karen Tarapata: will provide a much better service and much Jill are you still on is Jill still not still on because she's the one who did all the research on this. 569 01:11:10.560 --> 01:11:18.030 Karen Tarapata: chill with you the Jews speak about this a little bit, because I know you did the research on this, let me know if you want to. 570 01:11:19.650 --> 01:11:21.150 Jillana Sinnott: um can you hear me. 571 01:11:21.510 --> 01:11:26.070 Jillana Sinnott: Yes, I don't have anything in front of me because you're putting it on the spot here. 572 01:11:26.460 --> 01:11:27.450 Karen Tarapata: But um. 573 01:11:27.600 --> 01:11:38.160 Jillana Sinnott: that's Okay, I think it's September that our leases done, but what we've done is right now three people heather myself and Donna have desktop. 574 01:11:38.700 --> 01:11:44.970 Jillana Sinnott: printers so what would be included in the lease if you have only information there my little spreadsheet. 575 01:11:45.780 --> 01:12:08.820 Jillana Sinnott: To be adding Janet to that, and there would be for printers that will be covered by beliefs, which includes all the toner the service, everything will be included, plus the main copier will also become a color copier so we've been covered for 100 color copies a month and I think. 576 01:12:10.020 --> 01:12:15.390 Jillana Sinnott: 5000 copies, we tried to guess at what we could use we did a little thing about. 577 01:12:16.650 --> 01:12:27.090 Jillana Sinnott: How much toner we used and how much paper we use to figure out how many copies, we might use in a month because it's kind of a guesstimate because we never really paid for it. 578 01:12:28.860 --> 01:12:40.170 Jillana Sinnott: It seems like you know it'll be a set fee every month, instead of a guessing if toner goes up right now tuners like $88 I think a toner for the ones that are on our desk. 579 01:12:40.590 --> 01:12:46.650 Jillana Sinnott: So if everything's included if we have a problem with it, they come in and fix it they own the equipment, we lease it. 580 01:12:48.600 --> 01:12:59.160 Jillana Sinnott: So I think it's a good deal, it seems like it's good you know it should save us a little bit of money, but it's a guarantee, we know exactly what to put in our budget instead of a guesstimate. 581 01:13:02.280 --> 01:13:05.520 Karen Tarapata: I think it's great it also includes the facts. 582 01:13:06.960 --> 01:13:07.350 Karen Tarapata: Right. 583 01:13:07.650 --> 01:13:23.250 Jillana Sinnott: Now, right now, we have a fax that's like we bought for like $30 and I think the cartridge is like a ridiculous price and it's very it's small and it's really a rinky Dink. 584 01:13:25.140 --> 01:13:25.890 Jillana Sinnott: problems. 585 01:13:26.460 --> 01:13:32.190 Karen Tarapata: So we need to keep the phone line for that fax if we switch to this. 586 01:13:33.180 --> 01:13:41.130 Jillana Sinnott: We do need to keep that because remember that fax line is also our line to the panic buttons in the fire system. 587 01:13:41.190 --> 01:13:41.970 Karen Tarapata: So we wouldn't need. 588 01:13:42.000 --> 01:13:43.140 Jillana Sinnott: To own one. 589 01:13:43.560 --> 01:13:47.100 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, I was trying to remember what I knew it had another purpose. 590 01:13:48.060 --> 01:13:48.360 Right. 591 01:13:49.650 --> 01:14:02.700 Karen Tarapata: All right, alright, so what i'm asked anyone have any questions they want to ask, and I see riches on here too in case you have any questions you want to ask him, but I think Joe did a tremendous amount of research into this and. 592 01:14:04.860 --> 01:14:17.430 Karen Tarapata: We just need to decide if this is the way we want to go or, if you think there's some other direction, does anyone have any thoughts about copying on leases can do you have any experience with that in your office. 593 01:14:20.010 --> 01:14:27.390 Kennon Rothchild: Yes, I do, and we do something very similar In fact I think I think the prices, Hillary. 594 01:14:29.880 --> 01:14:34.590 Kennon Rothchild: I think the price is you know within line with what one might expect. 595 01:14:35.910 --> 01:14:42.990 Kennon Rothchild: In fact I think it's a lot less expensive than what i'm used to seeing in terms of our own business, and it is the way to go, we know, having a. 596 01:14:43.470 --> 01:14:54.630 Kennon Rothchild: Separate little fax machine you really want an integrated system, a monthly expense, with a service contract that's kind of really the most efficient and best way to go, I think. 597 01:14:55.830 --> 01:15:10.710 Jeffrey Epstein: And I think it's good expense to keep the office up to date on equipment, because there's always more demands and things always getting better so it's a reasonable time to update and at a reasonable cost. 598 01:15:12.600 --> 01:15:21.840 Karen Tarapata: And we did do an analysis of how much paper we use last year to know about how many copies we make, and this is a very reasonable price for. 599 01:15:24.000 --> 01:15:26.670 Karen Tarapata: For what we're getting I agree with that. 600 01:15:27.120 --> 01:15:30.810 Jillana Sinnott: They also want to add the color copier we have right now. 601 01:15:31.680 --> 01:15:41.970 Jillana Sinnott: When our old one went bad we bought a new one, but unfortunately that copier we got a great price, but you cannot make a copy on it actually want to call it a color printer. 602 01:15:42.450 --> 01:15:52.020 Jillana Sinnott: We can only print color on it, so if you had something you want to make a copy if somebody brought a photo in or something like that that you want to make a copy, we can no longer do that. 603 01:15:52.650 --> 01:15:56.520 Jillana Sinnott: So everything, even the printers on our desk everything will be wireless. 604 01:15:57.330 --> 01:16:06.990 Jillana Sinnott: So you can print from your phone, use a resident comes in and wants to print something and send it somewhere to the main copier or whatever that could all be done also so the. 605 01:16:07.800 --> 01:16:22.800 Jillana Sinnott: And everything's build quarterly so if we go over 5000 in the first month, but only use 2000 the next month over the three months, it would average itself out so it's not like if we go over in one month will be charged extra. 606 01:16:25.410 --> 01:16:28.200 Karen Tarapata: that's great does anyone have any other questions. 607 01:16:32.160 --> 01:16:39.450 Karen Tarapata: Okay, with somebody then make a motion to accept the least proposal for this. 608 01:16:42.030 --> 01:16:45.270 Karen Tarapata: kinda Casey 300 I. 609 01:16:46.830 --> 01:16:53.130 Jeffrey Epstein: will make that motion that we set this proposal for a new car like a key Casey 300 I printer. 610 01:16:54.930 --> 01:16:56.160 Kennon Rothchild: Yes, can I second. 611 01:16:57.270 --> 01:17:03.000 Jillana Sinnott: I just want to mention it's not just that one kinda it's the main conoco and then for. 612 01:17:03.780 --> 01:17:05.430 Jillana Sinnott: desktop conoco has also. 613 01:17:05.940 --> 01:17:10.500 Karen Tarapata: write for desktop hi Sarah preachers I see that i'm sorry I misspoke. 614 01:17:12.120 --> 01:17:12.510 Jeffrey Epstein: Because. 615 01:17:15.810 --> 01:17:20.010 Karen Tarapata: let's say for the five friends or at least proposal for the five vendors. 616 01:17:21.960 --> 01:17:24.300 Karen Tarapata: We have Jeff and we have can. 617 01:17:25.440 --> 01:17:27.300 Karen Tarapata: Okay, all in favor say Aye. 618 01:17:28.110 --> 01:17:28.890 Jeffrey Epstein: Jeff I. 619 01:17:32.400 --> 01:17:33.360 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 620 01:17:34.260 --> 01:17:34.560 Like. 621 01:17:36.480 --> 01:17:37.470 Karen Tarapata: Aaron I. 622 01:17:38.730 --> 01:17:39.510 Karen Tarapata: Great Thank you. 623 01:17:41.250 --> 01:17:52.170 Karen Tarapata: The next item on here is the 2022 election resolutions, which is page 37 in your packet if you're following along them. 624 01:17:53.700 --> 01:18:02.070 Karen Tarapata: Okay, how do you want to explain what i'm sure we've been through this before, but would you explain what we are resolving tonight. 625 01:18:02.430 --> 01:18:18.540 Village Clerk: So these are just the resolutions for to hold the election in March of next year, the village election it's just the same three resolutions that were done each year prior So the first one is for. 626 01:18:19.710 --> 01:18:24.750 Village Clerk: No separate registration village registration day for voting and 2022. 627 01:18:25.890 --> 01:18:28.260 Village Clerk: For election law 15 dash. 628 01:18:29.970 --> 01:18:30.840 Village Clerk: and the next one. 629 01:18:32.190 --> 01:18:39.720 Village Clerk: is for the village of up or nine X village election to be held at the old stone meeting House is that. 630 01:18:40.230 --> 01:18:57.480 Village Clerk: yeah okay also meeting House on Tuesday march 15 2022 from 12 noon to 9pm and the third is the 11.3 inspectors of election for the March 15 22 village 22 village election. 631 01:18:58.050 --> 01:19:04.380 Village Clerk: and pay them 15 per hour that's what we paid them last year I filed with the. 632 01:19:05.250 --> 01:19:20.610 Village Clerk: county Board of elections to give me a list of the trained individuals and i'm still waiting on that, so we don't have names, yet, but we do have resolution that we can appoint three and name three those three next meeting. 633 01:19:21.900 --> 01:19:28.560 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so for the resolution, for no separate registration day in 2020 re election law. 634 01:19:31.020 --> 01:19:32.580 Karen Tarapata: With someone make emotion. 635 01:19:36.120 --> 01:19:37.800 Karen Tarapata: We have to do these three separately. 636 01:19:38.700 --> 01:19:43.380 Jeffrey Epstein: I moved, there will be except the so no separate registration day for 2022. 637 01:19:44.580 --> 01:19:45.270 OK, and then. 638 01:19:46.320 --> 01:19:47.430 Michael Esmay: Michael second. 639 01:19:48.000 --> 01:19:50.640 Karen Tarapata: Thank you Mike all in favor say Aye. 640 01:19:51.750 --> 01:19:52.440 Jeffrey Epstein: chef I. 641 01:19:53.400 --> 01:19:54.030 Michael Esmay: Like I. 642 01:19:55.050 --> 01:19:55.410 Kennon Rothchild: Like. 643 01:19:56.370 --> 01:19:57.270 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 644 01:19:58.080 --> 01:20:06.510 Karen Tarapata: parent on alright, the second is a resolution for the village of upper knocked on election to be held at the old stone meeting house. 645 01:20:06.570 --> 01:20:08.640 On Tuesday march 15 2020. 646 01:20:09.900 --> 01:20:19.530 Karen Tarapata: From 12 noon to 9pm is for election law 15 104 320 2022 election law 15 when 18 three. 647 01:20:20.580 --> 01:20:21.780 Karen Tarapata: Someone mentioned motion. 648 01:20:22.650 --> 01:20:31.650 Michael Esmay: All like that motion that will have the election at the mini house on march 13 2022. 649 01:20:32.640 --> 01:20:33.570 Karen Tarapata: And I get a second. 650 01:20:35.400 --> 01:20:35.580 Kennon Rothchild: Oh. 651 01:20:37.560 --> 01:20:38.610 Kennon Rothchild: You could ever or, if you want. 652 01:20:39.450 --> 01:20:39.960 Laurie Dodge: I don't care. 653 01:20:41.370 --> 01:20:42.810 Karen Tarapata: Well, who is it who is it. 654 01:20:43.500 --> 01:20:45.990 Laurie Dodge: can find he said first all right. 655 01:20:46.080 --> 01:20:47.400 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 656 01:20:48.060 --> 01:20:48.690 Michael Esmay: Like I. 657 01:20:49.680 --> 01:20:50.190 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 658 01:20:51.810 --> 01:20:52.020 Jeffrey Epstein: Can. 659 01:20:53.490 --> 01:20:54.300 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 660 01:20:55.200 --> 01:20:55.950 Karen Tarapata: heron I. 661 01:20:57.480 --> 01:21:05.910 Karen Tarapata: All right, third one is I need a resolution to appoint three inspectors of election for the March 15 2022 village election election law. 662 01:21:07.560 --> 01:21:09.510 Karen Tarapata: and pay them $15 an hour. 663 01:21:14.190 --> 01:21:15.180 Karen Tarapata: Someone make a motion. 664 01:21:17.310 --> 01:21:29.700 Laurie Dodge: Well it's lori on the emotion, we appoint the three inspectors of election from the march 15 2022 election election law 15 116 one and pay them $15 an hour. 665 01:21:30.810 --> 01:21:31.770 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a second. 666 01:21:32.820 --> 01:21:33.690 Kennon Rothchild: kid I second. 667 01:21:34.710 --> 01:21:36.180 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 668 01:21:36.900 --> 01:21:37.830 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 669 01:21:39.480 --> 01:21:39.960 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 670 01:21:41.850 --> 01:21:42.060 Jeffrey Epstein: share. 671 01:21:42.120 --> 01:21:47.070 Karen Tarapata: My God look Karen I unanimous Thank you. 672 01:21:48.180 --> 01:21:48.720 Karen Tarapata: Yes. 673 01:21:48.900 --> 01:22:01.470 Michael Esmay: Just a simple question in the past we've always had three names is that because these people available or of the rules changed. 674 01:22:03.900 --> 01:22:09.300 Karen Tarapata: Well we've I will ask i'm sure we'll ask the people who she's waiting for the list. 675 01:22:09.840 --> 01:22:14.010 Karen Tarapata: yeah I know well i'm sure we'll have Carol courteau but. 676 01:22:15.450 --> 01:22:17.370 Karen Tarapata: This is the first time heather has done this. 677 01:22:18.090 --> 01:22:27.000 Village Clerk: it's more information to make sure the list is is up to date, because a lot of the list we're just kind of recycled throughout the years and I just want to make sure everything's legit. 678 01:22:32.280 --> 01:22:49.830 Karen Tarapata: Alright, the next is a discussion of the procurement policy, I was reading our procurement policy because I need to submit it with our request to fema for reimbursement for damages from Hurricane Ida and I noticed that in Item number. 679 01:22:51.030 --> 01:22:52.680 Karen Tarapata: Six on the second page. 680 01:22:53.730 --> 01:23:02.790 Karen Tarapata: It says, except when directed by the village board no solicitation of written proposals or quotations shall be required under the following circumstances. 681 01:23:03.330 --> 01:23:10.080 Karen Tarapata: And it lists things like acquisition of pit professional services emergencies salsa situations. 682 01:23:10.590 --> 01:23:25.920 Karen Tarapata: Goods purchase from agencies for the blind or handicap its purchase from correctional facilities goods purchased from other governmental agency goods purchased at auction goods purchase and I want to add goods purchased through county shared services. 683 01:23:27.360 --> 01:23:51.960 Karen Tarapata: With asking for a motion that I see that we add goods purchased through county shared services as something that allows us to not have to go out to bid we've we've signed a shared services agreement with rockland county but we just haven't formalized it in our procurement policy. 684 01:23:54.180 --> 01:23:56.670 Michael Esmay: it's a policy okay yeah. 685 01:23:56.940 --> 01:24:01.290 Karen Tarapata: But it is something that we have to have you know in place if somebody asks. 686 01:24:01.440 --> 01:24:03.360 Michael Esmay: You always know the law that's what I was kidding. 687 01:24:04.020 --> 01:24:20.970 Karen Tarapata: it's not a law but it but somebody could object if you know but that's the whole purpose of having the shared services is that they negotiated a contract that we can piggyback on that doesn't mean that we won't go out for bed right. 688 01:24:22.020 --> 01:24:35.250 Karen Tarapata: The biggest problem i'm having is that there are fewer and fewer companies that want to do prevailing wage work with municipalities just a really hard time finding anybody who will do our work. 689 01:24:36.390 --> 01:24:40.530 Karen Tarapata: And i've been you know we've been lobbying our state. 690 01:24:41.910 --> 01:24:56.580 Karen Tarapata: assemblyman and Senator and ny calm is also lobbying in to have the floor below which you don't need to create a floor below which you do not have to. 691 01:24:57.570 --> 01:25:10.140 Karen Tarapata: Use prevailing wage on municipal projects currently every job that we built out if it's any kind of a corporation, we have to have them provide certified payroll of it, they have. 692 01:25:11.220 --> 01:25:11.700 Karen Tarapata: paid. 693 01:25:11.940 --> 01:25:12.900 prevailing wage. 694 01:25:13.980 --> 01:25:24.750 Karen Tarapata: it's a problem, so I just, the more we can piggyback on county shared services, the more we can find purveyors who are willing to do our jobs. 695 01:25:25.770 --> 01:25:26.310 Michael Esmay: Look. 696 01:25:27.240 --> 01:25:28.890 Michael Esmay: Does this require motion. 697 01:25:29.400 --> 01:25:30.210 Karen Tarapata: It does. 698 01:25:30.630 --> 01:25:31.680 Michael Esmay: i'll make that motion. 699 01:25:32.940 --> 01:25:35.130 Karen Tarapata: All right, phil can I get a second. 700 01:25:38.220 --> 01:25:39.420 Laurie Dodge: i'll second it's lori. 701 01:25:40.020 --> 01:25:43.080 Karen Tarapata: Thank you laurie all in favor say Aye or. 702 01:25:44.640 --> 01:25:50.850 Karen Tarapata: Stop it is there any other discussion with any up sorry, can I jumped ahead, again, is there any discussion before we go. 703 01:25:55.530 --> 01:25:57.960 Karen Tarapata: Okay, all in favor say Aye. 704 01:25:58.500 --> 01:26:00.720 Laurie Dodge: micah lori hi. 705 01:26:04.680 --> 01:26:05.040 Michael Esmay: Karen. 706 01:26:05.100 --> 01:26:05.520 hi. 707 01:26:07.110 --> 01:26:08.310 Karen Tarapata: Okay, thank you. 708 01:26:09.330 --> 01:26:12.480 Karen Tarapata: just want to be sure that what we do is correct. 709 01:26:14.370 --> 01:26:24.930 Karen Tarapata: All right here, the next is this grant application for the River hook project last week we talked about a possible grant that. 710 01:26:26.040 --> 01:26:35.520 Karen Tarapata: might be a bite apply for an area at river hook, so I wanted first I wanted to just go over what the. 711 01:26:36.360 --> 01:26:37.920 Karen Tarapata: architect will be. 712 01:26:39.600 --> 01:26:46.350 Karen Tarapata: was asking to put in for this grant what has been proposed and just to discuss a little bit. 713 01:26:47.070 --> 01:27:03.570 Karen Tarapata: it's a little out of order, as we talked about last week, because we really want to talk about river hook as a whole in January, but this is a proposal for a particular part of river hook, that would be appropriate for this grant Laura do you want to explain this a little bit more. 714 01:27:05.880 --> 01:27:22.980 Laurie Dodge: um yeah so as I sort of said in the email that I sent to all of you this as Jonathan kind of position to to us, he was doing some other work and found this grant which seems like a good opportunity for this particular space at river hope which. 715 01:27:24.570 --> 01:27:33.150 Laurie Dodge: As we mentioned is the lower meadow specifically the spring house and the children's play area. 716 01:27:33.600 --> 01:27:42.510 Laurie Dodge: And so, as Karen mentioned, we really do you want to have a bigger conversation about river hook in January, February and and just continuing because. 717 01:27:43.140 --> 01:27:51.750 Laurie Dodge: The entire boards been less involved in the conversation about river hook then Karen and I have been obviously because up until recently we sat on both boards. 718 01:27:52.200 --> 01:28:02.160 Laurie Dodge: So it seems like this is just a serendipitous opportunity, even though we you know, we have the design vision that was that was. 719 01:28:04.650 --> 01:28:15.360 Laurie Dodge: funded by Ray right from friends over which is terrific but we really don't have the next layer of what are we going to do with that vision to make it a reality, although. 720 01:28:15.900 --> 01:28:34.680 Laurie Dodge: karen's been working with Carol to do landscape plan we've done some work in the meadows obviously there have been various initiatives that have happened at river hook that show forward momentum which is this is sort of in our minds and easy win for forward momentum that's very. 721 01:28:36.180 --> 01:28:48.210 Laurie Dodge: doing work on the lower meadow mowing pads with access to the spring House is very it's a finite piece of work it's not what do we do with Harry was or. 722 01:28:48.570 --> 01:28:57.930 Laurie Dodge: You know what are we doing even with the caretakers house or building an amphitheater it's just it's a very compact finite project that. 723 01:28:59.190 --> 01:29:15.990 Laurie Dodge: Based on the grant money could and the the parameters of when they would like the work done, although there's some flexibility would be done by the end of the year so it's sort of as as we were thinking about the mowing of the pads which would happen in late spring. 724 01:29:17.280 --> 01:29:22.890 Laurie Dodge: This this work it's Community oriented because the build would be a Community build. 725 01:29:23.130 --> 01:29:34.020 Laurie Dodge: It just seems like everything is sort of aligning that this is something that we could get done again to show there will be Community involvement, but then even people who weren't involved in the build when you would walk through. 726 01:29:34.320 --> 01:29:42.300 Laurie Dodge: There would be something that's very visibly and tangibly forward focused, you know what there would be momentum. 727 01:29:43.590 --> 01:29:53.250 Laurie Dodge: And also, I put in the email because I Karen I couldn't remember what you said about potentially the conversation you had had was it with fema for the stream. 728 01:29:55.680 --> 01:30:08.520 Laurie Dodge: that's something else Okay, so what what will we do know is that we're getting pricing to mow the meadows and then there's this $20,000 opportunity for the spring house and so Jonathan malloy. 729 01:30:09.540 --> 01:30:21.870 Laurie Dodge: Who, along with two other people owns public record, which is the firm that did the design vision brought this to us and feels that they could I mean they would they would prepare the grant application with us. 730 01:30:22.320 --> 01:30:34.170 Laurie Dodge: And I feel like if they didn't think they could do the work for 20 grand then they wouldn't have brought it to us, so I think it to me it seems like a really great opportunity. 731 01:30:36.000 --> 01:30:49.710 Karen Tarapata: Well i'll just i'll just jump in a little bit, I think that the improvements for making on river hook currently are all in the landscape, because the buildings are such a bigger conversation. 732 01:30:51.570 --> 01:31:03.180 Karen Tarapata: than we talked about from the very beginning, when we all sat in a circle at the Multi purpose room and Upper neck elementary school was to create some sort of natural play area for kids. 733 01:31:04.050 --> 01:31:18.120 Karen Tarapata: This seems like an opportunity to go after some money that would help us actually create that and in the packets I included some a page from a playground design that Mike. 734 01:31:18.720 --> 01:31:25.530 Karen Tarapata: showed me showing some of the things that could be involved in a children's play area. 735 01:31:26.010 --> 01:31:46.770 Karen Tarapata: And they may or may not apply to this area but it's just showing that we could do something turning that spring House into a little playhouse and creating a nice natural area with materials that would be fun for kids and outdoor activities it's appropriate still appropriate for coven. 736 01:31:47.970 --> 01:31:53.850 Karen Tarapata: And in addition I spoke, the other day with someone that Hillary Blumenthal. 737 01:31:55.560 --> 01:32:00.600 Karen Tarapata: told me to talk to, and that was what's his name. 738 01:32:04.560 --> 01:32:04.950 Karen Tarapata: what's his. 739 01:32:05.580 --> 01:32:06.600 Kennon Rothchild: TIM domain good. 740 01:32:07.530 --> 01:32:16.740 Karen Tarapata: TIM angler right I couldn't members first name, England, like our time and learn but TIM Miller and he's done he just he creates these beautiful benches. 741 01:32:17.520 --> 01:32:26.250 Karen Tarapata: sort of alive edge bench from blogs, and I included that in there, because we have beautiful black locusts logs. 742 01:32:26.880 --> 01:32:43.350 Karen Tarapata: That could make wonderful seating in the children's play area and the logs are already on site they've just been cut down so they're actually in a great position to be used over the next year before the would really dries out or needs to be H in a different way. 743 01:32:44.400 --> 01:33:00.180 Karen Tarapata: So I don't see a downside, because if we get it we don't we can decide whether or not we want to take it if we but I don't see any reason why we wouldn't at least go after this. 744 01:33:01.680 --> 01:33:03.030 Karen Tarapata: What do you guys, what do you think. 745 01:33:06.900 --> 01:33:21.540 Jeffrey Epstein: Well, I think you just answered one of my questions was your final sentence, which is that they will let us know in advance of US putting any money into this other than potentially formulating the plan through the surface did that work with us already. 746 01:33:23.160 --> 01:33:24.420 Jeffrey Epstein: Right okay. 747 01:33:27.330 --> 01:33:31.950 Karen Tarapata: So that's it's just creating a potential for doing this project. 748 01:33:33.570 --> 01:33:46.470 Laurie Dodge: yeah I mean it's submitting a grant you know, we have, we obviously have some very good documentation to show that we've been at this, so there are elements as Karen included in the package, some some pages from the design vision. 749 01:33:48.000 --> 01:33:59.010 Laurie Dodge: And then, whatever I mean we would show you guys the grant application before we sent it out, so you could see what specifically we're sending. 750 01:34:03.450 --> 01:34:09.480 Laurie Dodge: I don't imagine it would vary that much from what we've shown, but I mean public records always coming up with new. 751 01:34:10.110 --> 01:34:14.130 Karen Tarapata: Right so but I just think it's a good it's it makes sense to. 752 01:34:15.240 --> 01:34:15.780 Karen Tarapata: Try. 753 01:34:16.590 --> 01:34:24.930 Jeffrey Epstein: yeah yeah I think so also and actually I the way that the organization, you know practice grant. 754 01:34:26.010 --> 01:34:30.210 Jeffrey Epstein: Such things out, I get the feeling we get the money, because we can certainly show continuity. 755 01:34:30.630 --> 01:34:42.150 Jeffrey Epstein: And that's apparently very key factor for that, like no Although all the stuff we've done already, with you know moline and set it up art exhibits and stuff like that, but I think play right into what they're looking for. 756 01:34:43.410 --> 01:34:48.570 Karen Tarapata: And I think it could create a benefit for the local children yeah. 757 01:34:50.160 --> 01:34:50.880 Karen Tarapata: I saw how much. 758 01:34:51.510 --> 01:34:53.370 Jeffrey Epstein: Something we want us to know so good. 759 01:34:53.880 --> 01:35:02.640 Karen Tarapata: I said I saw how much the girl scouts love the logs and things on the property, so I think we would get young people who would enjoy this area. 760 01:35:03.540 --> 01:35:13.410 Laurie Dodge: And also just shows intention and continued forward momentum, because the sculpture, you know, while there's work being done on the landscape. 761 01:35:13.830 --> 01:35:32.280 Laurie Dodge: And people appreciate that for sure I think people also really appreciate it there that the the sculpture was placed very intentionally and it was very obvious that there was movement on the site to bring art to the site which one is is one of the pillars of the. 762 01:35:33.510 --> 01:35:35.010 Laurie Dodge: As as the environment, but. 763 01:35:36.030 --> 01:35:39.300 Laurie Dodge: One of the pillars of what river oak is all about. 764 01:35:39.930 --> 01:35:50.370 Jeffrey Epstein: Well, I think we this dovetails with what we are expected to be part of what we wanted on the site, you know something for kids in that lower area anyway. 765 01:35:50.820 --> 01:35:58.170 Jeffrey Epstein: We we talked about that being a possibility, I just think it may throw that in front of other things that we may have done, maybe. 766 01:35:58.770 --> 01:36:08.970 Jeffrey Epstein: Before that, but why look a gift horse in masters in the match this agenda, we could get funding for something like that i'm certainly open to what putting that in front of the line. 767 01:36:10.410 --> 01:36:20.070 Jeffrey Epstein: And maybe even more appropriate to do it now also because it's you know we see covert a stolen and aspect of a deal with some outdoor stuff may still be the better way to go. 768 01:36:21.990 --> 01:36:35.400 Karen Tarapata: And it may also interest some other of local donors, you know, once you show that the kind of things you can do people get more excited about participating privately. 769 01:36:36.900 --> 01:36:38.820 Karen Tarapata: With you know funding things privately. 770 01:36:39.840 --> 01:36:52.020 Karen Tarapata: All right, I would ask for a resolution of the board to allow public record to pursue this grant the practice grant application. 771 01:36:55.620 --> 01:36:59.640 Laurie Dodge: i'll make the motion, I mean I just does everyone feel comfortable and. 772 01:37:01.170 --> 01:37:03.780 Jeffrey Epstein: Second image I figured you would want to make a motion. 773 01:37:04.440 --> 01:37:05.760 Laurie Dodge: I definitely do. 774 01:37:05.820 --> 01:37:06.570 Laurie Dodge: But i'm. 775 01:37:07.350 --> 01:37:07.680 Kennon Rothchild: A free. 776 01:37:08.220 --> 01:37:09.930 Kennon Rothchild: A free to have a dog in that fight lori. 777 01:37:10.110 --> 01:37:24.570 Laurie Dodge: I do want the dog in the fight, and I think you know just from an iterative stamp it's This is absolutely an iterative process and I don't see anything in this work that's contrary to anything that we potentially might want to do in the future. 778 01:37:24.720 --> 01:37:34.440 Kennon Rothchild: Well, and I would say you've also given up your conflict of interest by no longer being on the board of so it would be different right it's a different thing yeah. 779 01:37:34.950 --> 01:37:41.760 Laurie Dodge: yeah well and also their public record we be doing this with with the village it's not with the friends of river right. 780 01:37:43.890 --> 01:37:48.480 Karen Tarapata: So all right, so we have a first, we have a second all in favor say Aye. 781 01:37:49.350 --> 01:37:50.130 Laurie Dodge: Aye laurie. 782 01:37:50.850 --> 01:37:51.600 Jeffrey Epstein: chef I. 783 01:37:52.200 --> 01:37:52.590 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 784 01:37:54.750 --> 01:37:55.050 Michael Esmay: Like. 785 01:37:56.160 --> 01:38:05.130 Karen Tarapata: Karen I thank you alright The next thing here is, we have a code enforcement law that we saw last week in red line. 786 01:38:05.130 --> 01:38:23.640 Karen Tarapata: form and it's in here now again if without with it it's almost its final form Noel and I came up with one more small change today but i'd like to set the public hearing for the law that will allow. 787 01:38:24.750 --> 01:38:30.900 Karen Tarapata: Our How would you describe it Noel what is it the law, supporting governing is a verb I can't come up with. 788 01:38:31.230 --> 01:38:38.700 Noelle C. Wolfson: Sure it's a lot authorizing the code enforcement officer, the building inspector anybody who's authorized to enforce a lot to issue an appearance ticket. 789 01:38:39.780 --> 01:38:44.220 Noelle C. Wolfson: To have a somebody who's starting with a violation appearing local criminal justice court. 790 01:38:47.010 --> 01:38:56.520 Karen Tarapata: And this is important because we want to be able to write parking tickets on people who leave their cars out during snow emergencies and overnight. 791 01:38:57.180 --> 01:39:09.390 Karen Tarapata: And then it's going to just make it makes a lot of things possible where we can issue the tickets and we don't have to go through the parks town court clerk to issue and appearance ticket. 792 01:39:11.430 --> 01:39:15.840 Michael Esmay: Which which meeting where you going to consider this. 793 01:39:18.960 --> 01:39:19.380 Karen Tarapata: January. 794 01:39:19.410 --> 01:39:23.910 Michael Esmay: 20 20th busy meeting yes. 795 01:39:23.970 --> 01:39:25.110 Laurie Dodge: bring your peanuts. 796 01:39:25.290 --> 01:39:26.880 Michael Esmay: popcorn yeah. 797 01:39:28.080 --> 01:39:28.500 Karen Tarapata: that's right. 798 01:39:28.560 --> 01:39:31.140 Laurie Dodge: All right, hey that's in person, we really can. 799 01:39:32.670 --> 01:39:36.870 Michael Esmay: carry the not, I will make a motion to have a public hearing. 800 01:39:39.480 --> 01:39:42.390 Michael Esmay: For the appearance ticket. 801 01:39:43.080 --> 01:39:45.000 Karen Tarapata: The code enforcement law, thank you, my. 802 01:39:45.030 --> 01:39:45.660 Michael Esmay: God, of course. 803 01:39:49.650 --> 01:39:51.570 Jeffrey Epstein: I will second that just. 804 01:39:53.370 --> 01:39:54.150 Karen Tarapata: say I. 805 01:39:54.810 --> 01:39:55.560 Michael Esmay: Like I. 806 01:39:55.770 --> 01:39:56.400 Jeffrey Epstein: Just Jeff hi. 807 01:39:57.840 --> 01:39:58.650 Laurie Dodge: lori hi. 808 01:40:01.980 --> 01:40:03.720 Karen Tarapata: Karen I thank you. 809 01:40:05.370 --> 01:40:24.720 Karen Tarapata: All right, here we go we're getting close close to the end, which is good, a proposed changes to the employee handbook we saw that we had a couple of outstanding issues left over from our meeting last week that I wanted to talk about one of them was we had talked about perhaps. 810 01:40:27.390 --> 01:40:31.470 Karen Tarapata: Allowing have making some reference to have. 811 01:40:32.520 --> 01:40:42.990 Karen Tarapata: Employees accepting gifts, up to a certain amount Noel and I did a little research and discovered that no we employees are not allowed to accept gifts at all. 812 01:40:44.610 --> 01:40:58.980 Karen Tarapata: Rather, so in that is in actually in our code of ethics that everyone signs when they are higher or appointed, so I thought let's just remove the reference to guess entirely from page from section six of our. 813 01:41:00.270 --> 01:41:06.540 Karen Tarapata: book and just left the code of ethics, be the guiding document because that comes from the State. 814 01:41:08.100 --> 01:41:16.140 Jeffrey Epstein: So I thought I thought you both came from stay, so we could move move that, from my book and have fun okay sorry. 815 01:41:16.740 --> 01:41:28.620 Karen Tarapata: yeah now the book is the book is ours, but the amount of the agenda items are codes, like the sexual violence and harassment and code of ethics those all come down from the State. 816 01:41:29.070 --> 01:41:30.150 Karen Tarapata: You can include them. 817 01:41:31.890 --> 01:41:41.850 Karen Tarapata: All right, so we already talked about the election day holiday that's off the table, and the last thing here now is this retiree health insurance and riches here tonight. 818 01:41:42.360 --> 01:41:56.790 Karen Tarapata: you'd asked us to run a couple of scenarios of what it would cost to offer a retiree nice ship retiree insurance to our employees. 819 01:41:57.780 --> 01:42:10.140 Karen Tarapata: If once they can retire at age 55 after at least five years of service to the village rich i'm just going to have you speak a little bit about what we talked about with this. 820 01:42:10.890 --> 01:42:22.740 Karen Tarapata: You know the state requires us if we offer insurance to retirees, we have to at least over 50% of an individual premium and 30% of family premium. 821 01:42:23.280 --> 01:42:34.500 Karen Tarapata: And i'm just going to let rich talk a little bit about what we had discussed as a possibility and what the cost would be I actually asked Mitch to project out 10 years what. 822 01:42:35.310 --> 01:42:44.280 Karen Tarapata: It would cost us to offer this benefit 10 years from now, because it's going to be closer to 10 years from now, when we have someone will retire at 55. 823 01:42:45.660 --> 01:42:46.200 Richard Fortunato: Okay. 824 01:42:47.700 --> 01:42:49.740 Richard Fortunato: The current costs right now. 825 01:42:51.000 --> 01:43:14.550 Richard Fortunato: The current costs for single is $393 we pay 50% of that $393 and the family plan now which we pay zero you cannot opt into is roughly $1,100 for the family plan that's the current cost for employer. 826 01:43:14.850 --> 01:43:16.200 Karen Tarapata: hiring plan yep. 827 01:43:16.590 --> 01:43:17.820 Richard Fortunato: For the entire plan. 828 01:43:19.410 --> 01:43:30.900 Richard Fortunato: The State recommends like Karen said or requires 5030 50% single 30% family I think what Karen suggested in order to. 829 01:43:33.150 --> 01:43:37.830 Richard Fortunato: I guess maintain the staff would be a good thing to us would be 5050. 830 01:43:38.340 --> 01:43:49.890 Richard Fortunato: So a little just a tad more for the family plan so we go with a 5050 plants, so I ran those projections forward so the current cost would roughly be $200 for single. 831 01:43:50.370 --> 01:44:03.270 Richard Fortunato: And $550 would be our cost currently if we run those costs 10 years forward at a 5% increase which I think is kind of reasonable. 832 01:44:04.530 --> 01:44:12.210 Richard Fortunato: The cost winds up 10 years from now, our costs, not the total cost that a 5050 split winds up being 600 single. 833 01:44:14.220 --> 01:44:28.080 Richard Fortunato: i'm sorry now 300 single half half with our costs 300 for single and a little over $800 I have $830 for family. 834 01:44:29.730 --> 01:44:37.440 Karen Tarapata: So that's our cost, and that would be their cost, the reason I even even talk about this is because. 835 01:44:38.220 --> 01:44:51.270 Karen Tarapata: We read a benefits are a big part of how we retain our employees there isn't a good people come they they take less money to take a public job. 836 01:44:51.960 --> 01:44:59.880 Karen Tarapata: Particularly in our little village there really isn't a lot of room for advancement and they really do look forward to these benefits. 837 01:45:00.630 --> 01:45:21.030 Karen Tarapata: it's a as we talked about last week it's it's a legacy cost for the village, but the question is, if you really don't offer retiree benefits there's a good chance that your people will be poached so the pallet ease so it's it's just something to to think about. 838 01:45:21.390 --> 01:45:26.040 Richard Fortunato: So let me, let me just give you, because I know numbers are just you know kind of. 839 01:45:26.760 --> 01:45:47.370 Richard Fortunato: Early sometimes I mean this is really in my judgment, pretty simple if the village has to offer by the state of 5030 plan right the village in must if the village offers a 5050 plan the extra 20% 10 years from now. 840 01:45:48.510 --> 01:45:51.060 Richard Fortunato: Right equates to. 841 01:45:52.950 --> 01:45:54.870 Richard Fortunato: it's not so much is my point here. 842 01:45:58.200 --> 01:46:12.840 Richard Fortunato: equates to $33 a month per employee who chooses the family plan which i'm you know most employees are going to choose the family plan right they'll have spouses, so you know 10 years from now. 843 01:46:14.250 --> 01:46:20.700 Richard Fortunato: Right $33 extra per retiree per month, so it's not a humongous. 844 01:46:21.840 --> 01:46:26.910 Richard Fortunato: You know what we're going to offer from what we must offer it's not a tremendous difference. 845 01:46:27.420 --> 01:46:28.260 Karen Tarapata: So I don't think this is a. 846 01:46:28.530 --> 01:46:30.870 Karen Tarapata: difference, but it makes a difference to the. 847 01:46:31.470 --> 01:46:32.490 Richard Fortunato: To the employee. 848 01:46:32.550 --> 01:46:42.660 Richard Fortunato: yeah I understand, but to the for the dollars and cents for the math here, I just want everybody to know this is not something that we're going to struggle over for $33. 849 01:46:42.780 --> 01:46:44.670 Jeffrey Epstein: I think, just a small little bit also. 850 01:46:47.160 --> 01:47:03.960 Karen Tarapata: And the thing is it's important to know that if somebody retires at 55 they can continue to purchase this insurance with us throughout their retirement it isn't something that stops when they turn 65 and get medicare. 851 01:47:04.380 --> 01:47:07.410 Richard Fortunato: and get the 50% reduction. 852 01:47:08.280 --> 01:47:09.240 Richard Fortunato: Right it's. 853 01:47:09.600 --> 01:47:11.550 Richard Fortunato: A 5050 deal, even at 65. 854 01:47:12.030 --> 01:47:28.380 Karen Tarapata: Even at 65 if they choose, it now, the very high end plan, many people might choose to call a rp and get a much more reasonable plan when they turn 65 this could just be a gap. 855 01:47:29.070 --> 01:47:45.750 Karen Tarapata: Insurance program that helps it helps them between 55 and 65 or they made this if they have a particular medical condition or particularly specialist they go to they could continue if they wish to purchase this at the from us going farming. 856 01:47:49.110 --> 01:47:58.380 Jeffrey Epstein: And the continuation have to if somebody if 65 years or after after retirement, which is also part of New York state it just continues on. 857 01:47:59.910 --> 01:48:01.620 Richard Fortunato: If the employee chooses yes. 858 01:48:02.220 --> 01:48:02.610 Okay. 859 01:48:03.720 --> 01:48:06.420 Karen Tarapata: But they may say my God, I can do better. 860 01:48:06.810 --> 01:48:07.500 than. 861 01:48:09.420 --> 01:48:17.850 Karen Tarapata: $830 a month for my family, I can find less expensive insurance I don't know it would be their choice, but it's something. 862 01:48:18.900 --> 01:48:30.840 Karen Tarapata: And, fortunately, we have a while before this will become an issue, but it is something that is in employees minds, so I just wanted to get you know. 863 01:48:31.890 --> 01:48:32.820 Karen Tarapata: open the discussion. 864 01:48:39.000 --> 01:48:44.490 Karen Tarapata: Any other any other you know Mike and can lori do you have any thoughts on this. 865 01:48:48.840 --> 01:48:59.520 Kennon Rothchild: So the question is that where we acquired by the state to offer retirement benefits period Eric gap insurance or health insurance retirement. 866 01:49:01.260 --> 01:49:02.640 Karen Tarapata: We can offer zero. 867 01:49:02.970 --> 01:49:04.050 Kennon Rothchild: We got offered Sir okay. 868 01:49:04.110 --> 01:49:08.700 Karen Tarapata: We can offer zero, but if we offer anything, it has to be 5030 is the random. 869 01:49:09.840 --> 01:49:11.220 Jeffrey Epstein: And it has to continue on. 870 01:49:12.420 --> 01:49:13.650 Jeffrey Epstein: After after. 871 01:49:14.760 --> 01:49:17.610 Jeffrey Epstein: an incident OK OK. 872 01:49:20.040 --> 01:49:20.610 Karen Tarapata: So. 873 01:49:20.730 --> 01:49:22.530 Jeffrey Epstein: I already expressed, I think it's a. 874 01:49:23.070 --> 01:49:25.080 Jeffrey Epstein: direction to go, because my opinion. 875 01:49:25.290 --> 01:49:26.880 Michael Esmay: yeah I agree. 876 01:49:29.130 --> 01:49:35.580 Karen Tarapata: I think, because it's not as easy as I thought to find qualified people for these positions. 877 01:49:37.560 --> 01:49:47.550 Jeffrey Epstein: And to your point, I mean they work for a certain amount and they look at the back end of this and that's the that's the deal we make so okay with it yep. 878 01:49:49.080 --> 01:49:50.970 Karen Tarapata: All right, then so. 879 01:49:52.260 --> 01:49:52.770 Karen Tarapata: My. 880 01:49:55.230 --> 01:50:12.540 Karen Tarapata: Show I circulate on can make these changes, and I can circulate the employee guidelines with the final changes in it, would you like to do that, or do you feel ready to adapt to the changes we talked about last week, and this week into the employee guide book. 881 01:50:14.880 --> 01:50:16.410 Karen Tarapata: You can go one more round. 882 01:50:21.570 --> 01:50:27.210 Jeffrey Epstein: included, but needs to be concluded so i'd be I will be okay, you know just going forward what we thought. 883 01:50:28.260 --> 01:50:29.100 Michael Esmay: let's go with it. 884 01:50:29.580 --> 01:50:31.530 Kennon Rothchild: yeah I was gonna say the same so. 885 01:50:31.800 --> 01:50:40.470 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so let someone make a motion that we adopt the amendments to the employee handbook for 2022. 886 01:50:40.830 --> 01:50:41.610 Kennon Rothchild: This is can. 887 01:50:42.780 --> 01:50:48.180 Kennon Rothchild: I move that we make the proposed changes to the employee handbook as. 888 01:50:49.260 --> 01:50:50.910 Kennon Rothchild: As describing these past two meetings. 889 01:50:52.830 --> 01:50:53.700 Karen Tarapata: And second. 890 01:50:54.240 --> 01:50:56.370 Michael Esmay: i'll second that Mike thanks my. 891 01:50:56.700 --> 01:50:57.750 Karen Tarapata: favorite say I. 892 01:50:58.230 --> 01:50:59.190 Kennon Rothchild: can buy. 893 01:51:00.000 --> 01:51:00.540 Michael Esmay: My God. 894 01:51:02.880 --> 01:51:03.300 Laurie Dodge: All right. 895 01:51:04.350 --> 01:51:05.280 Karen Tarapata: Karen I. 896 01:51:06.150 --> 01:51:18.000 Karen Tarapata: Well, thank you so much good one more thing one more thing here, this is this crazy thing the resolution the standard work day and reporting resolution. 897 01:51:18.360 --> 01:51:27.450 Karen Tarapata: We usually do this at our annual meeting like knows this, one where we make a resolution saying that our standard work day is seven hours. 898 01:51:28.500 --> 01:51:50.130 Karen Tarapata: And this has to do with the way that they calculate the retirement benefits for employees heather was appointed in June, and this was never done, I took a webinar and realize that I really have to submit this resolution by the end by the end of the month, but actually by December 27. 899 01:51:51.180 --> 01:51:55.650 Karen Tarapata: So i'm just asking for a resolution. 900 01:51:57.000 --> 01:52:10.890 Karen Tarapata: Say stating that the standard work day for our appointed officials Donna Albert and heather candela the deputy village clerk and the village clerk is seven hours. 901 01:52:12.000 --> 01:52:13.860 Karen Tarapata: And that's all I need. 902 01:52:16.380 --> 01:52:23.310 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion to set the standard work day for the debt those correct and deputy village at seven hours. 903 01:52:23.730 --> 01:52:33.990 Jeffrey Epstein: I will make that motion for those ferpa deputy is a village clerk and deputy Polish clerk that's a seven hour workday standard seven hour workday. 904 01:52:34.770 --> 01:52:36.000 Karen Tarapata: Great can I get a second. 905 01:52:39.000 --> 01:52:39.690 Laurie Dodge: i'll second. 906 01:52:40.290 --> 01:52:42.360 Karen Tarapata: Thank you laurie all in favor say Aye. 907 01:52:42.870 --> 01:52:45.090 Laurie Dodge: Jeff I lori I. 908 01:52:47.310 --> 01:52:47.580 Michael Esmay: Like. 909 01:52:48.720 --> 01:52:49.620 Karen Tarapata: Aaron I. 910 01:52:51.540 --> 01:52:57.870 Karen Tarapata: got all 15 things is there anything else that you'd like to speak about tonight. 911 01:52:58.530 --> 01:53:04.710 Laurie Dodge: Well, you know what we do need to do i'm sorry I hate to even say it, I need to do the Minutes. 912 01:53:05.730 --> 01:53:09.360 Karen Tarapata: Of course we do we never got that and I have one more one more request. 913 01:53:10.530 --> 01:53:17.670 Karen Tarapata: One quick request I need a resolution authorizing me to have a small fire and uh huh bochy. 914 01:53:17.970 --> 01:53:19.290 Karen Tarapata: On Saturday I never. 915 01:53:20.580 --> 01:53:35.880 Karen Tarapata: do some work with our high school students of fire on river requires a resolution of the village board so does anyone object to me having a little hip it there, so we can make s'mores no. 916 01:53:35.940 --> 01:53:39.570 Laurie Dodge: object come one come all for this course. 917 01:53:40.410 --> 01:53:42.990 Karen Tarapata: yeah I gotta go shopping tomorrow. 918 01:53:44.730 --> 01:53:52.320 Karen Tarapata: Okay, with someone make a motion to allow a small well regulated fire on river hooked on Saturday. 919 01:53:53.580 --> 01:53:55.200 Karen Tarapata: The December 18. 920 01:53:55.890 --> 01:53:56.880 Laurie Dodge: i'll make it a motion. 921 01:53:58.200 --> 01:53:59.190 Karen Tarapata: Can I get a second. 922 01:54:00.540 --> 01:54:01.350 Kennon Rothchild: And i'll second. 923 01:54:01.980 --> 01:54:03.960 Karen Tarapata: Thank you can all in favor say Aye. 924 01:54:04.920 --> 01:54:05.790 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 925 01:54:06.330 --> 01:54:07.050 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 926 01:54:07.740 --> 01:54:08.310 Jeffrey Epstein: Think Jeff. 927 01:54:09.690 --> 01:54:09.930 Michael Esmay: Like. 928 01:54:11.250 --> 01:54:19.680 Karen Tarapata: Karen I thank you all right back two minutes, all the way back to page three and page seven of our packets here. 929 01:54:24.540 --> 01:54:27.180 Karen Tarapata: takes a moment for this evening to go back here so big. 930 01:54:28.410 --> 01:54:39.150 Karen Tarapata: All right, have you reviewed the meeting of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 18th 2021 and does anyone have any corrections or changes. 931 01:54:41.070 --> 01:54:43.020 Laurie Dodge: late November oh yeah right sorry. 932 01:54:47.130 --> 01:54:56.400 Karen Tarapata: If there are no corrections or changes, I would ask someone to make emotion that we adopt the minutes of the regular meeting of November at. 933 01:54:58.170 --> 01:55:02.760 Jeffrey Epstein: Oh, there we adopt the ministry show for November 18 2020 work. 934 01:55:03.660 --> 01:55:04.530 Karen Tarapata: And I get a second. 935 01:55:05.880 --> 01:55:06.240 Laurie Dodge: i'll say. 936 01:55:07.170 --> 01:55:07.500 Like. 937 01:55:08.820 --> 01:55:10.980 Karen Tarapata: What Maria was in first you'll have to wait. 938 01:55:12.900 --> 01:55:14.310 Laurie Dodge: till the special meeting like. 939 01:55:15.420 --> 01:55:16.830 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 940 01:55:18.630 --> 01:55:19.470 Laurie Dodge: Gloria. 941 01:55:19.860 --> 01:55:20.580 Michael Esmay: My God. 942 01:55:24.570 --> 01:55:25.230 Karen Tarapata: Can I. 943 01:55:25.920 --> 01:55:29.730 Kennon Rothchild: Can I sorry about that had to quickly come back and unmute yourselves. 944 01:55:32.610 --> 01:55:36.540 Karen Tarapata: I have your review the minutes of the special meeting of December night. 945 01:55:37.260 --> 01:55:38.340 Karen Tarapata: and any comments or. 946 01:55:38.340 --> 01:55:38.970 corrections. 947 01:55:40.440 --> 01:55:40.890 know. 948 01:55:41.970 --> 01:55:46.950 Karen Tarapata: I let this new format of the Minutes it's very simple. 949 01:55:48.810 --> 01:55:51.000 Michael Esmay: All right, if there aren't any girl likewise. 950 01:55:52.410 --> 01:55:56.700 Karen Tarapata: So Mike would you make a motion to adopt the minutes of the special meeting. 951 01:55:57.270 --> 01:55:57.900 Yes. 952 01:55:58.920 --> 01:55:59.700 They get a second. 953 01:56:00.930 --> 01:56:02.250 Jeffrey Epstein: it's just like it. 954 01:56:02.850 --> 01:56:04.590 Karen Tarapata: All right, all in favor say Aye. 955 01:56:05.010 --> 01:56:05.730 Michael Esmay: My guy. 956 01:56:06.180 --> 01:56:06.870 Jeffrey Epstein: Jeff I. 957 01:56:09.450 --> 01:56:12.600 Laurie Dodge: lori I can, are you on mute yeah. 958 01:56:13.980 --> 01:56:14.520 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 959 01:56:15.660 --> 01:56:23.790 Karen Tarapata: Karen I alright So is there anything else you want to talk about or do you want to just make a motion to end the meeting. 960 01:56:26.400 --> 01:56:27.990 Kennon Rothchild: i'd like to make a motion day of the meeting. 961 01:56:28.920 --> 01:56:31.410 Michael Esmay: All right, i'll second that like. 962 01:56:31.980 --> 01:56:33.240 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say I. 963 01:56:34.260 --> 01:56:34.920 Kennon Rothchild: Can I. 964 01:56:35.490 --> 01:56:36.120 Michael Esmay: Like I. 965 01:56:37.140 --> 01:56:37.920 Laurie Dodge: Already I. 966 01:56:38.250 --> 01:56:39.150 Jeffrey Epstein: Jeff I. 967 01:56:39.600 --> 01:56:47.370 Karen Tarapata: Aaron I thank you all so much thank you Noel and rich staying on to the end we'll see you soon good night.