WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:01.199 Karen Tarapata: webinar issue. 2 00:00:06.420 --> 00:00:10.500 Karen Tarapata: And then Okay, good evening everyone hoping my can get on. 3 00:00:11.700 --> 00:00:15.809 Karen Tarapata: But i'm just going to start the meeting, because it is seven o'clock. 4 00:00:17.220 --> 00:00:34.770 Karen Tarapata: This is the village of upper neck Board of Trustees regular meeting of November 18 2021 we do have a mom laurie dodge can Ross child Jeff Epstein and myself Karen terracotta we're waiting for Deputy Mayor Mike is. 5 00:00:37.440 --> 00:00:38.010 Karen Tarapata: See. 6 00:00:40.920 --> 00:00:51.060 Karen Tarapata: Well then, why don't we start with what we could do the minutes while we're waiting for my so I know he will probably call me if he can't get on. 7 00:00:53.730 --> 00:01:00.180 Karen Tarapata: Did everyone reads the Minutes, the amended minutes with it had your hopefully head your comments incorporated. 8 00:01:02.250 --> 00:01:02.730 Laurie Dodge: Yes. 9 00:01:02.850 --> 00:01:03.630 Jeffrey Epstein: look good to me. 10 00:01:04.230 --> 00:01:04.740 Karen Tarapata: yeah hey. 11 00:01:05.760 --> 00:01:12.060 Karen Tarapata: With someone make emotion, then, to adopt the minutes of the regular meeting by October 21 2021. 12 00:01:13.980 --> 00:01:18.810 Jeffrey Epstein: will move that we adopt the minutes of October 21 2021 sprint. 13 00:01:20.370 --> 00:01:21.360 Karen Tarapata: And lori. 14 00:01:21.930 --> 00:01:23.040 Laurie Dodge: Yes, i'll second. 15 00:01:25.020 --> 00:01:29.880 Karen Tarapata: Sorry, is it funny for me I can't yeah i'm not seeing it okay all in favor say Aye. 16 00:01:30.540 --> 00:01:31.260 Jeffrey Epstein: hi Jeff. 17 00:01:31.770 --> 00:01:32.580 Laurie Dodge: I lori. 18 00:01:34.800 --> 00:01:35.670 Karen Tarapata: hi Karen. 19 00:01:36.630 --> 00:01:39.480 Ken Rothchild: And I must abstain, since I wasn't at that meeting. 20 00:01:40.320 --> 00:01:41.220 Karen Tarapata: Right okay. 21 00:01:42.300 --> 00:01:42.720 Karen Tarapata: All right. 22 00:01:44.040 --> 00:01:44.910 Karen Tarapata: adopted. 23 00:01:46.980 --> 00:01:55.950 Ken Rothchild: I see Mike has joined us or is about to join us so yeah you might want to ask him the question or not, you need only three. 24 00:01:57.780 --> 00:01:58.950 He helped him with the. 25 00:02:00.210 --> 00:02:03.420 Karen Tarapata: Adjustments so let's just see me get him on here. 26 00:02:10.860 --> 00:02:13.560 Karen Tarapata: Mike are you with us Where are you. 27 00:02:23.520 --> 00:02:24.720 See here now. 28 00:02:26.940 --> 00:02:35.430 Karen Tarapata: Michael s Bay is not he is he muted what's going on, or is not no he's he's muted himself Mike we can't hear you. 29 00:02:48.300 --> 00:02:54.000 Karen Tarapata: heather is there anything up maybe he's calling me hold on a second. 30 00:02:56.010 --> 00:02:56.730 Karen Tarapata: Hello Mike. 31 00:02:58.380 --> 00:02:59.010 Yes. 32 00:03:09.360 --> 00:03:11.340 Karen Tarapata: See, so you are. 33 00:03:18.480 --> 00:03:26.430 Karen Tarapata: All right, so why don't you go back to gosh because you're on I just did right, but I see you have no microphone. 34 00:03:29.370 --> 00:03:33.360 Karen Tarapata: I you are actually on as a participant, I can see you here. 35 00:03:42.330 --> 00:03:45.960 Karen Tarapata: But you were unable to do a run able to log on using the tablet. 36 00:03:47.760 --> 00:03:48.840 Karen Tarapata: Why don't you go to. 37 00:04:01.320 --> 00:04:10.590 Karen Tarapata: I understand why don't you log off and go to the upper neck website and just to come on as a participant. 38 00:04:11.730 --> 00:04:18.690 Karen Tarapata: And then we will see if we can't make you one of the panelists just Come on, you know what I mean just come in as a civilian. 39 00:04:26.850 --> 00:04:28.950 Village Clerk: Karen I can make them a panelist if he goes that. 40 00:04:29.820 --> 00:04:34.470 Karen Tarapata: There we go, we just need you to log in through our website. 41 00:04:36.930 --> 00:04:39.150 Hopefully, simple thing. 42 00:04:49.980 --> 00:05:01.110 Karen Tarapata: Well, our lives will be much simpler when we have the old style meeting house setup and and we as trustees will be back in the room, will be able to make this a lot simpler. 43 00:05:22.980 --> 00:05:25.260 Karen Tarapata: The police report, or you do this. 44 00:05:28.500 --> 00:05:30.420 Karen Tarapata: All right, you'll be on in a few. 45 00:05:32.100 --> 00:05:34.080 Karen Tarapata: Oh no we sorry we'll just wait. 46 00:05:35.250 --> 00:05:39.120 Karen Tarapata: don't worry okay all right, so I will go ahead with the. 47 00:05:40.410 --> 00:05:43.020 Karen Tarapata: All right, very good Mike all right bye. 48 00:05:45.420 --> 00:05:54.750 Karen Tarapata: All right, Michael is going to come in as a participant on his tablet and that should be just fine. 49 00:05:56.850 --> 00:06:00.930 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so go ahead with the police report that tells are you here. 50 00:06:04.620 --> 00:06:05.580 Karen Tarapata: Is here before. 51 00:06:08.730 --> 00:06:10.200 Karen Tarapata: Can. 52 00:06:10.200 --> 00:06:11.700 Jeffrey Epstein: You know. 53 00:06:12.810 --> 00:06:17.130 Village Clerk: I was if you're on the one of the phone numbers it's star six to unmute yourself. 54 00:06:20.760 --> 00:06:21.600 18456395980: Oh, here we go. 55 00:06:22.980 --> 00:06:24.270 18456395980: Can you guys hear me yep. 56 00:06:25.860 --> 00:06:29.370 18456395980: Fantastic I didn't realize it was the star star six Thank you. 57 00:06:31.560 --> 00:06:38.520 Karen Tarapata: Think, you might have heard, we got bombed twice in the last week, so now we're having to do this, a different way to increase the security. 58 00:06:39.660 --> 00:06:46.950 18456395980: I did not hear that and I think i'll talk to you, maybe tomorrow and maybe we can talk about some ways to. 59 00:06:48.090 --> 00:06:48.630 18456395980: prevent that. 60 00:06:51.480 --> 00:06:59.880 18456395980: But anyway, since the last meeting there was one car accident in the village, and it was no injuries on Castle height. 61 00:07:01.410 --> 00:07:12.180 18456395980: As always, our officers are continuing to do area check of all the hotspots in nyack school checks, as well as cultural and religious checks. 62 00:07:12.780 --> 00:07:27.210 18456395980: There were two animal incidents a one was an engineer on North broadway that ended up being unfounded it ran off into the woods and the other one was on North midlanders o'clock that also ran off into the woods. 63 00:07:28.320 --> 00:07:50.370 18456395980: One part of concern, there was one burglary in the village that was on for strive, and they got in through a rear door, which was left unlock somewhere between the hours of 9am and 6pm and ransack several of bedrooms and rooms in the residents are stuck. 64 00:07:51.510 --> 00:07:51.900 18456395980: i'm sorry. 65 00:07:52.500 --> 00:07:56.370 Karen Tarapata: I just said, oh, my goodness that's then it doesn't happen very often. 66 00:07:56.910 --> 00:08:03.420 18456395980: No, no, there hasn't been a burglary down there in a while and again, you know this remind people to lock their doors. 67 00:08:04.830 --> 00:08:23.460 18456395980: No firewall know fires no fireworks there was one fraud that occurred in the village and somebody made changes to a cell phone account, and then they were able to go into a chase account and put money into a. 68 00:08:24.510 --> 00:08:29.280 18456395980: it's called coinbase and they were able to transfer some money the. 69 00:08:30.360 --> 00:08:39.240 18456395980: resident was able to catch it pretty quickly contact chase security and they were able to stop it and reverse the residence. 70 00:08:40.080 --> 00:08:56.490 18456395980: There were no juvenile complaints, there was one larceny that occurred from a mailbox and it was on oak hill drive and the person went in and stole some checks that were in the mailbox know larcenies occurred from vehicles. 71 00:08:58.110 --> 00:09:09.300 18456395980: There was no noise ordinance calls, but there was one from the boatyard it was one call about the boatyard no property nobody. 72 00:09:10.440 --> 00:09:12.060 18456395980: No calls about recycling bins. 73 00:09:13.170 --> 00:09:21.630 18456395980: And I was asked to look at stolen cars, because there was some concerns from residents that that there was a number of stolen cars that were occurring. 74 00:09:22.860 --> 00:09:29.820 18456395980: So I went back six years and in those six years, there were only three reported stolen cars. 75 00:09:31.680 --> 00:09:50.400 18456395980: One of them, the person called back pretty quickly about two or three minutes after they made the initial call and said that they actually saw their car was parked in a different spot so that was not a stolen car, there were two this year, one in January and one in October. 76 00:09:52.050 --> 00:10:00.810 18456395980: One was on North middle and avenue, the other one was on hyperdrive they both were Mercedes or both, were the both cars were unwired. 77 00:10:01.350 --> 00:10:14.250 18456395980: And both cars, had the key fobs in them anybody have any questions about the stolen cars or anything like that so it's not it again six years, two cars not Oh, not for us a big crime wave. 78 00:10:15.330 --> 00:10:23.190 18456395980: But in terms of suspicious calls, there were two suspicious calls on a high mount avenue. 79 00:10:24.390 --> 00:10:31.920 18456395980: One that somebody called about in a garage door that was left open and an end up being a abandoned house, we went and checked. 80 00:10:32.730 --> 00:10:42.000 18456395980: The door was only partially open and there was nothing that was disturbed in the House, the other one was a person that was sitting on a rock we went out ID the person. 81 00:10:42.390 --> 00:10:53.250 18456395980: and ended up being a verizon worker that was you know working in the area and they decided to take a break and sit on the rock and the third suspicious was on North broadway. 82 00:10:54.030 --> 00:11:07.680 18456395980: an unknown person went and knock on somebody's door by the time we got down there that person was going there were no robberies and no trespasses The last thing I want to talk about was a drug. 83 00:11:08.940 --> 00:11:22.470 18456395980: overdoses and we've we've seen a pretty substantial increase so for the county year to date there's been 324 reported overdoses and that's only reported again it's not. 84 00:11:23.010 --> 00:11:40.170 18456395980: Some people have their own narcan and they didn't end up not calling the police of those 324 56 people passed away in quarks down there were a 97 recorded overdoses and of that there were 15 people that passed away. 85 00:11:41.220 --> 00:11:46.230 18456395980: And the part that's actually getting pretty concerning for us is that. 86 00:11:47.400 --> 00:12:05.880 18456395980: We are starting to notice that there is fentanyl being put into marijuana so people are smoking marijuana and thinking that they're only smoking marijuana and they're actually overdosing so that that seems to be a pretty. 87 00:12:07.050 --> 00:12:14.130 18456395980: Dumping that's happening on the east coast and something that we're pretty concerned about other than that nothing. 88 00:12:15.570 --> 00:12:29.130 18456395980: Concerning going on in the village, as always anybody has any concerns or problems, please don't hesitate to reach out to me, and if anybody has any questions or concerns. 89 00:12:30.060 --> 00:12:36.450 18456395980: Go ahead well just I did, I just want to back up a second I forgot to say that i'm here with with said Fred yanni so she said here also. 90 00:12:37.530 --> 00:12:38.730 18456395980: Anybody have any questions. 91 00:12:40.560 --> 00:12:41.250 18456395980: or concerns. 92 00:12:42.000 --> 00:12:43.080 Laurie Dodge: No, thank you. 93 00:12:44.340 --> 00:12:57.600 18456395980: Okay fantastic you guys have a fantastic rest of the night and i'm also looking forward to going down to the old stone church, I was down there on Tuesday with the Mayor and it's coming along fantastic, and we can hardly wait to have a meeting. 94 00:12:59.250 --> 00:13:00.630 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, I think it's going to be. 95 00:13:01.740 --> 00:13:02.190 Michael Esmay: Your live. 96 00:13:04.140 --> 00:13:04.470 Jeffrey Epstein: Thank you. 97 00:13:05.010 --> 00:13:06.030 Ken Rothchild: Thank you good. 98 00:13:06.840 --> 00:13:07.350 night. 99 00:13:09.210 --> 00:13:11.220 Karen Tarapata: Alright treasurer's report. 100 00:13:11.820 --> 00:13:12.990 Richard Fortunato: Good evening everybody. 101 00:13:14.460 --> 00:13:33.540 Richard Fortunato: I got a very short report tonight, first, I need a resolution to pay on December 15 the interest on the public improvement bond that's the park 35,004 7188 cents December 15. 102 00:13:37.170 --> 00:13:38.130 Michael Esmay: solution like. 103 00:13:41.640 --> 00:13:42.180 Laurie Dodge: laurie. 104 00:13:44.250 --> 00:13:45.720 Karen Tarapata: olin favorite say I. 105 00:13:46.890 --> 00:13:47.790 Michael Esmay: Like I. 106 00:13:48.570 --> 00:13:49.470 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 107 00:13:51.300 --> 00:13:51.900 Ken Rothchild: And I. 108 00:13:52.560 --> 00:13:53.400 Jeffrey Epstein: You sure if I. 109 00:13:54.120 --> 00:13:54.990 Karen Tarapata: Karen I. 110 00:13:55.950 --> 00:13:57.360 Richard Fortunato: Wonderful okay. 111 00:13:59.070 --> 00:14:13.560 Richard Fortunato: Few tidbits of information, I gave rockland county $30,461 and 83 cents delinquent tax pairs there are 14 of them rockland county has the information so hopefully well, we will will get the check. 112 00:14:15.810 --> 00:14:26.250 Richard Fortunato: The bond closed, a few days, I believe, two days after our last meeting closed it the refinancing on closed at 1.2% like we had suspected. 113 00:14:27.810 --> 00:14:37.380 Richard Fortunato: Everything went very smoothly and everything is is done it's paid off first payment is, I believe January 15 and that bond. 114 00:14:40.080 --> 00:14:44.580 Richard Fortunato: Last but not least, the financial statements everybody get a copy of the financials. 115 00:14:45.900 --> 00:14:55.170 Richard Fortunato: I don't see any anomalies in there, I go through them I think they look great and, as usual, if any anybody has any questions you have my cell phone number about the financials. 116 00:14:56.370 --> 00:14:57.300 Richard Fortunato: that's all I got. 117 00:14:58.980 --> 00:15:01.170 Karen Tarapata: Oh that's good I like that. 118 00:15:02.400 --> 00:15:03.660 Jeffrey Epstein: news about the rifai. 119 00:15:05.220 --> 00:15:06.300 Richard Fortunato: i'm sorry Jeff what a. 120 00:15:06.690 --> 00:15:07.950 Jeffrey Epstein: Good news about the report. 121 00:15:07.980 --> 00:15:08.880 yeah less than. 122 00:15:10.380 --> 00:15:26.160 Richard Fortunato: 200 200,000 plus over 10 years I mean that's 20 plus thousand dollars a year that was a great yeah it was great we lucked out and 1.2% That was all concerned about interest rates going up the last month, but it's listen I wouldn't fight it not 1.2%. 123 00:15:26.610 --> 00:15:28.710 Michael Esmay: Was it a bank that took the the bond. 124 00:15:29.190 --> 00:15:30.810 Richard Fortunato: One we. 125 00:15:33.600 --> 00:15:40.230 Richard Fortunato: rock something Roth child or not can but rough trial and Cooper are some firm bought the entire. 126 00:15:41.850 --> 00:15:53.430 Richard Fortunato: The entire 1.7 and change million, and then they went out I just had it today because I just got the fedex package on my desk today they went out and split it up amongst. 127 00:15:54.330 --> 00:16:13.740 Richard Fortunato: It looked like from the packet maybe 1516 different people split up the one point several people or funds like fidelity right anybody could have bought them at that point split it up, but we're only making one one payment, I mean we obviously have one or you know we're ripping one group. 128 00:16:20.010 --> 00:16:22.320 Karen Tarapata: To save money where you can. 129 00:16:23.040 --> 00:16:23.610 Richard Fortunato: Yes, we do. 130 00:16:24.330 --> 00:16:34.380 Karen Tarapata: Right so i'm just gonna at this point, I just want to give a little bit of information about some of our grant applications. 131 00:16:35.910 --> 00:16:47.550 Karen Tarapata: That i'm waiting for a call from fema that we are looking to have about $30,000 worth of damage from IDA reimbursed. 132 00:16:48.930 --> 00:17:00.270 Karen Tarapata: We have our spoke with our assemblyman and he's working on getting us a sidewalk grant which would allow us not only to repair the sidewalk. 133 00:17:01.020 --> 00:17:16.350 Karen Tarapata: And perhaps widen the road by summit school, but would be, we would be able to repair the sidewalk to the village line so let's let's have our fingers crossed that we get that money and we can move ahead with repairing our sidewalks. 134 00:17:17.550 --> 00:17:25.890 Karen Tarapata: I haven't heard anything on the transportation grant for the the big sidewalk projects, they probably won't hear anything about that, until December. 135 00:17:27.090 --> 00:17:37.920 Karen Tarapata: And then, our of dormitory authority are Sam grant for the work on the old stone meeting House we have heard nothing but positive things supposedly the paperwork is on the way. 136 00:17:39.030 --> 00:17:57.150 Karen Tarapata: They did ask me to do one thing which was we had authorized up to $80,000 for it they're giving us 50 but our actual estimate Kanan is 87 $82,107. 137 00:17:57.810 --> 00:18:19.800 Karen Tarapata: And they asked me just for a resolution to modify our guarantee that village can cover the extra $2,107 I knew there'd be no problem, but I think it's a good thing to have everything clear and all our paperwork in order so I was going to ask for a resolution. 138 00:18:21.030 --> 00:18:22.830 Karen Tarapata: to modify our. 139 00:18:25.260 --> 00:18:39.720 Karen Tarapata: What is it called matching funds for the Sam grant to 82 $82,107 with somebody make that motion. 140 00:18:40.920 --> 00:18:52.320 Jeffrey Epstein: or move there we modify the Sam grants to the amount of a $2,107 that was from 80,000 3000 so. 141 00:18:53.790 --> 00:18:54.990 Karen Tarapata: Okay, can I get a second. 142 00:18:56.460 --> 00:18:57.480 Michael Esmay: Michael second. 143 00:18:59.040 --> 00:19:00.360 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 144 00:19:01.440 --> 00:19:02.190 Aye Jeff. 145 00:19:03.690 --> 00:19:04.320 Michael Esmay: i'm like. 146 00:19:05.070 --> 00:19:05.580 Ken Rothchild: I can. 147 00:19:06.450 --> 00:19:07.230 Laurie Dodge: I lori. 148 00:19:08.880 --> 00:19:19.410 Karen Tarapata: Thank you, I just figured it was the right time it's out of order, but the right time in the flow of things here, which I think that's it does anyone have any other questions for rich. 149 00:19:21.390 --> 00:19:28.530 Richard Fortunato: Last but not least, this month we're going after the hundred and $19,000 chips money for. 150 00:19:30.060 --> 00:19:32.310 Richard Fortunato: Was it Palmer what was the road we just paid. 151 00:19:33.900 --> 00:19:43.200 Richard Fortunato: Yes, that's it so i'm working on that so just to we were doing grants and going after money so we're going to get that hundred 19 back, hopefully, in the next few months okay. 152 00:19:43.380 --> 00:19:43.830 Jeffrey Epstein: So. 153 00:19:43.890 --> 00:19:56.340 Karen Tarapata: Thank you Jeff information from nikon about what it will be for next year, so probably by next next month we'll be able to talk about what kind of money will have for paving in 2022. 154 00:19:56.700 --> 00:20:01.350 Richard Fortunato: Great perfect Thank you all have a great weekend happy thanksgiving. 155 00:20:02.460 --> 00:20:02.880 Laurie Dodge: rich. 156 00:20:07.200 --> 00:20:07.860 Karen Tarapata: All right. 157 00:20:09.210 --> 00:20:13.470 Karen Tarapata: heather do you want to talk about the Nice Community ambulance corps. 158 00:20:14.490 --> 00:20:17.040 Karen Tarapata: You have that in front of you do you want me to read that. 159 00:20:17.430 --> 00:20:36.030 Village Clerk: I do not have the letter in front of me, but I am aware of it it's they they want to hold their annual five K on January 2 from 10 o'clock 10am to 11:30am and pending approval, they will send the insurance information and all that goes into. 160 00:20:37.380 --> 00:20:38.220 Village Clerk: This sort of event. 161 00:20:40.170 --> 00:20:43.200 Karen Tarapata: Does anyone have any questions about that fun run. 162 00:20:46.350 --> 00:20:46.800 Laurie Dodge: know. 163 00:20:48.210 --> 00:20:57.660 Karen Tarapata: Before they've done many times so with someone make a motion to approve their request pending their APP you know their. 164 00:20:58.980 --> 00:21:01.380 Karen Tarapata: Insurance and all the other horrible requirements. 165 00:21:03.840 --> 00:21:22.290 Laurie Dodge: It sorry i'll make an emotion that we allow my Community ambulance corps to hold their ninth annual snowflake five K race on January 2 2022 contingent on a receiving their insurance certificate. 166 00:21:23.460 --> 00:21:25.830 Ken Rothchild: Great can i'll second that motion. 167 00:21:26.430 --> 00:21:28.320 Karen Tarapata: Right all in favor say Aye. 168 00:21:29.340 --> 00:21:30.900 Laurie Dodge: Aye laurie. 169 00:21:31.440 --> 00:21:32.190 Ken Rothchild: Can I. 170 00:21:33.150 --> 00:21:36.450 Michael Esmay: fly like I care. 171 00:21:36.510 --> 00:21:43.560 Karen Tarapata: I great so it's a nice thing they do such amazing community service. 172 00:21:44.760 --> 00:21:48.000 Karen Tarapata: Yes, okay um. 173 00:21:49.110 --> 00:21:55.590 Karen Tarapata: Resolution for accepting the gift of the Friends of river three 620 park pensions. 174 00:21:56.670 --> 00:22:05.910 Karen Tarapata: wow they've been collecting donations to put some seating on the property and they're asking for our approval. 175 00:22:07.050 --> 00:22:08.460 Karen Tarapata: For that, as a gift. 176 00:22:09.720 --> 00:22:20.790 Karen Tarapata: With someone make a motion to accept that yep and I didn't know if I wanted to put in the amount that they were worth or if that really doesn't concern us, as it is a gift to the village. 177 00:22:23.940 --> 00:22:31.650 Ken Rothchild: I moved that we accept the gift of six benches, and I remember correctly, for ever ever hook. 178 00:22:34.650 --> 00:22:34.950 Ken Rothchild: hook. 179 00:22:35.490 --> 00:22:36.930 Jeffrey Epstein: I will set them to chuck. 180 00:22:37.680 --> 00:22:39.990 Karen Tarapata: Thanks Jeff all in favor say hi. 181 00:22:41.370 --> 00:22:42.030 Ken Rothchild: Can I. 182 00:22:42.840 --> 00:22:43.140 Show. 183 00:22:45.780 --> 00:22:46.680 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 184 00:22:47.490 --> 00:22:48.120 Michael Esmay: Like I. 185 00:22:48.960 --> 00:22:49.800 Karen Tarapata: Karen I. 186 00:22:50.910 --> 00:22:54.720 Michael Esmay: Do we know what kind of benches, these are, I mean there's. 187 00:22:55.680 --> 00:22:57.960 Karen Tarapata: Like one by the old stone meeting house. 188 00:22:58.050 --> 00:22:59.130 Michael Esmay: Well that's a good one. 189 00:22:59.610 --> 00:22:59.970 Laurie Dodge: Yes. 190 00:23:00.300 --> 00:23:02.730 Jeffrey Epstein: Very good, three, six, foot cake. 191 00:23:05.520 --> 00:23:14.910 Laurie Dodge: yeah we can we can get you if you need the brand I forget, I want to say country coastal but I don't think that's country code like. 192 00:23:16.170 --> 00:23:17.160 Laurie Dodge: I had right dad and. 193 00:23:18.300 --> 00:23:27.870 Karen Tarapata: that's what I looked up the other tip the value case so i'll probably want to make sure that they're on our insurance, now that they have been gifted to us. 194 00:23:28.380 --> 00:23:33.930 Michael Esmay: That there are teeth benches, that would not hold up and that's why I was curious with. 195 00:23:34.170 --> 00:23:35.130 Karen Tarapata: Jacqueline against. 196 00:23:36.480 --> 00:23:38.670 Michael Esmay: The old stone that's fine. 197 00:23:39.360 --> 00:23:41.400 Karen Tarapata: it's a beautiful beautiful bench. 198 00:23:43.170 --> 00:23:49.110 Karen Tarapata: Okay well let's see you got a couple minutes before we even have to adjourn our public hearing of. 199 00:23:50.370 --> 00:23:58.680 Karen Tarapata: All right, let's go to number 10 parking violations please you know we're preparing our own upper nyack parking tickets. 200 00:23:59.370 --> 00:24:22.200 Karen Tarapata: And I was working with niles and working with candace in the justice court and looking at our parking fees are violation fees are only $35 and clark's town a parking violation is $50 so I didn't I thought, do we have does anyone have any strong feelings about. 201 00:24:23.550 --> 00:24:30.510 Karen Tarapata: That about our parking tickets being less punitive than our than the town. 202 00:24:31.890 --> 00:24:33.210 Michael Esmay: Where does that money go. 203 00:24:36.300 --> 00:24:44.760 Karen Tarapata: that's a very good question, I think that some of it comes back to us if it is an upper nyack ticket ticket. 204 00:24:46.080 --> 00:24:48.240 Karen Tarapata: That is a good question, I have to ask that. 205 00:24:49.530 --> 00:24:55.860 Karen Tarapata: handy will know a breakdown, but no, no here of. 206 00:24:56.910 --> 00:25:02.700 Karen Tarapata: Money for tickets, mostly you know we just want people to comply wearing, this is not a revenue. 207 00:25:04.140 --> 00:25:04.620 Put. 208 00:25:07.770 --> 00:25:08.910 Karen Tarapata: 35 you might make. 209 00:25:08.910 --> 00:25:10.350 Karen Tarapata: $200 a year. 210 00:25:11.490 --> 00:25:13.080 Karen Tarapata: that's not going to you know. 211 00:25:13.680 --> 00:25:14.910 Michael Esmay: it's why i'm thinking. 212 00:25:17.790 --> 00:25:18.690 Michael Esmay: Why does it matter. 213 00:25:19.860 --> 00:25:25.740 Michael Esmay: Unless you think it's going to keep people from illegally parking if it's a higher. 214 00:25:28.290 --> 00:25:28.770 Michael Esmay: Fine. 215 00:25:30.480 --> 00:25:31.440 Karen Tarapata: I don't know. 216 00:25:32.760 --> 00:25:42.750 Karen Tarapata: This is, this is very interesting now the ticket says $25 i'm looking at our ordinance the shows you how out of sync things have been. 217 00:25:43.950 --> 00:25:45.570 Karen Tarapata: Our man says 35. 218 00:25:47.370 --> 00:25:57.480 Karen Tarapata: and fire hydrants at 50 So what we actually I have to here we go, we actually did change our fee, and it was never reflected on the ticket. 219 00:25:58.980 --> 00:25:59.460 Laurie Dodge: So. 220 00:25:59.610 --> 00:26:10.050 Karen Tarapata: Now I have my work here, I just opened the general ordinance and found the page alright so i'll make sure that our new tickets have the actual our actual fees reflected. 221 00:26:10.770 --> 00:26:19.320 Karen Tarapata: They probably were never changed since 2008 on we dissolve the Court, we probably someone with a they never knew that we amended the. 222 00:26:20.820 --> 00:26:21.330 Michael Esmay: heat. 223 00:26:23.610 --> 00:26:30.180 Karen Tarapata: yeah so let's all right, I will do that, then all right fine for 35 and 50 extra home. 224 00:26:33.450 --> 00:26:44.880 Laurie Dodge: I will say, and this i'm just surfacing this I don't know how how people would respond to the tickets and I don't obviously Mike hasn't been out and about. 225 00:26:45.480 --> 00:26:55.650 Laurie Dodge: In that capacity, yet, because he doesn't have his ticket book, but there are, and I also understand the landscaping crews will sort of. 226 00:26:56.340 --> 00:27:05.070 Laurie Dodge: As as we head into winter, there will be fewer parked on the side of the road all day long, but I just wonder the degree to which that. 227 00:27:05.550 --> 00:27:12.000 Laurie Dodge: cost will be just a cost of doing business in their mind because it's not really a significant amount of money. 228 00:27:12.630 --> 00:27:29.880 Laurie Dodge: i'm not I mean i'm definitely not looking to penalize residents I don't that's not the point of my comment I just wonder, you know the the balance of a commercial concern that says well $35 a day, what do I, what do I care i'm charging people you know $80 a man hour. 229 00:27:30.810 --> 00:27:33.030 Karen Tarapata: I think what actually I think fail. 230 00:27:34.140 --> 00:27:53.070 Karen Tarapata: don't want to avoid that, but this is also for the people here at Castle heights who parked overnight, or whatever just gatherings where they're they're parked all over the place right next to no parking signs, we had some you know right, I saw that walking weekend or so ago. 231 00:27:53.610 --> 00:27:56.100 Karen Tarapata: yeah, so I would think that yeah well, maybe. 232 00:27:57.360 --> 00:28:06.090 Karen Tarapata: We can we can revisit the commercial issue, I think that, right now, we just want to be sure that the ticket reflects what our local law states. 233 00:28:06.300 --> 00:28:10.650 Laurie Dodge: yeah good place to start okay yeah. 234 00:28:10.830 --> 00:28:17.070 Karen Tarapata: That was there was changed actually in 2015 and it was never reflected on the actual parking tickets so. 235 00:28:18.330 --> 00:28:18.960 Karen Tarapata: We will. 236 00:28:20.280 --> 00:28:21.420 Karen Tarapata: Make sure that happens. 237 00:28:24.360 --> 00:28:35.490 Jeffrey Epstein: Things mixed up because the first thing to do would be to find out how it is divided up between us and clock So then, so what we want to do as far as fees and stuff then it changes. 238 00:28:37.560 --> 00:28:49.650 Karen Tarapata: right because we're getting ready to order the parking tickets, we actually the sale chest before Mike they didn't want him to even have the tickets that currently have, like other bmt. 239 00:28:51.180 --> 00:29:05.220 Karen Tarapata: of violations on it, they thought they thought that that would be a mistake, so if they'll just be upper night parking tickets, we have a different form that's used for all the other violations of the general and zoning ordinance but parking ticket as a parking ticket. 240 00:29:07.440 --> 00:29:13.290 Karen Tarapata: Okay, I will do that i'll find out that's easy, I hope I will find that out. 241 00:29:14.520 --> 00:29:19.920 Karen Tarapata: Thank you alright it's 730 and 32. 242 00:29:21.150 --> 00:29:35.970 Karen Tarapata: We have a jury and our public hearing tonight on the yeshivas business del toro high of application for temporary moratorium variance at our last meeting of the. 243 00:29:37.140 --> 00:29:45.300 Karen Tarapata: Council to the applicants stated they would come back with a narrative and more information about what they were planning. 244 00:29:46.230 --> 00:29:59.700 Karen Tarapata: And at the end of business, yesterday we had not received anything so there didn't seem to be a reason to have continuance of the public hearing when there was no, no, nothing to discuss. 245 00:30:01.410 --> 00:30:05.610 Karen Tarapata: So would somebody make a motion to adjourn this. 246 00:30:07.530 --> 00:30:11.160 Karen Tarapata: Continuation to our next meeting of December 16. 247 00:30:18.660 --> 00:30:24.810 Ken Rothchild: i'll make that motion is a correct to say that I moved that we had turned but the we just. 248 00:30:27.240 --> 00:30:28.620 Karen Tarapata: I guess no well, what is the correct. 249 00:30:28.620 --> 00:30:30.030 Ken Rothchild: Language yeah giving. 250 00:30:31.080 --> 00:30:34.470 Noelle Crisalli Wolfson: During the hearing to your meeting of December 16. 251 00:30:35.460 --> 00:30:37.980 Michael Esmay: I better word be continue. 252 00:30:40.050 --> 00:30:47.250 Noelle Crisalli Wolfson: All right, either one is fine, either word whichever you're more comfortable with to continue the public hearing to the December 16 meeting would be find a. 253 00:30:47.520 --> 00:30:48.630 Michael Esmay: word that i'm used to. 254 00:30:49.170 --> 00:30:58.830 Karen Tarapata: Because i'm thinking we're turning it because we're not taking any public comments tonight, though, and continuing sounds like we're going to do it tonight and next month. 255 00:31:01.860 --> 00:31:07.230 Noelle Crisalli Wolfson: I think either way you know just provide that it's staying open from the last hearing so whichever word. 256 00:31:09.840 --> 00:31:14.040 Ken Rothchild: in deference to karen's comfort zone I moved that we adjourn. 257 00:31:16.230 --> 00:31:17.130 Ken Rothchild: Tonight scheduled. 258 00:31:17.160 --> 00:31:20.910 Ken Rothchild: public hearing to our next. 259 00:31:23.010 --> 00:31:25.830 Ken Rothchild: village meeting December 16. 260 00:31:27.330 --> 00:31:29.340 Jeffrey Epstein: Can I get a second it will stuck on the. 261 00:31:31.710 --> 00:31:33.030 Karen Tarapata: island in favor say Aye. 262 00:31:34.320 --> 00:31:34.590 Ken Rothchild: Aye. 263 00:31:37.530 --> 00:31:38.400 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 264 00:31:39.330 --> 00:31:39.720 Mike. 265 00:31:41.550 --> 00:31:42.690 Karen Tarapata: Aaron I. 266 00:31:44.340 --> 00:31:45.030 Wonderful. 267 00:31:46.710 --> 00:32:09.390 Karen Tarapata: OK, the next got an exciting news here is the public hearing for our proposed zoning law we find we have finished the draft is we have posted it on our website, tomorrow there will be hard copies for any of you know any trustee who would rather read it in hard copy form than as a PDF. 268 00:32:11.250 --> 00:32:22.530 Karen Tarapata: And I would we would like to well let's see know and correct me if i'm wrong here, but we have referred to rockland county planning and are joining of. 269 00:32:23.820 --> 00:32:49.560 Karen Tarapata: The town of town and nyack and the palisades in the state parkway of Park, we have sent it to them for their review in their comments, but we would like to open the public comment period on December 9 make our workshop meeting a special meeting to just discuss. 270 00:32:49.950 --> 00:32:51.090 Michael Esmay: This national meeting. 271 00:32:53.250 --> 00:32:57.480 Karen Tarapata: yeah because we would was actually a meeting it's not a workshop before it's a public hearing. 272 00:32:59.970 --> 00:33:02.490 Karen Tarapata: And the reason for that is go ahead, well. 273 00:33:03.060 --> 00:33:12.810 Noelle Crisalli Wolfson: we've referred to rockland county planning and we will give notice to all the other entities that you mentioned as soon as the public hearing is scheduled that rockland county planning is has received it is reviewing it. 274 00:33:14.850 --> 00:33:25.980 Karen Tarapata: So we want to do, be to make our workshop meeting a public hearing for discussion of the zoning code, because we have this other. 275 00:33:26.760 --> 00:33:41.340 Karen Tarapata: public hearing continued on December 16 and I think that would be too much to talk about in one meeting both the quest for relief from the moratoria and also introducing a zoning code revision. 276 00:33:42.840 --> 00:33:52.680 Karen Tarapata: So what do you think i'm asking for you know, a public hearing date for the zoning code law, but we want to hear from you all, what you think. 277 00:33:54.270 --> 00:34:00.570 Jeffrey Epstein: Think it's a good idea, did we have any other important pending in some workshops related stuff to do on the night. 278 00:34:11.190 --> 00:34:11.760 Karen Tarapata: Okay. 279 00:34:13.020 --> 00:34:13.470 Jeffrey Epstein: Okay, with. 280 00:34:13.950 --> 00:34:15.210 Jeffrey Epstein: me then. 281 00:34:15.720 --> 00:34:17.040 Karen Tarapata: Set the public hearing. 282 00:34:18.570 --> 00:34:21.120 Karen Tarapata: For the proposed zoning law December night. 283 00:34:21.840 --> 00:34:26.640 Jeffrey Epstein: I will move that we set a public hearing date for the proposed zoning law. 284 00:34:27.750 --> 00:34:31.620 Jeffrey Epstein: For the general public on to somebody as a special meeting. 285 00:34:32.520 --> 00:34:33.240 Laurie Dodge: i'll second. 286 00:34:34.590 --> 00:34:35.850 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 287 00:34:36.240 --> 00:34:36.870 Jeffrey Epstein: Aye dress. 288 00:34:37.410 --> 00:34:38.100 Laurie Dodge: I lori. 289 00:34:40.830 --> 00:34:41.340 Ken Rothchild: I can. 290 00:34:47.250 --> 00:34:48.810 Karen Tarapata: Like Mike did you die. 291 00:34:50.910 --> 00:34:51.840 Karen Tarapata: i'm Karen. 292 00:34:53.670 --> 00:34:55.350 Karen Tarapata: Mike yes, no. 293 00:34:57.300 --> 00:34:58.410 Michael Esmay: Can you hear me now. 294 00:34:58.740 --> 00:34:59.190 Jeffrey Epstein: Yes. 295 00:34:59.490 --> 00:35:04.050 Michael Esmay: Now we can tie I haven't heard anything for for over a minute now. 296 00:35:04.800 --> 00:35:16.380 Karen Tarapata: Oh, I wonder why it requires we made a motion to set the public hearing for the proposed zoning law for December 9 to open the public hearing. 297 00:35:19.290 --> 00:35:20.670 Michael Esmay: i'd like to make that motion. 298 00:35:21.360 --> 00:35:23.760 Karen Tarapata: Oh, we made the motion we just want to know if you'll say. 299 00:35:24.630 --> 00:35:25.050 Oh. 300 00:35:30.060 --> 00:35:30.570 Michael Esmay: hi. 301 00:35:37.530 --> 00:35:39.870 Michael Esmay: I don't know what's going on here but. 302 00:35:42.780 --> 00:35:43.860 Laurie Dodge: it's a full moon. 303 00:35:45.600 --> 00:35:45.900 Karen Tarapata: and 304 00:35:47.220 --> 00:35:48.870 Laurie Dodge: let's give credit to the moon. 305 00:35:51.360 --> 00:35:56.580 Karen Tarapata: All right, i'm application for a. 306 00:35:57.720 --> 00:36:10.290 Karen Tarapata: temporary moratorium various 536 North Highland avenue that is Item number 11 this is Casa del mar they are, they want us to consider. 307 00:36:11.310 --> 00:36:31.770 Karen Tarapata: giving them a relief from the moratorium, they have already submitted plans and everything that they submitted them today so i'm just asking that if we can set a public hearing, so we have time to review their request and set the pump that public hearings for December 16. 308 00:36:33.240 --> 00:36:35.730 Karen Tarapata: So we can look at their request relief. 309 00:36:38.430 --> 00:36:41.970 Michael Esmay: What exactly are they doing I know we talked about it but. 310 00:36:43.710 --> 00:36:48.060 Karen Tarapata: i'm not even sure yet we'd have to look at it they're literally their submission came in today. 311 00:36:50.670 --> 00:36:57.390 Michael Esmay: This is for the new order right uh huh that's their mechanical contractors. 312 00:36:58.050 --> 00:37:13.980 Karen Tarapata: Great but I haven't I didn't even open the drawings, there was there was because I knew that we weren't going to really have it for tonight's meeting, but we can circulate it then and everyone can look at it and then we'll be able to discuss it at the next meeting. 313 00:37:14.910 --> 00:37:17.280 Laurie Dodge: So the restaurants not going to be a restaurant anymore. 314 00:37:17.640 --> 00:37:19.020 Laurie Dodge: Or it is no. 315 00:37:20.310 --> 00:37:25.020 Karen Tarapata: No it's going to be a hopefully a H back place. 316 00:37:28.380 --> 00:37:31.050 Karen Tarapata: But we have to see what they're proposing I don't know yet. 317 00:37:31.590 --> 00:37:32.880 Laurie Dodge: right there why. 318 00:37:35.040 --> 00:37:41.460 Ken Rothchild: don't Karen uh i'll move that we schedule a public hearing on the application from 536 North broadway. 319 00:37:43.740 --> 00:37:46.020 Ken Rothchild: Oh sorry North Highland right. 320 00:37:48.060 --> 00:37:49.410 Ken Rothchild: My bad writing here. 321 00:37:51.180 --> 00:37:54.330 Ken Rothchild: For December 16 a regular meeting lunch. 322 00:37:58.650 --> 00:37:59.310 Jeffrey Epstein: Thanks Jeff. 323 00:37:59.610 --> 00:38:00.840 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye. 324 00:38:01.860 --> 00:38:02.550 Ken Rothchild: Can hi. 325 00:38:05.190 --> 00:38:06.060 Laurie Dodge: lori I. 326 00:38:07.380 --> 00:38:07.710 Michael Esmay: Like. 327 00:38:08.760 --> 00:38:09.720 Michael Esmay: Karen I. 328 00:38:12.780 --> 00:38:20.490 Noelle Crisalli Wolfson: Should just make sure that the applicant knows that there's the notice mailing requirement in advance of that hearing if they don't know they may know already, but there is a notice mailing requirement. 329 00:38:21.960 --> 00:38:32.010 Karen Tarapata: I just saw the letter, yes, that we had sent to the our other applicants so okay i've got that here on my list or tomorrow. 330 00:38:36.090 --> 00:38:37.140 yeah good. 331 00:38:38.730 --> 00:38:46.200 Karen Tarapata: Okay, so let's see me last now we have the old stone meeting house audio visual equipment. 332 00:38:47.550 --> 00:38:48.390 Karen Tarapata: So we. 333 00:38:49.470 --> 00:39:03.840 Karen Tarapata: You know, did ahead presentations and discussions on our AV equipment for the old style meeting house is there anything anybody else would like to talk about with that any more questions or concerns. 334 00:39:05.190 --> 00:39:09.510 Karen Tarapata: Then i'd like just to consider which, for you know approving one of the proposals. 335 00:39:12.450 --> 00:39:12.720 Ken Rothchild: yeah. 336 00:39:13.740 --> 00:39:14.670 Laurie Dodge: Go ahead sorry can. 337 00:39:15.600 --> 00:39:19.710 Ken Rothchild: Okay well i'll go first so i'm happy let someone else go first um. 338 00:39:20.760 --> 00:39:24.480 Ken Rothchild: I you know and just looking at the proposals you know they're both. 339 00:39:25.920 --> 00:39:32.010 Ken Rothchild: good proposals, obviously, one is approximately half of the cost of another. 340 00:39:33.570 --> 00:39:41.640 Ken Rothchild: that's a significant consideration and that that one that's half of the other is. 341 00:39:42.810 --> 00:39:55.560 Ken Rothchild: One put forward by, as he said in our discussion at the last meeting at the last workshop meeting you know by someone who has worked with us for nine years, who knows the village knows us. 342 00:39:57.510 --> 00:40:00.420 Ken Rothchild: It is a less equipment heavy version. 343 00:40:02.070 --> 00:40:18.090 Ken Rothchild: which may be more appropriate for what we're going on, and so, in general, my feeling is that that's perhaps a more appropriate bid for our village, although I appreciate about the other bit and it's professionalism and its. 344 00:40:19.530 --> 00:40:20.850 Ken Rothchild: Presentation of. 345 00:40:21.900 --> 00:40:30.150 Ken Rothchild: Why, we would want certain professional equipment and installation things resolved through that bid. 346 00:40:31.290 --> 00:40:32.130 Ken Rothchild: So that's my opinion. 347 00:40:35.610 --> 00:40:44.400 Jeffrey Epstein: And I would say that I generally generally agree with that, in addition to the fact that I was a little bit surprised to find out what the. 348 00:40:44.730 --> 00:41:01.710 Jeffrey Epstein: expected life is of the equipment and that's a pretty big amount to take on, but we don't really know what we need, yet, so I think it behooves us to our sort of walk before we run, so I don't see a downside to taking the b&h. 349 00:41:02.760 --> 00:41:12.630 Jeffrey Epstein: suggestion would be an HR outline and going with that that may work for us fine and if it doesn't we're going to be changing soon enough, no matter which one. 350 00:41:14.730 --> 00:41:16.140 Michael Esmay: I agree with Jeff. 351 00:41:17.220 --> 00:41:25.200 Michael Esmay: And really at this stage, the main thing is to be able to have a virtual meeting with a village and. 352 00:41:27.060 --> 00:41:30.900 Michael Esmay: I don't know I said to occur, and I wish we could even do this for less but. 353 00:41:33.210 --> 00:41:33.480 I. 354 00:41:36.090 --> 00:41:40.110 Michael Esmay: I don't see that happening so I certainly would support the. 355 00:41:41.160 --> 00:41:42.990 Michael Esmay: rapper son of it. 356 00:41:47.100 --> 00:41:48.720 Karen Tarapata: Larry do you have, what do you think. 357 00:41:49.560 --> 00:42:00.120 Laurie Dodge: i'm just still having trouble reconciling the difference between the prices and and the equipment that was suggested by each party, so I don't. 358 00:42:02.310 --> 00:42:02.940 Laurie Dodge: um. 359 00:42:04.020 --> 00:42:09.420 Laurie Dodge: yeah and I don't I don't profess to be an ad expert so i'm. 360 00:42:12.690 --> 00:42:15.780 Laurie Dodge: yeah i'm a little more conflicted I guess then everybody else. 361 00:42:19.050 --> 00:42:37.200 Laurie Dodge: Completely appreciating $39,000 is a lot of money for a B and that's not what we're going to spend it's less that and more just what are we, what are we getting for our dollars and and will it be what we need. 362 00:42:39.630 --> 00:42:39.990 So. 363 00:42:41.010 --> 00:42:43.230 Karen Tarapata: You know, I was thinking part of it was. 364 00:42:44.310 --> 00:42:47.460 Karen Tarapata: I think the scope, you know it's Mike said, the scope. 365 00:42:48.930 --> 00:42:51.750 Karen Tarapata: there's a difference between a. 366 00:42:54.120 --> 00:42:58.710 Karen Tarapata: let's say like an auditorium weird having performances or you're doing trainings. 367 00:42:59.490 --> 00:43:09.060 Karen Tarapata: For people and what we're really what we really want is for people at home, to be able to see and hear us and people who are in the old stone meeting house. 368 00:43:09.810 --> 00:43:24.480 Karen Tarapata: To see and hear the remote participants it's a it's a little, let me know that within that milestone meeting house the acoustics are very good it isn't as if we need the amplification for. 369 00:43:25.170 --> 00:43:32.520 Karen Tarapata: The people who are in the room it's really just access for people who are remote and for people with your do here, to promote people. 370 00:43:33.930 --> 00:43:43.770 Karen Tarapata: So I would ask that someone make a motion that we accept the bed of way rampersad for. 371 00:43:46.170 --> 00:43:48.420 Karen Tarapata: The AV proposal. 372 00:43:51.090 --> 00:43:56.340 Karen Tarapata: And we want to include the the numbers because I do have the numbers. 373 00:43:59.040 --> 00:44:03.030 Karen Tarapata: I wrote it down his proposal is for. 374 00:44:04.170 --> 00:44:18.000 Karen Tarapata: It says it comes up to $15,864 so i'm wondering if we want to say, not more than 17 in case we need to buy any additional equipment or 16,000 whatever you. 375 00:44:19.290 --> 00:44:20.220 Karen Tarapata: What do you think. 376 00:44:21.450 --> 00:44:28.800 Jeffrey Epstein: Well, I think 5864 is for the equipment and the $10,000 is possibly for his services that correct. 377 00:44:29.310 --> 00:44:34.110 Karen Tarapata: Right that's what I was gonna say not to exceed the resolution for the whole package. 378 00:44:34.620 --> 00:44:35.130 Michael Esmay: So it's. 379 00:44:36.600 --> 00:44:37.650 Michael Esmay: not to exceed. 380 00:44:38.970 --> 00:44:39.210 The. 381 00:44:41.340 --> 00:44:41.520 Michael Esmay: end. 382 00:44:43.980 --> 00:44:44.700 Michael Esmay: Change order. 383 00:44:46.770 --> 00:44:49.650 Michael Esmay: I mean other equipment you'd have a change order. 384 00:44:50.880 --> 00:44:54.000 Karen Tarapata: So do you want, do you think a not to exceed is the way to go, Mike. 385 00:44:55.110 --> 00:44:56.670 Michael Esmay: For Labor yeah. 386 00:44:58.230 --> 00:45:08.340 Karen Tarapata: Well, the yeah the not to somebody want to just accept the the what we can have two resolutions, we can accept the equipment bid and then we can make a resolution for the. 387 00:45:09.420 --> 00:45:13.410 Karen Tarapata: Consulting not to exceed 10,000 is, which would be better. 388 00:45:16.620 --> 00:45:16.890 Karen Tarapata: or. 389 00:45:16.950 --> 00:45:18.420 Karen Tarapata: or package them up on stage. 390 00:45:19.200 --> 00:45:22.140 Karen Tarapata: She better not to exceed i'm just asking. 391 00:45:23.010 --> 00:45:28.800 Michael Esmay: You have a fixed price for the equipment uh huh that's that shouldn't change. 392 00:45:29.850 --> 00:45:35.070 Karen Tarapata: All right, so yeah so that, when someone make a motion to accept the bit of b&h. 393 00:45:36.330 --> 00:45:42.030 Karen Tarapata: For the list of equipment, not to exceed $5,860. 394 00:45:44.280 --> 00:45:49.620 Jeffrey Epstein: Okay, I would like to make a motion that encompasses both of them. 395 00:45:50.130 --> 00:45:52.380 Jeffrey Epstein: where you want to keep it as two separate motions. 396 00:45:52.800 --> 00:45:54.420 Michael Esmay: I think it should be one motion. 397 00:45:54.630 --> 00:46:06.960 Jeffrey Epstein: I agree okay so, then I will say, I move that we accept the b&h equipment paid by not to exceed $5,864 and two cents and accept. 398 00:46:08.760 --> 00:46:10.380 Jeffrey Epstein: St Louis rampersad. 399 00:46:11.400 --> 00:46:17.400 Jeffrey Epstein: service and salting the installation it to not exceed $10,000. 400 00:46:19.290 --> 00:46:20.040 Right. 401 00:46:22.590 --> 00:46:23.460 Karen Tarapata: Say i'm a. 402 00:46:27.330 --> 00:46:27.690 Jeffrey Epstein: boy. 403 00:46:28.860 --> 00:46:30.090 Karen Tarapata: i'm sorry what's gonna second. 404 00:46:30.600 --> 00:46:31.620 Michael Esmay: I didn't like. 405 00:46:32.160 --> 00:46:34.470 Karen Tarapata: It all right, so all in favor say Aye. 406 00:46:34.740 --> 00:46:35.430 Jeffrey Epstein: Aye dress. 407 00:46:35.940 --> 00:46:36.570 Michael Esmay: i'm like. 408 00:46:37.590 --> 00:46:38.160 Ken Rothchild: I can. 409 00:46:39.900 --> 00:46:41.730 Laurie Dodge: i'm going to abstain it's laurie. 410 00:46:43.620 --> 00:46:45.060 Karen Tarapata: laurie you can be opposed. 411 00:46:45.210 --> 00:46:49.830 Laurie Dodge: or opposed I guess i'll be opposed, as I just don't I don't. 412 00:46:51.690 --> 00:46:52.140 Jeffrey Epstein: yeah. 413 00:46:52.710 --> 00:46:55.290 Karen Tarapata: All right, and what a post Maria post. 414 00:46:56.730 --> 00:47:04.680 Ken Rothchild: That is done, we, we have to scatter a few non unanimous votes throughout the year just. 415 00:47:05.520 --> 00:47:06.780 Ken Rothchild: So people don't think we're. 416 00:47:07.380 --> 00:47:08.430 Ken Rothchild: All the folks oh. 417 00:47:08.760 --> 00:47:12.630 Laurie Dodge: No, I mean if we had more time i'd love to get a third because I really don't they. 418 00:47:12.690 --> 00:47:17.160 Laurie Dodge: right there just so different to me that it's hard for me to reconcile. 419 00:47:18.450 --> 00:47:18.990 Laurie Dodge: How. 420 00:47:20.010 --> 00:47:21.150 Laurie Dodge: Anyway, that's my own. 421 00:47:22.020 --> 00:47:33.810 Karen Tarapata: I do think that yeah I did do some research into the mixing equipment, because that seemed to be the, the one that he was most concerned about. 422 00:47:34.260 --> 00:47:47.580 Karen Tarapata: And I really had no and I did a side by side comparison of the two and I felt that it was for our purposes, it was adequate and I can send that comparison, if someone would like to see that I do have that. 423 00:47:49.140 --> 00:48:02.010 Karen Tarapata: Alright, so that's done so let's see what else do we have on here, the only thing left on our agenda is an executive session unless somebody has something they want to discuss before we go into executive session. 424 00:48:08.370 --> 00:48:15.000 Karen Tarapata: All right, I do see that one thing before we go into executive session I do see that Harry better is on tonight. 425 00:48:15.570 --> 00:48:28.950 Karen Tarapata: Harry I just want Harry had sent me information about a particular sidewalk concrete mix that uses recycled glass instead of sand and it's. 426 00:48:29.610 --> 00:48:41.460 Karen Tarapata: A looks pretty remarkable I ran it past our village engineer, he said he thought that made a lot of sense, because what is sand, but what is glass but melted sand. 427 00:48:42.210 --> 00:48:52.770 Karen Tarapata: This concrete has a much lower carbon footprint this concrete is one of the most intensely carbon producing products it's manufactured. 428 00:48:53.850 --> 00:48:54.840 Karen Tarapata: So he's going. 429 00:48:56.310 --> 00:49:05.730 Karen Tarapata: Dennis is going to evaluate it and, hopefully, when we do our sidewalks will be able to use this mix, as was suggested by our Green committee. 430 00:49:06.300 --> 00:49:15.330 Karen Tarapata: But we're just in the early stages we're not doing any sidewalks yet, but I want you to know Harry that we did take it and discuss it with the village engineer. 431 00:49:16.320 --> 00:49:18.420 Harry Vetter: much appreciated, thank you very much. 432 00:49:19.650 --> 00:49:27.570 Karen Tarapata: Great alright, so we are going to go into executive session, and at that time you will be bouncing out our other. 433 00:49:29.100 --> 00:49:34.710 Karen Tarapata: Participants here so what's up someone make a motion to go into executive session. 434 00:49:36.270 --> 00:49:37.650 Michael Esmay: Oh, my emotion Mike. 435 00:49:40.800 --> 00:49:40.980 Laurie Dodge: Oh. 436 00:49:41.550 --> 00:49:43.890 Karen Tarapata: Yes, Kim oh good. 437 00:49:46.560 --> 00:49:47.610 Karen Tarapata: favor say Aye. 438 00:49:47.940 --> 00:49:48.600 Michael Esmay: Like I. 439 00:49:52.500 --> 00:49:55.080 Laurie Dodge: can identify lori I. 440 00:49:55.890 --> 00:49:58.890 Ken Rothchild: Just sort of make sure everyone knows that lori seconded that. 441 00:49:59.250 --> 00:50:01.350 Laurie Dodge: oh dear, oh I know it doesn't make a difference. 442 00:50:02.070 --> 00:50:02.730 Laurie Dodge: On the same page. 443 00:50:05.550 --> 00:50:08.580 Karen Tarapata: All right, heather can you make a turn on the recording. 444 00:50:11.550 --> 00:50:17.580 Karen Tarapata: Alright, we are out of executive session, and if there is there any other. 445 00:50:18.720 --> 00:50:26.070 Karen Tarapata: Business that we'd like to discuss tonight, otherwise i'd asked for someone to take emotion, to end the regular meeting. 446 00:50:28.650 --> 00:50:33.180 Jeffrey Epstein: I moved there we in tonight's regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. 447 00:50:33.810 --> 00:50:34.440 Laurie Dodge: i'll second. 448 00:50:36.510 --> 00:50:38.580 Karen Tarapata: All in favor say Aye Aye. 449 00:50:39.720 --> 00:50:40.350 Laurie Dodge: Aye laurie. 450 00:50:41.490 --> 00:50:42.000 Ken Rothchild: I can. 451 00:50:42.840 --> 00:50:43.620 Michael Esmay: I am like. 452 00:50:44.070 --> 00:50:46.890 Karen Tarapata: I Karen Thank you everybody. 453 00:50:48.750 --> 00:50:49.230 Ken Rothchild: Thank you. 454 00:50:50.190 --> 00:50:51.390 Laurie Dodge: goodnight everyone. 455 00:50:51.660 --> 00:50:52.320 Jeffrey Epstein: Well done. 456 00:50:53.340 --> 00:50:53.970 Ken Rothchild: Night everybody. 457 00:50:55.710 --> 00:50:55.980 bye.