Snow and Ice to be cleared from sidewalks

Ordinance 1.5

Ordinance 1.5.  Snow and Ice to be cleared from Sidewalks

No owner, lessee or occupant of any house, building or structure, or the owner or lessee of any vacant lot, plot or parcel of ground, within the Village, shall permit ice or snow to accumulate upon any sidewalks set apart for pedestrians, in front of or abutting upon their premises, and every such owner, lessee, or occupant shall cause such sidewalks to be cleared of snow and ice within twenty-four hours after such snow have ceased to fall or such ice shall have formed: provided, however, that in the event that such snow or ice shall be frozen so hard that it cannot be practicable removed, such owner, lessee or occupant shall, within the time and at the places hereinabove specified, cover or cause to be covered said abutting sidewalk with sifted ashes, sand or similar material (except sawdust), and shall, as soon thereafter as the weather will permit, clear or cause to be cleared said ice and snow therefrom. Upon failure of any such owner, lessee, or occupant to remove such snow or ice within such period, the Board of Trustees may cause such sidewalk to be cleared and assess the expense thereof upon the adjoining land.

Snow that has been removed from sidewalks or private walks or driveways shall not be deposited in or upon other sidewalks or public thoroughfares.

Any person charged with the duty of removing the snow and ice or covering the same as herein provided shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) for his or her failure to do so, and in addition thereto, a violation of this section shall constitute disorderly conduct, and a person violating the same shall be deemed a disorderly person. This section may be enforced by the police, or by the Building Inspector.